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Grandiose Schemes

David Johnston

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1. Kidnap the G-7 leaders at the conference then let rescuers rescue your replacements for them.


2. Shrink everyone to the size of Barbies so the planet will be more easily able to support them.


3. Trigger a sudden ice age.


4. Generate a self-sustaining black hole, then drop it into the planet


5. Reanimate every corpse in a large area as zombies under your necromantic control.


6. Become the most intelligent man in the world by draining everyone else's brain power into the mentally deficient range.


7. Open a gateway for the hordes of Hell.


8. Strip away Earth's atmosphere to give Mars a breathable atmosphere.


9. Remove humanity's capacity for physical violence.

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


1. Create a Memory Altering device to make the World's Superheroes and Villains forget they even have powers.


2. Create a new continent by fusing Austrailia and Antartica into a one giant landmass.


3. Change the climate to lock the world into an eternal winter.


4. Destroy the Earth's supply of Comic Books.

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


1. steal some nuclear weapons and hold the city ransom


2. steal some nuclear weapons and hold and auction


3. steal some nuclear weapons and hold a large amount of gold whilst vaporising fort Knox


4. steal some nuclear weapons and hold court beneath the waves whilst the atomic war you started destroys humanity


5. steal some nuclear weapons and hold your head up high at the next villains convention in Atlantic city


6.steal some nuclear weapons and hold up 7-11s with sure knowledge that the cops can't touch you.


7. steal some nuclear weapons and hold a really kicking party with a plutonium powered sound system


8. steal some nuclear weapons and hold off the world governments from your newly formed asteroid nation

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


In the Four Color game I ran, a conclave of second string supervillains got together and kidnapped another second string bad guy, a chick called Bad Penny, who had luck powers. They then cooked up a techno-mystical scheme by which they could sacrifice her life-force to "stack the deck" in favor of evil - in other words, change the fundamental laws of the universe so that the bad guys would tend to win. The heroes became alerted to their scheme when they started breaking off into teams to steal the necessary technological and mystical items needed, and eventually tracked them back to their HQ just in time to stop them and save Bad Penny. The team science and magic wonks swore up and down it wouldn't work, but no one wanted to take the chance. Interesting postscript to that: Bad Penny lost her luck powers and went on to lead a productive and normal life.


That game being what it was, there were of course many other grandiose schemes, but I can't think of too many off the top of my head. Oh, wait, I remember one. A race of cosmically powerful, identical beings with a hive mind discovered that other dimensions existed and, being xenophobic in the extreme, set about trying to destroy all other dimensions. THAT was fun.


Most of the others that we did have been covered. In my world's version of Gorilla City, a rogue faction seized control of the government and tried to use their prodigious technology to shift the earth's axis enough to start a new ice age and wipe out humans so that, when the ice melted, the simians could take their place (the city itself was environmentally self sufficient).


A copped version of Turner D. Century got ahold of the Horn of Kronos and "rewrote" the world to a version of the way it was at the turn of the century. That was fun; I handed out Call of Cthuhlu sheets to the players and new histories for them, and they played their characters as they "would have been" in Turner Century's "new" world. Of course, they both evaded the fanatical Cult of the Thousand Eyes and managed to seize the horn from Turner and undo his changes. It was fun.


An easter-themed pagan villain tried to "poison" the town's water supply with a drug that would make everyone start having sex like crazy (that was the idea, anyway; the team scientists thought it could be lethal to a large portion of the population); he wanted the biggest fertility rite in history.


I'm not sure if these are grandiose enough.

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


Reset the cesium master clock for the United States, screwing up things like railroad scheduling all over the country, in order to pop open a time lock.


Spread a world-wide disease carried by women that only kills men.


Accelerate an asteroid to relativistic velocities aimed at an inhabited planet.

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


hmm, lessee. Crack open the sea floor with nukes, draining the ocean into the Earth's white-hot mantle ( "Nuzzink in ze vorld can shtop me now!" )


Hollow out the Earth's core, shove in a giant engine and drive it around the universe


(err, spoilers on this one - at least, I yelped "Holy ***k!" when I read it... ) Take over the planet with giant crabs that breath only poisonous gas


or in Vitus's case, combine the best of his homeworld's technology with anything worth salvaging from Earth's, and destroy the planetary economy with perpetual motion motors, flying ships, heat metal spells, and other things that cost next-to-nothing to run and would completely undermine most industrial, power, and transport conglomerates.

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


Reverse the Earth's magnetic poles.


Create bacteria that eat petroleum and petroleum-based products.


Erase everyone's memories.


Reverse the world's genders - every woman becomes a man and every man becomes a woman.


De-age the world's adult population to the age of seven.


Give the world uncontrollable flatulence.


Freeze the world's oceans.


Give all animals human intelligence and the power of speech.


Film, television and video game characters step out of the screens of the world and are real.


Make everyone in the world tell all the truth all the time.


Turn the Sahara Desert into gold.


All electronic and electrical technology becomes sentient.


The Skynet AI comes online...

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


Place a fuel-air explosive in the salt mines under Dearborn / Detroit (Millennium City), aiming to collapse the city and flood it with the river and Lake St. Claire.


Steal the paper / plates / ink to print enough money to destabilize the economy of a country or the world.


Hack into the stock exchanges to cause enough chaos to do the same as above.


Create a device that creates / attracts hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, or other epic forces of nature.


Hack in and reprogram the US or Russian missile sites to launch missiles and start World War III.


Rig the American Idol elections to make William Shatner win.


Release a virus that reduces all people's impulse controls to practically nothing.

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


Drain The Power Cosmic from an all-powerful intergalactic entity and transfer it to Foxbat' date=' just to see what he would do.[/quote']


Didn't the module "Foxbat Unhinged" do something like that?



Yep. Another villain recruited him to bring back Aladdin's Lamp from another dimension, but Foxbat kept it for himself to become The Greatest Villain Of All Time. (In the adventure, the Lamp provided unlimited wishes, and you didn't have to worry about the wording--unlike That Other Game, where any wish worded short of a fifteen-page run-on sentence is handing the GM a license to ruin your character.)

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


Yep. Another villain recruited him to bring back Aladdin's Lamp from another dimension' date=' but Foxbat kept it for himself to become The Greatest Villain Of All Time. (In the adventure, the Lamp provided unlimited wishes, [/quote']


Which is accurate of course. In other Arabian Nights tales a djinn released from a bottle is free but may choose to offer you wishes for his release, generally 3 or 1. He may also choose to just kill you for taking so long. In Aladdin, however, the djinn is the slave of the lamp and grants an unlimited number of wishes to whosoever holds it without ever gaining his freedom.

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Re: Grandiose Schemes


Drain The Power Cosmic from an all-powerful intergalactic entity and transfer it to Foxbat' date=' just to see what he would do.[/quote']I'm having a flashback to Magical Troubleshooting Crossover Fighting Federation Ultra ("Twice as good as any other federation..." "...because it's got twice as many letters in the acronym!") and


Taunting. Godhead. Legend. Stone-Cold.

DAN HIBIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully, one day I'll get an "I'm a Dan-fan" t-shirt.

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