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So, what do YOU want out of hero?


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hey, I'm sure we are all into hero for the same main reason(duh! it rocks). but i was wondering, what else do you want out of it?

Me personally, I know exactly what i want. I have always wanted a system that let me get all retarded with what I do, create. But I also intend to join the legion(when i can run a game without fondling the book every 5 seconds. I am also an artist that WILL be published and hopefully hero will be my first(calling Storn Cook a colleague would be cool.) Also long(really long)term I would jump at the chance to work At hero.


Anywhooo, just somthing that crossed my mind to get to know yall better!

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


I want a platform that allows me to turn design into mechanics, and back again. By which I mean, I can come up with a really grooovy build that doesn't make sense, but by reasoning from effect, I can change the SFX, apply it to a creature or weapon or gadget or spell or special power or star ship or horse & carriage or anything else I like, and the SAME RULES will apply.


I also want a more refined system for designing giant robots, although Steve has no interest in doing so, I don't think, a) because of minimal demand and B) because it isn't what 5th Ed. HERO is about - it eschews independent systems for a universal rules set, which is both good and bad at times. Especially if you build Giant Robots.

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


I started playing Hero back in the day when it was just a simple blue book. 1982 then it was just Champions, I found that it was just what I wanted in playing a Superhero. The game has changed and grown down the years, but I stayed with what in time became the system I can do ANYTHING!!!!, and that you have to love.

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


Billions of dollars in hard cash and vast, Earth shaking power and influence. Fame and immortality with perfect health would be nice.


Oddly, all of that could be had for less than 150 points.


You can't always get what you want.

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


I want a system that lets me build anything and everything, and doesn't presume to know what I want to make, before I make it. HERO is pretty open ended with regards to what you can do with it, and don't have any preconceived notions on how things work in any one setting. With very few exceptions, I have yet to find something I can't make in HERO, and even then, some of the "you can't make this" characters can be made, but are too much work and are better as simple hand-waved creations (The Sleeper from Wild Cards is a prime example).

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


I want a system that lets me build anything and everything' date=' and doesn't presume to know what I want to make, before I make it. [/quote']


That is a good part of it. :)

I also want a robust combat system, and HERO's with the speed chart, manuevers, martial manuevers, powers and levels has a very strong one.


I also want a system that is detailed and structured enough that most things are not GM fiat, but layed out in the rules, so I can understand the consequences of actions and of successes or failure of skills. Once that is learned, then all you really have to think about in the game is the character and what he does... it helps tremendously with character immersion for me. :)

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


The system does a great job of getting out of the way of the game, and that's a clear divorce that works really well here. Whereas d20, by comparison, cannot divorce "game" and "mechanics" - they're bound, set & limited, so you get a very different experience.


Many people have said it, but I think it sums up how I feel very nicely: Hero is a true system, that makes no presumptions as to what you want to play. It simply grants you the tools to play anything you want.

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


With the Hero system you can create any setting or character you can think of. But it is also much more. It is about fighting that dragon, flying a spaceship to the far end of the galaxy or just throwing down with some major villain threatening your city. Hero lets us experience in a way of being that warrior or pilot or super. Hero lets us create other worlds and become part of them. It does this using one set of rules or guidelines and we can move our characters from one setting to another.

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


To be blunt, I use hero exclusively for Superheroic adventures. I like the combat and character creation systems and the overall flexibility of the rules. However, I want something simpler as well. I want a "lite" version of the rules which still keeps the basic feel of the system, but strips out most of the fancier options and simplifies character creation. Much like Teenagers From Outer Space is actually a highly simplified version of the old Cyberpunk / Interlock system. I would use such a rules set for less-than-serious games as well as ones where superpowers were not as prominent as gear and gadgets. Fuzion is a great system in that regard, but has serious game balance issues with regards to the use of experience and option points.


Matt "Uses-the-right-tool-for-the-right-job-kinda-guy" Frisbee

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


What I want is a system that lets me build any character concept I can conceive of (or copy from pop media) even if it's an unholy hodgepodge of a dozen different archetypes. Oh yeah, it has to do this and handle almost anything else without resorting to dozens of slapbooks.


Hero does this all pretty well. Even better, there's only 3 products you really need to enjoy the full functionality of hero: 5er, UMA (for expanded and custom manuever options), and hero designer (for all the "crunchy bits" that aren't in the main book).

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


Was talking to my GM and he has always said that Hero was the one system where you truly only need one book.


Sure, there's cool stuff in other books (We'd both just picked up USP to see what the Speed Zone was about), but 1) you don't NEED them to play and 2) invariably they modifications or alternate uses of the rules in the Main Book anyways.


I love that. So what do I want out of Hero? I already got it: 1 book to rule them all.

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


I want Hero to give me fame, fortune, beautiful supermodels, and my own aunterage. I know Hero can give me that on paper but i want it in real life. All it does give me is yet another reason to be a geek. : ) guess you have to work with what youve got.

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


I want Hero to give me fame' date=' fortune, beautiful supermodels, and my own [b']aunterage[/b]. I know Hero can give me that on paper but i want it in real life. All it does give me is yet another reason to be a geek. : ) guess you have to work with what youve got.


entourage. ;)

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


entourage. ;)


Unless, I suppose, it's composed entirely of aunts. They could follow you around, serve tea, pinch cheeks, talk endlessly about your cousins, etc...


It's bound to suprise people, and may very well frighten them.

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


Two main weapons. Suprise' date=' fear, and an unswerving dedication to the Pope.[/quote']


Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope....

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Re: So, what do YOU want out of hero?


Pardon the back on topic response... :)


I have come to see HERO as the ideal system for me to reasonably easily configure a solid action-adventure game. Its mechanics are both at a level of detail I prefer and are entirely flexible in the ways I need it to be for basic action-adventure stuff. I like that it lacks the flavor of, say, Savage Worlds, while being much more elegant in design and execution than, say, GURPS, by example. That being said, if I wanted to run Deadlands or a very similar setting, I'd use the original Deadlands rules or Savage Worlds - flavor can count. I should add that the configurability and traditional RPG setting caters to the control freak in me. If I want more player control/less GM control and/or I want a more specific play experience that I'm not the expert in, then I would typically look to another system or another person's useage of HERO. Frankly, I believe many other systems are much more fluid in play, but you are saddled with their play experience of course and most of the time those are more specific or, as I mentioned with Savage Worlds, embed a certain amount of flavor that can be laborious to remove. Bear in mind a lot of with HERO is also familiarity, I know it well enough to forge ahead with it.


I personally find HERO's mechanics to be one of the 2 best multi-purpose mechanics devised, the other being Dogs in the Vineyard. Ah, well, I'll make that 3, the other being Savage Worlds. BRP is pretty darn good, too, but I think you can do the same things just as well in HERO, and more, the tradeoff really being the upfront investment in how you want to run the HERO game to be as simple as BRP.

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