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WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


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In a distant part of the galaxy, two races of aliens had been at war with each other for many centuries until recently, when one race erraditated the other. But the vanquished race didn't die off without one final act of defiance: they unleashed a gender selective viral weapon on their enemies which killed 90% of their female population and rendered the surviving 10% sterile. Faced with joining their foes in extinction, the aliens sent scouts out across the galaxy to search for potential breeding stock. They eventually found a race of humaniods who's females were physiologically compatable and a 99.99% genetic match on the third planet from a G2 star in a backwater star system...Earth.


Two distinct factions of this alien race have come to Earth, each persuing their procurement agenda in their own way. The first group is basically flying around the globe in their sausers abducting human females at will and blasting anyone who tries to interfere, while the second group (the more subtle/sneaky ones) is sending representives to meet with the governments of Earth's less honorable nations to broker secret breeding-stock-for-technology-deals. Which group would cause your characters more trouble? And of course, WWYCD?

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


In a distant part of the galaxy, two races of aliens had been at war with each other for many centuries until recently, when one race erraditated the other. But the vanquished race didn't die off without one final act of defiance: they unleashed a gender selective viral weapon on their enemies which killed 90% of their female population and rendered the surviving 10% sterile. Faced with joining their foes in extinction, the aliens sent scouts out across the galaxy to search for potiental breeding stock. They eventually found a race of humaniods who's females were physiologically compatable and a 99.99% genetic match on the third planet from a G2 star in a backwater star system...Earth.


Two distinct factions of this alien race have come to Earth, each persuing their procurement agenda in their own way. The first group is basically flying around the globe in their sausers abducting human females at will and blasting anyone who tries to interfere, while the second group (the more subtle/sneaky ones) is sending representives to meet with the governments of Earth's less honorable nations to broker breeding stock for technology deals. WWYCD?

Millennium and Cheeta will concentrate on the first group, stopping the abductions.


Iron Will will use clairsentience, reverse-engineer their technology, and reprogram their self destruct mechanisms. Last resort, they will not make it back home with our women.


Snow Leopard, daughter of Wolverine and Storm, will concentrate on sterilizing the male aliens if you know what I mean (snikt).


Dolphin Being almost invulnerable, and preferring talking to fighting, will approch them, point out that both kidnapping and white slavery are going to get people mad at them, including a few that can destroy one of their saucers with their bare hands, not to mention his friend who seems to have made neutering the males of their species her life mission. On the other hand, if they trade technology for frozen ova, they can practice in vitro fertilization and their own women can act as host mothers. Yes, it will take several generations to get back to their pre-virus levels, but they are not betting their entire species on their ability to win a war with Earth (after all, their last war went sooo well).


On the other hand, what is their homeworld like? Mail order brides still exist on Earth, maybe they can find women willing to emigrate to their homeworld if they make it attractive enough.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Jessica - would be highly offended, and attempt to drive off any aliens that are there. The abductees would be first as they're the most prominent.


Silence - Would take a peaceful tact, her Boss stays in business so long as life continues, it would actually be in her best interest to help the aliens find breeding stock. On the other hand, forced removal is never a good solution. She would attempt to actually broker a friendly alliance that involved volunteers, it could lead to Earth's expansion into the stars. Of course, she would have to solicite the help of diplomats and people that could actually talk.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Snapdragon Both would be causing problems for her and she would be livid. She would probably end up acting as bait once someone figured out a pattern.


Quantum Would catch the lot of them and then introduce them to Artemis' people who have the technology to clone the aliens, probably even clone wpmen who aren't sterile.


Heavens sword Would be fighting the overt ones, not much in the way of subtle investigation skills. However when annother member of the team finds them he'll be right in the thick of things.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Soulbarb would never even have a chance to come into contact with the second group; she's strictly a local street-level hero. She might come across one of the first group, though. She would not be very happy about the kidnappings, and assuming they had to get out of their saucer to actually abduct someone, and that she could track them down or find some pattern to their movements, would probably try to ambush them before they got back in their saucer as they were on their way to or from an attempted abduction. Whether this led to an alien beatdown followed by interrogation, or something more restrained in the way of negotiations, she'd soon figure out that this problem is way bigger than she can deal with, and get PRIMUS involved.


Cerulean is part of a regional superteam, almost a JLA equivalent if not really at a JLA power level, so his team would likely wind up encountering both groups in one way or another. On the other hand, his team probably has the resources to actually defend the planet from an alien incursion (at least a limited one) so after smacking around some of the first group and convincing them that what they are doing is not a good idea, they'll be able to negotiate with the second group from a position of strength. Most likely result: Dr. Quantum analyzes what's gone wrong with their biology, and devises a cure. Then they can rebuild their own population without needing to resort to abduction. Of course, the whole idea of a mail-order bride may well have just taken on a whole new meaning, and Cerulean would be inclined to let those who wanted to go away with the aliens do so. Dr. Quantum would certainly be interested in looking into their technology, while Cerulean would be most interested in whatever magic they might have at their disposal and in what, if anything, they knew about dimensional travel and dimensional threats like Isvatha V'han.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Having been warned of this attack by Fore-Eye's precognition (unless the aliens have some way of curcumventing it) the Prophecied will be ready for the kidnappings. Warnings will already have been sent to all those capable of facing this threat and the government will already have been warned of the possible increase in power of third world dictatorships via the Tech for breeding stock program.

Of the characters of the team Statuesque would have the least problem with the whole scenerio (unless they came for her). As a formerly happy slave herself she would see no problem with the idea of women being sold as breeding stock. She would assume that the women would be lavished with gifts if they did their jobs properly and might be a little less supportive if she found this not to be the case. As for the kidnappings, those she'd oppose. That kind of thing was bad enough back in Ancient Greece when the gods were doing it, this is supposed to be a more civilised time.

Swift would attempt to set up contact with the aliens who she would hope (given their closeness to human genetics) were not totally rancid. She would put forth the idea of creating a matchmaking service between aliens and humans with the hope of one day improving both races genetics for the better (the fact that such a program would turn her into a living paradox would kind of amuse her). If the aliens kept attempting to kidnap and enslave the women of earth she would shrug at the obvious loss of potential and put her efforts into stopping them. (As background Swift is the product of a trans-temporal breeding program created to strengthen the breeding stock of future humanity).

As a group the Prophecied would work against the 'Slaves for Tech' program and leave the overt kidnappings the the heavy-hitters/army.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Cerulean Most likely result: Dr. Quantum analyzes what's gone wrong with their biology, and devises a cure. Then they can rebuild their own population without needing to resort to abduction. Of course, the whole idea of a mail-order bride may well have just taken on a whole new meaning, and Cerulean would be inclined to let those who wanted to go away with the aliens do so. Dr. Quantum would certainly be interested in looking into their technology, while Cerulean would be most interested in whatever magic they might have at their disposal and in what, if anything, they knew about dimensional travel and dimensional threats like Isvatha V'han.


Heck, Blitz, in his secret ID, is a doctor who helps infertile couples have children. So there's TWO brainiacs who could help with it :)

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


In a distant part of the galaxy, two races of aliens had been at war with each other for many centuries until recently, when one race erraditated the other. But the vanquished race didn't die off without one final act of defiance: they unleashed a gender selective viral weapon on their enemies which killed 90% of their female population and rendered the surviving 10% sterile. Faced with joining their foes in extinction, the aliens sent scouts out across the galaxy to search for potential breeding stock. They eventually found a race of humaniods who's females were physiologically compatable and a 99.99% genetic match on the third planet from a G2 star in a backwater star system...Earth.


Two distinct factions of this alien race have come to Earth, each persuing their procurement agenda in their own way. The first group is basically flying around the globe in their sausers abducting human females at will and blasting anyone who tries to interfere, while the second group (the more subtle/sneaky ones) is sending representives to meet with the governments of Earth's less honorable nations to broker secret breeding-stock-for-technology-deals. Which group would cause your characters more trouble? And of course, WWYCD?


Astro-Knight: Works for NASA, can fly in space, etc. He might actually end up running into either or both in orbit, and while he'd be reluctant to invade another COUNTRY, he's got no trouble with destroying the incoming tech from the second group before it landed. Which would render that second alien group's word as worthless to those unscrupulous countries.


And he'd warn them he'd KEEP doing it.


The first group he'd also stop, even more bluntly.


If either group were willing to 'talk' about it, he'd give them a lecture on how to treat ladies with respect, and that maybe they should ask for volunteers among the populace.


Gaze: Not international yet, unless the second group came to America, he'd notice the abduction group first. However, should the 'dealers' set up in Vegas (perhaps trying to kidnap illegal immigrants, vagrants who wouldn't be missed, etc) then Gaze would treat them like another white slavery ring. He'd make sure the gents selling the women to the aliens told him EVERYTHING, and he and the Saints would arrange a helluvasting.


Max Thunder: If in Godly mood/mode, Max might laugh, "Ah, these lasses are comely, are they not? What? You wish to take them and keep them for yourself? The Son of Zeus forbids it!"

(followed later with him shaking his head and muttering "i have got to get a grip on that Olympian blood stuff, it's embarrasing")

Or if not, "Hey, whoa, guys, there are plenty of methods for increasing fertility. Why don't we work on that angle. Now, here are the names of some clinics." When they didn't listen to reason, he'd do his best to bring them down.


Most likely he'd encounter the first group. He's not really on a team or anything.


Recluse: Shrink, slip on board ships, twhart bad guys via monkey wrench or whatever trying to save the ladies.


Scarlet Archer III: Save the ladies? Hell, his granduncle would point out this is what Scarlet Archer DOES, and Kyle would have to agree. Frontline isn't an international group yet, so they might end up just fighting the first group, BUT then again, Iwashimizu and Ronin might have contacts abroad SA III doesn't know about and might inform them all. Since they respect authority (for the most part) the Frontline would probably go to UNTIL and ask for guidance in how to take the second group down best.

Due to paperwork and bueracracy, this could be the hardest to do initially, but afterwards, if they got support, it might actually be easier.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Uncle Slam better never get wind of any trade in weapons for people, or this will get ugly really fast. As for the abductions, unfortunately he'd end off handing that off to the local supergroup to investigate. He's got other responsibilities.


Anthem and Audra Blue, being women, would be wholly unappreciative of any alien interest in procuring women. Anthem would be very hands on, breaking up abductions, while Audra Blue would be trying to figure out if there's a pattern to their abudction locations or choice of victims so that she can have a team intercept them in the act. After that it's a matter of interrogation.


Uncle Slam would be in favor of helping anyone who was in trouble, but he'd point out that earthlings being what they are, there are invariably those who would go voluntarily. There are (strange) women who would want such encounters. So he would point out that coming clean and asking for volunteers, while not getting enough women, will at least proculde their imminent demise.

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Guest HeroPink!

Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


In a distant part of the galaxy, two races of aliens had been at war with each other for many centuries until recently, when one race erraditated the other. But the vanquished race didn't die off without one final act of defiance: they unleashed a gender selective viral weapon on their enemies which killed 90% of their female population and rendered the surviving 10% sterile. Faced with joining their foes in extinction, the aliens sent scouts out across the galaxy to search for potential breeding stock. They eventually found a race of humaniods who's females were physiologically compatable and a 99.99% genetic match on the third planet from a G2 star in a backwater star system...Earth.


Two distinct factions of this alien race have come to Earth, each persuing their procurement agenda in their own way. The first group is basically flying around the globe in their sausers abducting human females at will and blasting anyone who tries to interfere, while the second group (the more subtle/sneaky ones) is sending representives to meet with the governments of Earth's less honorable nations to broker secret breeding-stock-for-technology-deals. Which group would cause your characters more trouble? And of course, WWYCD?



Won't the virus s:hush::hush::hush:w up any Earth woman taken to their planet?


Glarg: Goes berserk if he sees a woman being kidnapped ("earned" in play, for no points). The first faction is gonna get hurt. ;)


Panweesio: There's gonna be alot of alien ships have their women disappear when they get far away. And the "less honorable nations" will have their fancy weapons disappear too, when biggest PITA. :eg:


Thena: If the aliens can't tell her from Earth women, get kidnapped or traded, stay on the ship until it reaches the aliens home, then XDM in some nasties. They're gonna be too busy to f:hush::hush:k with Earth.


Lana van Hoom: Buy influence in one of the "less honorable nations" then feed info to USA's CIA (or whoever, in this campaign). If caught, or if an other with useful powers comes up, flip over and go to town on them.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


It's kind of sad how likely it is the alien race will be condemned to extinction by the superheroes of earth...

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


It's kind of sad how likely it is the alien race will be condemned to extinction by the superheroes of earth...

Dolphin, Cerulean, Statuesque, Swift, and Blitz are all willing to work for peaceful win/win solutions. How many does it take for them to avoid extinction?

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Starguard is one of the women kidnapped by the aliens, them mistaking her for a normal girl. (Which is an incredibly easy thing to do if she's out of costume, as she often is).


When the situation is explained, well, it's amazing how the damaged genome spontaneously "got better" just by being near her. Guess they don't need all those women now. :)

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


It's kind of sad how likely it is the alien race will be condemned to extinction by the superheroes of earth...


Several of the posters have indicated they would try for a peaceful solution. The race in question is understanably desperate but that doesn't obligate the "heroes" of humanity to allow innocent women to be kidnapped, enslaved and basically raped for the good of another species. The aliens chose the violent and underhanded path instead of asking for help. Its not a "bad humans being mean to them" situation. Humanity isn't morally obligated to allow some of its members to suffer for their benefit.


And lets not forget, these guys have already commited genocide and went straight to assualt (possibly killing people) and organizing a slave ring to get what they want. They hardly seem like angels.


The being said.


Eve would probably not be exposed to this situation except as an abstract tactical excerise.


Ivy would intially be appalled that an "advanced race" would resort to these sort of cheap brutal B movie tactics, but rather than risk a war, she would offer her extensive services to engineer a cure for their problem and system in the mean time provide frozen ova to at a rate to at least keep their population stable. She'd also explain with their reduced capacity for reproduction is picking a fight with Earth really in their best interests?


TAO would seem them as criminals to be punished. Kiddnapping, assault, rape, enslavement. Crimes to be stopped.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Several of the posters have indicated they would try for a peaceful solution. The race in question is understanably desperate but that doesn't obligate the "heroes" of humanity to allow innocent women to be kidnapped, enslaved and basically raped for the good of another species. The aliens chose the violent and underhanded path instead of asking for help. Its not a "bad humans being mean to them" situation. Humanity isn't morally obligated to allow some of its members to suffer for their benefit.


And lets not forget, these guys have already commited genocide and went straight to assualt (possibly killing people) and organizing a slave ring to get what they want. They hardly seem like angels.



Sure, they did not choose the best choice of action, but some 'solutions' include making them be too busy to do anything to save themselves.


Stopping the abductions is one thing. Throwing them off planet all together?



And yes, a lot of the responses were fine. A significant number, however, seem happy to wipe out the 'Martians', and will do so personally...

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Sure, they did not choose the best choice of action, but some 'solutions' include making them be too busy to do anything to save themselves.


Stopping the abductions is one thing. Throwing them off planet all together?



That's an unfortunate, but understandable result when your first choice is kiddanpping, abduction and rape. Humanity is kind of going to be unsympathtic to your cause and react violently. That doesn't make the humans the "bad" guys. If I broke into your house and held you at gun point because I was starving with out even so much as explaining that fact. I doubt you would slip into "Oh, what's wrong?" mood. You'd want me out of your house. Why are humans supposed to psychic and immediately extend the hand of goodwill to a force that is overtly attacking and covertly kiddanpping humans for god knows what reason?


And yes, a lot of the responses were fine. A significant number, however, seem happy to wipe out the 'Martians', and will do so personally...


Well, yes, the "martians" were attacking humanity. They apparently offered no reason for this and seemed willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish whatever goal they had in mind. I don't see what makes them wrong for fighting back in this situation. You seem to assuming that people's characters got the explanation we did. What they are experiencing seems to be this: There is a race of unknown being, kidnapping human women and blasting anyone that gets in their way. Some might discover that this race is also arranging with unscrupulous humans to abduct humans against their will for some unknown purpose. This purpose could be entertainment/food/slaves or what have you. Stopping the abductions and slavery would be th first option for a "hero" not dondering about looking for their true purposes. Many supereroes simply DON't have the ability to help these creatures, some wouldn't feel they are worth it but that doesn't mean they should stand by and their crimes continue because the aliens have some sort of "justification' for it.


Edit: Looking back at the thread the replies seem to be mostly "fight/stop the aliens that are abducting and kidnapping human females" with the characters/rescue the victims/ protect humanity with the characters that have the ability offering to help/provide a long term solution once they find out. Not many have suggested genociding the aliens or following them back to their home planet to wipe 'em all out. Yes, getting them off the planet does seem to be a goal, but that only seems reasonable given what seems to be their contempt for human life and soverignty. They've acted in a massively hostile and underhanded manner towards the people of Earth. Why should those people be expected to welcome them with open arms because of a bad situation they're in (which frankly they got themselves into the first place but most character wouldn't know that). I mostly agree with what my character Ivy said. They were already in a bad position so was picking a fight with a planet loaded SPBs really the smartest thing they could have done?


I think most of the responces have been remarkably generous and four color considering what these aliens want to do is essentially stock rape camps with human women and that was apparently their first choice of action. The only character I can recall off hand who's plan was mucking up their home planet beyond recognition was Thena.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


I think most of the responses have been remarkably generous and four color considering what these aliens want to do is essentially stock rape camps with human women and that was apparently their first choice of action.

While I agree that the first of the two factions would definitely tend in this direction (and this is the one Cerulean would want to stop cold up front,) the second faction seems a little smarter than that. I didn't get the impression that the second faction was necessarily intending to mistreat those women it could get ahold of. If there's enough room for negotiation to get a cure into the hands of this group, there's probably an opportunity there to make sure that whatever women choose to go with these guys are treated well. In fact, SF has just as much precedent for 'fertile women are rare and thus treated like gold' as it does for 'fertile women are rare and turned into breeding sows.'

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


While I agree that the first of the two factions would definitely tend in this direction (and this is the one Cerulean would want to stop cold up front' date=') the second faction seems a little smarter than that. I didn't get the impression that the second faction was necessarily intending to mistreat those women it could get ahold of. If there's enough room for negotiation to get a cure into the hands of this group, there's probably an opportunity there to make sure that whatever women choose to go with these guys are treated well. In fact, SF has just as much precedent for 'fertile women are rare and thus treated like gold' as it does for 'fertile women are rare and turned into breeding sows.'[/quote']


Sure, if the women are willing to stay because they are being treated well, I personally and none of my characters would have a big issue with it. But from the information they would find out the women are being traded for technology by unscrupulous members of the human race. Essentially, a slave trade situation. The women in question aren't chosen and asked, they are traded like good by crminals, that doesn't seem like many of them would be willing to shipped off planet to never see their family or homes again. That would have to stop. If some of the victims decided to say because the condition were great, it could be confirmed they were being coerced or tricked then its all good. I'm not talking about the treatement, I'm talking about the lack of consent.


But if the women were unwilling to say they should be released. Being kidnapped is being kidnapped even if you're being held in a gilded cage. Particularly if they are going to be used to bear children over and over again. No one should be violated like that against their will, even if they're treated well in the bargin.


Edit: Heck for that matter, if the aliens made a study of human culture with the number of women involved in the xenophillia, sci fi fan and various fringe groups they could probably get a fair number of volunteers if they were open about their needs and the conditions.


Edit2: Do the heroes of Earth even know there are two "factions" Are there distinctive features or symbols? Or does it just look there's an alien race accquring human females by apparently any means nessecary?

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Golden Eagle will assemble a team of scientists to reverse engineer the first ship his team captures, and leverage his vast resources to build a space fleet to defend our borders. If he learns that there are separate factions, and is given authority to negotiate, he will insist that anyone belonging to the kidnap/rape faction, as well as any humans involved in the slave trade, be tried in the Hague before any legal arrangements could be made between consenting sentients...


Bouncer and Toreador are street level heroes, and would be unlikely to encounter the aliens except by plot-driven coincidence. They would bust alien heads, and try to stop them as the situation warranted.


Arcane is the Apprentice to the Sorceress Supreme. The Sorceress Supreme is an unbroken line of grandmothers, mothers and daughters. There are always three, the Maiden, the Matron, and the Crone, and when the Maiden gives birth, the Crone dies. Many times in Human History, the Maiden has taken strategic mates to enhance her daughter's power. Arcane will defer to her grandmother to determine if this is her time to become the Matron, and to give birth to a new Maiden...

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


I guess I should add:


Once she found out what was going and a little more of the background of the situation, Ivy would be stunned that a race that possesed interstellar travel and such advanced technology could this apparently stupid and/or arrogant. "We're teetering on the brink of non existance, we can't reproduce. Lets go and start another war with a planet crawling with SPB no less! "


Particularly since if they went to some of the poorer regions of the planet and offered good regular food, luxury treatment, etc in exchange for having kids they'd get a ton of volunteers. It would be a better version of what women in those areas would be expected to do anyway. Barring religious and personal objection.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


I'm not talking about the treatement, I'm talking about the lack of consent.

I was being brief. Proper treatment includes obtaining consent. :)


The 2nd group of aliens would have to stop dealing with earthside groups willing to deal in slavery, as part of the negotiations involving the cure. Cerulean would want to bring everything above board, and keep it there. I'm pretty sure most of the heroes advocating helping the aliens would say the same.

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


I was being brief. Proper treatment includes obtaining consent. :)


The 2nd group of aliens would have to stop dealing with earthside groups willing to deal in slavery, as part of the negotiations involving the cure. Cerulean would want to bring everything above board, and keep it there. I'm pretty sure most of the heroes advocating helping the aliens would say the same.


Sorry, maybe I was sliding into rant mode. I meant to get across that I was essentially agreeing with you. :)

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Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio...


Queen of Spades would be more focused on the first faction. When she finds out about the purposes beyong kidnapping, she's gonna start finding ways to bring the ships down and keeping them down. If you want kids, do it our way or no way at all.


If she finds out about the second (most likely through the survivors of the first,) she's gonna break their little slavery ring wide open, then investigate the conditions of the ladies being shipped off. Then she'll offer a better deal--in exchange for what passes of marriage consent and whatnot on their world with willing individuals, she'll look into getting someone to set up some sort of diplomatic services between both world. No tech trading until everyone is at a stable position.

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