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Need some Scandinavian Villains !

st barbara

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While persuing my "All The World's Heros" project I have finally reached Scandinavia. While creating the heros was no problem I seem to have run out of ideas for super menaces . I have been stymied at 8 super villains for Scandinavia , and considering that I have 6 heros (Northern Star and Snowbear from Norway,Bifrost and The Troll from Sweden ,The Rose Elf from Denmark and The Runelord from Finland) this is just NOT enough. (Note : In a flash of inspiration I have just added a ninth super villain; "Maelstrom" the water controlling menace of the coast !) My villains so far are "The Bard" (formally "Thespian"),"Midnight Sun" and "Hoarfrost", all taken from "European Enemies", :The Berserker" a super strong Norwegian thug with a sledgehammer, "Doctor Bedlam" a looney Swedish robotocist (Europe needs this type of villain !),"Surtur's Daughter" a flying, female "Human Torch" type from Norway. "THe Fenring" a Norwegian werewolf,and "The Maestro", a Finnish criminal who uses music as a weapon (both sonic attacks and mind control). But I need more and would appreciate any suggestions of names and powers from the people on this board. It isn't necessary to cost out the characters, just a name and what abilities the characters have will do as this project is just me having a bit of fun and iasn't intended to be used in an actual game !

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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


Doomsayer, from my thread on the Five. Finnish gadgeteer eco-terrorist bent on saving the Earth no matter what the cost. Based on Ilmarinen, Finnish god who started out as a sky father, got demoted to World-Smith, and finally ended up a sort of heroic version of Vulcan.

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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


Well you have The Troll as a hero' date=' why not have a troll as a villain as well? After all if I recall my Scandinavian mythology correctly, trolls were very bad news and had very powerful magic. Sounds like a good supervillain, yes?[/quote'] Hmm !:eg: In my few lines of "origin:" for "The Troll" I simply said that he and his beautiful, supermodel wife simply went on their honeymoon to northern Sweden and came back with super powers. She can make light solid and is known as "Bifrost" while he can transform into a horny skinned twelve foot tall monster with great stength and took the name "The Troll" because of his ugly appearence. A "real life" Troll perhaps with a more general "shapeshift" ability so that he can hide as ANYONE and similar strength migh be an idea. Now I just need a name for him !
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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


Doomsayer' date=' from my thread on the Five. Finnish gadgeteer eco-terrorist bent on saving the Earth no matter what the cost. Based on Ilmarinen, Finnish god who started out as a sky father, got demoted to World-Smith, and finally ended up a sort of heroic version of Vulcan.[/quote'] A Finnish gadgeteer ! Great. Thanks "Oddhat". He should make a great foil for my Finnish magician !
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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


A Finnish gadgeteer ! Great. Thanks "Oddhat". He should make a great foil for my Finnish magician !


Groovy. :)


You'll find him here, along with his Brass Hounds, Chariot of Flame and Iron, Gold Wife, etc. Also included are a full team of international villains.


And don't forget the Defilers when looking for Asian villains. ;)

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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


a satanically empowered black metal band perhaps or just the lead singer with sonic powers.


the Finns deserve a captain America style super soldier when it comes to tenacity and downright sneakiness Finland was legendary during WW2 you could maybe go with a mystical origin perhaps he was trapped in time battling a Nazi mage give him a weapon forge by the Norse gods and your all set.

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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


A PC has a Norse themed heroine called Valkyrie in a PBEM campaign I am running. She has a hunted called the Norns from norse mythology:




I have settled on exactly what the Norns are in my campaign except that they have some strong connection to dark nordic magic. There is a duality with the Norns (and other mythological counterparts) that makes it easy for them to take on the roles as villains or at least act in opposition to the heroes. Their role as the weavers of fate make them excellent behind the scenes manipulators of hero's lives.


I am quite excited about introducing them to the campaign and grateful for the player's suggestion of the Norns as hunteds:)

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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


Vidkun Quisling.






Wasn't he hung after the war ?I can't imagine that even a dyed in the wool super villain would name himself "Quisling". It is just too embarassing. (However I can imagine my eight foot tall were polar bear "Snowbear" wanting to give him a great big hug !:eg: )
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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


The old Norse sagas might have some ideas, but I don't have any to hand...


Perhaps "The Northman", a robber who uses anachronistic (and historically inauthentic) "Viking" equipment, tactics and a flying dragonship to rob banks and jewelry stores. One of his Hunteds is the Scandanavian Historical Society, which goes around explaining that no, historical Vikings were nothing like this guy.

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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


You could have some villain who is really conservative after the Swedes passed a lot of legislation which was social. The Scandanavians are also very open minded as witness the legislation on pornography in the 60s.


Another one. Fafnir the dragon who guards the treasure of the Gods. You could take the name from that.


Wotan or Odin is another good name.


If you are following Wagner's Ring cycle you could have the evil dwarf Alberich who stole the Rhine Maiden's gold; Seigfried and Sigard who were legendary heroes and Volsung (IIRC) who was Alberich's grandson.


Tirpitz. The German battleship was sunk by the RAF in a Norwegian fjord. What if someone became imbued with the spirit of the sailors who died when she was sunk ?

Similarly the British lost the aircraft carrier Glorious in Norwegian waters sunk by Scharnhorst and Gniesenau.


The Swedes had a history of battling Russia which is an idea for you.

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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !







You could try these the first two provide links for comic characters from sweden and finland

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Re: Need some Scandinavian Villains !


. . . I think I once suggested as a Swedish supercrook the Bureaucrat -- his powers consisted in boring people to death with statistics.


Hr could villainously visit Tallin, drink all the beer and harrass the poor Eesti waitresses. Wait, no, that's real life. ;)

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