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warhammer 40k Star hero


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Hi guys I started playing Hero system about six months ago and well.It kicks other systems down a well as far as what you can do with it. So here I sit a bored nerd who plays 40k wanting to get some advice on running a 40k hero system games. what poinjts would be best and what books I should buy to get this game running right.I have a good bit of champions books as thats what we have been playing most over these last few months. Any advice would be appericated

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


The Alien Wars supplement is along those veins, but not an exact match. It's probably your closest stop from published supplements.


Here are some links to threads about 40k courtesy of one of The Question Man's link lists; I can't attest to them all personally, but might be worth a read for you:



Warhammer 40K HERO



http:// http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=803217#post803217 (40K Space Marine Power Armour)

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


Welcome to the HERO community, SageV! Glad you're enjoying the game. You've come to the right place for assistance. We're generally a pretty helpful and friendly bunch. :)


As for 40K HERO resources, I suggest you try some of these quality, free fan-created online ones:


Weapon conversion notes, and many converted weapons and defenses:



More weapon and equipment conversions, character sheets for races, and notes on running adventures in the WH40K universe:



Even more weapon stats, including heavy and vehicle weapons, plus discussion of how to convert elements of the 40K world:



Space marine Package Deal (for Fourth Edition HERO):



Discussion and writeups for Space Marine abilities and implants:



Space Marine powered armor, including Hero Designer prefabs:



Tyranid writeups, including Hero Designer files:



Tyranid Lictor writeup:


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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


As far as books...


ghost-angel has become something of on an expert on Hero products and might well wander along to have a gander at this...


But would it be too obvious to say that Star Hero would be a must? I don't know how interested you'd be in the campaign setting books (Alien Wars, Terran Empire), but they might have a lot of good stuff for you.


Somewhere around here is the the Halo: Combat Evolved thread, which would be a second or third cousin of what you're asking about...


And on yet another tangent, ComStar games is releasing a bunch of Traveller supplements that port that universe to the Hero System. (They seem to be much beloved by Star Hero folk.)

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


Dem write-ups in the links up der is all about weak little 'umies and der tings, dem dat are wot like easy ta stomp an' stuff, an' der not be one word abouts writin' up da Power of da WAAAAGH!!! Dis tread needs ta be more orky.



EDIT: Seriously, how would you handle that ork psychic power field that increases the more orks there are? Dice of Luck, the amount depending on number of orcs?

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


Seriously' date=' how would you handle that ork psychic power field that increases the more orks there are? Dice of Luck, the amount depending on number of orcs?[/quote']


1d6 Luck, usable by others (+1/4), Area affect x8 (+1 3/4), requires successful opposed EGO roll (-3/4), Orks only (-0), activates 8- (-2), active cost 15, real cost 4.


The "requires an opposed EGO roll" means you can only use the power when there's someone around to oppose the roll (ie: another ork) - and the +1/4 "usable by others" means that only one person gets to use the power at a time. :D


So... when Orks congregate, they all have the luck power - but only the strongest-willed one gets to use the power - and as long as his warband are willing to follow him, he gets to use LOTS of it. The "activates 8-" is because it's not that reliable - but if you have lots and lots of folowers nearby, who cares if only a few are actively contributing at any one time?


cheers, Mark

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero



So... when Orks congregate, they all have the luck power - but only the strongest-willed one gets to use the power - and as long as his warband are willing to follow him, he gets to use LOTS of it. The "activates 8-" is because it's not that reliable - but if you have lots and lots of folowers nearby, who cares if only a few are actively contributing at any one time?


cheers, Mark


But the WAAAAGH!!! field is usable by all the orcs in the Waaaaagh!, no? It keeps their guns from breaking down, makes da red ones go fasta, etc.


(I've never played the game, but I'm a fan of the setting and fluff.)

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


It has fallen to me to convey the desires of the Aun, long may they guide us, in this matter. We are saddened to note that the glorious Tau Empire, long known as a powerful force for the Greater Good of all thinking beings, has been neglected in these otherwise informative documents. We point out that while the Orks have only a crude and instinctive grasp of the machines they need to make war, and the Imperium of Man holds the remnants of their past in superstitious awe, we, the Tau, are truly the masters of our technology, harnessing it for the benefit of all.


Study our ways, and you, too, may come to understand the immense value of the Greater Good, and join us in our struggle to bring it to the galaxy.

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


If the wise and glorious Tau would deign to describe the virtues of their technology to unworthy Man' date=' in terms of the honored system named HERO which we revere, we, unworthy Man, would be humbly grateful for this contribution to the Greater Good. :hail:[/quote']


Xenophile heretic!

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


FYI for all to note about ComStar and Traveller Hero,


You know with ComStar Games loosing their license to write Traveller products (when their license runs out Marc Milller is not reissueing to anyone except MonGoose Games) then there will be no more Traveller hero products. Now ComStar games with Traveller Hero also came up with 1248 the New Era for traveller as well too. It will be sad, but they are developing a new space based campaign world called Far Avolon and I hope it is done in both their own game mechanics and hero system as well or they will be of no more use to this collective board!



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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


FYI for all to note about ComStar and Traveller Hero,


You know with ComStar Games loosing their license to write Traveller products (when their license runs out Marc Milller is not reissueing to anyone except MonGoose Games) then there will be no more Traveller hero products. Now ComStar games with Traveller Hero also came up with 1248 the New Era for traveller as well too. It will be sad, but they are developing a new space based campaign world called Far Avolon and I hope it is done in both their own game mechanics and hero system as well or they will be of no more use to this collective board!




Does that mean that they won't be able to sell the products they've already made on an ongoing basis... or that they won't be able to develop any new products?

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


FYI for all to note about ComStar and Traveller Hero,


You know with ComStar Games loosing their license to write Traveller products (when their license runs out Marc Milller is not reissueing to anyone except MonGoose Games) then there will be no more Traveller hero products. Now ComStar games with Traveller Hero also came up with 1248 the New Era for traveller as well too. It will be sad, but they are developing a new space based campaign world called Far Avolon and I hope it is done in both their own game mechanics and hero system as well or they will be of no more use to this collective board!




Well that sucks.

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


well thanks for all the links everyone. the information has helped out quiet a bit....espically the ork psychic rule. I do agree that this thread needs more greater good loving. I have decided to use 125 point characters for this game .seem to be a good number so everyone can play something unique(so far we have a rouge trader and a space wolf bloodclaw).

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


I might see about posting some Tau conversions, but I'll have to read the other stuff to get an idea of how people are translating WH40K stats into Hero, and I'll also have to see if I can find my copy of TUV, or get a new one if I can't. It may take me a few days to get this started.

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


I might see about posting some Tau conversions' date=' but I'll have to read the other stuff to get an idea of how people are translating WH40K stats into Hero, and I'll also have to see if I can find my copy of TUV, or get a new one if I can't. It may take me a few days to get this started.[/quote']


I am actually making a character based on the Tau. He has a powered armor suit the defenses of which are based on not getting hit -- not a lot of PD and ED, but lots of Leaping with +DCV when in motion and high SPD. Plus a bucketload of high-damage ranged weaponry. Very effective outside -- a sitting duck indoors. I've been thinking of getting him a couple of Gun Drones, but I'm not sure if they'd be Followers or what.


EDIT: This is for the Supers genre.

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


were not dead yet folks, the license has a year to run, and any number of things could change in the next year... and just because lose our traveller license doesnt mean we couldnt work on support material for star hero.


so lets give things a little time to sort out and keep on gaming


Well, I saw two of your books at HeroCon and was sold! I need to order some as soon as Xmas shopping is over.

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


I was thinking that if I were to run a game in the Warhammer 40K universe, I would completely eschew the military aspects -- as most of the protagonists and what they stand for are uncompletely unsavory and are either not open to character development ("For the Emperor! Die foul Xenos!" or "Kill dem 'umies!" being the limits of thought for some of the principals) or are totally subverted to the military hierarchy.


Instead, I would play it more like Call of Cthulhu in space. The characters are on some dystopian Hive World/idyllic Paradise Planet and start to unravel the foul chaos cult festering under the surface.


I might even try to import the Call of Cthulhu SAN rules in some way.

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  • 1 month later...

I am starting to play around with WH40K conversions myself so rather than open a new thread I will post my observations and questions here.


I know that there are several Hero 40K conversions out there, I've looked at most of them. However our group has always played a somewhat more lethal game with house rules for building firearms. That is why I am attempting to do my own (that and I like experimenting on my own). This brings me to the subject of Bolters.


The standard Bolter Pistol is said to be .50-caliber. Supposedly there are erronous reports that make it bigger than that but the stuff I have seen that is supposed to be canon says that Bolter Pistols are .50-caliber and the Heavy Bolters are 1.00-caliber. Right now I am trying to model the standard Bolter Pistol. I started by assuming that the nearest thing in the modern world would be something like the .500 Smith & Wesson which is currently the most powerful handgun made (as far as I know). I know that the Bolter uses a sort of rocket-propelled round so in some ways it is similar to a gyrojet round. I also assume that despite the short-looking barrel it is at least as accurate due to higher technology counter-balancing the lack of a long barrel. I also assume that the gyrojet nature of the ammo and the extra volume of the weapon behind the chamber are in part to lessen the recoil of this massive pistol so that non-enhanced troops (like Imperial Guard) can still handle the weapon.


The one question that I have right now was caused by examining the write-up of Imperial Weapons on Wikepdia. The detailed info for the standard Bolter round shows that it has a core of "Depleted Deuterium." :nonp:


Are they serious or mistaken or is this supposed to be something other than Deuterium? Deuterium is a stable isotope of Hydrogen. Yeah, it has about double the density of normal Hydrogen but that still means that the core of the Bolter round is about as dense as air. It's like taking a bullet and putting a core of balsa wood in it. I have to assume that the "Depleted Deuterium" they are talking about is not the same as real-world deuterium, it must be some sci-fi metal like questionite or unobtainum.


So my question is this what is "Depleted Deuterium?" A super dense fictious metal of some sort?

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Re: warhammer 40k Star hero


My guess would be that it's an attempt to come up with something that sounds nastier than the depleted uranium that's often used in real-world armor-piercing rounds. Perhaps the writers of the game had heard of deuterium, didn't know what it is but thought it sounds cool; or perhaps they thought their players wouldn't know enough science to recognize it. :rolleyes:


At least it's not as bizarre as solidified aether. ;)

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