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WWYCD: Illegal Worker


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A tip has revealed that one of the cities Super Hero is not an American Citizen and is actually from Latin America. Your Character has worked with super before and knows them to be a good and just person but they are breaking the law. Also it is obvious that some one else knows the super's secret.


Ps. Sorry if this has been done before and please try avoid turning it inot a flame war.

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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


Hmmm... depends on who I'm playing Isuppose.


If I'm in my "white-knight" phase for characters, then I'd likely see what I could do about setting up a visa, getting a green card, and making sure the fellow hero's civilian ID was clear of approach. all of that, assuming, of course, that they'd let me.


If I was in my "shadowy knight" phase for characters, then I'd simply create an entire other identity for the hero through whatever means were required to make it unimpeachable (hacking, bribery, favor swapping, etc.) and then set things up to make it look like the hero's actual identity was a scam to entrap the villain who knows it so we could get that threat out of the way.

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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


Most of my characters would react the same way: Help the illegal super to become a legal immigrant. Obviously, he (or she) is the kind of immigrant we'd WANT to keep, if he's a superhero! ;)


Of course, many of my characters would also insist that the ex-illegal suffer consequences for his lawbreaking..."Community service" sounds about right. :D



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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


This wouldn't bother Zl'f a bit. After all, she lives in Norway, a country she originally entered illegally and where she has lived and worked under a false identity for nearly seven years.


She might wonder why the hero in question isn't fighting crime in his own country instead of a foreign land, but she's far more interested in justice than the legality of this kind of thing.

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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


Teen Anthem would suggest they apply (in secret id) for their green card and if there are any problems she'd try to put in a good word.


Uncle Slam would run a security check and then with one of a great many favors owed him he'd see to it they were ok'd for citizenship.


Audra Blue would hack into the INS database and ok them herself. She's got no conscience when it comes to doing right.

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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


"So, you're illegal, eh?" Thia shrugs nonchalantly. "We need to get that fixed. I swore an oath to uphold the law of the land, and you're currently breaking it. So let's go see if we can expedite some paperwork. I'm Lawful Good, not Lawful Stupid. Now if you want to get into a debate on whether you need legalization, I'll deport you myself. Right now we're going to call this a clerical oversight. You're a HERO. There's no reason they wouldn't want you to be a legal citizen. That's just stupid."


If they order Thia to deport him - Thia will. He'll obey the law of the land; he's shackled that way. That will NOT stop him from trying to do what's right, but he does not believe you can do what's right if you're willing to break the law for it.


If said super is NOT willing to submit to the immigration process, or resists, Thia will deport him personally. Bam. No problem; now he's breaking the law and doesn't feel a need to correct it.

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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


Golden Eagle will approach the hero and offer her an H1B Visa through Good Guys Incorporated

What is an H-1B?

The H-1B is a nonimmigrant classification used by an alien who will be employed temporarily in a specialty occupation or as a fashion model of distinguished merit and ability.


What is a specialty occupation?


A specialty occupation requires theoretical and practical application of a body of specialized knowledge along with at least a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. For example, architecture, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, social sciences, medicine and health, education, business specialties, accounting, law, theology, and the arts are specialty occupations.



Toreador would not rat her out, but would suggest that her special abilities would make her an ideal candidate for special immigration status.


Bouncer would marry her if she were hot.

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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


Revenant- Looks into getting the character an H1-B, as listed above (thanks for posting that; made Revenants job alot easier).


Black Hawk- Asks the hero if hes in the country on a temp visa. If hes actually here illegally, shed slap him upside the back of the head once, for being a doofus, and then get to work getting his paperwork cleared up.

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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


BASTION, or Dr. Castle to be more correct, wouldn't even look up from the unique inner workings of the plasma driven psychotronic exercism projector that Epic Alliance "legally appropriated" from their last criminal adversary (under Section 4, Article 4 of their team charter). He would simply say...

"...Wha? Yah, it's in the fridge."


Sebastian (Dr. Castle/Bastion) doesn't pay much attention to anything else when engrossed in his work.



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Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker


Being in a given country without the proper paperwork is the superhero eqivalent of speeding: most do it on a semi-regular basis, and no one really cares. In particular:


Jake the Troll is Canadian, and would probably shrug, mutter something like "Well, you should probably work on that, eh?", and go back to school.


Shinji Miromoto is an Japanese national, and an illegal immagrant himself. He'd try to avoid the conversation entirely.

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