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Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


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So which costume/appearance changes did you like most/hate most?


I only like the green Hulk.


I did like Spiderman's black costume, though really was a toss-up as to which one I preferred.


I hated it when they put Lex Luthor in an armor-powered suit (regardless of how realistic it might be).


While I liked the older X-Men stories more, I have to admit the move away from blue-and-yellow was a solid choice!


You don't see costume changes addressed much explicitly in comics - whereas I would think characters would comment a LOT on such changes, whether joking, complimentary, etc.. Appearance is such an important part I can imagine it would be a bit obsessed over by many.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


I liked the shift in Hellcat's costume, to primarily being dark blue. I hated the yellow one, which they apparently went back to. It can be a little confusing to those of us who've been out of the loop for a while, when we pick up a comic and say "Who the frel is that?"


I also have a liking for the original Iron Man. Say what you will, but I feel that no matter the era, steel is always in fashion.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


lesse... haven't read comics since 1996 but...


I liked Gary Frank and John Byrnes rendition of the Smart Green Hulk...


I did not like the black and white spiderman.... but yay for the cartridge things going away.


Jim Lee did a great alternate costume for Wonder Woman at some point...


Havoc had a great look in X-Factor with the leather jacket and spandex thing.


ummm... Gen13 when it first came out had a lot of good looks like... uh... crud... the short guy with the arm wraps and all that when they started dressing the part.


oh yeah, the new Luke Cage is much better.


At that time I really stopped reading costumed hero stuff much, though, Marvel was going down the toilet mostly, and I never liked too much DC, though more so towards the end since it was usually less whiney-angsty than Marvel. Collecting Image was easy as only two to three issues came out a year (I just loved Jim Lee's work, even though the writing was mediocre at best...) and they were very pretty though boring to read.


Dark Horse was pretty funn to read at the time, though, with Sin City and the Grendel books coming out and several other titles...

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


I'll start by differing with the lizard... I loved Lex's power armor. I think the suit looks freakin cool, especially when drawn by George Perez. I'm betting more people agree with Zornwil than with me, though. What can I say? I also loved Guy Gardner's ski boots. Some things that immediately come to mind...




  • The FF Costumes go dark blue with white accents.
  • Thor gets scale mail and a beard.
  • DD gets completely red. (Does anyone prefer the yellows?)
  • Cyclops lets his hair down. (Simple really, but the skin tight hood with the goggles always bothered me.)
  • Green Arrow drops the hat for the hood.
  • Aqua Man's blue camo outfit.
  • Aqua Man's 'gladiator' outfit (though I was never crazy about the harpoon hand; that's a whole 'nother issue)
  • Angel gets Arch-ed up (loved the look of the metal wings)
  • Robin gets big boy pants



  • Thing goes spiky.
  • She-Thing. (:idjit: )
  • Booster Gold gets armored.
  • Vision goes white.
  • Elongated Man's purples.
  • Hercules shaves.
  • Any 're-imagining' from The Batman cartoon :sick:

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


I'll start by differing with the lizard... I loved Lex's power armor.


You just have a thing against lab coats! Which, I'll add, is a thing against me and my kind, given my cuz (we'll get that dratted Spiderman yet!)!! (shaking fist ineffectually)


[*]Thor gets scale mail and a beard.




[*]DD gets completely red. (Does anyone prefer the yellows?)


I'm with you on that one!


[*]Green Arrow drops the hat for the hood.


I slightly prefer the hat but I fully admit that's nostalgia. The hood is cool, too, and probably more "realistic"/appropriate.


[*]Vision goes white.


Agreed. I like both his old (original?) primarily red look and his '70s green-yellow-red look (the latter is what I use for him in my campaign - in which he is a Mechanon-ilke villain).

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Green Arrow - Gotta disagree on the hood. Hood obscure visibility. Besides, the hat says "attitude". You have to have some strong force of personality to wear that hat.


Aquaman has never had a costume I really liked, though the "gladiator" was the closest. The metal armor just didn't make sense underwater, though.


Spider-man's classic red-and-blue is one of the best costumes ever in comics ever, ever. The number of things you can do with it graphically are almost endless. Yess the webbing takes time to render, but it's time well spent. The black costume was an inky blob. The new armor is, well, armor. (On Spider-man? bleh.)


Robin - No argument. Get him out of the panties and corset, Bruce you perv.


Gold and White, or Blue and White on Power Girl. double bleh.


Keith "bleh. bleh." Curtis

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes




Kitty Pride's entire wardrobe until roughly when she started calling herself "Shadowcat".


Kid Nova's brown outfit.


Any Night Thrasher costume after the original, sacrificing protection for visible skin.


Secret Wars Doctor Doom


Dew-rag Wolverine


Edgy Black and silver suit Superman with guns.


Kyle's streamlined Ion costume (I liked the visor and gauntlets darn it.)


Open faced Steel. (Are these guys just stupid, or do comics have a "Games Workshop" clause where having no head armor just means you never got shot there?!?!)




Nova's Blue and Gold costume, and his Annihilation costume


Wolverine's brown costume


Red and Gold Iron Man to Silver Centurion, to improved Red and Gold. All very nice.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Green Arrow - Gotta disagree on the hood. Hood obscure visibility. Besides, the hat says "attitude". You have to have some strong force of personality to wear that hat.


Aquaman has never had a costume I really liked, though the "gladiator" was the closest. The metal armor just didn't make sense underwater, though.


Spider-man's classic red-and-blue is one of the best costumes ever in comics ever, ever. The number of things you can do with it graphically are almost endless. Yess the webbing takes time to render, but it's time well spent. The black costume was an inky blob. The new armor is, well, armor. (On Spider-man? bleh.)


Robin - No argument. Get him out of the panties and corset, Bruce you perv.


Gold and White, or Blue and White on Power Girl. double bleh.


Keith "bleh. bleh." Curtis

Spiderman has ARMOR!?!? WTF??? That's counter to the iconic nature of the character, in terms of his role as everyman (well, I am probably overstating here, since it's not as if he doesn't have powers, and his web-slinging was device-oriented, but still, it does seem unnecessary, at the least)


Now, you know that hoods, like capes, never get hung up or in the way... ;)


I also never really cared for any of Aquaman's costume or looks.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Spiderman has ARMOR!?!? WTF??? That's counter to the iconic nature of the character' date=' in terms of his role as everyman (well, I am probably overstating here, since it's not as if he doesn't have powers, and his web-slinging was device-oriented, but still, it does seem unnecessary, at the least)[/quote']


The armor part is low profile, built by Tony Stark. The costume has bionic spider legs. sigh...


Keith "Oh well, it'll all be back to normal in two years, tops" Curtis

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


I haven't collected comics in something like 15-20 years, but I always liked Wasp constantly switching costumes.


I wasn't a big fan of Spidey's black costume, but I did love the bit where he runs into Daredevil after first getting the new duds, and is a bit miffed that DD didn't even comment on the costume change. ;)


Hate the new Iron-Spidey costume with a passion. Only consolation is that, once the Civil Wars fiasco is over, he might ditch it quick.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


I haven't collected comics in something like 15-20 years, but I always liked Wasp constantly switching costumes.


I wasn't a big fan of Spidey's black costume, but I did love the bit where he runs into Daredevil after first getting the new duds, and is a bit miffed that DD didn't even comment on the costume change. ;)


Hate the new Iron-Spidey costume with a passion. Only consolation is that, once the Civil Wars fiasco is over, he might ditch it quick.

Hmmm, so got motivated to go out and see what it looks like. I don't mind the costume design too much (don't like it as much as the regular and the black), but the drawing style isn't to my liking.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


What about the first Luthor change, when he lost that red hair he had in his first apearance and became the bald supergenius we know to this day? [The artist in the second Luthor story mistook a henchman from the first story for Luthor...].


Actually, I'd give John Byrne props for giving super-women some costume options, getting rid of the miniskirt for Jean Grey and the shorts for Ms. Marvel.


Englehart deserves points for changing the Beast from his burly human look to the blue-furred bombastic Beast we had until someone decided he should be a puddy tat.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


...Actually' date=' I'd give John Byrne props for giving super-women some costume options, getting rid of the miniskirt for Jean Grey and the shorts for Ms. Marvel...[/quote']

John Byrne got rid of the super-heroine mini skirt??


As if I didn't hate him enough already... :mad:

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Power Girl doesn't belong in any costume that hasn't got a Magic Cleavage Window.


Supes belongs in red and blue. Period.


Let us not speak of disco-Nightwing.


And -- for the love of cheesy-poofs -- I wish they'd just pick something for my boy Arsenal. I don't care if it's the "Red Arrow" look we saw on a few recent JLA covers, I don't care if it's the old Navajo-inspired thing they wrapped up his miniseries with five years back, I don't care what it is... but they need to decide. At this rate, the kid's changin' duds more times than Kitty Pryde. Costumes are meant to be iconic; that means you need to stick with one long enough to be an icon.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Actually' date=' I'd give John Byrne props for giving super-women some costume options, getting rid of the miniskirt for Jean Grey...[/quote']


When did he do that? Dave Cockrum designed the Phoenix costume. If anything, John Byrne put her back into it just before she her psychic clone died.


Keith "He did give Invisible Woman her grown-up name, along with a DD cup." Curtis

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


For what little it's worth, Spidey's had armor before ... he had a black-and-silver 'Steel Spider' suit that he broke out with exceptional rarity ... though it showed up as a hidden character in Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. My biggest problem with the newer armor suit is the fact that it's red and gold ... like Iron Man's trying to use Spidey for free advertising or something.


The X-Factor costumes when the lineup was Havok, Polaris, Wolfsbane, Multiple Man and Strong Guy were pretty cool, especially Havok's. I'm a big fan of superteams that actually look like teams ... at the very least, they need an emblem in common on the suits.


The second generation of X-Force uniforms (after Liefeld left and Greg Capullo took over the art) were pretty good. Quoth Warpath: "At least I don't have to worry about smacking myself in the chin with my shoulder pads when I look around."


(I haven't read much in the way of comics in a long while, myself ... Sybil War (since so many heroes seem to have multiple personalities from being written out of character) and Indignant Crisis pretty well made sure I wouldn't.)

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