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WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


I can't think of a single character I've ever played who wouldn't want to know more before they answered. Especially the "we may or may not be gods" angle. If you're gods, just come out and say it. And if you're not gods, but good beings, then say you're not gods. But if you're saying you might or might not be, that indicates to me that you're not, but want me to think you are, which indicates bad intentions to me. Oh, and the only characters of mine who would believe these guys really are gods, ... are already gods themselves. Which makes these upstarts a rival pantheon. "No, sorry, can't join you. But if you prove yourselves worthy, we might allow you to join us. As probationary members, of course. Or we could always integrate you by force."

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Justicar: "You guys must not have read my résumé carefully enough. I'm a Roman Catholic priest in my day job. You're offering me virtually unlimited power? Jesus Christ had a phrase when that kind of power was offered to Him - 'Satan, get thee hence!' In other words, get lost."


I love that response as well!

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Don't know the latter (Infinity Galactic tier)' date=' but I'm thinking it would at least be equivalent to Q.[/quote']


Sorry, I meant Infinity Gauntlet (or cosmic cube, or heart of the universe, or whatever artifact Jim Starlin based his latest "reality emperiled" plot :cool:). You know, the functional total omnipotence tier, which you can only defeat by exploiting the wielder's psych foibles.


Q effectively belonged to the "lesser omnipotence" tier, where the being could effectively do anything (at least from the perspective of lesser beings), but other beings of similar power can effectively counter him.


In Hero terms, it means adding a big fat Cosmic VPP (and some benefits like Total Life Support) to the character's sheet. Well, in Nova's case, it would be a dramatic, but not overwhelming, power boost. He already is on the Superman/Thor "lesser cosmic" power tier (heavily optimized 762 pp, currently) and has full immortality, this boost would add the Silver Surfer/Green Lantern level of flexibility to his current abilities, or the Thor with Odinforce power range. Say adding a 100-200 base Cosmic VPP. It's similar to what he could develop on his own with some years of concerned exclusive effort on developing one's powers, a la Dragonball Z "training bout from Hell", or some decades of diligent normal development and experience in combination with his usual activities. Depending on the obligations and limitations such adoption in this divine race might involve, he might eagerly accept (he's a big believer in the evolutive potential into godhood of superhumans) or politely refuse. He will eventually reach the Phoenix stage through natural evolution of his powers, this would just greately accelerate things.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


It's actually quite simple. You have been taken to the top of a mountain, in the middle of a volcano, by a seashore, or orbiting your home planet by beings of great power. You can't see them very well, but since they know your mind and favorite locations for relaxation, the location is yours to imagine. One of the figures becomes clear, and you see a noble and extraordinarily striking being. Female characters will see males; males will see females. The others are shrouded in mist, but you might see shapes, colors and clothing, on occasion as the mist thins.


A warm, inviting voice intones:


"We have seen your power, your integrity, your virtues. We hold extraordinary power; some have, in your past, regarded us as divine. That may---or may not---be true, but we have determined that you hold great value. We would hereby make you one of us, in effect, a god. Do you accept?"


Vitus : "When do I start? I've got a long list of people in dire need of smiting - godhood will save me some time. Oh, will I have to hang around here or can I get going to the important universes? After the smiting, of course."


Zero would simply be incredulous, and try a few telepathic probes, before going and having a good lie down and swearing to never stay up this late again.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Badger- No. Catholic upbringing for one. He doesnt want to live forever, for two (wants to see his mother and sister in heaven, once more). Still needs to avenge the family for 3. and would be pretty sure life as one of them would be extremely boring for 4.



Frosty Bob- You think I am virtuous? Whatever you are smoking can I have some? (to the hot female) So baby........(would end in him getting a goddess-like smack to the face :rolleyes:)

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Daedalus: Sounds tempting. What's the catch? I watch Stargate. There any rules or restrictions your membership must abide? And what do you call yourselves? I'd like to check your refrences with a couple friends of mine.


Quetzalcoatl: "I am already a god,* and count a number of honorable divinities as my friends and collegues. But if you wish an alliance with the Theran Compact, I would be happy to make introductions for you with the appropriate diplomats."


*Not really. Quetzalcoatl lives in the ancient past, and all the "gods" are in reality superhumans. They and everyone else just think they're gods. Probably. Maybe they really are gods. It gets fuzzy with the amount of power some of them throw around.


Warp: "Let me check with my friend Horus first. He's a god too and I want to get a low down from him about the perks and drawbacks that come with it."


Spectrum: "I'm an officer of the United States Air Force. My first duty is to my country. If the obligations of this godhood would interfere with my duties or create a conflict of interest I'm afraid I would have to decline."

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Cornerstone would say "You have tempted Jesus with this before Satan. 'Get thee hense'!"


Silver Speedster would just say "No thanks, what's the thrill in that?"


Mark IV would say "I do not think that I am ready for such an undertaking. I would rather work my way towards my goals." But he would ask a LOT of questions - about everything. From his personal history, to Star Trek's "Q", and so on.


Super! Absorbant! Sponge!!!!! would say "Sure!" and I suspect not long after that, the newly enlightened dieties would realize their obvoius mistake.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Iron Alloy would blink a few times saying, "Um you might want to check with Ra. You know...the Egyptian Sun God? He's kinda got a stake claimed on this real estate...if you know what I mean.


Darkness would peak out from under her hood, ducking back under after all that annoying divine light starts burning, and then sigh. "You want me? Seriously? No really. Is this some sort of joke? Did you not catch the 'abyssal demon housed inside me' part? No? Thought so. I'm going home.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Shockwave: "How's the dental plan? Good? Oh, I can fix my own teeth painlessly? I'll need a few moments to think abo I'M IN, WHERE DO I SIGN UP?"


Night Dragon: "I am not yet at my full pinnacle on Earth. I still have work that I must finish as a mortal. Please file my name for future reference, but thank you."

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Sir Johnstone would accept immediately and graciously, then immediately go back to his dayjob as a butler. If they continued to refer to him/themselves as gods, he would say that he politely requests that they refrain from doing so in his presence as he is a loyal protestant christian. If it turned out that 'Gods' have rules that stop him from being a superhero, then he would be a superhero anyway and simply not use Divine Power ever again, though he would mourn the loss of Divine Power when it was time to do the dusting in the mansion.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Most often because A) they don't believe they're actually worthy of having that kind of power and/or B) they're worried of what they would do with that much power. Two sayings spring into mind here: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" and "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."


Yeah but Misery wants to save human from extinction 50 years in the future and she's a street-level character.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Mike the Demoness: "You /do/ know I'm an atheist, right? I appreciate the offer, but I'd like a chance to look over the agreement first for any unpleasant details - I'm sure you understand, given the number of supernatural beings who hew to the letter of a contract, and I don't want to end up turning into the god of atheists and vanishing in a puff of paradox. But barring anything intrinsically unpleasant like that, I'm willing to give it a go."

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Mike the Demoness: "You /do/ know I'm an atheist' date=' right? I appreciate the offer, but I'd like a chance to look over the agreement first for any unpleasant details - I'm sure you understand, given the number of supernatural beings who hew to the letter of a contract, and I don't want to end up turning into the god of atheists and vanishing in a puff of paradox. But barring anything intrinsically unpleasant like that, I'm willing to give it a go."[/quote']


I don't know if it would be a paradox. How about a guardian instead of a god? Be someone to look out for the spiritually independent in a multiverse of "worship me or else" gods.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Sylph would be very concerned about what Dionysius might have to say about such an occurance. Besides, she's got enough self-confidence issues with the powers she's already got; being offered a spot as a goddess would really throw her for a loop.


Soulbarb on the other hand wonders what these folks are thinking, offering divinity to someone whose soul is bonded to a demon. She'd settle for help ridding herself of the latter without also ridding herself of her powers. She'd naturally be suspicious of what strings come with the offer of divinity, as well.

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