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Venture Brothers Hero?


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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


A friend and I were talking about Brock Samson in HERO terms. We both agree that the guy has at LEAST 20 Body. :)


And Damage Reduction. It took, what? 20-30 darts to drop him?


Also, TF (everything), Wrestling or Dirt Infighting, WF: Knife, and Combat Driving (Dodge Charger).

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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


Awesome show.


How would you model this?


Uhm... Desolid?


He holds his action, with the kung-fu movements for color. She is attempting a Move Through on him using the car, but he wins the Dex Off and throws his levels into DCV, then hits her with his move through instead. She takes his V/3 plus the car's V/3, plus his STR damage, and is very deeply out. He takes 1/2 that, and also has that 50% or so Damage Reduction, and so the damage he takes is, for Brock, trivial.


Note that Brock's DamRed is on a 14- activation; he blows the roll once in Season II when he gets shot in the shoulder.

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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


Note that Brock's DamRed is on a 14- activation; he blows the roll once in Season II when he gets shot in the shoulder.


Then there's the time he got the rope burn on his hands, and couldn't fight those pirates as effectively.


"Repeat after me, Hank. Grab the handle, push the button."


"Grab the.."


"Let go of your own throat, Hank."

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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


Yeah' date=' have to agree that this is one of the best shows on cartoon network. I'd definitely play in a game like this as either modern day pulp or low level supers.[/quote']


Heh heh...aside from Brock and the occasional villain, there are no supers on Venture Brothers. The majority are Incompetent Normals.

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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


Yeah' date=' Hank and Dean Venture are the greatest Incompetent 14- DNPCs ever created.[/quote']


I'd say they're both built on 25+25 points.


Hank has "retard strength" and is occasionally almost competent in a fight. Dean has the Mad Science KS at 8- (he can't do anything with it, but he knows odd Mad Science facts) as well as a few Academic KS at 8-, enough to impress Triana and stage a production of Lady Windermere's Fan. Both kids have Resurrection with a 3 Month time delay, though you could build the cloning equipment into the base.

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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


Veture Brothers totally rocks my world. We haven't had a game in months without someone saying:


"He hit me with a TRUCK!"


Brock is hilariously awesome: he's got to built on at least as many points as an average superhero, if not more - with such things as " Aid STR, only when enraged", "Enraged, 11-, during practically any combat", "RKA, range limited by STR, OIF (anything he can pick up)", etc.


Hank should definitely be built with the skill "KS: cliched action movie quotes (14- or better)".


"Where do you come up with this stuff? I mean I've never seen you read or anything. It's like he channels crazy dead people!"

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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


Here's one take on a 100 point Hank Venture. You could drop him down way lower, but this seemed comfortable without much cutting.




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

13 STR 3 12- Lift 151.6kg; 2 ½d6 [1]

11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4

13 CON 6 12-

8 BODY -4 11-

8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 13-

8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

10 COM 0 11-


4 PD 1 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)

4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)

3 SPD 9 Phases: 4, 8, 12

6 REC 0

26 END 0

22 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 18


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 2"/4"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

3 He gets that crazy retard strength sometimes: Hand-To-Hand Attack +1d6 (5 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 1

6 Wrist Radios: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Tracking (15 Active Points); OIF (-½), Restrainable (Must be able to work controls and bring to mouth; -½), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Must speak and listen (-½)

6 According to this date: +2 PER with all Sense Groups

Notes: While he may be the less bright of the brothers, Hank often notices things Dean will miss.

10 Where are we?: Luck 2d6

Notes: The Venture boys find that most enemies just want to tie them up and touch them inapropriately. Further, almost everyone ends up taking pity on them and trying to treat them in a paternal manner, with the exception of their father.

13 If you have death prone children, you keep a few clone slugs in the lab.: Healing 2 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Day (-2 ¾), IIF Immobile Fragile (Cloning Equipment and Clone Slugs; -1 ½), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Memory Loss, Healed by use of Teaching Beds; -1), Self Only (-½)

Notes: This could also be purchased as something built into the Venture Compound. After one of the boy's frequent deaths, it takes only a short time for Doctor Venture to re-create them using clone slugs and taped memories.


Martial Arts - I probably know Judo or something, and how many here can make that boast?

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Punch him, Hank! +2 +0 4 ½d6 Strike

4 Now take his weapon! -1 +1 Disarm; 23 STR to Disarm

4 Let go of your throat, Hank. -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND



1 You're the fricking Venture Brothers: Reputation: Sons of Rusty Venture, Grandsons of Jonas Venture (A medium-sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6

3 Well-Connected

4 1) Friend of Orpheus: Contact: Doctor Byron Orpheus (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) (5 Active Points) 8-

Notes: Dr.Orpheus takes his job as the friend of the Ventures considerably more seriously than Rusty takes his job as a parent.

8 2) Grandson of Jonas Venture: Contact: Old gang of Jonas Venture (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (9 Active Points) 8-

3 3) Nephew of Jonas Junior: Contact: Jonas Venture Jr. (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) (4 Active Points) 8-

Notes: Jonas, the diminuative previously cojoined twin of Rusty, has all of his father's brains and charm, as well as a sense of duty to his family, at least for now.

3 4) Son of Venture: Contact: Dr. Thaddeus S. Rusty Venture (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources) (4 Active Points) 8-

Notes: While Rusty is by any standard a terrible father, he can raise the dead, and that's worth something. Good relationship with contact hasn't been purchased, because the boys don't have one.

4 5) Ward of Brock: Contact: Brock Samson (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) (5 Active Points) 8-



1 It's like he's channeling crazy dead people: Oratory 8-

Notes: Hank tends to go on disturbing, lengthy rifs that can be pretty distracting

1 Didn't you learn anything in bed?: KS: Stuff He Learned in the Teaching Beds 8-

1 You look like Evil Hank!: Disguise 8-

Notes: Whether it's a batman costume or a fake beard and butterfly suit, Hank is a master of not very good disguises.

3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Hoverbike


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 82

Total Cost: 100


50+ Disadvantages

15 Psychological Limitation: Naive and Strange, Lives in a Clean Cut Dream World (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Insanely Impulsive and Overconfident (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Obedient to his father, loves his brother, hero worships Brock (Very Common, Moderate)

25 Hunted: The Venture Rogues Gallery 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)

10 Social Limitation: Only 16, or 19 if you believe his driver's license (Frequently, Minor)

10 Death Prone Child - Unluck: 2d6


Total Disadvantage Points: 100


Background/History: Henry Allen "Hank" Venture is the grandson of the great Dr. Jonas Venture (a cross between Dr. Quest and Doc Savage) and the son of Rusty Venture (former boy adventurer turned adult failure) and (probably) Myra Brandish (ex OSI agent, currently insane, possibly a former American Gladiator). The more athletic and agressive of the Venture Brothers, Hank is arguably less sane than his brother Dean. He has inherited some of his mother's physical toughness, at least compared to his brother or Rusty, and can be surprisingly useful in a fight, at least against faceless minions. Hank is a failed Boy Adventurer, though he doesn't know it.


Personality/Motivation: Upbeat, aggressive, optimistic, and about as sane as a bat on peyote, Hank Venture seems to have inherited his mother's crazy along with her physical competence. He hero worships Brock Samson, and dreams of being a tough as nails adventurer. He obeys his father and cares for his brother, but there's rebellion growing in Venturevile, and who knows when the dancing will begin!


Quote: My pants are haunted! My pants are haunted!


Powers/Tactics: Hank is surprisingly capable in combat, at least one on one with a poorly trained minion. He has his mother's basic strength (and crazy) along with some minimal training from Brock, and doesn't scare easy. Unfortunately, he's also profoundly unlucky and in no way bullet proof, and has died somewhere on the order of a dozen times. Fortunately, his father keeps his memories on record, and is able to bring him back using clone slugs.


Campaign Use: DNPC, or PC in a Venture game.


Appearance: Short blond hair, blue eyes, dresses like Fred from Scooby Doo.


Character by Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer, Character Sheet by Robert Dorf, 2007.


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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


Sigh... can't rep you for that yet.


Glad you liked it. :)


The Venture world is great for a comedy Champions game. The tough part would be finding a player who doesn't call dibs on Brock. Best way to do it is probably to set the adventures in the 60s-70s with the group as rivals for the original Team Venture.

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Re: Venture Brothers Hero?


Again, could have been done on far fewer points, but I think this covers everything.




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift 75.8kg; 1 ½d6

11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4

8 CON -4 11-

8 BODY -4 11-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2 ½d6

12+6 COM 1 11- / 13-


2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)

3 SPD 9 Phases: 4, 8, 12

4 REC 0

16 END 0

16 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 15


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 1"/2"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

10 It gets very hot, in the box, that dad built: Universal Scientist 12- (20 Active Points); Only Familliar with Mad Science 11- (-1)

Notes: As per Ultimate Skill, p.50. This is the Mad Science / Universal Science skill displayed by Jonas Venture, Jonas Jr., and even Rusty to a lesser degree. So far Dean has only used it for trivial and debatably useful inventions, but it did let him come up with tinfoil helmets and a urine soaked shirt to negotiate the Joy Box, and with a body of $5 bills to allow the ghost of Abe Lincon to manipulate solid objects.

2 I shall make her my bride!: +6 COM (3 Active Points); Limited Power Only when dressed as a woman or in certain unfortunate circumstances (-½)

15 Where are we?: Luck 3d6

Notes: The Venture boys find that most enemies just want to tie them up and touch them inapropriately. Further, almost everyone ends up taking pity on them and trying to treat them in a paternal manner, with the exception of their father.

6 Wrist Radios: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Tracking (15 Active Points); OIF (-½), Restrainable (Must be able to work controls and bring to mouth; -½), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Must speak and listen (-½)

13 If you have death prone children, you keep a few clone slugs in the lab.: Healing 2 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Day (-2 ¾), IIF Immobile Fragile (Cloning Equipment and Clone Slugs; -1 ½), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Memory Loss, Healed by use of Teaching Beds; -1), Self Only (-½)

Notes: This could also be purchased as something built into the Venture Compound. After one of the boy's frequent deaths, it takes only a short time for Doctor Venture to re-create them using clone slugs and taped memories.



1 You're the fricking Venture Brothers!: Reputation: Sons of Rusty Venture, Grandsons of Jonas Venture (A medium-sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6

3 Well-Connected

4 1) Friend of Orpheus: Contact: Doctor Byron Orpheus (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) (5 Active Points) 8-

Notes: Dr.Orpheus takes his job as the friend of the Ventures considerably more seriously than Rusty takes his job as a parent.

8 2) Grandson of Jonas Venture: Contact: Old gang of Jonas Venture (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (9 Active Points) 8-

3 3) Nephew of Jonas Junior: Contact: Jonas Venture Jr. (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) (4 Active Points) 8-

Notes: Jonas, the diminutive previously conjoined twin of Rusty, has all of his father's brains and charm, as well as a sense of duty to his family, at least for now.

3 4) Son of Venture: Contact: Dr. Thaddeus S. Rusty Venture (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources) (4 Active Points) 8-

Notes: While Rusty is by any standard a terrible father, he can raise the dead, and that's worth something. Good relationship with contact hasn't been purchased, because the boys don't have one.

4 5) Ward of Brock: Contact: Brock Samson (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) (5 Active Points) 8-



3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Hoverbike

3 Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts sea water into fresh water: KS: Stuff I Learned in the Teaching Beds 12-

Notes: This could eventually become the Universal Scholar skill as per Ultimate Skill, p.49, if Dean lives long enough.

3 I have an idea!: Power 12-

Notes: The Power Skill (gadgeteering) used to put the knowledge gained from Universal Scientist to practical use. So far Dean has only managed to use it a few times, but he may get better.

1 Now, what would Giant Boy Detective do?: Deduction 8-

Notes: Dean believes this skill to be considerably higher.

1 Listen to me!: Persuasion 8-

Notes: Dean has some minimal social skills, and can sometimes manage to get people to go along with his plans.

1 He's kind of cute: Seduction 8-

Notes: Dean is able to make friends and charm girls, though mostly by being inept and helpless until they take pity on him.

1 He put on a production of Lady Winermere's Fan: Acting 8-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 85

Total Cost: 100


50+ Disadvantages

20 Psychological Limitation: Naive and Strange, Lives in a Clean Cut Dream World, sometimes retreats entirely (Very Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: In denial, tries to forget the terrors of his life (Common, Moderate)

20 Psychological Limitation: Obedient to his father, loves his brother (Very Common, Strong)

25 Hunted: The Venture Rogues Gallery 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)

10 Social Limitation: Only 16, or 19 if you believe his driver's license (Frequently, Minor)

10 Death Prone Child - Unluck: 2d6


Total Disadvantage Points: 100


Background/History: Dean Venture is the grandson of the great Dr. Jonas Venture (a cross between Dr. Quest and Doc Savage) and the son of Rusty Venture (former boy adventurer turned adult failure) and (probably) Myra Brandish (ex OSI agent, currently insane, possibly a former American Gladiator). The more intelligent and (arguably) sane of the Venture Brothers, Dean even has modest social skills, and is able to pull off tricks as difficult as actually building friendships with normal girls. He has inherited some of his father's brains, at least compared to his brother, and can come up with ridiculous spur of the moment solutions to problems that almost work. Dean is a failed Boy Adventurer, though he doesn't know it.


Personality/Motivation: Dean's (occasionally forced, desperate) cheer and naiveté cover the fact that he is on some level aware of just how dangerous and insane his life is. He does want to be an adventurer, but he'd like to do so without so much being captured, bad-touched, and occasionally killed. Dean is an obedient son, and while he is often bullied by his brother he does care for him. Dean carries a strong infatuation for Triana Orpheus, daughter of Doctor Orpheus. For Triana’s part, she seems to like Dean (referring to him as cute) but has not otherwise returned his interest.


Dean is also a bit of an effete wuss.


Quote: You have no idea.


Powers/Tactics: Dean is more or less an idiot, but he does very occasionally come up with an almost useful idea or easily thrown together yet semi-functional piece of improvised equipment. He's also a storehouse of useless facts, lucky at times, and able to hold a conversation in a naive way. Dean is moderately attractive to girls his own age, and has proven to be remarkably attractive to middle aged men while cross dressing. Dean is unlucky and has died somewhere on the order of a dozen times. Fortunately, his father keeps his memories on record, and is able to bring him back using clone slugs.


Campaign Use: DNPC, or PC in a Venture game.


Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, dresses like Buddy Holly.


Character by Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer, Character Sheet by Robert Dorf, 2007.


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