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Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!




Black Harlequin, rather than simply wanting to steal 'the' toy of the 2005 Holiday Season, wants to replace them with his own devilish creations which are programmed to attack children as soon as the package is opened, or the video games really *do* turn the kids into psychotic murderers.


If you really want to Silver Age-out your story, have Black Harlequin go up to the North Pole and take over Santa's workshop!

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Quite a bit off-topic' date=' but I am reminded of a comedy monologue that I wrote and performed many years ago (about 1990-91) called "The Case of the Satanic Santa".




Now this is a proper Santa Claus:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus


Another early folk tale, originating among the Germanic tribes, tells of a holy man (sometimes Saint Nicholas), and a demon (sometimes the Devil, Krampus, or a troll). The story states that the land was terrorized by a monster who at night would slither down the chimneys and slaughter children (disembowelling them or stuffing them up the flue, or keeping them in a sack to eat later). The holy man sought out the demon, and tricked it with blessed or magical shackles (in some versions the same shackles that imprisoned Christ prior to the crucifixion, in other versions the shackles were those used to hold St. Peter or Paul of Tarsus); the demon was trapped and forced to obey the saint's orders. The saint ordered him to go to each house and make amends, by delivering gifts to the children. Depending on the version, the saint either made the demon fulfil this task every year, or the demon was so disgusted by the act of good will that it chose to be sent back to Hell.


Yet other versions have the demon reform under the saint's orders, and go on to recruit other elves and imps into helping him, thus becoming Santa Claus. In an alternate Dutch version, the saint is aided by Moorish slaves, commonly typified as Zwarte Piet ("Black Peter"). Some tales depict Zwarte Piet beating bad children with a rod or even taking them to Spain (formerly ruled by the Moors) in a sack.

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


2. No Christmas For You: Billionaire (and self-proclaimed Christmas-hater), Milo Sarner, has bought an orphanage and plans to show his contempt for the season by shutting it down on Christmas eve. He boasts the only thing that will change his mind is if he were visited by three spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future – and they managed to do a better job on him than they did on that wimp, Scrooge.

Use your powers to .... give it to this modern-day Uber-Ebeneezer.

And Merry Christmas! :-)


This looks like a job for MINDFLAIR !!! Just give me a small room, two chairs, no windows, no clocks, no interruptions and stand back. :sneaky:

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Now this is a proper Santa Claus:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus




Another early folk tale, originating among the Germanic tribes, tells of a holy man (sometimes Saint Nicholas), and a demon (sometimes the Devil, Krampus, or a troll). The story states that the land was terrorized by a monster who at night would slither down the chimneys and slaughter children (disembowelling them or stuffing them up the flue, or keeping them in a sack to eat later). The holy man sought out the demon, and tricked it with blessed or magical shackles (in some versions the same shackles that imprisoned Christ prior to the crucifixion, in other versions the shackles were those used to hold St. Peter or Paul of Tarsus); the demon was trapped and forced to obey the saint's orders. The saint ordered him to go to each house and make amends, by delivering gifts to the children. Depending on the version, the saint either made the demon fulfil this task every year, or the demon was so disgusted by the act of good will that it chose to be sent back to Hell.


Yet other versions have the demon reform under the saint's orders, and go on to recruit other elves and imps into helping him, thus becoming Santa Claus. In an alternate Dutch version, the saint is aided by Moorish slaves, commonly typified as Zwarte Piet ("Black Peter"). Some tales depict Zwarte Piet beating bad children with a rod or even taking them to Spain (formerly ruled by the Moors) in a sack.


Anyone else here ever see 'A Very Venture Christmas'?

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  • 6 months later...

Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


12 - A reliable mystic brings you absurd news. A "real" Santa Claus is coming this year' date=' delivering toys to all the world's good children. Unfortunately, he plans to stuff all of the bad children into his sack. They will then be kicked and punched by his large assistants and sold as slaves. Can your characters stop Christmas?[/quote']


Actually, there's mythology around this one already. The russians had two Santas, the nice one (who delivered presents and stuff) and Black Peter - who stuffed bad children into his sack and took them away.



My bad - it was the Finns who had this, not the Russians. Wikipedia for the win: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_peter

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


These are all very interesting suggestions. In any game I ever ran, Santa Clause is absolutely, 100% real. His workshop is in another dimension, which can only be accessed once a year (on Christmas Eve), and the gate is located at the North Pole. Hopefully, I'll be running a game next Christmas, and can use some of these suggestions.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


The heroes are coming back to their base one day... when they meet a group of little people dressed in black outside. They're allowed to go in after they've proven their identities, and they meet a jolly looking fellow inside dressed in red who apologizes for the trouble, but the Secret Service Elves have been particularly nervous since a strange lady showed up at his offices, turned into a polar bear, and attacked him!


She was eventually driven off,but there's a problem - Menagerie has "liberated" his reindeer!


Can the heroes find the nine reindeer in time to get them back to pull Santa's sleigh? Or is the group's speedster about to spend a night doing some public service he'll never be able to live down?


And what if Menagerie has thrown herself into the new herd as a ringer for the big night...?

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Oh this is a fun idea. I totally didn't read anything beyond the first post, but here goes anyway.


The Grinch, er... Foxbat Who Stold Christmas. Foxbat decides he will 'steal Christmas,' after getting the idea from a well known children's book. Our Heroes inexplicably find presents and other accouterments of their Christmas missing. It looks like Foxbat is being strangely competent and the Heroes will have to do some actual detective work to find out what is going on! Unfortunately, Samhain has had a similar, although far more sinister plan for the winter solstice. Can the Heroes figure out what is really going on and rescue Foxbat before Samhain's plan is complete?

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!




Using highly sophisticated (and obviously purchased or stolen) robots that amount to lawn gnomes dressed in Santa suits, he goes on a one-loony crime spree, stealing presents, trees, and Millenium City's holiday decorations!



Okay, lame, but if ANYBODY'S gonna try it ... ;)


I might have to do that someday as a followup to my other Foxbat/Suess adventure...




Darn, scooped, and on the first page no less.


Oh well, great minds think alike. Unfortunately for you guys, my mind lives in a rubber monster suit. ;)

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Doctor Ka, Gyeroy Vedun, and Adrian Vadeleur show up in Campaign City; all three have had the same vision. A child of is going to be born in the city on December 24th, and the fate of that child will determine the fate of the world. Can the players help these three Magi find the child before DEMON, The Crowns, or the Devil's Advocates beat them to it? Can any of the interested parties protect or control the Virgin Mother, Viperia?

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


I know it's not quite the same thing, but along the lines of the first post and Christmas trees coming to life, last years Doctor Who special might be worth an idea or two. The Christmas Invasion had aliens who disguised themselves as bands of Santas to blend in, so they could get close to a freshly regenerated Doctor and capture him. They also had a remote controled christmas tree that spun like a top at high speeds that they also used as a weapon (think the Tazmainain Devil and you've got the right idea).


So perhaps bands of alien/robotic/whatever santas at the shopping malls, bell ringers at all the department stores - all laying in wait for some kind of event (the Chosen One arriving to sit on one of the santa's laps?) to spring their trap?


The various mechinations could include:

* The spinning tree of death

* Giant snowmen decorations come to life and smashing through the mall.

* Entangling Christmas lights and wreaths.

* Thrown lumps of coal as a missle attack

* Tinsel gun for a flash perhaps?



And think of the trauma all the kids at the mall will have seeing your hero beating up Santa? Fun times afterwards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


A Supervillain (Either Foxbat or Black Harlequin, depinding on how you want this to go down) has become obsessed with the hot toy item of the season.


Minions are dispatched to any store rumored to have a shipment of the toy, with combat usually ensuing with any parents who don't back down. The factory in asia is sabotaged, and giant robots attack UPS trucks their sensors tell them contain the toy.


The villain wants *All* the hot toys of the year.


I twisted this idea into a fun adventure. The heroes hear that Foxbat is stealing all the Cuddly Cailey dolls, the hot toy in the campaign city this Christmas. Produced and sold only locally, these dolls (nicknamed the "i-Doll") have liquid-gel-filled bodies and a sound chip (and memory + wireless receiver) in the head. They'll "sing" downloadable music, "say" customizable phrases, or make programmed noises when hugged or squeezed. Only a couple hundred are made, so there's a rarity value, too.




What the heroes don't (initially) know is that Black Harlequin has replaced the gel with an explosive/flammable liquid, and the circuit board has a fake transistor that is actually a blasting cap programmed to go off on Christmas morning. He's also told Foxbat what he has done, with the warning that he'll send a radio signal to trigger the ones already sold if Foxbat tells anybody, even heroes or PRIMUS, what's really up. This offends Foxbat's sensibilities, and he decides to Save Christmas, but he has to appear to be a Grinch to do this. Basically, Black Harlequin is setting Foxbat up to take the fall for frying a bunch of kids.


By the way, BH stole ten dolls from the first production run and gave them to ten kids across the city, so there's no sales records of those.




(In my world, Foxbat has a team, the Foxbat Five, to help him in his Master Plan.) Foxbat and his pals first steal all the dolls in stock at the three stores that sell them, also copying - and then erasing - the stores' sales records. Over the next few nights, they break into the homes of people that already bought Cuddly Cailey dolls, taking all of them they can find.


Luckily, PRIMUS sets up a sting operation, luring Foxbat to attack the factory and nab him, putting an end to the Cowled Crusader's little Grinch act.




Even if Foxbat and crew get all the dolls sold, there's still those 10 dolls that BH gave away, but BH told Foxbat he won't give word on their locations until 4:30 am on Christmas morning. And with Foxbat in custody, it falls to the heroes to take on the task. If the heroes don't uncover Black Harlequin's involvement by themselves, Foxbat can find a subtle way to let them know without tipping BH off too early.


The heroes, acting in Foxbat's place, go to a warehouse and have to run through a series of deathtraps (a hallway with "Missile-TOW" launchers, a snow scene with mechanical snowmen throwing freezing snowballs and armor-piercing "carrot" noses, a Santa's workshop with a dozen mechanical elves sending various devilish toys at the heroes). There's a timer running, at the end of which the trigger signal will be sent to explode the dolls unless the heroes can stop it. The radio is at another location, BTW, so jamming the signal won't work. And to be truly evil, the timer sometimes skips 30 seconds or a minute, so they don't truly know how long they have.


The heroes finally reach Santa's office, where a computer screen cycles through the list of 10 kids' names and addresses, while a demonic-looking robot Santa presses a "Naughty" button for each while saying things like, "She's a Ho-Ho-Ho!" or "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!" or "Santa's lactose-intolerant, ya little brat!" or "You're getting COAL, pal!" Below the "Naughty" and "Nice" buttons are four buttons: "All Naughty", "All Nice", "Cancel Christmas", and "Sleighing Time!" Only one will stop the signal from going out when the clock hits zero, the other three transmit it immediately.


Once they survive Santa's workshop, the heroes then have to rush to the ten locations, take the dolls from the kids (each of which of course has just opened the present and is holding the doll before each hero arrives), and get them outside before they explode. Of course, the kids are scattered across the city and it's a race to get there in time.


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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


A couple I have run...


Foxbat (or insert your favorite nutball villain) is on a seemingly chaotic crime spree. On Dec. 13, he kidnaps Danny Bonaduce and breaks into the local arboretum and steals a Pyrus communis. On Dec. 14, he breaks into an ice cream shipment and steals exactly 2 Dove bars, of the turtle variety. On the 15th, he kidnaps three middle aged women visiting from Paris. On the 16th, four female telephone operators go missing. Its the 17th, and an original manuscript of the Book of Five Rings is on display at the museum...


Can you stop the fiend and end his twelve days of Xmas larceny?



I'm kicking myself for not having thought of something like this. Amazing!

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


I actually ran a throwaway adventure one year at Christmastime. A young girl appeared to a small group of heroes and asked if they could help her. They, being truly heroic, jumped at the chance to help the little girl. She then reveals that she's actually not a little girl, but a 400-year-old Elf, and that her employer, Santa Claus—yes, the real Santa Claus—has been kidnapped. Can they rescue him in time for his Christmas Eve deliveries?


The heroes did some detective work and tracked the missing Claus to a warehouse in Campaign City, where he was being held by Professor Muerte and his minions. (This was under 4th Ed., obviously.) Morty, er, Muerte, had found the secret of Santa's strength (something to do with holly and/or mistletoe, as I recall) and had used his vast scientific knowledge to create a toxin designed to take Saint Nick down for the count. With Santa out of the way, kids would no longer have any incentive to be good. Children would rebel against their parents and other authority figures, chaos would reign in the streets, and Morty and his crew could move in and take over the world!


Needless to say, the heroes weren't going to be grinched by the likes of Terror, Inc. After reviving Santa, and with help from his magical bag, they put a serious beatdown on the bad guys. The heroes saved Christmas, and Morty & Co. got coal in their stockings in Stronghold for the next 20 years to life.

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


SANTA GROND: Grond comes across a bunch of orphaned street kids squatting in an abandoned house. They are all sad that they won't have a christmas. Grond wants them to have a good christmas, so he decides to get them all the gifts they want. Grond dons a stolen Santa suit and goes on a crime spree all over the city for all the cool toys and electronics the kids want. Can the PCs stop Santa Grond? What will they do once they piece together his motivation?

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