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WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


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Your character wakes up, and reads the newspaper (or sees some news online) with his/her superheroic name in it.


Only one problem, it turns out the person they're talking about is someone else in another city (big enough to need a superhero, no boondocks) using your superheroic name, and with strong similarities to the costume as well. The article even hints at similar powers.


What would your character do? What if the person is using your name, but their 'style' rubs your character the wrong way? Maybe this shtick stealer takes money and mass markets him/herself where your character frowns on that. Perhaps said infringer is embracing being a sex object to a point that seems, well, cheap, or, opposit that being quite prudish and seems to have a stick up somewhere dark.


What if it wasn't in another city, but the same one your character calls home?

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Uncle Slam wouldn't have to lift a finger for PRIMUS to come down on him. They can't afford that sort of confusion.


Anthem would have no real recourse, being somewhat poor and far away. BUt if they were doing something illegal, she'd ask other heroes to help her get to the other city for a field trip of sorts, so she can catch the individual. If they are merely taking money for performing heroic acts, she'd make it a point to contact the media for that city and correct them for their misreporting. But she's not a big enough name for anyone to really worry about.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Whammo - immediately calls an attorney and begins to investige claims of copyright infringement. (Whammo is hoping to make it big as a rock star, and is using his superhero status as the appropriate springboard.)

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Kaja would notify his superiors ASAP that he believed his alternate self from a parallel dimension had come through again, and request orders (avoid, investigate, terminate, etcetera).


Jenny might actually begin to suspect that she was the one in the alternate universe.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Dr. Anomaly would immediately investigate, of course, though not in a hostile way -- he'd want to meet with & talk to the "other him" before taking any drastic action. The thing is, he's created homunculi of his civilian ID a couple of times to allow both his civilian ID and superheroic ID to be in the same place, same time, both as verifiable flesh-and-blood people. His first thought would be to wonder if perhaps somehow one of them hadn't been properly reabsorbed afterwards, and was still running around.


The other thought is a bit more chilling. On the first test of a device designed to summon the assistance of "another him" from a parallel reality, it went really, really wrong (to the extent of damaging a freakin' invulnerable building level of "wrong") and swapped him with his other-dimensional counterpart. Now, it was fortunate that the "other him" was also a hero, though a much darker and harder-edged version (from a world where Dr. Destroyer had won). Eventually they managed to exchange places and each return home to their respective universes. The thing is, Dr. Anomaly would wonder if somehow the disasterous failure of the device had created some kind of permanent rift, and another him had "leaked through" from another parallel world. He'd want to investigate, and if that were the case, send the "other him" home and seal that rift.


What he'd do if it wasn't one of the above two situations would vary, but as long as the "other him" wasn't doing anything illegal or immoral, it wouldn't be violent -- so long as whoever it was agreed to stop using Dr. Anomaly's name, costume, and so on.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


The Spector would have a conundrum. As a long time masked-man, he has appeared since the 1860's. The problem is there have been decades between his periods of activity, and each time, some new aspect of his metabolic control powers has surfaced.


In the 1860's he was the fearless man. In the turn of the 20th century, he could regenerate. In the 1st and 2nd world wars, his adrenal boost ability let him lift over a ton. In the 60's and 70's, he returned from Okinawa with a firm mastery of Karate. In the late 80's his Hyper-boost made him a modest speedster. People don't know that it has been the same man each time, and he's reluctant to let the world know. This "Imposter" may simply be someone who has "taken up the mantle", so to speak.


How to prove that he is the true and rightfull bearer of the title, The Spector...?

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Jake would investigate as much as a 16-year old could do - ie, ask his parents permission for him to check it out over the weekend. If he couldn't get away from school, he'd probably try to investigate as much as possible over the internet, simply because he's the only Troll that he knows about, and it would be really interesting to see another one.


If it were the Sort-of-Different Twin thing, he'd probably roll his eyes: Jake's Catholic and Canadian, so it would probably end up being a hard-core, beligerant Scandinavian Pagan Troll of some sort. (Or an athiest, which would be odd, as being a troll pretty much guarentees some form of Supernatural existence.)


If it were someone being a super-sexed-up Trollknor (female troll, a form of which Jake can take), he'd probably get so embarassed as to NOT want to get to know them - but then he'd remember that he's the only Troll that he knows, and that if he's ever going to seriously DATE, much less have a romantic relationship with someone, he'd probably better get over that.


EDIT - oh, he may also suspect that the individual in question is the original Jake, who somehow has made it back from being taken Underhill. As the original Jake-embryo was kidnapped the day after conception and replaced with Troll-Jake-embryo (Norse legends and fertility clinics - not a good mix), it would be really odd, to say the least.


Basically, it would be "Another Troll! Who-hoo!"

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Black Cat who is world famous (think a core Avenger / JLAer) would go to just talk to the person. She, being a master of the martial arts, would expect to be treated with respect by another master. If the person was Darkforce powered (as she used to be, and was possessed by), she would have a long long talk, with ample warnings about the power use. In either case, she would ask, politely but with complete steel in her attitude, the person to change her (his?) name.

As Cat has been doing mostly doing extra-dimensional things, and the person was worthy (and she has a supernatural ability to read people's emotions and approach), she might be willing to pass the name off.

If the person was doing things Cat didn't like, she would tell them point blank to change thier name, and if they wouldn't would take other actions... maybe using public opinion to go against them.


Ballistic would investigate (he's another JLA/Avengers kind of guy). If the person was someone he didn't like, he'd beat them up, trash thier suit and tell them to change thier name. If it was someone he liked, he'd suggest apprenticeship.


Meeb wouldn't care... he'd be thinking "Hey, another member of my race!!" and go investigate.


Terminal Velocity would run to the city in question and talk to the person. If it were female and cute, he'd suggest a partnership. If not, he'd ask help from his teammate the "New Champions" a mostly teen team. If it were someone doing things he wouldn't like he'd get advice from his team.


Sift would be confused abou it (she is a godling in training) and ask her boyfriend to help check out the person. Her boyfriend is the nascent Sorcorer Surpreme (yeah that is a huge points in a contact).


Angelfire would go talk to the person... if the person refused to stop using the name, she would take legal action. The name Angelfire is trademarked (she was a rockstar before a superhero). And if they were also a half angel/half demon kind of person, she would want to get to know them. :)

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


The sale of Millennium action figures are his sole source of income and support a couple of charaties. Would seek out the copycat, if seems a decent enought sort would discuss the advantages to everyone of changing his codename and uniform without involving the lawyers.


Cheeta wouldn't care. This Secret ID stuff is a drag, if someone else wants the codename they are welcome to it.


Iron Will would be interested in meeting them.


Snow Leopard this is either her from yet another alternate reality, or yet another of Victor Creed's many children or grandchildren. Either way, they need to meet. "I control my instincts, they do not control me. Upon meeting a relative, it is NOT, repete NOT necessary to challenge them for pack status, no matter how strongly their scent says they need a butt-kicking. I will use my words, and encourage my new cousin to do likewise."


Dolphin "Kewl!"

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


ALL my characters would suspect Other Dimension/ Alternate Earth trouble. Wicca can actually find out for sure and do something about it. Only problem is, she does not yet know if SHE is real- or a copy or a Mentally Created Denizen of Babylon-her home. She would hope the Double would be able to answer a lot of burning questions.


Firestorm would simply sue for copyright infringement.


Mindflair would rush to the scene to immediately ascertain the intentions and power level of the Double. If as powerful with questionable morals, than Houston, we have a problem.


A Dragon Jane Imposter would be easy to unmask. How do you duplicate fully functional Dragon wings ?


This would make a great Pulp adventure. My Pulp character is an heiress. This would be big trouble for her if the Double managed to convince her Parents.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Champion Wind would go ballistic. She believes, honestly and sincerely, that she is a magical girl, chosen and empowered to fight the forces of Darkness. She's entirely wrong, but that's beside the point. A second Champion Wind would obviously be a fake, some sort of Nightmare Lord or similar, in need of tracking down and possibly dispatching. At least that would be her take on it.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Cyrande would be furiuos, looking to kill the person in the shortest time possible. Who would dare claim the name and position of the Crown Princess of Malva?


Nox would probably go and check them out. *shrugs* her name is hardly origional, after all, and she'd enjoy meeting another darkness manipulator. If they're a villian though... well, that's what teams are for.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Blackberry has relatives who answer to "Blueberry" and "Strawberry"; she's not particularly possessive about a "Berry-esque" name.


Now, on the other hand, if this person was making the family look bad, then she'd get on the phone...

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


The Mask of Justice: Would arrange to go to the city in question in his civilian identity so he can investigate. Then he would expose the imposter, who is in reality a conman using the Mask's name to gain access to rich people's houses to case them.


Kira Midori: Since that's her actual birth name, it can't actually be trademarked as such, but she'd still have to investigate what's going on. In this case it's much more likely to be an alternate timeline double or something of the sort.


Talion: His powers are nearly impossible to duplicate, so it'd be more likely that someone just adopted the name, and is acting in the Dark Champions genre of crimefighting. Talion would send them a letter asking for a name change, as his name is trademarked, even if he's never been able to profit from that.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Checkmate would promptly challenge him to a chess match. If he were, indeed, a dimensional duplicate, that would be all the proof needed, and Checkmate would work with him to get him home. If he weren't, he'd lose, and that would be all that Checkmate felt would be needed to convince the public who had the right to the name. (Unless the GM was being a twidiot, Checkmate's native intelligence and sheer skill make him THE world's best - ever - chess player. I don't play him in any world where that won't be true. It's a signature thing for him.)

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Dragonfly would probably drop in and investigate to make sure someone wasn't repeating the experiments that gave her her powers. (Someone has been dropping a mutagen in public spaces and "culling" the people who turned up interesting powers). Once everything checked out ok (or whoever was releasing the mutagen was stopped) she wouldn't care about the name-and-scthick thing.


Delusion's shtick is to avoid being reported about in the first place, so just the fact that the alter-Delusion appears in the papers would be a big departure. She'd probably just ignore it.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Assault would carefully check his counterpart for signs of a goatee...


And be more careful about shaving himself, just in case HE was the evil twin.


Once his mind stopped boggling, though, he would probably go back to Plan B, and invite his counterpart to the pub.


If that doesn't work, there's always Plan A: Gratuitous Random Violence.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


I read the initial post and immediately thought, "Who's the jerk who calls himself The Tick?!" It just made me chuckle.


Anyway, Morningstar would probably give the guy a hard time publically for serious unoriginality, then go for legal action if he didn't stop with the blatant "Single White Female" act. Ballistic would do the same thing but much less public...and not the legal part. In fact, he's likely to shoot the guy. At least he'd wing him the first time. Repeat offenses require better aim. Magnum wouldn't know how to handle it and would likely just keep doing his thing until someone counseled him otherwise and/or it became a serious issue.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Tornado! (Flash wearing green) would most likely initially assume that Speed Metal (evil alternate dimension Tornado! but with a super-speedy powersuit and no natural meta-powers) had returned to our dimension and was trying to replace him again, and would rush off to confront him. If it wound up being him, they'd probably run around the Earth punching eachother for a while until one finally won. If it was someone else, he'd honestly be too stunned that someone was actually copying him to do anything else for a while.


The Templar (time-displaced 14th century knight w/ magical gear) would insist that the evil doppelganger cease his charade posthaste, lest he meet with the full measure of divine justice. If the fake was actually helping people, though, Templar would probably just be glad to have another brother in arms - and maybe someone to spar with once in a while.

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Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!"


Blue Star is blind thanks to a Major Transform with a very particular healing condition, which is one heck of a problem for a flying energy projector. He's semi-retired at the moment.


Still, on being informed about it by his teammates, he would first contact his OTHER teammates in the Galactic Rangers and find out if another Ranger had been posted to Earth. He'd also check the list of renegade agents, and the list of galactic villians.


Then he'd try to meet with this person to find out what was going on. With his teammates along, just in case.


If villian, arrest. If renegade, ditto. If another Galactic Ranger, then why didn't he/she/it follow protocol and at least drop by to say hello?

If a citizen of Eart... umm... the United States of America (can't quite get the hang of this whole 'multiple nations on one planet' thing), would seriously suggest a name and costume change. It's a bad idea to impersonate a Galactic Ranger, thanks to all the galactic level villains the Rangers have thwarted over the years, plus there's the whole 'impersonating a police officer' problem.

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