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Re: x3


Would someone who saw the part after the credits mind posting what happened here (as a spoiler), or shooting me an PM.


I missed it.


Also, have any of the media outlets mentioned talk of another X-Men trilogy ? I know there is going to be a Wolverine prequel, but that's all I have heard.

We were leaving the theatre and the clean-up crew said "You're going to miss the clip." I thought about and, as my friend phrased it, decided that no clip could redeem the rest of the movie. We left. It wasn't worth another two minutes of our lives. I have to say, though, that at least this theatre played the movie to the end, which is nice. The growing trend is to kill it halfway through the credits, which usually (say, on good movies) drives me nuts!

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Re: x3


Would someone who saw the part after the credits mind posting what happened here (as a spoiler), or shooting me an PM.


I missed it.


Also, have any of the media outlets mentioned talk of another X-Men trilogy ? I know there is going to be a Wolverine prequel, but that's all I have heard.

IMDB lists a Wolverine movie and a Magneto movie in production. I'm more interested in the Magneto movie, but I'm a mutant sympathizer.:)


Spoiler tags are not working for me, so I sent a PM.

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Re: x3


My guess is: not so far that Raven Darkholme can't get a date because men know she used to be Mystique the mutant and would therefore have no interest in her. Ee-ew' date=' a former mutant!?[/i'] I don't think so.


By the way, put me down as a booster of X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). I was surprised it was so good. True it wasn't perfect, but none of the X-Men movies have been. It was a strong finish to a good series.

"A Strong finish to a good series"?


Its not over according to the box office.


X-Men 4 is coming soon. Marvel is too greedy to let a cash cow rest in peace.

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Re: x3


By the way, put me down as a booster of X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). I was surprised it was so good. True it wasn't perfect, but none of the X-Men movies have been. It was a strong finish to a good series.


I'm with you - a strong finish. Each of the movies have had changes that I wasn't thrilled with, but they worked within the context of the films. I made Friday X-Men Day and watched all three. The mood and visual style was very consistent. I was pleasantly surprised, but I will probably go see it again.



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Re: x3


Would'nt it have been easier to just make a t.v. series like Mutant X instead wasting six years of our lives on only three films?
If the movies had wasted everyone's time for six years, they would not be profitable or popular. Since they are both, the movies are not wasting everyone's time. The only time in question is people choosing to drive out, find a place the movie is showing, and pay money to get inside to see the movie. And they mostly seem to be enjoying it.
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Re: x3


"A Strong finish to a good series"?
That's what Hawkfu and I said.


Its not over according to the box office.
The box office isn't everything. Not only revenue but costs have to be considered. The X-Men (2000) was remarkably cheap. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) wasn't. It's a sensible idea to try to get back to the beginning of the curve of rising costs.


X-Men 4 is coming soon. Marvel is too greedy to let a cash cow rest in peace.
But what is the cash cow?


Mutants? That cow can be milked with spinoffs. I'd like that, and it's the safe, cost-controlled way for Marvel to go.


Wolverine? Fine, people like Hugh Jackman, and they can work with him. There will be a Wolverine movie. I will go to see it.


The X-Men, defined such that you have to pay for the rising demands of every actor, and specifically defined so that you have to be held hostage for years more to Halle Berry's Oscar winning ego and public complaints and demands that her part be made bigger, and bigger, and bigger with each movie, while she still refuses to learn her character like everybody else? I would be willing to bet money that that's not so, if only because if I win that bet the suffering ends.


I know if I had a very popular and very profitable series of movies' date=' I'd keep making them.[/quote']If Marvel keeps the X cash cow going, while cutting out the most obnoxious (and expensive) people, that is a good deal for (almost) everyone.


Enjoy X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) while it's available on the big screen. See it again and again, if you enjoy it. I will. Because we will not see another one like it, bigger and better. It makes sense for Marvel to go in different directions, which will also be good but not in the same way.

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Re: x3


The object isn't to prevent crimes (except indirectly); it's to make it possible to imprison them securely. We can very effectively imprison people who have hands; we've been doing it with great success for a very long time. People with superhuman powers are another matter entirely.


You COULD build a non-metallic prison and work assiduously to make sure nothing ferromagnetic is smuggled into this expensive, one-of-a-kind prison which would enable Magneto to escape and wreak havoc again. Or you could dose him with the cure, and then put him in a normal prison, of which we have many.


You COULD go to extraordinary lengths to keep Mystique imprisoned and unable to effectively duplicate others and thereby sneak out. Or you coud dose her with the cure, and then put her in a normal prison, of which we have many.


Ditto for Juggernaut, Pyro, Toad, Sabertooth, Arclight, and any other mutant who uses his or her powers to assault, rob, murder or terrorize people. Taking away their mutant powers leaves them...human. Oh the horror!


And, similar to death penalty, what if you make a mistake? Given the apparntly raging mutant prejudice in the Marvel Uniuverse the idea of frame up, essentially kangaooo courts and rail roading exists, not to mention Mind Controllers and Shapeshifters, etc.


There would also be the question of what requies the "cure" or not. Some mutants could be held very effecticely without special measure that were too out of the ordinary or would it be a general policy for anyone imprisoned that has superpowers. What about crimes the require imprisonment that have nothing to do with the mutant in question superpowers?

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Re: x3


Judging by the films, and comics to an extent, imprisoning mutants without stripping them of their powers wasn't the problem. it was keeping their fellow mutants from busting them out. Even Juggernaut was effectively contained until Magneto showed up.

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Re: x3


And, similar to death penalty, what if you make a mistake? Given the apparntly raging mutant prejudice in the Marvel Uniuverse the idea of frame up, essentially kangaooo courts and rail roading exists, not to mention Mind Controllers and Shapeshifters, etc.


There would also be the question of what requies the "cure" or not. Some mutants could be held very effecticely without special measure that were too out of the ordinary or would it be a general policy for anyone imprisoned that has superpowers. What about crimes the require imprisonment that have nothing to do with the mutant in question superpowers?


My personal view: Unlike the death penalty, if I make a mistake, the prisoner is still alive, albeit stripped of their powers. Yes, it's possible that they could be subjected to kangaroo courts and other injustices--this is always possible.


I think the cure would a severe penalty. Mutants whose "powers" do not make them unreasonably dangerous to keep imprisoned wouldn't need the cure. Mutants who would be consigned to the equivalent of minimum security wouldn't need the cure. It's the mutants who are both a) dangerous and B) have demonstrated their willingness and ability to use their powers in the way that Magneto and Mystique have done would be prime candidates for the cure.


(All of this is really moot, though, since the end of the film strongly hints at the transitory nature of the cure. If the effect of the drug is only temporary, there's far less reason to refrain from using it on prisoners for the duration of their incarceration.)

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Re: x3


My personal view: Unlike the death penalty, if I make a mistake, the prisoner is still alive, albeit stripped of their powers. Yes, it's possible that they could be subjected to kangaroo courts and other injustices--this is always possible.


Still alive, yes but effectively crippled and permantly less than what they were. A person can leave a very normal life with just one hand or eye, but that would be considered a barbaric punihsment and tragic in the case of a mistake occuring. For a mutant losing their powers would be the same as "normal" human geing losing a limb or being crippled. For example to a mutant with ehanced senses, losing them would be like a normal person losing their color vision. Could they live a fairly normal life without it? Yes, but that'd still lose somthing imporaant to themselves. My personal stance is that until you have perfect justice system you shouldn't mete out punishments that can't be undone or midigated (thought there have been criminals that made me think about the position long and hard), the "cure" IMO, falls under that idea.


I agree I'd have much less issue with it if its effects weren't permenant or could be undone.


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Re: x3



I think the cure would a severe penalty. Mutants whose "powers" do not make them unreasonably dangerous to keep imprisoned wouldn't need the cure. Mutants who would be consigned to the equivalent of minimum security wouldn't need the cure. It's the mutants who are both a) dangerous and B) have demonstrated their willingness and ability to use their powers in the way that Magneto and Mystique have done would be prime candidates for the cure.


(All of this is really moot, though, since the end of the film strongly hints at the transitory nature of the cure. If the effect of the drug is only temporary, there's far less reason to refrain from using it on prisoners for the duration of their incarceration.)


Agreed. I'm just saying it would be one of "The Big Three:" death, life imprisonment, curing. Of course, you would need some sort of oversight committe or regulatory commission to determine which mutants are too dangerous to be incarcerated, which opens up more room for problems...


Agreed. If the cure is known to be temporary, then I would have very little problem with just dosing mutants for their period of sentence, and then stopping once it was time for them to be free.

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Re: x3


On further movies.. sometime after X2 I read an article interviewing Hugh who stated he'd signed on for X3 and a Wolverine spin-off and was done with the franchise after that.


I think if they do a fourth movie it should focus on the new core team they managed to make in X3: Kitty, Iceman and Colossus, Storm can be backgrounded to running the school, Wolverine can wander off to wherever. And maybe find and add in a few new mutants - perhaps add Angel to the team.


Who knows. Making lots of money is usually a good sign they will try another movie to makes lots more money.


If they make an X4 they absolutely have to keep that actress for Kitty. Her performance alone made a good portion of the movie.

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Re: x3


On further movies.. sometime after X2 I read an article interviewing Hugh who stated he'd signed on for X3 and a Wolverine spin-off and was done with the franchise after that.


I think if they do a fourth movie it should focus on the new core team they managed to make in X3: Kitty, Iceman and Colossus, Storm can be backgrounded to running the school, Wolverine can wander off to wherever. And maybe find and add in a few new mutants - perhaps add Angel to the team.


Who knows. Making lots of money is usually a good sign they will try another movie to makes lots more money.


If they make an X4 they absolutely have to keep that actress for Kitty. Her performance alone made a good portion of the movie.


I can see that I am in the minority on this, but they don't need to make any more of these until they decide to bring the quality back up to the standards set by the second movie. Even the first movie was far superior to this one, and it was only a slightly above average film. They can stop right now if they are going to go the route of the Superman movies or the Batman movies from the 80s/90s.


I would watch a Wolverine movie, but I would want it to be at least of average quality. They have a wealth of material to mine, and a great actor to play the role. Will they get a real writer involved and hire a better director? Probabably not.


I cannot figure out what a Magneto movie would look like without the X-Men. Magneto exists only in relation to Xavier and the X-Men. A film about a villain is not going to be effective without the other balancing forces. Even in films with strong anti-heroes, you still have to have a real bad guy for contrast. Even if they cast Magneto as a tragic anti-hero, the only this they could do is make the government or humanity at large the villains. Yawn!!!

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Re: x3


I cannot figure out what a Magneto movie would look like without the X-Men. Magneto exists only in relation to Xavier and the X-Men. A film about a villain is not going to be effective without the other balancing forces. Even in films with strong anti-heroes, you still have to have a real bad guy for contrast. Even if they cast Magneto as a tragic anti-hero, the only this they could do is make the government or humanity at large the villains. Yawn!!!

I believe the idea is to show a young Erik Lenshur, and to show how he became Magneto.
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Re: x3


I can see that I am in the minority on this' date=' but they don't need to make any more of these until they decide to bring the quality back up to the standards set by the second movie. Even the first movie was far superior to this one, and it was only a slightly above average film. They can stop right now if they are going to go the route of the Superman movies or the Batman movies from the 80s/90s.[/quote']

I personally don't think they should make another X-Men movie ever.


The story is over as far as I'm, concerned. The world carries on for sure, but the story they wanted to tell is now told. Anything more would be jumping the shark.

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Re: x3


I'm far more looking forward to the Magneto movie at this point than I am the Wolverine movie. Especially if Mystique is back. It could be a good chance to flesh out Magneto a little more.


Wolverine has been the center of the three X-men movies, so they'll need to work on a new angle, not just keep teasing his past.

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Re: x3


Maybe I'm echoing what has gone before in this thread, but here goes:


I was disappointed with this movie, but only because it tried doing far too much. However, I'm not going to totally deep six it until an extended DVD comes out, putting back all the stuff they (hopefully) had to leave on the cutting room floor.


The reason I say this is the recut Daredevil movie is infinitely better than the trash that showed up in the theaters, so I'm hoping the same treatment will give this movie a boost as well.


Which means I have at least a year to wait, right? :)


Matt "Still-hoping-for-a-suitable-climax" Frisbee

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Re: x3


I believe the idea is to show a young Erik Lenshur' date=' and to show how he became Magneto.[/quote']

Maybe a younger Xavier could make a appearance in the movie. The guy who plays Lex in Smallville for example.


O.K. it was a bad example but actors gotta work don't they?

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Re: x3


I guess that my problem with a Magneto movie is that it could only appeal to a true comic book geek. The character is not well known enough on his own to carry a film. He does not have the marquee appeal of Captain America, Spider-Man, or the Hulk or the X-men as a team. I thought Marvel was making a mistake with Daredevil and Elektra, and I believe I was proven right. The Punisher films were both horrible failures. I predict that the Ghost Rider and Luke Cage films will come and go without much fanfare. Luke Cage may have enough street cred to do fairly well, but that's about it


Characters like Superman, Batman and Spider-Man are cultural icons. More on the line of modern mythology that anything else. Everyone knows them and can get right into the movie without a lot of backstory. The second tier characters that have been successfully translated to film have been successful just because the films were relatively well-made. However, you don't have to look too far to see the flops that abound in the genre.


A Magneto film without the X-Men might be an interesting psychlogical drama, but I don't see the attraction to a mainstream audience. Ian McKellen made that part. Even if he was playing the part, I still couldn't see a feature film about the character. Another actor would probably be laughable.


Magneto plays a very limited role in the X-Men universe. As I said before, he is only valuable to the narrative as the antithesis of Xavier. He is an interesting foil, but he serves no purpose without his counterpart. What would the bible be like if the whole thing was about Lucifer? Just think: no one to contend with, or be cast out by. No one to tempt in the wilderness. Think about every film you have seen with The Devil involved . The power of God is always involved. Even if the protagonist is a human. There is always an equal an opposite force for good involved.

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Re: x3


I enjoyed the movie but the whole franchise has me somewhat miffed. I was an X-Men fan back in the Silver and Bronze Ages.


My favorite X-Man = Cyclops

My least favorite X-Man = Wolverine


Based upon that you can probably see why I am a little miffed.

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