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Clown, Inc.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


The group was updated to Fourth Edition HERO System in the Classic Organizations sourcebook, which did the same thing with PRIMUS, DEMON, Sanctuary, and the Soviet-era characters from Red Doom. PRIMUS and DEMON have since had further revisions, while the others don't exist in the Fifth Edition Champions Universe.


Unfortunately I'm not aware of that book being for free anywhere, and it would likely be much more expensive than the original CLOWN book that MisterBaldy linked you to. :(

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Re: Clown, Inc.


sweet! i thought there was a source book out there!!!


I was kinda hopin for something that wouldnt cost me money though...LOL


Kinda been outta work since Sept :(

That book was a 3rd edition supplement. They also appeared in the 4th edition book Classic Organizations, which will have character write-ups that are closer to being 5th edition compatible.




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Re: Clown, Inc.


sweet! i thought there was a source book out there!!!


I was kinda hopin for something that wouldnt cost me money though...LOL


Kinda been outta work since Sept :(

I know how rough it can be...heck, I am working, and I can't even scrape together money to buy anything except the basic needed items and amennities.

That book was a 3rd edition supplement. They also appeared in the 4th edition book Classic Organizations, which will have character write-ups that are closer to being 5th edition compatible.



Good call...I totally forgot about that book.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Any time the flavor text includes a statement like: “CLOWN has been responsible for more heroes buying off their Code vs. Killing disadvantage than any other group.†You just know it’s going to be fun! :)


The first time I had a C run into CLOWN, he killed one...two of them, he didn't have a code vs killing, beening a ninja, and even our "I won't let you kill," hero who did mad at the C, understood why it was done. He killed Tru*p K*night, M*ery A*drew, and loved every minute of it.

Yes I HATE 'CLOWN'!!!! Needless to say I ran them to make others life's miserable. It was a love to hate group of Villians.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Perhaps CLOWN should be brought back into 5th Ed, but as a super HERO team, their motto, "If you can't beat em, prank em and run" :)


Mmm, probably not, but still an idea.


"We wedgied Gravitar, and now she's out to get us, SAVE us oh PCs!"


Now that Hermit, that is real scary. I do have to agree that it is a good idea.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Last Time we encountered CLOWN in a campaign, our resident Sword Wielding Maniac found himself beheading a Ronald McDonald statue in the middle of the Melbourne Cricket Ground, just before the giant piantasaurus exploded all over the government officials in the centre of the city.

Personally i've found from experience that CLOWN is a greater threat to the GM's continuing health then its is to the PCs.

We must therefore bring them back into the mainstream champions universe, its a moral imperative.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Perhaps CLOWN should be brought back into 5th Ed, but as a super HERO team, their motto, "If you can't beat em, prank em and run" :)


Mmm, probably not, but still an idea.


"We wedgied Gravitar, and now she's out to get us, SAVE us oh PCs!"


Working out their disadvantages shouldn't be too hard, every point spent on Hunteds.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


I get the fealing that this guy wants us to post charater sheets on them. That is something we are not alowed to do. I can go through the members list (as far as I can remember them), and what thay could do, and let YOU write them up as you see fit.


Generic Stuff: All CLOWN members have a Coad VS Killing at the Common, Total level. Most of them (if not all) also have some disavantages which also encourage there brand of pranks.


Members List.


Merry Andrew, The Fool: He has two supervillian names (which he uses interchangably, sometimes at the same time). He is the leader of the group. He also has a keen mind, loves pranks, and has a huge VVP for his gadgets.


April Foolmaker: A mutant girl with a vilinaquest dummy and the ability to control people's minds. Her 'stick' is to make superheros do silly things. ("I think you are, a chicken." is her ID quote, and gives a good example of what she can do) She is also second in comand of CLOWN (along with Beuford).


Beufard The Bard: A burry man in a midevil jester outfit who plays a lute. He can also control minds, using music. He could also unleash sonic blasts with the lute, but tends to only do so in emergencies. He is also the second in comand of CLOWN.


TeeHee: The CLOWN car, he looks like a tricked out VWBug. He can drive on any serface, and inside him is bigger than his outside. Oh, and he has a mind of his own. Think Herbie...only more so.


Slapstick: An old time valuvill/berlisk baggie pants comedian who joined the group. He wields a mean slapstick (a paddel which does littel acual damage, but makes a loud noise), and is extremly skilled with it.


Tag: The brick of the group, he can do extra damage to others who are "it". How does one become it? A member of CLOWN must go up to him and say "Your It!" while touching him. Note: once someone becomes it, thay can transfer the itness to others by doing the same thing (including other CLOWN members).


Trump Knight: A powersuit guy with a 'knight' and 'card' theam.


The Guy Who's Name I Forgot, But His Powers Are Based On Lines: A powersuit guy who's powers are all based on lines, like "Dotted Line", "Red Line", ect.


While the next fellow is not a member, he must be mentioned anyways.


The Trickster: Native American fox spirit, who clames to have manipulated this group into being. His powers are mostly illusions, but he is on the 'god' level.


Well, he was a member, but is not now.


Popgun: Dresses like a cowboy, and uses two deadly "pop" cork guns. Was dismessed violently when he killed someone.


We see his image, but never got any information on him.


Mr. Smilly Face: An excentric japanies inventer who wears a smily face mask, and who's inventions sorta remind people of outragous Japanies Game Shows.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


I'm thinking the above is from their first appearance. In the fourth ed update there was:


Dot: I'm thinking he is what the line guy morphed into.


Beuford: became sort of a low level mind controler/martial brick


April Foolmaker: has an Ego Attack, Telepathy and Invisibility to go with the Mind Control.


Marbles: multipower with a marble schtick.


Random: dresses like a gypsy, uses a pair of magic dice, which causes a preset effect depending on what is rolled on the dice.


Merry Andrew: no real change except also has a martial art based on the kind of stuff the Three Stooges would do.


Skate Kate: skateboarder with smoke and gas bombs


Slapstick: lost an eye to an exploding cigar and is in retirement with a wife and three kids.


Snapshot: cammera turns targets into photographs, and has a flash attack.


Popgun: has a gun that fires pellets that do different things. Now has a killing attack slot. Is working with Viper according to Classic Organizations.


Spotlight: light based powers.


Tag: Got the American Football Martial Arts package.


Toe Tapper: Dance based martial artist


Trickster, Trump Knight, and Tee Hee: all pretty much as described above.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Basically, Slapstick, Merry Andrew and Popgun were three very intelligent young men that grew up together. They were constantly pulling pranks on the people around them. In college they stumbled upon a Viper nest, and got caught. They were given the option to either join up with Viper or die. Eventually they broke free of Viper. Merry Andrew and Slapstick, basically wanted to pull pranks, and finance their lives with petty larceny to grand theft without causing anything, but financial damage and embarassment to people. Popgun was willing to actually hurt people, and that is what effectively lead to the break between him and the other two. Slapstick subdued Popgun and left him for the police.


The other two started to gather up like minded individuals. If you have CKC, look at grab, add in the desire to pull pranks and you have the basic motivation of the group.


The key to playing CLOWN is that they should never be a lethal threat, and their pranks should never damage things of importance.


I have found it helpful, if their pranks never target the PCs either. If you focus on the pranks being on NPCs and give the PCs a fair shot and stopping the pranks or robberies it is a lot safer.

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Essentially, CLOWN exists to puncture the dignity of Authority/Establishment figures who take themselves too seriously, pull stunts to shock people out of their dull complacency, and generally make life more interesting and amusing. Obtaining money is a nice side benefit, but not really the point. CLOWN doesn't really want to cause harm to anyone. For example, on more than one occasion when the CLOWNs have discovered that something they've stolen is really essential to someone's well being, or has great sentimental value, they've returned it with a note of apology.


Here's one example from CLOWN's published history of a major prank: on news that an alien armada was approaching Earth, the CLOWNs drew an enormous dotted line visible from space across the Florida Panhandle, with the equally enormous instruction: "Cut here."

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Here's one example from CLOWN's published history of a major prank: on news that an alien armada was approaching Earth' date=' the CLOWNs drew an enormous dotted line visible from space across the Florida Panhandle, with the equally enormous instruction: "Cut here."[/quote']


LOL...That's too funny.


Thank you all again. Great info. OH!! And no I wasnt at all interested in any character sheets. I just had no idea why Clown existed and wanted to know. :)

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Here's one example from CLOWN's published history of a major prank: on news that an alien armada was approaching Earth' date=' the CLOWNs drew an enormous dotted line visible from space across the Florida Panhandle, with the equally enormous instruction: "Cut here."[/quote']

According to published materials, they did offer an apology after the aliens tried to "cut here." :)


I've used CLOWN, and had more than one player want to pull their hair out (or my hair out) as a result. :)


There was also one time I had CLOWN do something useful, albeit in their own screwy fashion! At the start of a major demonic invasion (centered in San Francisco), CLOWN set up a "customs booth" and made all invading demonic entities get checked to see if they were carrying any fruits, vegetables, or illicit holy relics. This didn't stop the invasion, mind you, but it did slow it down and buy enough time for various hero groups to rally, reach the scene, and beat back the invasion. ;)

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Re: Clown, Inc.


Only time I used CLOWN in my own games was when the CLOWNs got into an escalating gag war with Foxbat over who could pull the biggest attention-grabbing stunt. The climax had Merry Andrew design an enormous skeet-catapult to fling giant cream pies at skyscrapers. Foxbat retaliated with a ping-pong ball catapult to shoot the pies out of the sky. The PC heroes got very aggravated (and messy) trying to keep the fallout off the streets.

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