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Seemingly Silly Things to Model

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


"You gave your Storm God character the "Summon Chunder" power?"

"What? That must be a typo."

"It had better be a typo!"


Summon Chunder: You can cause everyone around you to, er, throw up whenever you want them to. Most people find this very annoying, but it's a handy ability to have when people have swallowed something they shouldn't, or that you didn't want them to.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


The Eyes of a Killer Angel: By looking into someone's eyes, you can invoke such extreme intimidation on your target that they will fazll over backwards not to get on your bad side. They will volunteer information they would normally rather die than divulge (or that could get them killed or worse for divulging), forgive even the gravest of offenses, or give you any item you request -- all because they don't want you to be mad at them.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


No Way!!: This spell blocks all paths with impenetrable barriers. It also produces a pair of val-speak idjits who proclaim the impossibility of any event told to them.


No How!!: When this power is exercised on a "problem", it prevents all possible solutions of that problem -- in other words, it ensures that everything done to solve it, regardless of how deft or intelligent, will only make the situation worse for whoever at5tempts it.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


The Eyes of a Killer Angel: By looking into someone's eyes' date=' you can invoke such extreme intimidation on your target that they will fazll over backwards not to get on your bad side. They will volunteer information they would normally rather die than divulge (or that could get them killed or worse for divulging), forgive even the gravest of offenses, or give you any item you request -- all because they don't want you to be mad at them.[/quote']


Wouldn't this be:


The Eyes of a Killer Angel: +75 PRE (75 Active Points); Only To Intimidate (-1), Eye Contact Required (-1), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Gradual Effect (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12); -1/4). Active Points: 75; Real Points:20

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


No Mass!!: You can instantly reduce the mass of any object to zero. This does not cause the object to cease to exist' date=' but the universe tends to act as though the object is no longer there.[/quote']

Assuming e=mc^2, if m=0, the rest of the equation solves rather easily. I suspect the item in question would accellerate to lightspeed, instantly and in all directions. Since it would have no mass, however, it would simply function as a Flash attack.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


No One!!: The person this spell is cast on can no longer use, understand, nor think of "one."


Not just the digit "1", not just the word, but the entire concept of singularity is beyond the target's comprehension. Thus s/he can't count, can't perform certains subtractions, etc.


Details of the result are left to the GM to arbitrate. :eg:

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Ain't that convenient? Character has the ability to change traffic signals with a thought' date=' and there will always be a vacant elevator waiting on the floor that the character is on.[/quote']


Why'd you have to get in MY cab?: The opposite of the above power, little things that can change, like traffic lights and the locations of elevators, will always change in the way least convenient for you.


Hey! I'm right here! PICK ME UP!: You are invisible to bus and cab drivers (or whatever their equivalents are in your world). They will never stop for you, even if other people are waiting with you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Blood-Maker: You are the opposite of a vampire. Your body generates extra blood, frequently in alarming quantities, when you are under any sort of emotional stress (pleasant or unpleasant doesn't matter). If it generates more blood than your physiology can handle, it will expel the excess through any convenient opening (the nose is usually easiest for the body to cope with, but there are alternatives, including any open wounds).

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Blood-Maker: You are the opposite of a vampire. Your body generates extra blood' date=' frequently in alarming quantities, when you are under any sort of emotional stress (pleasant or unpleasant doesn't matter). If it generates more blood than your physiology can handle, it will expel the excess through any convenient opening (the nose is usually easiest for the body to cope with, but there are alternatives, including any open wounds).[/quote']


On a side note - the Scabmettlers of the book The Scar by China Meiville have a very interesting culture/powers based around this.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


I Control the Vertical, I Control the Horizontal.... You can enter any television program desired and interact with the cast as though you were actually there. It could be a live broadcast, a rerun of a sitcom from the 1950s, a telenovela -- anything. The effects of what you do in the program do not extend beyond this event, though, so if a program is repeated it will go on as if you were never there.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


I Control the Vertical' date=' I Control the Horizontal....[/b'] You can enter any television program desired and interact with the cast as though you were actually there. It could be a live broadcast, a rerun of a sitcom from the 1950s, a telenovela -- anything. The effects of what you do in the program do not extend beyond this event, though, so if a program is repeated it will go on as if you were never there.
Now, this one is not silly, this is cool.


I'd wager it's a simple XDM, the big issue would be how would people watching the TV be able to see the changes the character is making at that time.


Overall though, very nice, it certainly makes pr0n a much more interesting form of entertainment ;)



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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Now, this one is not silly, this is cool.


I'd wager it's a simple XDM, the big issue would be how would people watching the TV be able to see the changes the character is making at that time.


There are any number of ways you could play that, actually. You could write up the power in such a way that the program is only different to you -- everyone else sees it unaltered. Or you could have it so that everyone who is watching the program at the time sees you and what you do, and wonders what the heck is going on.


Overall though, very nice, it certainly makes pr0n a much more interesting form of entertainment ;)


One of the unanswered questions about the ethics of virtual reality is related to that; if a virtual copy of you is used as a VR prostitute or something similar without your knowledge or consent, is your privacy being violated?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Think this is the age disad, or is that just me?


I'm Not From Around Here' date=' Am I?:[/b'] You are from Earth -- but not the same Earth as you are living on now and where everyone else came from. What is more, you have no idea how you came to be in the world you are in now. Because you were raised on a different world, a lot of things that go in are baffling to you. The history you remember is different, sometimes vastly so, than the actual history of the world you are on. Even if you speak English, you might use a much different set of idioms than everyone around you, making understanding people's conversations a challenge. Even the cultural norms of this world are unfamilair to you ("You don't practice ritual defloration at the coming of age? What kind of parents are you?")
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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Think this is the age disad' date=' or is that just me?[/quote']


It's just you. This one refers to the situation of literally being from a different world than everyone else is. Perhaps in the history you remember Ronald Reagan was never President, or the Berlin wall never fell, or there are still dinosaurs running around doing their dinosaur thing.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


For the sake of brevity :P.


It's just you. This one refers to the situation of literally being from a different world than everyone else is. Perhaps in the history you remember Ronald Reagan was never President' date=' or the Berlin wall never fell, or there are still dinosaurs running around doing their dinosaur thing.[/quote']
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