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WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Ballistic would do the same thing but much less public...and not the legal part. In fact' date=' he's likely to shoot the guy. At least he'd wing him the first time. Repeat offenses require better aim. [/quote']


Ballistic would investigate (he's another JLA/Avengers kind of guy). If the person was someone he didn't like' date=' he'd beat them up, trash thier suit and tell them to change thier name. If it was someone he liked, he'd suggest apprenticeship.[/quote']


Okay. That is just funny. On a thread about characters with the same name. :)


So what is your Ballistic like.

Mine is a ex-cop supersuit, supermage. :D

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Okay. That is just funny. On a thread about characters with the same name. :)


So what is your Ballistic like.

Mine is a ex-cop supersuit, supermage. :D

Though I haven't used him of late, Ballistic has bounced from a down-and-out boxer (background) to superhero with super aim (Penalty skill levels, range mods, etc) to more street-level vigilante (cuz being an outright do-gooder wasn't getting the job done). Back in the spandex days he used everything from bows to custom handguns, depending on need and campaign. His most recent incarnation is kind of a cross between Bullseye and Punisher. His one consistant trait is that he's a hard drinkin', hard fighting man, borderline a-hole, and hates criminals with a passion. He's so much fun to play, too :)

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Ishtar--Would be terrified that this is the real (or at least an avatar of) the ancient fertility/sexuality goddess and would go out of her way to avoid any contact.


Sworddancer--Is a legacy character. There has been a Sworddancer for over 1600 years and each has been chosen by his/her predecessor. The legacy would force her to investigate and remove the impostor in one way or another.


Luna--Hates comic book tropes and she would immediately make her displeasure known.


Tomcat--Would change his super ID again. He's not territorial and has used many different code names before. If he had his druthers his new code name would be Armando, which is what it was until his teammates insisted he could not simply use his real name.


PO'boy--Would laugh it off. Nobody can believe he uses his codename, there's not much advantage in stealing it.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Queen of Spades would be immedeitly suspicious--after all, her powers came from the Forge, an alien nanotech construction system that she'd salavged from a ruined starship and learned to use. The odds that another Forge, and similar powers, were utilized developed is highly unlikely. Regardless, she'd arrange for a trip in civilian ID, then go street-hunting for this one.


If it's some alternate-reality duplicate... find a way to send her back. No question about it.


If it's some random villian in disguise... smashy-smashy. She's already pissed about it.


If it's just someone else... she'd have a little discussion about doing a little checking first before taking someone else's identity. Then she'd help her (or him, speculation is a little rampant in Vibora Bay, although her figure's not hard to be feminine in her Armor,) build a new identity and look, and point out that she'll come visit once in awhile to ensure good behavior.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Soulbarb's reaction would depend on what the copycat in question was doing. She hates publicity, with reason; when one looks like a demon from Hell, one generally expects the public to react poorly one's presence. She'd suspect this is another dimensional duplicate, and go check her out.


If the copycat is generally a heroic sort (as confirmed by an examination of the copycat's soul) she'll just shrug and let the PR experiment proceed. Maybe she'll be able to go public at some point herself, if people are accepting of this newcomer, and she can always change her own name easily enough since she's not in the public eye. Even if the copycat is generally heroic but somewhat seedy, the she'll still draw public attention away from Soulbarb's own activities and serve as a scapegoat for the conspiracy theorists and the press to focus in on.


If the copycat is a dimensional duplicate, Soulbarb will try to help her get home. Of course, how exactly to go about doing that may be an issue, since she needed to get the help of Imagine to do it last time, and she has no idea how to contact him again...

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


What with War Wolf being a robot, the possibility of having a twin brother, so to speak, isn't horribly out of the question. If you make one, you can make more. Of course, since War Wolf was built at the behest of the Warlord, his logical conclusion would be that Warlord's trying to again ... of course, since this one would hopefully lack the Hzeel Weapons Driver.


He'd definitely want to talk to his fellow 'Bot, just to try to figure out his origins, and he probably would recommend that the other fellow change his name simply so he won't draw the attention of the War Machine.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


His one consistant trait is that he's a hard drinkin'' date=' hard fighting man, borderline a-hole, and hates criminals with a passion. He's so much fun to play, too :)[/quote']




Mine was a streetcop - had a Dirty Harry esque way of dealing with things, and tendancy to lose his temper. "Ballistic" was his nickname on the force because he tended to go ballistic on suspects. He ended up shooting a gangbanger in the face 5 times, because the gang banger was trying to use mind control on him. He was bounced off the force. He was hired by someone to run a supersuit that the guy was building. After a couple years of play, I got bored with the classic supersuit, and basically converted his "energy projection guantlets" multipower into a "spell suite" multipower, and had a radiation accident.

He still approaches things like a cop would. :)


I think they just may get along.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


I actually made a point of revealing to the players once that there were three different people in various parts of the world, all of whom used crossbows and called themselves "Crossfire". As the AI pointed out, it just isn't that hard an idea to come up with. (Plus there was one Klansman, but they knew it couldn't be him.)

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Badger- "Ehh, looks like that media has screwed up names again".


Course, if the poser was doing the marketing himself thing. Well, Badger might have to quietly get rid of him. Doesnt like anything to do with marketing himself. A pride thing. He would try to convince him to change name. Maybe even suggest a name. Or if not, he may have to get a beat down to convince him to retire.


Frosty Bob- "Ain't but one Bob" (looks through his inventory of guns to get the right one for this "mission")

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Tao, beyond being curious if that new Hero was indeed produced by the same project that created her would have little problem with it except Tao isn't her secret ID its literally her name and as such their could legal ramifications from this.


Shidoku would be royally P*ssed that someone was taking her racket and seek to adminster an hand to hand attitude adjustment as soon as possible. She feels she earned the name and its hers until someone takes it.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Bunny, the lapine-woman alien with removeable cybernetic limbs, has already experienced something like this - another PC picked the name 'Bunny-Chan' (and was apparantly something of a Japanese Magical Girl); to avoid intra-party conflict, the shapeshifting Shifter temporarily turned herself into a /third/ bunny-woman. :)


Anyhoo - if reports turned up of another Bunny appearing elsewhere, Bunny's first reaction would be that there sure seem to be a lot of rabbit-themed superheroes these days. (I still grin when I recall one posted to these boards, a brick-bunny with the nom-de-guerre of "Thumper".) Her second reaction would be to wonder if her future self has travelled back in time (again), and she'd go and check for the message drops she decided some time ago to use to let herself know if such an occasion happened.


If it turned out to be anyone other than herself, she'd just shrug and continue on with things; after all, "Bunny" is a fairly generic name. (Oh, and /she's/ the one who "embraces being a sex object"; it's just that sort of game.)

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Heh...maybe. Right up until they meet, anyway.


"What's yer name?"



"Well, what's your name?"




:sneaky::bmk: :bmk: :bmk:



Actually he has a public ID and answer to his real name as much as he does his codename. :)


"What's your name?"

"Ballistic, what's yours"

"Brian McCabe, I use Ballistic as a codename in suit though. You can call me Brian"


*Brian turn on his armor and his D shoots up into the high 50s with reduction.* "Put the gun down"

I did mention that Ballistic was a JLA type on 750 points, didin't I. :D

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


If it turned out to be anyone other than herself' date=' she'd just shrug and continue on with things; after all, "Bunny" is a fairly generic name. (Oh, and /she's/ the one who "embraces being a sex object"; it's just that sort of game.)[/quote']


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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Funny, I also have an old character code-named Bunny.

She was a member of the 'Frisco Angels, an all female super-team. A TPO weapons expert, her name was an obvious play on "Gun Bunny". One of the other team members had the "embraces being a sex object" in the bag, but it was mine that posed for playboy, go figure.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Special Agent Trent doesn't have a superhero ID. If this is just another telekinetic super that happens to have picked a black suit and sunglasses as his costume, Trent just shakes his head and says, "What are the odds," and goes on to the next article.


If the guy is claiming to BE him, well, I'm pretty sure that impersonating an FBI agent is a crime. Time for an arrest.

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