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What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?

Secret Master

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As I’m in the process of writing Enchanted Items, I thought now might be prudent time to give you fine folks a brief description of what the contents of the book will look like. It will (naturally) begin with a section written by Steve on the creation and use of enchanted items, as well as their potential game-balance effects on a Fantasy Hero campaign. Thirteen chapters and numerous subchapters will follow the introduction. With any luck, we will cover every major type of Enchanted Item, plus quite a few minor ones.


The main chapters are:


1. Amulets

2. Armor

3. Bracers and Bracelets

4. Clothing

5. Jewelry

6. Potions

7. Rings

8. Shields

9. Staffs

10. Wands and Rods

11. Swords

12. Other Weapons

13. Miscellaneous Items


These are further broken up into subchapters. For example, in the Jewelry chapter you will find the following:


1. Brooches

2. Buttons and Clasps

3. Crowns and Tiaras

4. Earrings

5. Gemstones

6. Headbands, Fillets, and Ribbons

7. Necklaces

8. Torques


These are further divided into additional subsections based on the item’s purpose. These are:







Unique Items (artifacts)


Now, as most of you have undoubtedly already noticed, many of the thirteen primary chapters could easily be placed other chapters as subchapters. For example, Amulets, Bracers, Bracelets, and Rings are all obviously Jewelry, Swords are obviously Weapons, and so forth. Steve and I have made this decision based on two factors: the number of entries in the section, and its relative importance to the Fantasy genre. For example, there are going to be 50 entries in the Rings chapter -- and the importance of the enchanted ring to Fantasy can hardly be overemphasized -- so Rings get their own chapter.


With all that said, what would you like to see in Enchanted Items? Or, to be a bit more precise, what incredibly cool idea do you have that I can -- with your explicit permission I might add -- steal and put in Enchanted Items? Nothing obvious, of course: I can conceptualize and write up Rings of Protection and Potions of Healing with the best of you. I want crazy stuff that no sane gamer would normally think of, or things that you have built out of the HERO System that couldn’t be created using any of our competitor’s systems.


In short, what ideas for Enchanted Items do you have that simply need to be in this book?


Jason W.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


What I'd be looking for in such a book would be back-stories. Having a compiled list of powers is handy, but it's the descriptions and adventure hooks that would make the book appeal to me. Stuff like the old AD&D artifacts and relics -- the eye and hand (and head :) ) of Vecna, for example, were uber-kewl in their day not only because they immediately gave you a campaign-unbalancing kick-a$$ character, but because they had a universally-known back-story which allowed the GM to hang all kinds of sub-plots off them.


The other thing I like in my magic items are sneaky side-effects and unexpected properties. I remember, back in the distant past, letting a party get its mitts on what they thought was nothing but a magical self-heating frying pan. What they didn't know (but eventually found out by accident) was that it heated itself by opening a mini-gate to the elemental plane of fire, and when the pan was destroyed (an unfortunate camping accident involving an inadvertant ice-demon summoning) the portal became uncontrolled, allowing all sorts of things through. Oh how we laughed as one character after another was burned to a crisp. OK, I laughed, even if nobody else did.


In short: the flavour's the thing. The mechanics are handy, but secondary.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


Sentient items - evil ones, trapped demons, or avatars of the gods.


Items that cost (such as the statue in the China Meiville book, the Scar) - possibly more powerful that regular items, but they cost to use, you lose humanity, or blood, or develop animal features, or a stench, or possibly just start to go mad through continual use.


Alien items that appear to be enchanted but are actually technological.


Apocalypse items - useful for ends of campaigns. Things that can destroy worlds, or the people on them.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


Large, immobile structures or places with magical powers that characters have to travel to to gain their benefits, such as: pools that heal people immersed in them; gates through which one can pass to other locations or worlds; groves where nature-related spells are greatly strengthened; statues of gods at which one can can commune with the deity; desecrated graveyards where corpses can be raised to unlife; towers from whose windows one can look out across the world, or into the future or past.


I don't want to claim credit for this concept, though. The old Magic Items supplement for First Ed. Fantasy HERO contained several such constructs.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


How about a magic weapon, such as a mace (or even a dagger) whose soul function is to destroy other magic items....


It is nearly useless against anything else (a person, a door)... but it becomes incredibly effective when used against enchanted items. It drains their energies... perhaps to feed something inside of itself?

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


Fitz & LL hit my two big'uns already. I don't have much interest in a +1 Longsword or an other bursting, thunder mace. I want items that seem like they come from legend - Excalibur, Green Destiny, The Black Razor, and the Spear of Longinious.


What I'd like to see are some relics and artifacts based on warped historical stuff. The bones of some Red Priest being used to control undead, the blood soaked stones of a martyr being used for healing or removing curses, a lock of hair from the paladin who sacraficed himself to delay Takofanes could inspire bravery, etc....


Some takes on a few of the modern fantasy items would be cool - Valyrian forged swords (aSoI&F), Warders Cloaks (WOT), Oath Rods (WOT), The Earl of Bronze Armor (Druss), etc... Basically, do something like the was done for Rogues power in the USPD but for some of the cooler fantasy concepts out there. I'd like to personally see a Palantir, complete with its risk for inslavement.


I'd also like to see some items forged from various monsters per mythology --- Sinbads skeletons, unicorn horn drinking cups, poweder from the bones of dragons to cure your ills and increase your virility. Everyone needs to be a little more virile.



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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I'd like to see some treatments akin to Weapons of legacy, showing the progression of some weapons (especially grand artifacts). Items with Intelligence would also be nice (as Curufea said), as would some legendary items akin to Stormbringer, the artifacts of D&D and the One Ring.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I don't have a name for it, but I had one item that was a back story for a full suit of magical armor. Worn by a famous paladin during the last major war, it was one of the few artifacts that surrived the war. The armor was unique in that had the sheer craftmanship and metalworking usually reserved for being worn at formal royal ceremonies not into battle.


The only real magic on it was self-repairing and always clean and polished. An interesting side-effect, with the helm down, one's voice sounded exactly as the famous paladin of that war and one can really project his voice over longer distances (Images to Sound, bonus to perception). It looked like plate mail, it protected about as well as chain, because it was lighter and thinner design.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I'd love to see some thoughts on how magical items might grow in power as their users become more "in tune" with the weapon. When you first find it, it's a simple +1 sword. As you learn to use it, it begins shedding dim light whenever an enemy means you harm. Soon you discover that it can cut through stone as easily as flesh, and so forth.


'show I do magic items in my world. :)

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


Ok, let’s see if I’ve got everybody –


1) Fitz, Eosin, and Sketchpad:


Will do. Flavor is definitely a priority. I will do my very best to include all sorts of interesting artifacts. Also, Steve is planning on including a section that (I believe) expands upon the Enchanted Items section of Fantasy Hero.


Elemental Frying Pan, huh?


2) Curufea:


I can promise you sentient items, but I’m not including a lot of cursed items in the book (though I may include prose descriptions of alleged curses). This isn’t because I don’t love cursed items (I do), but because the items are designed with both player and GM alike in mind. Most players aren’t going to want to buy cursed items for their characters…. though if you do, God bless you!


3) Lord Liaden:


That is a very interesting comment. I hadn’t planned on including any large, immobile objects, but I think now maybe I will. In any case, I promise to give it some thought.


4) Manic Typist:


I’m definitely going to use your suggestion of an enchanted-item-breaking-enchanted-item. More than once: because your idea cries out to be incorporated into a Shield as well. Excellent!


5) Blue Jogger


I promise to include something very like the suite of plate mail you mentioned. I will probably make it Unbreakable, rather than self-repairing, however.


6) Bill:


Interesting. I will see if I can’t make a few weapons that reveal more powers as they are used. In game terms, what do you propose? Some sort of ¼ Limitation on a Multipower?

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I'm still thinking of running a Faction Paradox game - so I'd also be interested in shadow weapons...


For those not familiar with the genre of books and audio dramas-

Items or weapons that are "bound to the initiates shadow during the rite of initiation"


Only one per initiate - and they are invoked by their shadow (hence they all suffer the limitation "not in ambient light" but all have the advantage of indirect and invisible power effect - they tend to reduce the DCV of the opponent as the opponent cannot perceive the attack very well, and ignore armour)


All that's the mechanics - what I'm interested in is the non-weapons by some folk that have attempted to create roleplaying games set in the Faction Paradox universe. Non-weapons are also mentioned in the various canon material as well.


Essentially - a bound item becomes a magical item. Usually the quintessential paradigm of that item.


- a bound pair of spectacles enabled Godfather Morlock to perceive anything down to the molecular level, including auras and parts of their timeline.

- Little Brother Benedict, a Benedictine Monk and scribe in the court of George II, had a Pen bound to him. The Pen does him nicely, allowing him to forge most documents, no matter how complex, and invisibly write on the shadows of others, branding their biodata to make them and their offspring easier to track across timelines.


So to sum up - I'd like to see items that are the totem of that item. The quintessential paradigm.


Sorry it isn't High Fantasy genre, more equivalent to Amber. But still...

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


Hmm, no sane gamer...


The Jump Cart


It looks like a normal cart but instead of wheels, it is powered by four magical giant springs. On the plus side, it will travel over almost any terrain. On the negative side, everything including passengers needs to be tied down securely, at least twice. Requires a specialized Transport Familiarity to drive without minuses.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I'd love to see some thoughts on how magical items might grow in power as their users become more "in tune" with the weapon. When you first find it, it's a simple +1 sword. As you learn to use it, it begins shedding dim light whenever an enemy means you harm. Soon you discover that it can cut through stone as easily as flesh, and so forth.


'show I do magic items in my world. :)


Going back to the old Magic Items supplement again, there were a couple of ghastly weapons created from something called "blood iron," i.e. iron mined from beneath a battlefield. The idea was that as it was used over time, the metal would gain powers based on how it was used.


My favorite item from that book, a great battleaxe called Harvest Moon, was made from blood iron. It was fashioned by trolls for their wars against humans, and had absorbed the trolls' hatred of humans. Humans wounded by Harvest Moon bled at twice the normal rate. Conversely, the axe constantly exuded a Mind Control aura which caused humans to become angered toward the bearer of the axe.


Actually, this talk of blood iron reminded me of another thing I really liked about the Magic Items collection: rare materials with interesting histories used in the crafting of various artifacts. IIRC these included "cold silver," silver dug from beneath a glacier, from which a magic wand of cold generation was made; a fire-powered ring of "volcanic gold," taken molten from an active volcano; and a necromantic staff of meteoric iron, which gave off emissions which sickened the target.


IMO details like this add a lot of color to a writeup, which otherwise would often be just a collection of stats and specs.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I would also like to see something on the nature and materials such as those created by the various races. Im sure dwarves and elves have very differebt ideas of what sort of magical properties should be in a weapon or piece of armor. Also talk about ie Dwarven steel or say Adamantium ala 1st ed ad&d

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


Going back to the old Magic Items supplement again, there were a couple of ghastly weapons created from something called "blood iron," i.e. iron mined from beneath a battlefield. The idea was that as it was used over time, the metal would gain powers based on how it was used.


My favorite item from that book, a great battleaxe called Harvest Moon, was made from blood iron. It was fashioned by trolls for their wars against humans, and had absorbed the trolls' hatred of humans. Humans wounded by Harvest Moon bled at twice the normal rate. Conversely, the axe constantly exuded a Mind Control aura which caused humans to become angered toward the bearer of the axe.


Actually, this talk of blood iron reminded me of another thing I really liked about the Magic Items collection: rare materials with interesting histories used in the crafting of various artifacts. IIRC these included "cold silver," silver dug from beneath a glacier, from which a magic wand of cold generation was made; a fire-powered ring of "volcanic gold," taken molten from an active volcano; and a necromantic staff of meteoric iron, which gave off emissions which sickened the target.


IMO details like this add a lot of color to a writeup, which otherwise would often be just a collection of stats and specs.


I agree with this totally, and would like to see things like this in the Enchanting Items section. Another thing I recall from days past that I really liked was having a selection of modular enchantments all ready and waiting to be kitbashed together into a variety of built on the fly items. I've often considered doing a Diablo-esque set of various adjectives with associated power sets for quick but neat item assembly.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I agree with this totally' date=' and would like to see things like this in the Enchanting Items section. Another thing I recall from days past that I really liked was having a selection of modular enchantments all ready and waiting to be kitbashed together into a variety of built on the fly items. I've often considered doing a Diablo-esque set of various adjectives with associated power sets for quick but neat item assembly.[/quote']


Modular enchantments is an excellent idea, very much in keeping with 5E HERO precedents. :thumbup:

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I'd like to see suggestions on using such items in the campaign. Not only the magic that would create such items (or at least suggestions on how to do such), but some nods to basic suggestions for economic concerns (ie-if a wizard makes this potion, how much could he expect to sell it for... obviously that can be fairly campaign specific, but something that fits with the generic price list in the FH book would be nice). Perhaps even a few different formulas, based on low, 'normal', and high magic settings.


Ditch the idea of gold or silver as standard and just call it 'Base Currency'.


Otherwise, I agree with most of the ideas presented already.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


I have my own campaign that I began before FH (not yet run though) A few of the stranger constructs I have built have been built the following way:


Hammer of the Star Clan: This weapon is responsible for some of the greatest victories in the Star Clans long leadership of the Dervi on the fields of battle. So long as the weapon is weilded the weilder can declare "his" troops to be better defended by the spirits of battle and use those same sprits to distract the opposing troops.

Change Environment -2 DCV, Selective, Megascaled (+1/2 1'=10, 000 KM), 0 End (+1/2), PLUS Change Environment +2 DCV, Selective, Megascaled (+1/2 1'=10, 000 KM), 0 End (+1/2),


Basically this weapon significantly adjusts the DCV's for a large number of troops on the field of battle. the Gm should use the law of averages to determine what percentage of the troops get affected by the weapon (selective is based off of OCV Vs. DCV) but since in most cases this influences 50% of the troops on each side this should do much to swing the tide of battle to the posessors side. This weapon also would be the main focus for a small band of determined heroes to posess in combat.....

If it seems too powerful there are a wide variety of limitatiosn that could be added.


Change environment is a pretty darn useful item. Even things like +3 to stealth or concealment in a Dagger of shadows with or without Selective and say a 2" radii would do wonders for a group of rangers/assassins.


And as a final note how about a device similar to a wand of wonder (you arent sure what it does but it could be good or bad) I even built a sword much like that once.


Other things I would like to suggest would be a few more ideas for getting the command words of magical items. (library research, deamon dealing, interrogation etc...)


Another idea would be an item that gives the weilder more power based upon how "aligned" the character was to its purpose. Not just good or evil but how about mercantilism? Bonuses for greedy merchants while severe penalties for the Priest with a vow of poverty (and not just in combat either how about +/- Presence for the mercantile item?) Other themes could also be explored with that idea.


and probably adding notes on changing items descriptions without influencing the pricing cost. oh yeah and a spell breakdown for all the items (a la the turakarian age enchanters) or even better yet an index with all the of base points figured out for each version of the spell ( ie 24 Active = Enchanting spell "A", 28 Active = Enchanting Spell B, etc...)

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


As a GM, I would like to see items that fall into the category of Things Are Not As They Appear To Be.


For example, in one campaign my players slew a giant and took his magic blade. To the giant it was a big ol' knife. To the players, it was a handy sword. It looked and radiated potent magic, and even had runes along the blade that shifted and spelled out the name of the sword in the language of whoever was trying to read the runes. It's name was "Skinner".


However, it's magic was very limited. It's only real use was to skin and tan the hides of creatures into perfectly worked leather in a single phase. It only worked on freshly killed critters. Now imagine the reaction of a player who uses this blade in battle and with the killing stroke the sword peels and tans the skin off of an orc. :sneaky: Very useful, very misleading. The PC's in that campaign ran around for 3 years convinced they had one of the legendary Runeblades of old.:D


A small handful of decieptful items would be extremely kewl.

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Re: What would you like to see in Enchanted Items?


run over the list of Powers/Advantages/Limitations/Disadvantages and thump through some of the less obvious ideas for incorporating them into items.


To swipe from another game there may be some items that could be considered cursed that may be too advantageous to not use. How about a Sword that has +3 overall skill levels(with OAF) but only does 1 pip damage? Place that puppy in the Turakurian age and watch the mages duke it out over that.

or variants on the classic moorcock sword.


Or a weapon that drains armor in a radii, continuosly, even your own....

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