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Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


Here are a few. Some may be too bleh, but here they are anyway:


Nightingale: Superpowered nurse, ninteenth century blended with modern motif. She uses an air pressurized injector similar to the one used to give vaccinations to deliver a wide variety of interesting substances, both harmful and helpful. She should be better-looking than the original =).


The Chiropractor: Where do bricks go when they throw their backs out after falling off a skyscraper or stopping an asteroid's collision course with the earth? There's only one guy strong enough to get the job done... The Chiropractor. Unfortunately, he has a sort of Jeckyl and Hyde personality, so sometimes, the spines just come right out....


Dark Matter: This guy knows where all of that unaccounted for mass in the universe has gone. With the ability to channel and internalize "dark matter," our hero can create force fields, platonic solids, and even become super dense himself. With his force field up, he's totally black, though he tends to "leak" bits of matter (think Kirby dots, though, uh not Kirby dots b/c they're just representing positive space.)


Star: A robust, cosmically-powered energy projector. Her uniform is a sleeveless unitard with a large silver/white star in the center of the chest. With her powers activated, the black takes on the appearance of a starfield and the chest embelm pulses with silvery energy.


A Gadgeteer/MA on a budget. Using parts either easily fabricated in a small machine shop (his garage) or modified off the shelf. His helmet is a cast off fighter pilot's helmet, rewired and integrated with a parabolic mic and infrared sight system. His armor is a combination of kevelar and titanium plates sewn in to reinforce key areas (torso, joints, high collar to protect spine/neck, toes, knuckles, and back of hands). His swingline system is based on the mittens tied together with a string through your coat sleaves principle. His back has a housing for a flywheel system, and each forearm mounts a pneumatic grapple-line launcher. When he releases with one hand, the next shot of line is reeled in and fed to his second hand. Unfortunately, the system can get tangled sometimes, and needs to be reeled in by hand. His vest has a number of canister type grenades of various types, all home-made using differnt types of tin (aluminum nowdays) cans, such as Campbell's soup, etc. His belt holds a largish pouch of tools on one side, including a balpeen hammer visible on the outside of the pouch. His weapon of choice (aside from armored fists and feet) is a bolo gun. The bolo gun consists of four tubes about the same size as tennis balls, around a central post which feeds the line between the bolos. After two bolos are fired, two more are advanced, and so on.


A jar in a brain. Bulky brickish-looking guy with an exposed brain, in which is embedded a jar. Although he's drooling, it's obvious that he has both vast physical and psychic power.


Pick any of the psychadelic visions of angels or beasts from Revelations and do a literal interpretation of it.


Waltzing Matilda -- humanoid lady kangaroo.


Matilda is a heroic Australian Martial Artist: Pugilist...yes, she's a boxing kangaroo! She's the wide-ranging defender of the Outback, complete with bright red boxing gloves on the paws of her front legs (or perhaps on her massive muscular tail or on her powerful back legs instead).


She wears a dark blue vest with the Australian flag on it; small Union Jack in the upper left field and five stars of the Southern Cross in the middle. She does NOT wear a bush hat; that's just too clichéd for an Aussie. On her head, Matilda wears an old-fashioned sports helmet, like the ones worn by Australian rugby players in the early 1900s. Her immense rabbit-like ears stick up from underneath it.


She carries a copy of the Queensberry rules of boxing (and revised rules of the London Prize Ring) in her pouch for ease of reference.


NB: In a fight, an actual roo would brace itself on its tail and rear back to deliver devastating kicks with its hind legs. The front legs aren't really used for roo combat, just for grooming/minor manipulation and support when the animal is moving on all fours.


I need to add a couple of my own suggestions. The first one comes from John Connolly's book The Black Angel.


'The other man was almost as tall as his companion but obscenely fat, his enormous belly hanging pendulously between his thighs. His body appeared out of proportion to his legs, which were short and slightly bowed. The fat man's face was perfectly round and quite pale but his features were very delicate: green eyes enclosed by long dark lashes; a thin unbroken nose; and a long mouth with full dark lips that were almost feminine.

Ay passing resemblence of facial beauty were undone by his chin and the tumorous distended neck in which it lost itself.

He was balding but his remaining hasir was very black and cut short against his skull'


Heavy Metal Angel. The Angel is constructed of metal like a sculpture of a skeleton except the main body particularly around the spine has musculature

It is sharp and pointy rather than being smooth. The wings are very skeletal and are more of a frame, there are no feathers.


This is based again on The Black Angel and a statue in the book but it is organic and the real thing.


The other idea carried over from previously is a set of battlesuits from the 40s to modern day. Sort of like Iron Man's suits but for the Champions board.

This will be more than one pic obviously.


Are you only looking for "campy" suggestions or will more serious ones be entertained?


A couple of ideas I was thinking about was a Native American with a Magic Bow (energy-like arrows a la the D&D cartoon).


Native American Shaman (comicbook type shaman that does comicbook magic)


Oriental Wizard. Doesn't seem to be a lot of Champion's style Oriental wizards.


How about a gadgeteer whose stuff is only moderately high-tech? Or who uses low-tech gadgets in creative ways? The gadgets could even be limited to things that are available commercially' date=' or easily fabricated and built, in the real world. ("It's not the technological level that matters, it's what you [i']do[/i] with it!")


Metalminia - Goth Magnetic superheroine (think 'Abby' from NCIS tv show). Large portion of "costume" is metalic in some way (chainmail, studded leather, etc..) so it can be used with her powers in a pinch. Her "Force Field" is literally orbiting bits of metal. As well as sending huge chunks of metal (former cars, lightpoles etc.) at opponents she also can use her powers to form a magnetically enhanced 'club' or 'sword' for HTH combat.


Golden Gauntlet - 'Green Lantern' knockoff with large golden glove that goes nearly to the elbow. Oversized 'Glove' is imobile when worn (wearer's hand movements assist with control of TK). Can be used as a club weapon when out of energy as last resort. Can transform to watch/writstband when not in "battle-mode" for secret id.


Mega-Mistress - Like Kirby's previous 'Marvel Girl' knockoff but with limited energy manipulation multipower that can be used for Flight, enhanced strength (Succor + HA), toughness (FF) and even force blasts from her eyes.


great thread(s) btw DT!


As a person who just decorates pre-drawn body traces for most of my heroes (which are not nearly as good as Storn's stuff, but they suffice for the artistically challenged), I would put in for a character that is humanoid but does not have a typical physique. My suggestion:


Shard: A guy whose body is the center of a dimensional fracture, making him resemble a person constructed of shattered stained glass loosely held together by some force field so that they appear to be floating in transparent jelly. He is very hard to hurt since the pieces just move aside when hit by most attacks. Shard himself attacks by punching (AP HTH or HKA) or throwing bits of himself (AP EB or RKA) which teleport back to place after the attack. He moves by exploding into a thousand pieces and reconstituting himself someplace else (T-port).


I made this guy for a campaign once but never had a satisfactory picture of him.


Though this is a bit Star Hero, it could fit in with some games... I was thinking about alternate forms of coming to some of the same conclusions, The Jedi having their religion, and another group realizing the same tenets but applying them differently... So I came up with a society that prized its warriors that acted as Defenders of the Realm of a sort. Rather than a weapons tradition, they formed a tradition of mostly protection and a certain machismo about their fighting. Prizing hand to hand combat and the discipline of the mind and body, but to adapt to modern advances and weaponry, discovering the intracacies of the force, etc. etc., they developed force field generating bracers that allowed them to deflect/reflect enemy fire (armor and missile deflection) and protect their charges (force field w/ carried item advantage and force wall) or to bypass the firepower and engage in melee. In essence, its a combination of a martial artist, a jedi, and those cool droids with the force shields that roll around... =) Visually, I'm not really sure how this would come about, varying ideas abound, but I do like the whole baggy pants with tightened calve section (via bindings, armor pieces, whatever), and those belts about the mid-section with multiple straps that cover a large section. Doing the bald monk look could work, perhaps changing for certain idiosyncracies of race and what-not be it human or alien. =)


A techno-girl with a slight exo-skeleton and tight body armor with bracers that extrude carbon-fiber tentacles and swinglines. She's primarily a geek, able to use personal computing technology for hacker skills via a display in her visor that allows her to manipulate graphical representations that seem to float in the air to her. Think Minority Report interface in the air. =)


A Catholic Priest from... oh, that order that looks into miracles and other archaic studies and all that, the mystical ones often referred to in movies... well, whatever that's called. He's an immortal from the cowboy times of the USA, become a catholic priest. This is more Dark Champions, I know, but anyway... he studies the occult and the magical, kind of an Indiana Jones sort of character in the sense of study and his attitude towards getting to his goals. He carries Methuselah, his very overlarge revolver in the Hellboy movie tradition with its muzzle break that forms a cross from the flash (yes, I know this wouldn't actually work as an actual muzzle break) from the venting, and the extractor star is the form of a stylized cross as well since it only holds four over-large rounds.


These are all based around characters I have, but it goes without saying that I like them, thus why I present them for ideas.=)


I've always also liked the idea behind the mega-blaster type characters with little in the way of other powers. Havok comes to mind in particular, but I'd love to see a different rendition of a different sort of fellow. Perhaps an big asian guy, for once, without the usual cues... no pocket protectors and glasses, for example, or big buck teeth. =) I've always liked the whole leather jacket and finger gloves look, long wild hair, and big boots. I know that's not particularly original, I just like it is all. hehe.


Or... considering there was a request, i think, for an animal type... how about a guy integrated with a fox motif? A trickster, perhaps obsessed with swirling patterns like in Uzumaki (sp? Hope i got the word right...). His whole schtick being about the pattern and confusion amongst his foes. Perhaps a guy with illusions or probability manipulation of some sort.


And, for the fun of it, how about a Monkey with Nunchuks? Two greatly amusing things in one package! Yay!


I didn't see a restriction on power armor, and there are so many out there, but I'd like to see something in power armor that's large and in charge. Instead of the usual blaster types, I'd like to see a goliath brick. A big bad with exhaust screaming out of it from the excess heat generated by its high-science generator. Large through the legs and arms but not clunky, something slick with a small head. Something anime-ish, I guess, but minus the missile launchers and giant guns, maybe in a pose like pro-wrestler. Do it up in a blue and gold color scheme or even black and purple. =) I wanna see big feet and hands, overarmored forearms, but smooth is the overall theme rather than clunky.




A super-slick character, as in slippery, a guy who moves like glass over oil. Slim, sleek, body-tight clothes with a few aerodynamic flares in a pose that makes him look like he's sliding ultra-fast over pavement or the like. A facemask with a slit visor to protect him and help him perceive the movement or at least process it. Perhaps some kind of grapple-line shooters to help him make turns by shooting out a line around a pole to make sharp turns, and traction pieces on him so that he can brake and change directions some. =) Now that I think about it, I kind of want to play this character... hmmm... just neat sfx, I guess.


Urban Elemental - Made up of concrete' date=' asphalt, steel and glass. Spray painted graffiti here and there. Steam coming out of cracks in its body. A manhole cover. Maybe some weeds or tuffs of grass growing out of some of the cracks as well.[/quote']


Ok, a couple of thoughts for you Tribble:


However I doubt you'll be commissioning that many pics, so, I'd like to see some Heroes and Villains based on some Lewis Carroll characters (not necessarily to be associated with the Cheshire Cat or the Gryphon). In my campaign, Wonderland is a real alternate dimension, but is also a slightly darker place than is perhaps depicted in the Lewis Carroll tales (though granted some parts of his tales are already dark). Some characters based on these tales might include:


The Jabberwock - A Traditional Brick with the flaming eyes, claws that tear (tunneling/rending), leathery wings. (in my world, this hero's powers derive from a belt made from the hide of the Jabberwock, which was tanned and cured after the beast was beheaded by the nameless hero wielding the vorpal blade). Vulnerable to magic based attacks.


Alice - The adult version of the young Alice that tumbled down the rabbit hole. She faced some very scary creatures in Wonderland, and almost lost her head. These childhood traumas have hardened her and made her into a modern Martial Artist/Monster Hunter type (a la Buffy).


Tweedledee and Tweedledum - This brick pair can drain peoples very intelligence merely by uttering a few warped and twisted phrases/riddles. Both are idiots themselves, and can be easily duped. Prone to combating one another as much as fighting their foes. Pathological fear of crows.


The White Rabbit - This speedster is always in a rush to go somewhere, but is often easily confused. Also possesses ability to shrink to a mere fraction of his original size.


The Caterpillar - A bizarre oracle like being, capable of inducing incredible shrinking and growth size changes in others using his mushrooms. Perhaps has some gas based NND attacks from his hookah.


The March Hare - A madcap serial rapist villain. Despicable to the core and loony beyond compare. (Why a rapist? It comes from the roots of the phrase "Mad as a March hare")


The White Knight - A gadgeteer hero. Appears as an elderly man in archaic styled armor but with a bag full of steam-punk gadgets.


The Mad Hatter - It's just not a party without this insane criminal genius. A mentalist capable of projecting maddening illusions and causing vertigo like effects. Obsessed with time and time themed villains and heroes.


The Mock Turtle - A bull-headed armored hero (Oh wait! Some one already suggested an armored mecha-like cow, right? :)).


The Duchess - A female brick of noble birth but with repugnant features who suffers from a multiple personality disorder causing her to alternate between kindly gestures and vicious, brutish attacks.


Another idea from me. A futuristic sort of cowboy either riding a robot horse or a quasi hover bike. So he has the hat and the chaps but his pistol is a laser etc.


The Remnant


Figure floating in mid-air, patchwork of different tattered costumes, with some open spaces between body parts. In the spaces a glowing energy "skeleton" can be made out. One hand noticeably male, one noticeable female, some robotic parts, misc. possible foci. Several unrelated power effects going on at once.


Remnant is all that remains of the (insert hero team name here). Years past, their arch-nemesis managed to kill them with a massive explosion. The collective willpower combined with the team mystic's spirit to give them new "life" as a gestalt being, The Remnant, which thwarted the surprised villain. Today The Remnant mostly lives...somewhere...in seclusion, but will sometimes appear in times of great need.


Each of the parts retains some of the original hero's powers - the eye has vision powers and eyebeams, one arm can use fire, the other is super-strong, etc.


Well, here's another Superteam of mine. A group of mystical/quasi mystical misfits sitting on the sidelines of the Good v Evil grudgematch.


Xombie: Gentleman Zombie. Think well preserved corpse of British nobility just before the Revolutionary War. Dresses well, doesn't seem to be rotting but deathly pale and odd, pupiless eyes


Grunt: Big muscle bound, bald, goatee, mindgem, nicely tailored suit.


Wildthorn: Dryad/Biker Chick hybrid


Devil Woman: Red Skinned, black haired beauty with Suggestive Sorceress robes


The Blade: a ninja trapped in a cursed suit of armor that allows him to summon bladed weapons (or just spikes and blades), something akin to the Shredder I suppose. Can't take of armor.


Mother Russia: A female werebear from the former Soviet Union.

Lon Ra: Antrhopomorphic (but short) Siamese cat, young sphinx lost in the world.


This is to show what is still in the running.

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


It's nice to see that my "walking department store" guy is still in the running. I don't really have a name figured out for him (the idea is the "secondary concept" for my WWTBAS character, The Night Watchman), but maybe something like Shelf-Life would be catchy enough....

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


I spoke to Storn and these are your finalists.


Star: A robust, cosmically-powered energy projector. Her uniform is a sleeveless unitard with a large silver/white star in the center of the chest. With her powers activated, the black takes on the appearance of a starfield and the chest embelm pulses with silvery energy.


The first one comes from John Connolly's book The Black Angel.


'The other man was almost as tall as his companion but obscenely fat, his enormous belly hanging pendulously between his thighs. His body appeared out of proportion to his legs, which were short and slightly bowed. The fat man's face was perfectly round and quite pale but his features were very delicate: green eyes enclosed by long dark lashes; a thin unbroken nose; and a long mouth with full dark lips that were almost feminine.

Ay passing resemblence of facial beauty were undone by his chin and the tumorous distended neck in which it lost itself.

He was balding but his remaining hasir was very black and cut short against his skull'


Heavy Metal Angel. The Angel is constructed of metal like a sculpture of a skeleton except the main body particularly around the spine has musculature

It is sharp and pointy rather than being smooth. The wings are very skeletal and are more of a frame, there are no feathers.


This is based again on The Black Angel and a statue in the book but it is organic and the real thing.


Oriental Wizard. Doesn't seem to be a lot of Champion's style Oriental wizards.


The Remnant


Figure floating in mid-air, patchwork of different tattered costumes, with some open spaces between body parts. In the spaces a glowing energy "skeleton" can be made out. One hand noticeably male, one noticeable female, some robotic parts, misc. possible foci. Several unrelated power effects going on at once.


Remnant is all that remains of the (insert hero team name here). Years past, their arch-nemesis managed to kill them with a massive explosion. The collective willpower combined with the team mystic's spirit to give them new "life" as a gestalt being, The Remnant, which thwarted the surprised villain. Today The Remnant mostly lives...somewhere...in seclusion, but will sometimes appear in times of great need.


Each of the parts retains some of the original hero's powers - the eye has vision powers and eyebeams, one arm can use fire, the other is super-strong, etc.

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


I like this one, cuz the description is good and its just weird...


'The other man was almost as tall as his companion but obscenely fat, his enormous belly hanging pendulously between his thighs. His body appeared out of proportion to his legs, which were short and slightly bowed. The fat man's face was perfectly round and quite pale but his features were very delicate: green eyes enclosed by long dark lashes; a thin unbroken nose; and a long mouth with full dark lips that were almost feminine.

Ay passing resemblence of facial beauty were undone by his chin and the tumorous distended neck in which it lost itself.

He was balding but his remaining hasir was very black and cut short against his skull'

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


I will have the Vote thread starting next month and voting can be done on that for the picture in August to be done.


So people can voice their opinions here. I, however, am just evil and mean spirited enough to ignore them and dance away laughing.

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


I will have the Vote thread starting next month and voting can be done on that for the picture in August to be done.


So people can voice their opinions here. I, however, am just evil and mean spirited enough to ignore them and dance away laughing.


Just remember to make a posting here when you start that vote thread Tribble, so those of us who have subscriptiosn no where to sound off. :thumbup:


In the meantime, let me know if you might be interested in collaborating on the Lewis Carroll commissions as a separate thing. I'm interested in beefing up that character line for my own campaign (assuming I get to run it some day), and I'd be willing to help contribute to some of the artwork funding (especially for my own character, Jabberwock that appears in one campaign that my friends and I have run before and may start up again).



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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


I will have the Vote thread starting next month and voting can be done on that for the picture in August to be done.


So people can voice their opinions here. I, however, am just evil and mean spirited enough to ignore them and dance away laughing.

That, of course, is your right. :D


You may even feel free to ignore us completely, and have Storn draw a picture of Grond in a pink tutu.

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


You may even feel free to ignore us completely' date=' and have Storn draw a picture of Grond in a pink tutu.[/quote']


I can't do that !


I have to have Steve's permission as Grond is an Intellectual Property character of Hero Games. I don't think he would let me get away with it. Grond that is.

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


In the meantime, let me know if you might be interested in collaborating on the Lewis Carroll commissions as a separate thing. I'm interested in beefing up that character line for my own campaign (assuming I get to run it some day), and I'd be willing to help contribute to some of the artwork funding (especially for my own character, Jabberwock that appears in one campaign that my friends and I have run before and may start up again).




Now that is an idea and a half. Hmmm.

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


A modern day goth that instead of wearing piercings and spikes actually extrudes them from the body and can shoot them like a porcupine. I think a female would be preferred complete with the fishnets, doc martins, spiky colored hair and dark makeup. The spikes can come from anywhere and thus she can change them up with the wardrobe she happens to be wearing that day. As well as have them come out of everywhere forming a spiky armor/damage shield.


I don't have a good name though, as Spike is just too predictable.


You will recall I said I thought this was ina Zombie film ?

Well take a look.

I have never seen the film but do remember the image. And this is a decade and half ago. Way to go Tribble memory.

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Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


You will recall I said I thought this was ina Zombie film ?

Well take a look.

I have never seen the film but do remember the image. And this is a decade and half ago. Way to go Tribble memory.


I've seen the film, and its vaguely amusing. If you like zombie films, its worth watching, but it is somewhat heavy on the gore, depending on how much gore you consider drilling holes into people's skulls and pulling entire spines nearly out of zombies and having them still walk around...

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