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Designing a show stopping villain


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Ah villains the flavor to saver in any superhero story. From the foul and wretched deviants who's sick tastes drive them into the shadows to the megalomaniac prince of industry with the resources to torment any who may oppose them. What are your thoughts on a memorable villain? GMs what bad things have you brought to bear against your intrepid heroes? Throw out some ideas and if we can get a few I'll put up a poll for a build thingy.

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


A wide variety of villains, each memorable in their own way.


But to be memorable, they have to be unique. If you have 5 different unpowered, or barely powered assassins, no matter how cool, flashy and cunning they are, they all start to melt together.


Judging by their reactions, I think the most memorable ones I've used are these...

Snuff - Female unpowered assassin. Remembered as very deadly and very feared.

Teflon Girl - Sliding speedster. Remembered as sexy but not seductive, and potentially convertable to the side of 'good'.

Dr. Martini - Mastermind, scientist, business man, politician. Remembered for being conniving, cunning, and slippery as a wet noodle. Most of the PCs and players really had a mad-on for him.

Holocaust - Nazi elemental of hate, terror, and burning winds. Remembered as being the foremost proponent of mass slaughter. Whenever he shows up, the PCs first reaction isn't to fight him, its to clear the civilians before they have a massacre on their hands.

Amorphous - Metamorph. Can copy the powers and appearance of anyone he has ever met. Remembered as being the most frustrating foe to deal with due to the diversity of his capabilities.

Landshark - Brick, shark. Remembered as much for the humor as for his blood frenzies. Former villain, trying to go good, but keeps slipping off the wagon.


But these also happened to be the ones with repeat appearances. Perhaps I should ask the players what are the first villains they remember...

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


Funny thing about villains, as with many other creative endeavors: you can never tell in advance which ones are going to grab people's imaginations. You may have an idea which you think is cool, and put a lot of thought and care into developing it, but the magic that makes a villain memorable and makes people love to hate him is indefinable. Sadly, you can't just conjure up a Joker or Doctor Doom on demand. :( With that disclaimer out of the way ;) , I'll try to recall some of my more popular original villains.


In a past campaign of mine one of my major villains was a pre-Aztec era vampire and sorceror who had masqueraded as Mictlantecuhtli, God of Death and the Underworld. Mictlantecuhtli attempted to create an empire worshipping him as a living god, but was overthrown by his own sorceror-priests and entombed in a step-pyramid lost in the jungle. In the late 20th Century he was discovered and accidentally revived by an archaeologist. Escaping into the strange modern world, Mictlantecuhtli concluded that organized crime was the quickest way to gain power. He created the identity of Miguel Mictlan and began to muscle his way into the Mexican drug trade.


By the time my PC heroes encountered him, Mictlan had largely taken control of the country's drug trafficking. He had a number of bought operatives highly placed in the Mexican government and business community. Mictlantecuhtli had also revived his old cult, and his followers included other vampires, spell-casting priests, and were-jaguars. Miguel Mictlan's drugs were tainted by Mictlantecuhtli's spells to bring visions of the "god" to its users, as a way to lure vulnerable people to his cult and keep them physically as well as emotionally hooked. By this means he had expanded his powerbase into the United States, which is what brought the PCs into conflict with him.


Mictlantecuhtli's ultimate plan was to gain enough of a following to overthrow the Mexican government, and then round up some of the country's teaming millions for a mighty blood sacrifice that would return the country to its pre-Columbian state, with himself as its living god. As it turned out the PCs thwarted the first part of his plan, which didn't stop him from trying to skip right to the second part.

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


Wikihow has an article on creating credible villains.


It's good to give a villain a quirk or two, some sort of mundane obsession.


Gonna beat the Buffy horse a bit more and mention Major Wilkins from Season Three. He was an immortal sorcerer, one who was going to let nothing get in the way of his ascension to powerful demonhood, but he also discouraged his minions from using profanity, and had an odd phobia of germs. He was like a wacky sitcom dad, even when ordering his lackeys to murder those who oppose him.

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


This is the most fearsome opponent I (and my fellow co-gm at the time) ever unleashed on our heroes. I won't post them here, but you can find his followers, Psi-Bar, Razor, Titanus and the R.O.C.'s in my heroes & villains thread.


Kill Ratio

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

100 STR 90 29- Lift 26.2ktons; 20d6 [10]

35 DEX 75 16- OCV: 12/DCV: 12

50 CON 80 19-

40 BODY 60 17-

40 INT 30 17- PER Roll 17-

25 EGO 30 14- ECV: 8

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

10 COM 0 11-


20/50 PD 0 Total: 20/50 PD (0/30 rPD)

20/50 ED 10 Total: 20/50 ED (0/30 rED)

6 SPD 15 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

30 REC 0

100 END 0

115 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 410


Movement: Running: 26"/52"

Leaping: 40"/80"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

60 Death Punch: HKA 4d6 (8d6 w/STR) 6

20 Mental Toughness: Mental Defense (25 points total)

180 Personal Protection Field: FF (30 PD/30 ED/10 Flash Defense: Sight Group/10 Flash Defense: Hearing Group) (Protect Carried Items), Hardened (x2; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (180 Active Points)

25 Superhuman Leaping: Leaping +20" (40" forward, 20" upward) (Accurate) 2

33 Superhuman Metabolism II: LS (Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20 Minutes; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)

40 Superhuman Metabolism: Healing 5 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (110 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

40 Superhuman Running: Running +20" (26" total) 4

10 Toughness I: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Mental Defense

10 Toughness II: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Normal Defense

10 Toughness III: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Resistant Defenses

10 Toughness IV: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Power Defense



75 100 Robotic Operative Commandos: Followers

165 Kill Ratio's Base and Computer: Vehicles & Bases

80 Psi-Bar: Feamle mutant cyborg: Follower

95 Razor; Cyborg Assassin: Follower

70 Titanus: Cyborg Brick: Follower

15 Money: Filthy Rich



5 Eidetic Memory

3 Lightning Calculator

4 Speed Reading (x10)



3 Bugging 17-

3 Computer Programming 17-

3 Deduction 17-

3 Electronics 17-

3 Inventor 17-

3 Mechanics 17-

3 Scientist

2 1) SS: Anatomy 17- (3 Active Points)

2 2) SS: BioChemistry 17- (3 Active Points)

2 3) SS: Chemistry 17- (3 Active Points)

2 4) SS: Cyberneics 17- (3 Active Points)

2 5) SS: Mathematics 17- (3 Active Points)

2 6) SS: Neurology 17- (3 Active Points)

2 7) SS: Physiology 17- (3 Active Points)

2 8) SS: Robotics 17- (3 Active Points)

3 Systems Operation 17-

3 Security Systems 17-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 993

Total Cost: 1403


500+ Disadvantages

35 Enraged: Berserk when attacked with Energy Based Attacks (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-

25 Hunted: Primus 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

593 GM's Master Villain Bonus

25 Hunted: Until 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: Viper 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: all Superheroes 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

15 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Megalomania (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Common, Strong)

15 Reputation: Maniacal Supervillain, 14-

10 Rivalry: Professional, Dr. Destroyer, Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Harm or Kill Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID: Hannover Fist (Frequently, Major)

15 Unluck: 3d6

30 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Energy Based Attack (Very Common)

30 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Energy Based Attacks (Very Common)

5 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 898


Background/History: Hannover fist was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents were rich beyond a normal persons dream. He had the best of it all, educators, cooks, personal valets and butlers. The only thing he lacked was his parents love, always to busy to spend any time with him, and he hated them for it. His unearthly intelligence helped him graduate highschool by the time he was 12. By 25 he had earned several degrees from college and was working at the world's leading Robotic and Cybernetic research company. His scientific peers, however ridiculed him for his age and for his much more advanced ideas. They thought him a quack, but he kept teliing himself they would pay. After two years of ridicule he finally decided to act. He broke into the lab he worked in and assembled a set of neural & physical enhancment bracers and the chips he would need implanted in his body to allow the enhancements to work. Hannover then went to the operating rooms, programmed the robotic surgeon to imlant the chips, and laid down on the table. He awoke several hours later a new man. *Hannover Fist is no more*...he thought...*Everyone who ever ridiculed me will feel death at the hands of Kill Ratio*. He knew he would need money, so he went to his parents house. They were drunk and arguing. He came leaping through the window and sammed his fist into his fathers head, felling the bone of the skull collapse. Daddy was dead before he hit the floor. His mother ran but didnt get far as his fist opened a gaping hole all the way through her torso. Hannover then went home and removed the bracers, tempararilly returning him to normal. The police investigation turned up nothing other than the fact that his parents were obviuoslly killed by a supevillain. Two weeks later Hannover had every single cent of his parents money. He then went back to the lab and had the bracers permanantly fused to his forearms. Over the next few years he sold his parents house, built himself an underground base of operations and an army of robotic minions, as well as kidnapping three special individuals and turning them into obediant cyborgs. He then commanded his horde to attack his old lab and kill everyone there. It was plain and simple a bloodbath. During the carnage several supeheroes and the media showed up, which caused Kill Ratio to get involved himself. He managed to kill two superheroes, which forced the others to retreat carrying their dead commrades as they did so. Then using his super leaping ability he jumped towards one of the tv vans. He landed on the reporter and put his fist through the camera mans chest. He picked up the camera and said into the lens "I am Kill Ratio. I am here to make the world pay for it's sins. You will either bow to me or be killed. The end is nigh...Weep" Kill Ratio then lept away, his followers on his heels.


Personality/Motivation: Kill Ratio is pissed at the world. He is sadistic and will kill anyone at the drop of a hat.


Quote: The End is Nigh...Weep


Powers/Tactics: Kill Ratio is a brick combined with probablly the most brilliant mind on the planet. He is cold and calculating. He however enjoys just wading into his opponents and getting his hands dirty.


Appearance: Kill Ratio wears an balck bodysuit covering his entire body,save for where his wild mop of hair stick out of the top. There is a blood red set of crosshairs emblazoned on the torso front of the suit.

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


A few of you have guessed that I used to go by the handle of TheImperialKhan around here some years back. Which was the name of a major villain I was planning to use in an upcoming campaign. Well I put quite a bit of work into that character and I was quite proud of how he turned out.


So for the first time at the HERO boards let me present The Imperial Khan...






Val Char Cost Roll Notes

65 STR 10 22- Lift 204.8tons; 13d6 [6]

26 DEX 30 14- OCV: 9/DCV: 9

27 CON 20 14-

21 BODY 8 13-

33 INT 23 16- PER Roll 16-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

50 PRE 20 19- PRE Attack: 10d6

14 COM 2 12-

38 PD 4 Total: 38 PD (30 rPD)

38 ED 4 Total: 38 ED (30 rED)

8 SPD 30 Phases: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

11 REC 6

50 END 5

80 STUN 16 Total Characteristic Cost: 198


Movement: Running: 19"/76"

Flight: 35"/280"

Leaping: 13"/26"

Swimming: 15"/60"


Cost Powers END

22 Muscle Amplification Circuits: +45 STR (45 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) 4

9 Positive Reflex Enhancers: +6 DEX (18 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)

7 Inertial Nullifiers: +7 CON (14 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)

7 Hard Shell: +7 BODY (14 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)

13 Impressive Visage: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

13 Positive Reflex Enhancers: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

20 Inertial Nullifiers: +30 STUN (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


75 Fusion Powerplant: Endurance Reserve (300 END, 50 REC) Reserve: , Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points) (x1 Active Points; +1/4) (87 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


75 Trititanium Mesh Armor: Armor (30 PD/30 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (112 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

20 Kenetic Shunt: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

20 Energy Shunt: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

48 Mento-nullifiers: Mental Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); IIF (-1/4)

3 Helmet Defenses: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

3 Helmet Defenses: Hearing Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

3 Trititanium Armor: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Resistant Defenses (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

25 Anti-Magnetic Shielding: Force Field (30 PD/30 ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Only vs. Magnetic based attacks; -1 1/2), OIF (-1/2) 3

21 Iron Will: Mental Defense (20 points total), Hardened (+1/4) (21 Active Points)

17 Multi-Phasic Sheathing: Power Defense (21 points), Hardened (+1/4) (26 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


22 Scimitar: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (2 1/2d6 w/STR), +1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF (-1)


80 Particle Blasters: Multipower, 120-point reserve, (120 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)

6u 1) Normal Mode: Energy Blast 18d6 (90 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 9

5u 2) Super-charged Mode: Energy Blast 24d6 (120 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2), OIF (-1/2), Beam (-1/4) 24

6u 3) Conservation Mode: Energy Blast 12d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

6u 4) Tight-beam Mode: Energy Blast 12d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (90 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 9

6u 5) Explosive Mode: Energy Blast 12d6, Explosion (+1/2) (90 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 9

5u 6) Phase-Shift Mode: Energy Blast 10d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (75 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 7

8u 7) Power Mode: Killing Attack - Ranged 8d6 (120 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 12


67 Secondary Weapons: Multipower, 101-point reserve, (101 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)

7u 1) Tech Nullifier: Dispel Technological based powers 11d6, All Powers Simultaneously (+2) (99 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 10

4u 2) Localized High Gravity Field: Telekinesis (33 STR), Area Of Effect (5" Radius; +1) (99 Active Points); Only to pull objects down to the ground and hold them there (-1), OIF (-1/2) 10

6u 3) Charged Neutrino Pulse: Energy Blast 12d6, No Normal Defense (+1/2) (90 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 9

5u 4) Stun Beam: Energy Blast 8d6, No Normal Defense (+1) (80 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 8

4u 5) Hyper-Velocity Kenetic Penetrators: Killing Attack - Ranged 6 1/2d6, 16 Charges (+0) (100 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), Beam (-1/4) 10


50 Grav Thrusters: Multipower, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)

4u 1) Flight Mode: Flight 25", Improved Noncombat Movement (x8) (60 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 6

2u 2) Hypersonic Flight Mode: Flight 10", Megascale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (25 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 2

1u 3) Aqua Mode: Swimming +13" (15" total) (Improved Noncombat Movement (x4)) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 2

2u 4) Skimmer Mode: Running +13" (19" total), Improved Noncombat Movement (x4) (31 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 3


27 Sensor/Comm Systems: Multipower, 40-point reserve, (40 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)

1u 1) Active Sonar (Hearing Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

2u 2) Detect Energy 16- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Targeting Sense, Telescopic (+1 versus Range Modifier), Tracking (31 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

1u 3) High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

1u 4) Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

1u 5) Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group) (3 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

1u 6) Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


16 Inertial Nullifier: Knockback Resistance -10" (20 Active Points); IIF (-1/4)

13 Life Support System: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) (19 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

10 Offset Imager: +3 with DCV (15 Active Points); IIF Fragile (-1/2)

3 Ultraviolet Lamp: Sight Group Images x2 Radius (+1/4) (10 Active Points); Limited Power Only for those with Ultraviolet Vision (-1 1/2), Only To Create Light (-1), OIF (-1/2) 1


110 Ancient Sorcery: VPP (Magic Pool), 55 base + 55 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (110 Active Points)


The Way of the Warrior


Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Counterstrike +2 +2 17d6 Strike, Must Follow Block

5 Defensive Strike +1 +3 15d6 Strike

4 Fast Strike +2 +0 17d6 Strike

4 Killing Strike -2 +0 HKA 2d6

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Martial Escape +0 +0 90 STR vs. Grabs

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 15d6 +v/5, Target Falls

3 Takedown +1 +1 15d6 Strike; Target Falls

8 +2 HTH Damage Class(es)




60 Follower – 4 Major Lieutenants (250 +150 disads)

40 Follower – 8 Minor Lieutenants (150 +125 disads)

60 Follower – 125 Top Military Commanders (125 +75 disads)

100 Follower – 50,000 Troops (100 +50 disads)

21 Fringe Benefit - The Imperial Khan is the Supreme Ruler of Taqiristan, His word is absolute law: Federal/National Police Powers, Head of State, Low Justice: Character has the right to mete out justice., Member of the Aristocracy/Higher Nobility

15 Money: Filthy Rich

2 Reputation - Iron-fisted Ruler of Taqiristan (A large group - most of the world) 11-, +1/+1d6

2 Reputation - Scourge of the Desert (A medium-sized group - in the Middle East) 11-, +2/+2d6

3 Reputation - Stern but Fair Ruler and Protector (A small to medium sized group - The Taqiri people) 14-, +3/+3d6

200 The Khan's Palace and several lesser strongholds

152 250 Scorpion Grav Tanks (similar to US M1A1 Abrams MBT )

120 900 Lancer Armoured Fighting Vehicles (similar to US M2 Bradley IFV)

109 125 Lightningbolt Multi-role Fighters (virtually identical to the US F-22 Raptor)



3 Absolute Range Sense

3 Absolute Time Sense

3 Bump Of Direction

5 Eidetic Memory

3 Lightning Calculator

10 Resistance: 10 points



3 Analyze: Combat 16-

3 Bureaucratics 19-

3 Combat Driving 14-

3 Combat Piloting 14-

24 +3 with All Combat

3 Computer Programming 16-

3 Conversation 19-

3 Cryptography 16-

3 Deduction 16-

3 Electronics 16-

3 Forensic Medicine 16-

3 High Society 19-

3 Interrogation 19-

9 Inventor 19-

3 Mechanics 16-

8 Navigation (Air, Astral, Dimensional, Land, Marine, Space, Temporal) 16-

3 Oratory 19-

3 Paramedics 16-

15 +5 vs. penalties with all attacks

3 Persuasion 19-

13 Power: Magic 21-

5 PS: Chess Master 18-

6 PS: Benevolent Dictator 19-

3 PS: Scientist 16-

3 PS: Warrior 16-

3 Riding 14-

3 Security Systems 16-

30 +3 Overall

20 +4 with all sciences

8 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert) 17-

3 Systems Operation 16-

5 Tactics 17-

28 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Mecha, Riding Animals, Science Fiction & Space Vehicles, Balloons & Zeppelins, Carts & Carriages, Combat Aircraft, Helicopters, Large Military Ships, Large Motorized Boats, Large Planes, Large Rowed Boats, Large Wind-Powered Boats, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic, Rafts, Small Military Ships, Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Small Rowed Boats, Small Wind-Powered Boats, Snowmobiles, Submarines, Tracked Military Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles

20 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Early Firearms, Emplaced Weapons, Siege Engines, Small Arms, Flamethrowers, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Homemade Weapons, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Staffs, Vehicle Weapons

11 Weaponsmith (Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons, Energy Weapons, Firearms, Incendiary Weapons, Mecha Weapons, Missiles & Rockets, Muscle-Powered HTH, Muscle-Powered Ranged, Powered Armors) 16-

3 Linguist

3 1) Language: Arabic (Idiomatic, native accent (Taqiri is native)) (4 Active Points)

3 2) Language: Berber (Idiomatic, native accent) (4 Active Points)

3 3) Language: English (Idiomatic, native accent) (4 Active Points)

2 4) Language: French (Completely Fluent, w/Accent) (3 Active Points)

2 5) Language: German (Completely Fluent, w/Accent) (3 Active Points)

3 6) Language: Greek (Idiomatic, native accent) (4 Active Points)

3 7) Language: Hebrew (Idiomatic, native accent) (4 Active Points)

2 8) Language: Japanese (Completely Fluent, w/Accent) (3 Active Points)

3 9) Language: Latin (Idiomatic, native accent) (4 Active Points)

3 10) Language: Mandarin (Idiomatic, native accent) (4 Active Points)

4 11) Language: Persian (Imitate dialects) (5 Active Points)

1 12) Language: Punjabi (Fluent Conversation) (2 Active Points)

3 13) Language: Russian (Idiomatic, native accent) (4 Active Points)

2 14) Language: Spanish (Completely Fluent, w/Accent) (3 Active Points)

3 Scholar

1 1) AK: Africa (2 Active Points) 11-

1 2) AK: Europe (2 Active Points) 11-

1 3) AK: Hong Kong (2 Active Points) 11-

1 4) AK: Southeast Asia (2 Active Points) 11-

6 5) AK: Taqiristan (7 Active Points) 20-

2 6) AK: The Americas (3 Active Points) 16-

3 7) AK: The British Isles (4 Active Points) 17-

2 8) AK: The Himalyas (3 Active Points) 16-

4 9) AK: The Middle East (5 Active Points) 18-

2 10) AK: The Soviet Union (3 Active Points) 16-

2 11) KS: Chess (3 Active Points) 16-

2 12) KS: Great Scientists, Engineers and Inventors (3 Active Points) 16-

1 13) KS: Hidden Secrets of History (2 Active Points) 11-

1 14) KS: Martial Arts (2 Active Points) 11-

3 15) KS: Super-Tech (4 Active Points) 17-

2 16) KS: Superheroes/villians (3 Active Points) 16-

2 17) KS: The Arab World (3 Active Points) 16-

2 18) KS: The Mercenary World (3 Active Points) 16-

2 19) KS: The Oil Business (3 Active Points) 16-

3 20) KS: World Militaries (4 Active Points) 17-

2 21) KS: World Politics (3 Active Points) 16-

3 Scientist

2 1) SS: Aeronautics 16- (3 Active Points)

2 2) SS: Astrology 16- (3 Active Points)

2 3) SS: Astronomy 16- (3 Active Points)

2 4) SS: Biology 16- (3 Active Points)

1 5) SS: Botany 11- (2 Active Points)

2 6) SS: Chemistry - Non-organic 16- (3 Active Points)

2 7) SS: Chemistry - Organic 16- (3 Active Points)

2 8) SS: Computer Science 16- (3 Active Points)

1 9) SS: Ecology 11- (2 Active Points)

2 10) SS: Electronics 16- (3 Active Points)

2 11) SS: Engineering 16- (3 Active Points)

2 12) SS: Genetics 16- (3 Active Points)

2 13) SS: History 16- (3 Active Points)

2 14) SS: Mathematics 16- (3 Active Points)

2 15) SS: Metallurgy 16- (3 Active Points)

1 16) SS: Meteorology 11- (2 Active Points)

2 17) SS: Physics - Bio 16- (3 Active Points)

2 18) SS: Physics - Dimensional 16- (3 Active Points)

1 19) SS: Physics - Nuclear 11- (2 Active Points)

2 20) SS: Physics - Temporal 16- (3 Active Points)

2 21) SS: Physics 16- (3 Active Points)

2 22) SS: Psychology 16- (3 Active Points)

2 23) SS: Robotics 16- (3 Active Points)

2 24) SS: Sociology 16- (3 Active Points)

2 25) SS: Weapons Technology 16- (3 Active Points)

3 Traveler


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 2242

Total Cost: 2440


500+ Disadvantages


105 Dependent NPC: The People of Taqiristan 8- (Infrequently), Normal, Group DNPC (x524288 DNPCs)

10 Distinctive Features: Heavy Gray Armor Easily Concealed, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

25 Hunted: Doctor Doom 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish

20 Hunted: Magneto 8- (Occasionally), As Powerful, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish

20 Hunted: World Governments 11- (Frequently), More Powerful, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching

20 Psychological Limitation: Convinced that only he is fit to rule the world Common, Total

20 Psychological Limitation: Imperious Manner Very Common, Strong

5 Reputation: Dangerous Supervillian, Frequently (11-), Only among superheroes and their close associates

10 Rivalry: Doctor Doom: Professional (Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)

1705 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 235


Background/History: Little is known of the man who calls himself The Imperial Khan. Mostly rumor and propaganda, but this gives us a place to start. That he is a half-caste is obvious. The best estimates indicate that he is the only child of a former prince of the Taqiri Royal Family and an English noblewoman whom the Prince met when he was acting as Ambassador to the court of St. James. Although the old royal family was reported slain during the coup that brought General Tarassoly to power in 1968 there were rumors that the 6-year old prince was spirited away by a loyal retainer.


Where the boy was taken is unclear but a best guess would be somewhere within British territory. Some indicators point to Canada, others to Ceylon and still others to England itself; unless the Khan someday chooses to reveal it, the truth will likely never be known for certain. What most agree upon is that the boy would not have stayed in any one place for very long as Tarassoly's Secret Police were certain to be on his trail. The Khan's demonstrated broad knowledge of places and languages would seem to confirm this. In 1975 after a tenement fire in Hong Kong that destroyed several blocks and cost an unknown number of people their lives, three Taqiri agents returned home bearing a particularly large diplomatic bag. When the three were feted to a lavish banquet by the General, and given sizable estates as well, it was concluded that the young prince had finally met his end.


It is now believed that the boy had in fact faked his death using a double that was able to fool the identification techniques in use at the time. Soon after, a particularly bright student by the name of Asad Sharif was enrolled in Trinity College at Cambridge. His manner was aloof and commanding but he was not afraid to get his hands dirty and was known to work harder at both his studies and his private research than any of the other students. He had few friends but those that he did accept as friends defend him with a loyalty bordering on fanatical even today. In 1978 he received a degree in Engineering, followed a year later by a second in Chemistry and in 1980 by double doctorates in Physics and Aeronautics.


It was at about this time that Sharif was approached by a recruiting officer from the British Army and was offered a commission as a Lieutenant. Sharif accepted and was sent to the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst were he earned high honors. In 1982 he led a commando team in the liberation of the Falkland Islands and was award the Victoria Cross for valour. After 6 years of exemplary service during which he had risen to the rank of Major, Sharif resigned his commission and formed a mercenary outfit operating out of a villa on a tiny island in the Med.


Sharif and his mercenaries were undeniably some of the most skilled professional soldiers ever to take up arms for profit and in fact commanded fees that were more than triple what others received for similar assignments. Eventually Sharif's mercenary command grew to brigade size, it had started as little more than an oversized company, and began to be employed more and more as a security force against attack by the major terrorist agencies and super-criminals. Then in 1996 Sharif was confronted by an enemy that he couldn't defeat - Magneto. The mutant master of magnetism swept the elite mercenaries aside as though they were unruly children as he drove toward his goal until all that stood between him and it was a battered but defiant Asad Sharif.


"You cannot win," the mutant stated as with a gesture he sent Sharif's weapon flying from his hands. The mercenary's shoulders slumped, his head bowing in defeat for but a moment before snapping up again, defiance blazing in his eyes.


"Neither can you!" he said as his finger triggered the explosive charge that destroyed the prize that the mutant sought. The explosion sent the mercenary flying to land in a broken heap nearly 40 meters away. The mutant master of magnetism picked Sharif up and holding him suspended in air before him snarled, "You'll pay for that, human!" Then with a powerful gesture sent the mercenary flying across the sky and out of sight.


No one is quite certain how Asad Sharif managed to survive being thrown what we estimate to be over four hundred miles into the middle of the Western Sahara, but a man matching Sharif's general description was seen to emerge from the desert some six months later and make his way to the port of Algeirs. From there he took passage on a freighter to the mercenary's base but when he arrived he found the villa destroyed and plundered. He remained only long enough to salvage a few items before leaving by a small hidden submarine that had escaped destruction.


Sharif then travelled to Calcutta and from there deep into the Himalayas where he disappeared only to return after some three years in the mountains. From what little he has let slip he apparently spent the years training in two different monasteries. In one he was taught the powerful martial art known as "The Way of the Warrior"; while in the other he was schooled in arcane arts of magic and sorcery. And through both schools his force of will and purpose was strengthened to a diamond hardness.


When he emerged from the mountains he was cloaked and his face hidden by a mask, he told no one his name but set about recruiting a new and larger mercenary army. He equipped them lavishly, with weapons and vehicles that were not yet in service even in the industrialized West. He bid them to travel to a location in Afghanistan near the Taqiri border and await him there. Ten days later, wearing the armor and cloak that would become his trademark, The Imperial Khan arrived. Across the border they swept, crushing the resistance from General Tarassoly's army with ease and liberating hundreds from the corrupt general's prisons as they rolled toward the capital. In their advance however the Khan took the time to completely obliterate the estates of the three agents who had supposedly killed the young prince thirty years earlier, as well as personally slaying the agents.


Within a matter of a week, just seven days, The Usurper Tarassoly had been swept from power and beheaded for his crimes against the Taqiri people. The Imperial Khan proclaimed himself to be the long lost Prince and thus true ruler of Taqiristan. As proof he produced the jeweled scimitar of the Royal Family and the people welcomed him with open arms.


Since taking power Sharif has shown himself to be a wise and just ruler, if often imperious in his manner and a bit hot-headed at times. One of his first acts was to sweep the drug traffickers, that Tarassoly had allowed sanctuary, out of the country. Following this he set up schools and public works projects that are rapidly transforming the country. He demands loyalty above all else but has done much to care for his people, and the Taqiri standard of living has risen sharply in the years since his ascension to power.


The question on everyone's mind, particularly given the ease with which he defeated General Tarassoly, is: will The Imperial Khan be satisfied with Taqiristan or will he attempt to expand his power? Are we looking at the rise of another Victor Von Doom? Our best estimates indicate that the Khan will be another two or three years setting domestic concerns to right followed by a possible campaign against the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. But it must be admitted that there is only a 47% probability of this happening. Put bluntly at this point in time The Imperial Khan is very much a wild card in international politics.



Quote: "So states The Imperial Khan!"



Appearance: The Imperial Khan is rarely seen outside of his powerful battlearmor but those who knew him before described him as a moderately tall, well muscled man with rugged good looks. He wore a neatly trimmed black beard and moustache as was customary for many Taqiri, his bright blue eyes made more startling by his dark complexion. Today he is believed to be clean shaven, with his hair cut very short, possibly even shaved off. His manner, always commanding, has become more and more imperious over the years although he can rein it in when need be. His armor is iron grey in color (although he does have a bright silver armor for truly formal occasions) and is somwhat old-fashioned in appearance. This is merely a visage however, the Khan's armor is actually the very latest high technology. He also wears a hooded white cloak (purple with his formal armor) trimmed with gold. At his side the Khan wears the ivory-handled scimitar that has been in his family for over 700 years and may in fact date back to before the Great Flood and a previously unknown epoch of humanity that may have existed thousands of years in the distant past. If the Khan has dated the blade to confirm this he has told no one the results.

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


The one (and currently only) supervillian I've had that was memorable was The Nhilist. He was pretty much a standard energy projector. His schtick was "negative cosmic energy" that tended to negate anything out of existence. However, he was memorable because of the following:


1. Funny accent - I did him with a german eurotrash accent.

2. Simple motivation - he was obsessed with Nhilism.

3. Easy to make fun of - despite his power, he was kind of dumb and superficial, and had a reputation as a putz.

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


The things all my master villains always had to have, when I was GMing, if I wanted them to last more than two sessions were stealth, shadowing, concealment and disguise.


Because my players would track them to where they slept, and take them down when they were most vulnerable. "You have to sleep sometimes," is an expression that really matters.

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


The things all my master villains always had to have, when I was GMing, if I wanted them to last more than two sessions were stealth, shadowing, concealment and disguise.


Because my players would track them to where they slept, and take them down when they were most vulnerable. "You have to sleep sometimes," is an expression that really matters.

Life support, no need sleepy.

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Re: Designing a show stopping villain


I found that my best villains slowly became good guys... which was a tad irritating as the good guys went in the opposite direction and "The end justifies..." became their watch words.


So, for a villainous NPC to be memorable, he/she/it has to do things beyond the PC's range or imagination. This usually meant that they had more style or their motives/actions were so weird the players were almost forced to talk about them, to the exclusion of all else, at the end of the evening. After all, besieging Lincoln City with exploding rubber duck bath toys couldn't have been the real plan, could it?

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