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What would your inner geek pick?


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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


The Killer... I guess you would call him a supervillain. Read here...




This character has a great quote in there, were he utterly convinced me of how scary his "powers" are. It went something to the akin of: "I don't have superspeed, or flight, or strength, and I can't shoot energy out of strange places... my power is simply to make things stop breathing, and sometimes, that scares me more than anything else."


Basically, my logic is that if I am dealing with a room filled with people who I don't know... I would set myself up so that I could stop them if I thought they were going to become a threat. And the entire concept of The Killer is perfect for that. It doesn't matter who he goes up against, he can kill them. Because his entire powerset is "find the best way of taking advantage of someone's weakness."


I would do it with a heavy heart, because I've always wanted to fly. But, I'd feel obligated to ensure that I could stop anyone who went rampant....

Yeah, one of you spoilsports always shows up on threads like this. :P


Guess I'll have to spend some points on a "Convince everyone I never got powers" power... :rolleyes:


By the way, just going by the wikipedia entry, it looks like the Killer just has Bullseye-class unerring aim, not an "adapt-to-whatever's-needed" thing. Maybe you should go with Nemesis Kid.

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


Yeah, one of you spoilsports always shows up on threads like this. :P


Guess I'll have to spend some points on a "Convince everyone I never got powers" power... :rolleyes:


By the way, just going by the wikipedia entry, it looks like the Killer just has Bullseye-class unerring aim, not an "adapt-to-whatever's-needed" thing. Maybe you should go with Nemesis Kid.


Sorry, it's the first thing I think of when considering the idea of superpowers. Sure, it's fun and all, but there's responsibility too! I would most likely just spend my time earning money at shooting competitions, but I would do my best to try to keep track of everyone who was there that fateful day... just in case. Not a pleasant duty, but one I would feel obligated to.


The Wikipedia entry really doesn't do him justice. While he did have essentially perfect aim, that was just a means to an end. If you get a chance, take a glance at the series or the tradeback. It really is exceptional, and if the gritty/dark doesn't bug you, then I highly recommend it. It makes me want to run a superhero to go to that "alternate dimension" and take them down... or a supervillain who realizes that he wants to be a hero instead, and starts a war to restore the world.


Never heard of Nemesis Kid, sorry.

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


Sorry' date=' it's the first thing I think of when considering the idea of superpowers. Sure, it's fun and all, but there's responsibility too! I would most likely just spend my time earning money at shooting competitions, but I would do my best to try to keep track of everyone who was there that fateful day... just in case. Not a pleasant duty, but one I would feel obligated to.[/quote']Yeah, yeah, I know. It's just funny how there's always someone on these threads. Actually, you're better than most - usually someone just asks for the power to permanently negate every other power, and isn't interested in waiting to see if anyone abuses it. I don't mind, I didn't get any of those powers, anyway - must've missed me somehow. I swear... :whistle::D


The Wikipedia entry really doesn't do him justice. While he did have essentially perfect aim' date=' that was just a means to an end. If you get a chance, take a glance at the series or the tradeback. It really is exceptional, and if the gritty/dark doesn't bug you, then I highly recommend it. It makes me want to run a superhero to go to that "alternate dimension" and take them down... or a supervillain who realizes that he wants to be a hero instead, and starts a war to restore the world.[/quote']

I already went looking for it on the local public library database - it's in my holds queue. Thanks. :) Well-written dark and gritty doesn't bother me; sensationalism and the worship of BADAZZedness does.

Never heard of Nemesis Kid' date=' sorry.[/quote']

Nemesis Kid, foe of the Legion of Super Heroes.

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


The problem I'm having is that 1) I've never identified particularly with any one superhero, and 2) If we're just talking about me and what I'd choose, I wouldn't fight crime (except whatever got in my face), wouldn't be able to be in the campaign, and would mostly choose generic stuff like the life support suite and cosmic VPP. The power I've always *wanted* to have is the infinite do-over - Quantum Leap-style time travel/possession, but only to my own body, perfectly controllable, and with an auto-trigger if I should die unexpectedly. Not much fun for a game, though.


If the event left me as some kind of idealized/wish-fulfillment self from my subconscious, that might be more interesting. If the inner child who cut his teeth on Tom Swift books predominated, I might end up some kind of gadgeteer - maybe essentially a magic VPP with pseudotechnological foci and extra time to change the pool. A little older, and I might end up a sort of uber-cool, punk rock, gay version of Bob Wilcox, but much hotter. My more mature self doesn't see me as all that smart, or all that cool, though. Hard to figure what a character that enhanced my real-life personality traits to superhuman/iconic levels would turn out as. Depresso-Man? Bleh.

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


The first stop would be the costume vendors. Disguising the Energy Being as a Goth Chick' date='Vulcan or elf. Something [b']VERY [/b]different from her normal human body. Nothing with an obvious mask. I want her to look like she belongs at the Con.

Problem - she's an attractive female? At a con? That pretty much precludes the possibility of blending in at all.

I'd probably go with the Time Lord package: fully functioning Tardis, intelligence enough to use it and a full 13 regenerations. Pre-Time War Time Lords, mind you.

Yeah, you could probably squeeze that out in just under 375 points. (Ok, so my Tardis may not be FULLY functional, saddled with that bloody distinctive features disad or something)

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


Well one of the points of the campaign is that she pulls out of your head the thing you most want to be in a "I'm actually well adjusted.. no really. But if I had to be some one besides me (in a fictional character/archtype/ me but enhanced kind of way) it would be ..."


So yes it is a wish fufillment kind of thing for sure.

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


I tend to have strange but entertaining dreams. I once dreamt I was driving a Saab 93 in Sweden and suddenly realized I had to be back at work in the U.S. in an hour. In one dream I was standing on the beach while it was raining happy porcupines. I regularly dream I have superpowers.


If I were transformed into a wish-fulfillment character, it would have to be the super character I am in some of my dreams. I'd be as healthy and fit as I was when I used to work construction plus applicable life support to render me impervious to space/vacuum/pressure/need to breathe, etc. I'd be nearly invulnerable and heal quickly when I did get injured. I'd have powerful telekinesis and the ability to fly.


I'd have another set of abilities I have a hard time describing, so I'll describe how they work in the dreams. Several times I've had dreams where some evil guy is stalking a woman and, apparently, nobody notices this but me. It's not like the guy is invisible, but he has an aura of "I belong here -- Nothing to see -- go about your business". His potential victim could tell he was nearby but could not perceive him. In the dream, I walk right up to this guy and confront him. As soon as I start reading him the riot act, he gets so rattled that his power stops working. Now everyone else can see him and recognize that he's up to no good, so I turn him over to the mob.


Wierd, huh? :stupid:

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


Well, if it's my inner geek responding:


I am now a perfect specimen, normal human maxima in all stats. My Phys Lims and Age 40+ Lim have disappeared.


My PS: Writer is now 18-, and I speak/read/write several languages fluently.


In addition to my previous background skills, I now have those skills, talents and perks necessary for a jet pilot/astronaut. I also have Reputation: First Earthman to land on Mars.


I have a ray gun, a jet pack, a protective Space Patrol uniform, and a robot butler Follower.:dyn


If there are any points left over, they go into Overall Skill Levels, because I am now officially good at everything.


If it's my inner Rimmer speaking, however...I'm doomed.:nonp:

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


Well I would like to be a lower powered DBZ type. At least with the flying, energy blast, and that energy sense. Pretty good CON/BODY/STUN so any falls from altitude want be devastating. That ki-sensing energy detection would be great for being a "scout" for the group. Especially after I fiddle with it to be able to sense multiple energy types rather than just ki (I'd have to think on fleshing that out more, as this thought popped in my head during the Android Saga). Anyhow, i would also want low-level telekinesis, and the ability to talk to animals. Make sure I have DEX/SPD levels up good.




A friend of mine would undoubtedly go gadgeteer with power armor route.



Note: And if I am drawing from anime, can I have a free catgirl sidekick. LOL.

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


I'd be an omnimorph. Gotta use The Ultimate Metamorph for this one. :)


Simplifed Shape Shift (TUMM p.50) at the "any form" level. If Mental SS not included, I'll need Mental Images with the "stuck to me" option.


Alter Density (TUMM p.26) for 40 points with the "Either Way" advantage. And buy some extra "BODY through" probably +7.


Extra Limbs, if I can change what & how many.


Alter Size (TUMM p.53) with the "Either Way" advantage. I'm not sure how many points; 40 might be nuff, or maybe 50.


Stretching, Flight, Leaping, Running, Swimming, couple others in a Multipower. Might need enough MP points to have two slots at once; or make 'em all multis.


Need a MP or VPP for stats, skills, other stuff. "Only to imitate form" Limitation??


I don't know if I can keep that in the point limits you gave, but that's what *I* want. ;)



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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


For me, it's easy: Mon-El, after he was finally immunized permanently against lead. Kryptonian level powers, handsome, well-travelled, intelligent and well-educated, and without the potentially crippling psychological baggage of being literally the last of his species. There's a whole bleepin' *planet* of people just like him, with loads of cultures and customs and all that good stuff, so if he wants to he can go home whenever he likes. He's not an orphan, refugee, or sole survivor, he's an explorer and scientist.

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  • 6 months later...

Re: What would your inner geek pick?


It's funny that I just stumbled across this thread, as I've just spent the last week or so refining this exact character in Hero Designer. I asked myself nearly the same question - "if I could be a HERO system character in the Real World, what would I be?" This is, at least for me, a very different question than "what superhero would I want to be in the Champions or any other superhero world?" As I've kept adding things over time, it's ended up pretty high points-wise (850+ at this point), but I decided from the beginning it would be a "points no object" exercise (hey, it is wish-fulfillment after all!).


Anyway, the specifics:

my top 3 most wished for powers, in order of preference, have always been:

Flight, Invisibility, Desolidification

(wow, what kinds of interesting psychological insights can this sort of exercise lead others to? I'm sure I don't want to know...)

Then I did the Immortal Guy thing - most of the Life Support suite, including the little or no sleep/eat stuff (just because you don't HAVE to do it doesn't mean you can't if you want to!). Then I added Regeneration, cuz' duh!


And then, everything else went into Mentalist powers. Along the way, this gradually merged with a concept for an NPC called Ghost that I had visualized years ago for my perpetually-incomplete campaign setting (who happened to have my Top 3 powers - must have been the same sort of exercise way back then ;-).


So, following the same line of reasoning as with the earlier character, I ended up with lots of detective/spy types of Mental powers. Not so much the "you are now all my slaves!" kind of stuff, but Telepathy, Mind Link, Retrocognition/Psychometry, some Empath-type emotion detection/influencing abilities (in RL I think I have the Lecherous Psych Lim).


Had to do some Telekinesis, just enough to equal my average human strength, but it's bought so as to be effortless (this gives me the classic Wizard's schtick of the book/laptop floating in front of me as I read, while my drink of choice hovers obediently, waiting for it's opportunity to quench my thirst. Maybe I'll take up the pipe, just for visual effect)


Also, a suite of Cyberpathy abilities, cuz I'm obviously a computer geek born-and-bred. I also had a selection of Skill Levels for various skills that could be helped by a few seconds worth of Precognition (you know, Gambling, Driving, etc.). Then, it's all rounded out with some misc. "super brain guy" abilities like Eidetic Memory and Speed Reading, and a few Mental Defense type of abilities, just in case there are any other mentalists out there and I eventually run into one of them.


I'm sure I could trim this all down to the point level proposed, this is just me way down the road with lots of experience!


I'm now at the point of "okay, what would I actually DO with all this power?" That's a fun question too!

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


Basically, it's just me. No Public/Secret ID only because I wouldn't care if someone found out I was a hero.


STR 20

DEX 15

CON 15


INT 15

EGO 10

PRE 20

COM 30

PD 20/12rPD (8 plus Combat Luck levels)

ED 20/12rPD (same)


REC 10

END 30


Running 6

Swimming 2

Leaping 4



1 WF: Blades

9 Fast Draw 15-

3 +3 OCV to Iaijutsu with Katana

5 +1 DCV

4 Computer Programming (PCs) 13-



15 Money: Filthy Rich

30 Sexy Asian Sidekick/Girlfriend: 150+150 Follower

20 Superfast Motorcycle: 100pt Vehicle



24 Combat Luck

27 Danger Sense (self only, any danger) 14-

3 Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions


Martial Arts: Kendo (Weapon style)

4 Iaijutsu (Same as Fast Strike)

5 Defensive Strike

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Disarm



17 Katana: HKA 2d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), +1 increased STUN Multiplier, 1/2 END, AP, Penetrating, Independant, OAF (Katana), No KB, Real Weapon. END = 3

8 LS: Immunity: Alcohol, Longevity: Immortal



15 PL: Follows Bushido (Common, Strong)

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Re: What would your inner geek pick?


Healing' date=' possibly with Immortality/Regeneration for myself, but Healing would be the key power choice.[/quote']

Agree. Healing, ranged, and invisible power effect.


But duplication is tempting. Get up in the morning, split into eight identicle duplictates, draw from the job jar. Randomly three go to work, one to school, one spends all day at the gym, one spends time with my family and friends, one spends "me time" on my hobbies, and one goes back to bed. In the evening, recombine, and have the memories of what all of them did all day.


Yes, I have thought about this entirely too much.

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