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New to Fantasy Hero

White Lion

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


Hi there,


Ok I have all the books and know the Hero's systems "ok" but I have

to convert my D&D campaign over to the Fantasy Hero's system


Now the books you might want are:


- Hero System: Fantasy Hero (this is the main book and you want

the HC version of it when it comes out shortly)


Some good resource for FH books are:


- FH - Nobles, Knights & Necromancer

- HS - Enchanted Items

- HS - Fantasy Hero Battlegrounds

- HS - Fantasy Hero Grimoire

- HS - Monsters, Minion, Marauders


Also some examples of Fantasy Hero settings:


- HS - FH The Valdorian Age

- HS - FH The Turakian Age

- HS - Tuala Morn


Also when it comes out here soon:


- FH - The Celtic Bestary


I should also point out there are two other books set in the Asian

setting that I don't want but they are:


FH - Asian Bestary I& II


Also some othere good Hero books to have might be:


- HS - 5th Edition Revised HC

- HS - Combat Handbook

- HS - Besiary


For more magic resource books I might point too these:


- HS - The Ultimate Mystic

- HS - Arcane Adversaries

- HS - Champions Demon Servants of Darkness

- HS - The Mystic World


Plus many other Hero System (HS) books can add something

to the game mechanics for you that you can include somewhere

along the way for the mechanics. The rest is just story telling and

writing on your part to create a campaign for your players to

play in.


There are many online resources as well too... I will be using

them myself as I too go through the design and redesign

process to recreate my campaign using the Hero System.



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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


To reiterate what someone said, we're not publishing a "new edition" of FH. We're just going to be reprinting it with a new printer, which gives us the chance to correct typos/errata and to update the page references to the latest edition of the rulebook.


We will soon have available a limited edition hardcover version of Fantasy Hero, if that's of interest to you. Keep an eye on the boards for announcements that we have them in stock, because we'll only be selling them here in the Online Store, not through regular retail outlets.


Our other FH supplements are in print and available, so feel free to pick up a few and dive right in! :)

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


Well, I'm going to go ahead and repeat peeps. There's the whole "STEVEN S. LONG" thing... he's a hack, really, but you know. I suffer somehow. Except the punk keeps signing all of my books "To slack-ass," and evidently he does this with an immense of glee. The bastard.


Where was I? Oh yes.


Fantasy HERO is your new Bible.

HERO System Equipment Guide (HSEG) is a must own.

HERO System Combat Handbook (HSCH) is a second must own.


After that, you can choose setting, Grimoires, the Fantasy Battleground Book (pretty helpful, actually), Nobles, Knights & Necromancers (Thanks again, Bill!) provides some decent villains, although I'm much happier with Steve's Predators.


There are plenty of books in the line and lots of opinions as to what was good and what was great, but for my money it's the core rules, combined with the flood of material in FH alone that make it worth the investment.

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


After the Hero System Book (5ER) and Fantasy Hero, you should decide what kind of fantasy game you want to run.


Nobles, Knights, and Necromancers (NKN), and the Grimoires 1 & 2 (FHG1 & FHG2) might not be that useful if you aren't running a high fantasy game set in the Turakian Age.


The Hero System Bestiary (HSB) and Monsters, Minions, and Marauders (MMM) contain fantasy monsters that should be fairly useful in almost any type of fantasy game.

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


Hi there,


Ok I have all the books and know the Hero's systems "ok" but I have

to convert my D&D campaign over to the Fantasy Hero's system


Now the books you might want are:


- Hero System: Fantasy Hero (this is the main book and you want

the HC version of it when it comes out shortly)


Some good resource for FH books are:


- FH - Nobles, Knights & Necromancer

- HS - Enchanted Items

- HS - Fantasy Hero Battlegrounds

- HS - Fantasy Hero Grimoire

- HS - Monsters, Minion, Marauders


Also some examples of Fantasy Hero settings:


- HS - FH The Valdorian Age

- HS - FH The Turakian Age

- HS - Tuala Morn


Also when it comes out here soon:


- FH - The Celtic Bestary


Just as a note:


Celtic Bestiary was folded into the Tuala Morn book (Chapter 6 specifically) and is not going to be a separate sourcebook.


Monsters, Minions, And Marauders; Nobles, Knights, And Necromancers, Both Grimoires; and Enchanted Items are designed for use with Turakian Age, but are easily ported to pretty much anywhere you need them (such is the nature of Hero).


Battlegrounds, by contrast, is generic but contains notes on placing each adventure in it somewhere in the Turakian Age setting.

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


I should also point out there are two other books set in the Asian setting that I don't want but they are:


FH - Asian Bestary I& II


Not true. These books aren't set in any specific setting, but instead describe various creatures from the mythology and folklore of real world SE Asia (Japan, China, India, and so on). The feature a whole host of undead, spirits, ghosts, dragons, and other (to our eyes) utterly unconventional animals and monsters, not to mention possible PC races, ideas for spells, and magic items.


Oh, and the greatest special effect for a power ever published in a HERO book. :D

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


Welcome aboard, White Lion. And have some rep.


One thing I can't believe Thia didn't mention: Hero Designer. (He's the only one here who's a bigger booster for it than I am.)


Hero Designer is your indispensable tool for everything Hero.

You will find yourself designing characters faster than you ever thought you could. It does the math for you, AND it enforces the rules, helping you make sure anything you write is legal.

It's a steal for only $25.00.


You can purchase character packs from the various books. The Bestiary character pack is a particularly good bargain, at $6.99.

ALL the creatures (monsters, animals, EVERYTHING) from the Bestiary book already done in HD, ready to be customized to suit you at a second's notice.

This pack includes all the various templates for customizing creatures that are listed in the book, as well. These make it even easier to customize a monster on the spur of the moment.

Need an Infernal wolf? Load up the wolf character sheet, load the Infernal prefab, and add the abilities to the wolf. Voila! done.


Buy it NOW. You'll be glad you did.:thumbup:

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


Welcome aboard, White Lion. And have some rep.


One thing I can't believe Thia didn't mention: Hero Designer. (He's the only one here who's a bigger booster for it than I am.)


Hero Designer is your indispensable tool for everything Hero.

You will find yourself designing characters faster than you ever thought you could. It does the math for you, AND it enforces the rules, helping you make sure anything you write is legal.

It's a steal for only $25.00.


You can purchase character packs from the various books. The Bestiary character pack is a particularly good bargain, at $6.99.

ALL the creatures (monsters, animals, EVERYTHING) from the Bestiary book already done in HD, ready to be customized to suit you at a second's notice.

This pack includes all the various templates for customizing creatures that are listed in the book, as well. These make it even easier to customize a monster on the spur of the moment.

Need an Infernal wolf? Load up the wolf character sheet, load the Infernal prefab, and add the abilities to the wolf. Voila! done.


Note to self -- get some of these character packs. Especially the Bestiaries and ABs.

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


Note to self -- get some of these character packs. Especially the Bestiaries and ABs.


Shop carefully, though.

The Bestiary is quite the bargain; only $6.99. (It was one of the very first character packs released, and somewhat under-priced, IMO.)


Many of the later packs run $30.00, because they contain essentially everything in their respective book EXCEPT the actual descriptions.

At that price, I have to choose between buying the pack and ordering a new book. So far, the book wins every time.


For that very reason, I'm keying in the spells from the Fantasy Hero Grimoire myself. The good side to that is, I'm sure learning about all the spells that will be used in my Turakian Age game. It has also let me figure out ground rules for players creating new spells for my campaign.


Generally speaking, the genre book character packs are the better bargains (Star Hero, Fantasy Hero, etc.). And the UMA-Ninja Hero, Bestiary, and Turakian Age packs are WELL worth the price, IMO. I don't have the packs for the other Ultimate books, but I'm considering them.

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


Not true. These books aren't set in any specific setting, but instead describe various creatures from the mythology and folklore of real world SE Asia (Japan, China, India, and so on). The feature a whole host of undead, spirits, ghosts, dragons, and other (to our eyes) utterly unconventional animals and monsters, not to mention possible PC races, ideas for spells, and magic items.


Oh, and the greatest special effect for a power ever published in a HERO book. :D


Ummmm... What SE would that be?

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


oh, and i'm sure he'll drop by to say it, but i'll beat him to it...


Killer Shrike's website of Fantasy HERO goodness.




*:P at KS*


***WHINE*** I said it fiiirst ***END WHINE***


No but seriously it bares repeating. I had hero and had no Idea where to start with a FH campaign until I read through this site.

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Re: New to Fantasy Hero


I was able to get a copy of Fantasy HERO at this year's GenCon, and I must say I really like it. I thought I knew how much D&D influenced my notions about fantasy RPG's, but it wasn't until I read over Fantasy HERO, with all of it's myriad options, that I was able to break that mindset once and for all.



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