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Homebrew Organizations


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No relation to the V&V group(I didn't even know about them until about 5 years after I came up with mine)


They are the power behind all the other groups in the world. The Major Arcana are the leaders(The Magician thinks he is the leader but in reality it is the Fool) and the suits are the varios departments. And I used several well known villians to fill some of the roles.




My short lived anti-mutant group. I got real bored with the whole concept and had the heroes defeat them for good.

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FIST - The Foundation for International Standardized Technologies.


This was a Japanese-based Megacorp from a cyberpunk game I was running. The campaign had a strange twist on it though. Drawing inspiration loosely from the prophecies of Nostradamus, the leader was a Japanese 'Third Antichrist' that caused all sorts of very mystical things to happen in a world that no longer believed in God (in any religioun/incarnation), or faith, etc. This of course only facilitated his and his corporation's rise to power.

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Re: Homebrew Organizations


Originally posted by Mightybec

What organizations have you created from scratch, and what is its modivation, theme, and powers?




A.C.E. (Armoured Combat Exoskeletons)

Makers of quality power armor for ... well anyone who can meet their prices.

Motivation: Pure, simple capitalism. Mo' money.

Theme: Think Stark industries without a concience.

Powers: PA for every occasion. Saves many of its best designs for its own use.

Why?: The PCs all had suits from this organistion that had 'fallen off the back of a truck' literally. They made a good Hunted for the group.

Ps. the campaign was called ACE High. Guess what the PCs were in their off hours.

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I have a few, but these two are my favorites.


PURITY: Sort of like Genocide, only they go after ALL meta-humans, not just mutants. They don't use robots, only agents. What makes them dangerous, though, is that they have the most advanced tech on Earth. They have teleportation tech - something no one else has - skin-tight uniforms that protect like heavy battle-armor, small but powerful blaster pistols... and all of their gear disintigrates if handled by non PURITY members or kept away from PURITY agents for more than 1 minute. Makes studying the tech impossible :smirk:


The Dominion: A group of mentalists bent on world domination. Not through conquest, but by using their powers to either control important people or learn their secrets for blackmail. Thier existance is an open secret, but no one knows who their leaders are, or even how many members they have. The agents they do use for muscle have been mentally conditioned to be unable to betray Dominion secrets.


P.S. It nice to not be Incompetent anymore...

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AEGIS - Allied Espionage and Global Intelligence Service These guys fill the PRIMUS/SHIELD niche, except that they are a NATO based group. Their powers are like those of the FBI but their jurisdiction expands into NATO countries and they deal directly with Metahuman Phenomenon. To get around the UNTIL/National Soverignty issue. Each NATO member has a branch of AEGIS that reports directly to them The entire structure uses NATO as an oversight group. They have high-tech weapons and equipment and wear spiffy blue-black leather outfits.


Their symbol is a gold shield/badge with a medusa head on it.

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W.O.M.E.N. : Women Organising Mens Elimintation or Nuetralization. Came into being when every hero decide to take won't hit/fight a women, figuring it was a safe disadvantage that wouldn't come up. Most groups that have women also have men therfore, they fight the men while someone else handles the women. OOPS All women group appeared!


Knights of Genitic Purity: Took over genocide and is far maro active and deadly


Dynamo: All Mutant group lead by a mutant that can explode


Arrangers: A villian help group. Fences, scientist, base builders..You name it they can do it.


Other than that I use several existing HG groups

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Originally posted by MisterVimes

AEGIS - Allied Espionage and Global Intelligence Service These guys fill the PRIMUS/SHIELD niche, except that they are a NATO based group. Their powers are like those of the FBI but their jurisdiction expands into NATO countries and they deal directly with Metahuman Phenomenon. To get around the UNTIL/National Soverignty issue. Each NATO member has a branch of AEGIS that reports directly to them The entire structure uses NATO as an oversight group. They have high-tech weapons and equipment and wear spiffy blue-black leather outfits.


Their symbol is a gold shield/badge with a medusa head on it.


I am such an idiot. I could never figure out how to get the U.S. to willingly be a part of an international organization with jurisdiction within its borders. I never even considered the NATO angle.


I sense some changes being made in my universe in the near future...

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Originally posted by Klytus

I am such an idiot. I could never figure out how to get the U.S. to willingly be a part of an international organization with jurisdiction within its borders. I never even considered the NATO angle.


I sense some changes being made in my universe in the near future...


Hey... it's all you. To be frank I sat with a pencil in hand and thought for about an hour and then screamed NATO! My wife jumped and it was this whole big thing....


ANYWAY. I figured that each AEGIS chapter would be answerable to the Nation that they were based in but if they needed assistance that they could call on other chapters. They have a council made up of a single representative from each member nation and a tribunal of the three highest ranking members that serve as the last court of appeal. This also eases extradition without violating national soveriegnty.

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Well since everyone liked my first one...:D


UNICORN - United Nations Intelligence Council's Operational Response Network This is my UNTIL/UNCLE. Though they have uniformed agents that work abroad, this group is essentially the UN's spy-network. Since the member nations don't like getting spied on, who ARE they spying on? Aliens, Meta-Human Terrorist Cells (Eurostar, et al.) These guys are the intelligence gatherers, the people that provide the Heroes with the Info and the Missions to take out Dr. Destroyer's Hyno-sattelite.


The Field agents are VERY public, it helps to hide what the real agents are doing. The field agents are what happens when the problem needs a rapid response and the UN needs man-power in a hurry. Stationed around the globe, these units exist to help with natural disasters and to aid local police forces with hot-spot incidents. Beyond an invitation to help, UNICORN is helpless (or so people think).


The spies are the real trick here and the more covert the better. They gather info on every meta-human they encounter, because the one thing the UN can agree on is that they don't fully trust the metahumans in their midst.

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Originally posted by Lord Liaden

First-rate idea, Mr. Vimes! Entirely logical that this would develop in a supers-infested world, and your structural concept is well thought out. And the acronym is cool and actually makes sense.


I'm filing this under "good ideas to work in later" (with full credit, of course). Thanks!


Why thanks... I feel all contributory.

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Project: Pantheon - Pantheon is my Viper/Hydra... I was originally going to go with Kraken, but these guys sort of created themselves. Project: Pantheon is the brainchild of Dr. Simon Pinehurst who heads up an outlaw 'think-tank' that is trying to tap into the Meta-Human potential that all humans have. The open secret is that Pinehurst has about a 90% failure rate resulting in everything from Death to Mindless monsters.


Pantheon has access to a number of Metahuman crininals (though some of his sucesses have gone into the Metahuman sports industry) who owe him a favor. The Patheon agents are highly motivated ex-military with access to stat-boosting drugs and high tech armor and weapons.


Pantheon uses its resources to attack heroes who are a threat to the Project, to procure new and exciting Technologies and to finance operations through black-bag and criminal assignments. With this more centralized focus, Pantheon doesn't come off as failures or losers (as Viper often does) and adds a nice twist since it is similar in design to Genocide while promoting the propogation of Metahumans.


Pinehurst fill the Telios/Power Broker/Lirby Koo niche in my campaign.

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Re: Unicorn


Originally posted by Klytus

Ok, Mr. Vimes, Consider UNICORN stolen as well. I never did like the IPIL acronym I came up with, anyway.


UNICORN has evolved quite a bit since I created them in the early 80's. In the beginning they were UNTIL with just a different name and then I began to foucs them in areas that the UN could actually effect.

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Originally posted by Klytus

Now you're scaring me, dude. KRAKEN is the name I gave my VIPER group...


I noticed that and liked the motif when I came up with them (I mean, wasn't Hydra's logo a Kraken rather than a Hydra?) and I thought it was a good idea, but the Cobra/Viper/Hydra angle just didn't seem to fit in my campaign so I decided against them rather than have them languish and become a joke.


What can I say? Great Minds

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For your constructive criticism


These agenst are designed to go up against 400pt Characters, my estimates would be 3-5 Agents per Super for a high sucess rate.


Pantheon Agents


Player: NPC


Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
18 DEX 24
18 CON 16
13 BODY 6
10 INT 0
13 EGO 6
13 PRE 3
10 COM 0
5/15 PD 2
5/15 ED 1
4 SPD 12
7 REC 0
35 END 0
31 STUN 1
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 76



Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
Combat Training
4 1) Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4 2) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4 3) Martial Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, +15 STR vs. Grabs
3 4) Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +v/5, Target Falls
4 5) Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND
5 6) Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike
Martial Arts Cost: 24


Cost Skill
3 Breakfall 13-
3 Climbing 13-
3 Combat Driving 13- [Notes: or Combat Piloting]
0 Combat Piloting (Custom Adder) 13- [Notes: or Combat Driving]
3 Deduction 11-
3 Demolitions 11- [Notes: or Security Systems]
0 Paramedics 8-
3 +2 vs. specific OCV modifier on a single attack [Notes: Levels apply to use of primary weapon to offset Rapid Fire penalties.]
5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)
0 Security Systems (Custom Adder) 11- [Notes: or Demolitions]
3 Stealth 13-
3 Teamwork 13-
4 TF - Land Vehicles: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Tracked Military Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles [Notes: or Air Vehicles]
0 TF - Air Vehicles: Balloons & Zeppelins, Combat Aircraft, Custom Adder, Helicopters, Large Planes, Small Planes [Notes: or Land Vehicles]
5 WF - Pantheon Weapons Systems: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons
Skills Cost: 38


Cost Perk
3 Computer Link [Notes: God-Head: Pantheon's Computer Network]
2 Fringe Benefit (International Driver's License, Passport)
Perks Cost: 5


Cost Talent
7 Guts [Notes: +10 PRE only to resist PRE attacks (-1/2)]
Talents Cost: 7


Cost Equipment END
20 Combat Armor: Armor (10 PD / 10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (added to Secondary Value)
Field Helmet, all slots: OIF (-1/2)
3 1) Heads Up Display: Telescopic +3 to PER Rolls (only to offset the Range Modifier) (Hearing Group) (5 Active Points)
1 2) Mind Shield: +2 Mental Defense (5 points total) (2 Active Points)
3 3) Polarized Lenses: Flash Defense (5 points) (Hearing Group) (5 Active Points)
2 4) Range Finder: Absolute Range Sense (3 Active Points)
7 5) Rebreather: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points)
3 6) Starlight Filter: Nightvision (5 Active Points)
5 7) Targeter: +4 with any single attack (8 Active Points) [Notes: Tied to Primary Weapon]
Primary Weapon, all slots: OAF (-1) [Notes: Each Agent carries ONE of the following weapons]
22 1) Alpha Pulser: Ego Attack 4 1/2d6, 16 Charges (+0) (45 Active Points)
22 2) Blaster: Energy Blast 9d6 (vs. ED), 16 Charges (+0) (45 Active Points)
22 3) Flash Cannon: Flash 9d6 (Sight Group), 16 Charges (+0) (45 Active Points)
22 4) Graviton Gun: Suppress - Flight 9d6, 8 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+0) (45 Active Points)
22 5) Grenade Launcher: Energy Blast 6d6 (vs. PD), 16 Charges (+0), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2) (45 Active Points)
18 6) Mauler Gloves: Hand-To-Hand Attack +7d6, Reduced Endurance (Half END; +1/4) (44 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) [Notes: 10d6 HTHA] 2
22 7) Ripper Gun: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 (vs. PD), 16 Charges (+0) (45 Active Points)
22 8) Sapper: Drain 4 1/2d6: STR, 16 Charges (+0) (45 Active Points)
22 9) Tangler: Entangle 3d6, 6 DEF, 16 Charges (+0) (45 Active Points)
Combat Drugs, all slots: 1 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (-1/4), IIF (-1/4), Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act -1/4) [Notes: Each Agent carries 40 APs worth of combat drugs - Side effect occurs when charges run out - Side effect is -10 AP to each boosted stat for 24 hours]
6 1) Boost: +20 END (10 Active Points) (not added to totals)
6 2) Celine: +5 EGO (10 Active Points) (not added to totals)
4 3) Flex: +5 CON (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (not added to totals)
7 4) Juice: +15 STR (15 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (not added to totals)
11 5) Jazz: +10 REC (20 Active Points) (not added to totals)
6 6) Jenner: Running +5" (10 Active Points) (not added to totals)
6 7) Scream: +1 SPD (10 Active Points) (not added to totals)
8 8) Spook: +15 PRE (15 Active Points) (not added to totals)
6 9) Tyson: +10 STUN (10 Active Points) (not added to totals)
7 10) Wire: +5 DEX (15 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (not added to totals)
Equipment costs shown above are for reference only, and are not included in Total Cost.


Total Character Cost: 150


Val Disadvantages
25 Hunted: AEGIS, More Powerful, 11- (Frequently), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
25 Hunted: UNICORN, More Powerful, 11- (Frequently), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
5 Reputation: Evil Organization, Sometimes (8-)
20 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders, Very Frequently (14-), Major
0 Susceptibility: Requires daily dose of 'Vitamins', Uncommon, 1d6 damage, per Day
0 Normal Characteristic Maxima: No Age Restriction

Disadvantage Points: 75


Base Points: 75

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Let's see...I've come up with a few for my superhero campaign. Most of them I've talked about in Haymaker!, but there are a few I 've never sprung on my players Let's see what I can remember:


The Order Of The Serpent: A cross of Eastern and Viking mythology, it's a bunch of cultists trying to bring on the end of the world thorugh a variety of means. It's got cool cultists, nasty ninja-like foot soldiers. I think it is going to make an appearance in my steampunk game too.


I'm also experimenting with a hi-tech mob family, but haven't figured out all the characters involved.

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