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Euro-Villain Charater Challenge Thread


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Re: Euro-Villain Charater Challenge Thread


Name: Allister Cromwell Kent

Nationality: Guess

Basic Prototype: A (Sneering Aristrocrat).

Appearance: Modern, stylish, with vague suggestion of bisexuality.

Hair: Brown, Dyed Silver

Eyes: Brown, Purple Contacts.

Wears purple lipstick.

A body that's long, lean, and mean.

Bare chest with scary tattoos.

Long hair (silky, clean, conditioned).

Henchmen: Two large steroid freaks: They dress in impecably tailored suits, one wears all black, one wears all red. The have short hair and dark glasses in their preferred color.

Additionally: Hot leather clad Eurasian **** goddess who is decidedly more dangerous than the Freaks. Definately his lover.


When not theiving killing or F*cking: Playes with his Art D'objects. He has a priceless collection of original Glam Rock Albums. Fancies himself the next Ian Hunter or Brian Eno. He's not that talented, but a fair sight better than what passes for pop these days!


His weapon is a silver headed cane. The head is shaped like a bust of a lion. It's a nice bashing weapon, has a hidden blade inside, and a one shiot laser.


Turn Ons: Power, money, violent sex, rock n roll! (and really good alcohol)


Clever Quote: "Funny, I thought you'd be taller"


Way He's probably die: Run through with a sword, leaving you just enough time to say something snotty and unkind before you expire. Of course he doesn't really die.

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Re: Euro-Villain Charater Challenge Thread


I'm currently working on just such a character


the accidental recipient of a cocktail of super soldier chemicals during ww2 after several decades in an insane asylum before escaping in the mid eighties to build a massive criminal empire.


he is a dangerously smart, erudite a fantastic orator and master manipulator with a degree in theology. he is also prone to fits of psychotic rage, casual cruelty and extreme violence.


The chaplain is 90 year sold but due to the unknown cocktail of drugs he consumed in 1941 he only looks around 45 except from his hair which is pure white and has been since the accident,


his clothing is the finest Saville row tailoring mostly in white with an ecclesiastical flavour.

he tends to kill with his hands and when he has to deal with people personally he usually uses a pearl or ivory handled straight razor. although he is not advertised to fire arms though he'd rather hire a professional to use them.


in terms of power as well as peak human characteristics the super soldier chemicals transformed him into a burst speedster able to perform lots of actions for a short time but without the movement powers of as true speedster

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Re: Euro-Villain Charater Challenge Thread




Nuff said ... no! Wait! My ten most favourite quotes:


1) "Ve haff vays of make you talk!"

2) "Oh, how pathetic - you whimper like your little sister before I shot her ..." [bLAM!]

3) "My admiration! I never imagined that somebody could endure such torture and live! Honestly, you are the first - but all things go stale after a while, don't they? ..." [bLAM!]

4) "My secret plan? There is nothing secret about it - I am going to kill you."

5) "Death by electrocution is too good for you."

6) "If you cooperate I will spare you and your friends from a slow and painful death - I'll make it a swift one!"

7) "I thought you were tougher than that!"

8) "NOBODY can withstand my POWER! NOT EVEN YOU!"

9) "I guess you consider yourself my "Nemesis". I can assure you that you are not - or did your wanting Greek tell you that "Nemesis" means "pest"?"

10) So you want to thwart my masterplan? Tell me, with a voice most soft: How do you do that with two smashed knees and a knife in your back?"

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Re: Euro-Villain Charater Challenge Thread


Made it a Random Generator


Choose your character

Roll 1d6


Type A: Sneering, disdainful, urbane villain who wants to regain his degenerate aristocratic family's squandered fortune while grinding everyone else down into the dirt. (Examples: James Mason, Alan Rickman, Dirk Bogarde, Paul Scofield, Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List, Jason Isaacs in The Patriot.)



Type B: Sneering, resentful working-class villain who rages against those who made his father a snivelling failure, his mother a whore, and generally kept him down in the dirt all his life. (Examples: Steven Berkoff, Tim Roth, Gary Oldman, Robert Carlyle, currently Vinnie Jones in Gone in 60 Seconds.)


Now select your fashion statement

Roll 1d6

1 A brilliantly tailored suit.

2 Military uniform.

3 Leather and haute couture, rock-star style.

4 Leather, S&M-style neo-Nazi garb.

5 Modern, stylish, with vague suggestion of bisexuality.

6 National Flag / Costume


Now hone your physical appearance. (Note: pale complexion, cut-glass cheekbones and thin lips are mandatory equipment for the Euro-villain.)


Roll 2d6

2 A body that's scrawny, scrappy, and undernourished.

3 Very white, very sharp teeth.

4 Bad teeth (it hardly matters, since you rarely smile, except in thin-lipped disgust).

5 Bare chest with nipple ring.

6 Bare chest with scary tattoos.

7 Long hair (unwashed).

8 Long hair (silky, clean, conditioned).

9 Traditional skinhead.

10 Satanic little beard.

11 Pencil-thin moustache.

12 Prominent but not unattractive facial scar.


You may now choose your Euro-villain minions and henchmen

Roll 2d6

2-3 Two large steroid freaks (Are they brothers? Lovers? Robots? You decide!).

4 Silent black man with spectacles and a gun.

5-6 Viking goddess with vaguely lesbian aura and a gun.

7-8 Faceless Red Army drones.

9 The Third Reich.

10-11 The Green Dragoons.

12 A brutal, unappreciated lieutenant who'll eventually turn against you because you slighted him once too often.


Now choose your Euro-villain sex partner

Roll 2d6

2-3 European ****.

4 Eurasian ****.

5-6 Russian ****.

7 Cyberpunk ****.

8-9 Cute boy, nationality unspecified.

10 Your sister.

11 Your mother.

12 A magnificent horse, which you groom and console after your first run-in with the hero ("There, there, my lovely girl - you're nice and clean now, aren't you, Vanessa?").


When you're not killing, thieving and ****ing, what do you like to play with?

Roll 1d6

1-2 A pair of enormous hounds representing a nation that Americans find intimidating (German shepherd, doberman, Rhodesian ridgeback, Chow, Russian wolfhound, great Dane, French poodle) - which the hero will later shoot in self-defence or tempt away with treats.

3-4 Valuable art objects and fine home furnishings, which the hero will later smash to bits.

5-6 Your own long, silky, manageable hair, which you - at your toilette - like to see falling around your shoulders, so that you can gaze fondly at your reflection in the mirror as though it were some really hot chick looking back at you.


Now choose your Euro-villain weapon

Roll 4d6

4-7 Something small and silver with a clip.

8-10 Something big and black with a clip.

11-12 Silver-headed cane.

13-14 Scimitar.

15-16 Nuclear warhead.

17-18 Futuristic laser weapon.

19-20 Infernal armageddon device.

21-22 Unrelieved sarcasm.

23-24 The ability to leer at anything, at any time, even with your eyes closed.


Next, tell us what turns you on

Roll 2d6

2 Power, money.

3 More money.

4 More money than you could possibly imagine, you fool!

5 Violence.

6 Sex.

7 Violent sex.

8 Watching things go boom!

9 Bringing colonists with pitchforks to their knees.

10 Bringing the fascist US of A to its knees.

11 The possibility of a knighthood.

12 The mere fact that you, the Euro-villain, are just plain mean like a snake.


When you come face to face with the hero, get ready to say something clever

Roll 2d6

2 "So... we meet at last."

3 "You'll never get out of here alive."

4-5 "No one kills him but me."

6-7 "Foolish Americans, always believing that your ridiculous idealism will triumph over a superior culture!"

8 "Was that your son I killed? Stupid boy - just like his father."

(Indicating pile of corpses) "Friends of yours?"

9-10 "You and I are just alike, you know."

11 "I have waited for this moment as a bridegroom awaits his bride."

12 "Goodbye, Mr Bond."


Finally, it' s time for you to die like the cowardly Euro-villain dog that you are. You will be

Roll 4d6

4-5 Strangled or hanged.

6-7 Shot at close range, but not before you've gone a few rounds with the hero.

8-9 Shot from across the room, just as you're about to rape the hero's girlfriend.

10-12 Thrown from the roof of a tall building.

13-15 Shot, and as you stagger backwards into a vat of deadly acid, you realise, just for a moment, that you aren't going to be pretty any more.

16-18 Doused with gasoline and set on fire by the hero, who says something unkind just before he tosses the match.

19-20 Run through with a sword, leaving you just enough time to say something snotty and unkind before you expire.

21-22 Shot, then stabbed, hanged, run through with a sword, set on fire and then you fall off a tall building, screaming all the way down - until you are impaled, horribly, on some giant spike that just happens to be there.

23-24 Blown up by your own infernal armageddon device.


For your efforts, you will be rewarded with the following: fantastic reviews, which rave about how you stole the movie from under the nose of the boring US movie star; hundreds of Hollywood offers to play characters like the one you just played; the enduring enmity of British journalists, who will chastise you for disgracing your country; a brief, scandalous affair with the US actress who plays the hero's simpering girlfriend; an Academy award nomination for best supporting actor; the possibility of a knighthood, somewhere down the line. It may take a while to make your mark, Euro-villain, so keep practising that sneer. But in the meantime, nobody can say you haven' t got style.

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Re: Euro-Villain Charater Challenge Thread


I tried to stay in the guidelines of the article and ripped liberally from it, while still trying to put a few twists on it. I give you....



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

30 STR 20 15- Lift 1600.0kg; 6d6 [3]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

25 CON 30 14-

14 BODY 8 12-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8

25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6

24 COM 7 14-


10/20 PD 4 Total: 10/20 PD (0/10 rPD)

10/25 ED 5 Total: 10/25 ED (0/15 rED)

5 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

11 REC 0

50 END 0

45 STUN 3 Total Characteristic Cost: 190


Movement:Running: 8"/16"

Leaping: 8"/16"

Swimming: 4"/8"

Teleportation: 18"/36"


Cost Powers END

20 Naturally Wired: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Concealed (-5 with Radio Perception/Transmission PER Rolls), Discriminatory

25 Electrical Powers, 50-point powers

58 1) Kiss my Wattage: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Continuous (+1) (112 Active Points); No STR Bonus (-1/2)

26 2) Electrical bypass: Teleportation 18", Position Shift, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4) (57 Active Points); Not through/past insulated non conductive materials (-1/4) 6

25 3) Static field: Force Field (10 PD/15 ED/5 Mental Defense/5 Flash Defense: Sight Group/5 Flash Defense: Hearing Group), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (50 Active Points) 4

75 E-frick-lectrical powers: Multipower, 75-point reserve

7u 1) Bolt: Energy Blast 15d6 (75 Active Points) 7

7u 2) Lesser Bolt: Energy Blast 12d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points) 3

7u 3) Lethal Bolt: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6+1, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (75 Active Points) 7

7u 4) Nerve Wracking, idn't it?: Drain DEX 5d6, Ranged (+1/2) (75 Active Points) 7

7u 5) Swath of high voltage hurt: Energy Blast 6d6, No Range Modifier (+1/2), Area Of Effect (18" Line; +1) (75 Active Points) 7

7u 6) Thunder and Lightning, Very Very Frightening: Sight, Hearing and Radio Groups Flash 10d6, Does Knockback (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 7

8 +2 HTH Damage Class(es)

Evil Anarchist Fu

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Block and sneer +2 +2 Block, Abort

5 Bloody Snap, Crackle, n Pop -1 -2 Grab One Limb; HKA 2d6 , Disable

4 Bollocks Smasher -1 +1 3d6 NND

4 Elbow Jab/ Punch +2 +0 10d6 Strike

5 Headbutt the Butthead +1 +3 8d6 Strike

3 "In you go through a window or other breakable thing" +0 +1 8d6 +v/5, Target Falls

5 "Oh ****e!" -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove

5 Roundhouse -2 +1 12d6 Strike



55 Ragnarok Annie: Follower (275+150 pt character)

35 Independent souls who want to be free by doing everything I say: Followers (20 50+25 pt followers)



10 +2 with HTH Combat

3 Breakfall 14-

3 Bribery 14-

3 Contortionist 14-

5 Defense Maneuver I-II

3 Demolitions 13-

3 Gambling (Dice Games, Mahjongg) 13-

3 Interrogation 14-

2 KS: Political Thought and Philosphy 11-

0 Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 Language: Chinese (completely fluent)

3 Lockpicking 14-

3 Oratory 14-

3 Persuasion 14-

3 Seduction 14-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Streetwise 14-

3 Tactics 13-

4 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Clubs, Fist-Loads, Homemade Weapons

Total Powers & Skill Cost: 467

Total Cost: 657


200+ Disadvantages

10 Distinctive Features: Freaking Mutie (Not Concealable; Always Noticed; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)

5 Distinctive Features: Long glorious mohawk hair combo (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

10 Enraged: Enraged if Good looks marred (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-

15 Hunted: EUROGUARD 11- (Mo Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: UNTIL 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

15 Psychological Limitation: Anarchist, Nihilist, and Anti Authoritarian (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Enjoys Violence, Sex, and gratitous sarcasm (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Vain (Common, Strong)

10 Reputation: Evil Eurasian Super Anarchist and Nihlist, 11-

15 Rivalry: Professional (Fiacho; Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Harm or Kill Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)

5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Acids and Acid attacks (Uncommon)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Acids and Acid Attacks (Uncommon)

312 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 145


Background/History: Standing the warehouse, Kaos grinned at the throng before him. They'd come to see HIM. "Screw the origin story. I don't have to rationalize myself, don't have to rant on about being a quarter china man and 3/4 brit...Don't have to talk about the #$#$ I put up with all my life because my stupid father backed the wrong horse, or my mother , bless her little heart, deserting him when she saw which way the wind was blowing. It's the same story anyway, really... It's about the haves and the have nots... and I'm not talking wealth."


"I'm talking power."


"See, Power is the ultimate commodity. Let's take a look at Hong Kong...an eastern pearl in the fist of the British Empire, then, another faction with power, Red China, they want it... well, god forbid that Hong Kong's people should be given power over themselves instead. No, that's not how it works. Power can be swapped, traded like stock, it can even be taken by threat, but you don't 'give' it away, not really.. You can get power lots of ways, being voted in, get it in the name of god, in the name of humanity,... pick one, doesn't matter... ."


"And even when you get your hands on it, well, you start to live for it... you solve your problem by becoming part of everyone else's problem. So, imagine my shock when I got a little power of my own... " Kaos raised his hand, and lightning exploded from it in a multi tendrilled display close enough to raise the hairs on those nearest him.


Cheers swept the room, he grinned, drinking the applause, then laughed, "Shut up, all of you... now, I too, thought this was the Dog's bollocks, but imagine my surprise when I found out this sort of power was just another thing to fight over. Folks wanting to keep the superhuman down, superhumans wanting to keep normal folks down...genetic purity my ****. It's all about power. So how to keep from falling into the trap? I'll tell you.


The secret is to tear it down, tear it all down. Find a power block, break it to pieces, will others form up? HELL yeah... break them too. Like Santa Anna said, see something cocked at an arrogant angle, bring it down, and there you go, joysville. More than knowing joy, its the only way to know freedom!" he called out, wondering to himself if he sounded too much like a bad Braveheart parody, but he smiled as the throng cheered again.


"Now I'm not 'leading' anyone, I'm not falling into that trap, I don't want your power, I 've got enough of my own, so keep yours and don't let anyone take it from you... but I do have a plan for myself, and if you want to make it your plan too, then you're welcome to come along."


From the side, Ragnarok Annie inclined her head at him. He was glad to have her, but then who wouldn't be glad to have a chain, fur, and leather clad redheaded woman with a huge-*** axe on her back and gun on her hip at her side? Heroes would come, and they'd kill them. He'd promised that to her. Some days he almost believed she might not be insane, that she really was collecting heroic souls for Ragnarok....helping them along early as it was, but in the end, it didn't matter, nothing mattered, except being free.... and helping others to be free too; by getting them to do everything he said.




Personality/Motivation: Kaos is a sneering, resentful working-class villain who rages against those who made his father a sniveling failure, his mother a whore, and generally kept him down in the dirt all his life. He likes violence, sex, and violent sex, but most of all he loves destroying institutions, any institutions.... oh, and looking at himself. He's a vain son of a B, pouting in a pretty boy manner that conflicts with his common born background. Any superhero that threatens his features is very likely to reap a maelstrom of pain.

He hopes to kill Fiacho one day, because "While I appreciate the irony of trying to scare Europe by force to all huddle round into a group grope, in the end he's just creating another power block", that, and the ubereducated Fiacho just irks the insecurity buttons that Kaos refuses to admit he still might have.Kaos likes to pretend he knows what he's talking about as well, but really, his knowledge of political systems is pretty sophmoric.



Quote: (Indicating pile of corpses) "Friends of yours?"


Powers/Tactics: Kaos is a mix of trouble, his electrical powers are extremely formidable if he had those alone he'd be a danger to everyone around him. Capable of blinding, blasting, or wrecking havoc on the nervous system, he enjoys it for it's drama, particularly since it renders many would be hand to hand attackers regretting they ever touched him. However, he can't keep that up forever, and besides, he enjoys going hand to hand himself just to show what a bad@$$ he is.


Kaos is not a bad tactician, and will utilize both strategy and psychology (with sneering sarcasm intended to punch buttons) against his foes. He'll often begin 'chatting' with them via radio even before they see him trying to provoke a response. Once the fight starts though, he is quick to snap on his protective fields and use either electrical powers or hand to hand as best suits.


His mutant physiology has given him a severe downside when it comes to acidic compounds. His most likely demise is to take knockback into a vat of deadly acid, and for one brief second, he'll realize with horror that he's not going to be very pretty any more. After that, he'd WANT to be dead, so there you go.



Campaign Use: Kaos (After all, why would a guy who claims to break boundaries would follow the rule that he would need a name like Lightning Lord or Stormrider or whatever just because he had powers like that?) is meant to be a bit of iconoclastic insanity set to destroy society by any means possible just because he's tired of it telling -him- what to do, and by god, he's too pretty to take orders. He'll do whatever it takes to break the status quo, any part of the status quo and he plays no favorites. He's just as likely to spike sacramental wine with hallucinogens one week at a cathedral, the next set fire at the Oxford Library, and cap off the month by trying to draw and quarter Prince Charles by use of tying one limb each to a different motorcycle and letting rip.


You can play him as subtle as a sledgehammer, or as a genuine mounting threat who threatens to unite the angry outcasts (any group of angry outcasts) into an army.


Speaking of which, his "mates" (Followers) are nothing more than twenty hand picked thugs, punks, and outcasts hopped up on metapharm drugs (See Villainy Amok) that grants them MINOR powers at the cost of addiction. That's okay, because Kaos always makes sure he can make his own so no one can ever steal them from him.


Ragnarok Annie is another matter. If the woman is to be believed, she is a true Valkryie, a "chooser of the slain" who fights by his side so she might have a chance to collect the souls of heroes when Ragnarok finally comes. She is his lover, but hardly faithful in that regard (and nor is he to her) and they often eye the same women in his followings.


If you want Kaos to be less powerful...

Then #$#$ you


Sorry, got too engrossed... consider lowering a few stats, or maybe his multipower down to 60 points.


If you want him more powerful, adding SPD might be a good way to go; Perhaps regeneration as well.


Oh, and you can never bump up his comeliness enough... just ask him.





Appearance: Mixed in heritage, Kaos' features mark him as a Eurasian leaning heavily on the European side of things. Kaos' pride and joy is his own long, silky, manageable raven haired Mohawk that goes all the way to the small of his back. He prefers a leather and haute couture, rock-star style in his wardrobe. Sometimes he goes totally shirtless, often he wears a trench coat, but he always goes bare chested which exposes the chaos symbol shaped nipple ring he always wears. He considers it his lucky charm.


And yes, he's good looking enough to make women sigh, and many straight men worry about themselves.

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Re: Euro-Villain Charater Challenge Thread


Name: Allister Cromwell Kent

Nationality: Guess

Basic Prototype: A (Sneering Aristrocrat).

Appearance: Modern, stylish, with vague suggestion of bisexuality.

Hair: Brown, Dyed Silver

Eyes: Brown, Purple Contacts.

Wears purple lipstick.

A body that's long, lean, and mean.

Bare chest with scary tattoos.

Long hair (silky, clean, conditioned).

Henchmen: Two large steroid freaks: They dress in impecably tailored suits, one wears all black, one wears all red. The have short hair and dark glasses in their preferred color.

Additionally: Hot leather clad Eurasian **** goddess who is decidedly more dangerous than the Freaks. Definately his lover.


When not theiving killing or F*cking: Playes with his Art D'objects. He has a priceless collection of original Glam Rock Albums. Fancies himself the next Ian Hunter or Brian Eno. He's not that talented, but a fair sight better than what passes for pop these days!


His weapon is a silver headed cane. The head is shaped like a bust of a lion. It's a nice bashing weapon, has a hidden blade inside, and a one shiot laser.


Turn Ons: Power, money, violent sex, rock n roll! (and really good alcohol)


Clever Quote: "Funny, I thought you'd be taller"


Way He's probably die: Run through with a sword, leaving you just enough time to say something snotty and unkind before you expire. Of course he doesn't really die.


I like it, but where's the character sheet? You expect me to... *gulp* Wing it?

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Re: Euro-Villain Charater Challenge Thread


Enter Panzerhund! As tough as armor and tenacious as any canine! He is the self-proclaimed leader of the new Third Reich, (attempt XXXIV). Proclaiming the superiority of his nobility ancestors and purity of his German heritage, dating back to at least 1899.


Personality: Type A: Sneering, disdainful, urbane villain who wants to regain his degenerate aristocratic family's squandered fortune while grinding everyone else down into the dirt.


Now select your fashion statement: Military uniform.


Now hone your physical appearance. 1 A body that's long, lean, and mean.


You may now choose your Euro-villain minions and henchmen The Third Reich.


Now choose your Euro-villain sex partner Your sister.


When you're not killing, thieving and fornicating, what do you like to play with? A pair of enormous hounds: German shepherd and doberman


Now choose your Euro-villain weapon Distraction: Silver-headed cane. (Everyone knows there's a "secret" blade hidden in it.) Actually: Something small and silver with a clip. (Kept inside his uniform.)


Next, tell us what turns you on Power, money, violence, watching things go boom! Bringing colonists with pitchforks to their knees and bringing the fascist US of A to its knees.


When you come face to face with the hero, get ready to say something clever "Foolish Americans, always believing that your ridiculous idealism will triumph over a superior culture!"


Finally, it' s time for you to die like the cowardly Euro-villain dog that you are. You will be: Blown up by your own infernal armageddon device.


Quote: I am the very model of a modern Major General!


Okay, that's all I got. :help:

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