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Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


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"Sundered from us by gulfs of time and stranger dimensions dreams the ancient world of Nehwon with its towers and skulls and jewels, its swords and sorceries. Nehwon's known realms crowd about the Inner Sea: northward the green-forested fierce Land of the Eight Cities, eastward the steppe-dwelling Mingol horsemen and the desert where caravans creep from the rich Eastern Lands and the River Tilth. But southward, linked to the desert only by the Sinking Land and further warded by the Great Dike and the Mountains of Hunger, are the rich grain fields and walled cities of Lankhmar, eldest and chiefest of Nehwon's lands. Dominating the Land of Lankhmar and crouching at the silty mouth of the River Hlal in a secure corner between the grain fields, the Great Salt Marsh, and the Inner Sea is the massive-walled and mazy-alleyed metropolis of Lankhmar, thick with thieves and shaven priests, lean-framed magicians and fat-bellied merchants - Lankhmar the Imperishable, the City of the Black Toga."




Fafhrd, the Grey Mouser, and the world of Nehwon (“no when”) were created by Fritz Leiber, who much like Michael Moorcock and Elric, wanted to create a more “human” sword-and-sorcery hero, as opposed to Conan or Tarzan and their far more superhuman physiques and exploits. His first story was The Jewels in the Forest, published in 1939 (known then as Two Sought Adventure), followed by The Bleak Shore in 1940. He then wrote additional stories over the next 40 years, eventually producing seven volumes detailing the life and adventures of this most notorious pair of rogues. In 1970, he wrote Ill Met In Lankhmar, in which Fafhrd and the Mouser meet for the first time (this coming after 30 years of stories featuring them together). It won the Nebula and Hugo awards, the only Fafhrd and Grey Mouser stories to do so.


Unlike the world of Conan’s Hyboria, which contains many easily identifiable pastiches of real-world cultures, Nehwon is far more surreal and strange. The most obvious nod to our Earth is the Mingols, who are modeled on the Mongols. In addition, the northmen of the Cold Waste are meant to be Norsemen, but other than that, the various people and places Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser meet have no real Earth analogs. There is also more magic in Nehwon, making it reminiscent of Elric of Melnibone’s world. Mouser has some sorcerous skill, while the women of Fafhrd’s clan practice strange ice magics. In addition, the two of them come across, and use, enchanted items from time to time, including a potion that allows one to shrink to rat size and a whistle that can summon great fighting cats.


The denizens of Nehwon are equally bizarre. There are behemoths, seagoing leviathans, ice gnomes, hyper-intelligent rats, furred hot-blooded snow snakes, and more. In addition, there are the clear-fleshed ghouls, who appear as skeletons, the invisible people of Stardock Mountain, and a whole race of people who dwell amid the clouds. Finally, there are the gods, who live in the south of Lankhmar, in the well-named Godsland. Numerous, and often bored, they take great interest in the activities of man, especially of those men are their worshippers (even if only nominally). And like any bored beings of great power, they can be remarkably petty.


After reading my entire collection of Fafhrd and Grey Mouser stories, I’ve decided to try to create character sheets for some of the more notable persons and creatures. When I’m done, I hope to have character sheets for Fafhrd, Grey Mouser, the Nehwon Ghoul Kreeshka, the Cloud of Hate, a Furred Snow Serpent, an Ice-Cat, the Warrior’s Doom, and a generic Nehwon Ghoul.



Collected editions of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser:

Swords And Deviltry

Swords Against Death

Swords In The Mist

Swords Against Wizardry

The Swords Of Lankhmar

Swords And Ice Magic

The Knight And Knave Of Swords


For these character sheets, I used the Orion/Millennium Fantasy Masterworks editions, consisting of The First Book of Lankhmar (containing books 1-4) and The Second Book of Lankhmar (containing books 5-7).

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
20	STR	10	13-	Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage [4]
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
20	CON	20	13-
15	BODY	10	12-
16	INT	6	12-	PER Roll 14-
12	EGO	4	11-	ECV:  4
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6
14	COM	2	12-

8	PD	4		Total:  8 PD (0 rPD)
6	ED	2		Total:  6 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	12		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
8	REC	0
50	END	5
35	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  107

Movement:[/b]	Running:	7"/14"
	Gliding:	4"/4"
	Leaping:	5"/10"
	Swimming:	4"/8"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Fencing/Swordplay[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Cut	+2	+0	Weapon +2 DC Strike
4	Disarm	-1	+1	Disarm; 30 STR to Disarm roll
4	Evade	--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4	Parry	+2	+2	Block, Abort
5	Slash	-2	+1	Weapon +4 DC Strike
5	Thrust	+1	+3	Weapon  Strike
0	Weapon Element:  Blades

5	[b]"Knocked Aside The Weapon With A Swift Blow Of His Palm":[/b]  Missile 
Deflection (Thrown Objects)
2	[b]Snow Walking:[/b]  Gliding 4"; Only On Snow And Ice (-1), Ground 
Gliding (-1/4), No Noncombat movement (-1/4)
1	[b]Acrobatic Leaping:[/b]  Leaping +1" (5" forward, 2 1/2" upward); Requires 
An Acrobatics Roll  (-1/2), END 1
2	[b]Long Legs:[/b]  Running +1" (7" total), END 1
2	[b]Powerful Swimmer:[/b]  Swimming +2" (4" total), END 1
6	[b]Sharp Eyes And Ears:[/b]  +2 PER with all Sense Groups

7	Contact:  Ningauble of the Seven Eyes (Contact has extremely useful 
Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good 
relationship with Contact) 11-
4	Reputation:  "[a] taste for strange adventure, mysterious comings and 
goings, odd sense of humor" (the world of Newhon) 11-, +2/+2d6

6	Ambidexterity (-1 Off Hand penalty)
20	Danger Sense (self only, out of combat) 14-/12-
7	[b]Beast Slayer:[/b]  Deadly Blow:  +1d6 (Beasts)
1	[b]Ice Walking:[/b]  Environmental Movement (no penalties on ice and snow)

32	[b]"Handled [Graywand] Most Nimbly In Strife":[/b]  +4 with All Combat
8	Penalty Skill Levels:  +4 vs. Range Modifier with Ranged Attacks
24	Penalty Skill Levels:  +8 vs. Hit Location modifiers with All Attacks
10	[b]Woodcraft:[/b]  +2 with all "outdoors" skills (Climbing, Concealment, 
Stealth, Survival, and so on)

3	Acrobatics 13-
1	Acting 8-
2	Animal Handler (Birds) 13-
5	Climbing 14-
2	[b]"Stalk... Sightless [in] Forests]":[/b]  Concealment 12-; Self Only (-1/2)
3	Fast Draw 13-
3	Feint 13-
3	Gambling (Dice Games, Backgammon) 12-
3	MIF (Chordophones) 13-
3	Navigation (Land, Marine) 12-
3	Oratory 13-
3	"H[b]ealing Is Part Of The Singing Skald's Art":[/b]  Paramedics 12-
3	Riding 13-
3	Sleight Of Hand 13-
3	[b]"Soundless [in] Forests":[/b]  Stealth 13-
4	Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Mountain) 12-
3	Tactics 12-
3	Tracking 12-
7	TF:  Camels, Carts & Carriages, Equines, Large Rowed Boats, Large 
Wind-Powered Boats, Skiing (snow), Small Rowed Boats, Small Wind-
Powered Boats
10	Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) 
8	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Bows, Lasso, Off Hand, Staffs, Thrown 
Knives, Axes, and Darts, Thrown Sword
3	Jack of All Trades
2	1)  [b]"I Can Sword Dance":[/b]  PS: Dancing 13-
2	2)  [b]"Juggle Four Whirling Daggers":[/b]  PS: Juggling 13-
2	3)  PS: Knot-Tying 13-
2	4)  PS: Leatherworker 13-
1	5)  PS: Predict Weather 11-
1	6)  PS: Priest Of Issek The Jug 8-
4	7)  PS: Sailing 14-
2	8)  PS: Singing Skald 13-
3	Linguist
3	1)  Language:  High Lankhmarese (completely fluent; literate)
3	2)  Language:  Ilthmarish (completely fluent; literate)
2	3)  Language:  Klesh (fluent conversation; literate)
3	4)  Language:  Low Lankhmarese (completely fluent; literate)
1	5)  Language:  Pidgin MIngol (fluent conversation)
3	6)  Language:  Quarmallian (completely fluent; literate)
1	7)  Language:  The Forest Tongue (fluent conversation)
3	Scholar
2	1)  KS: Assorted Legends And Lore Of Newhon 12-
1	2)  KS: Cold Waste Legends And Lore 11-
1	3)  KS: Creed And History Of Issek The Jug 8-
2	4)  KS: Snow Clan Legends And Lore 12-
1	5)  KS: Who's Who In The Lankhmar Thieves Guild 11-
3	Traveler
2	1)  AK: Cold Corner 12-
2	2) [b] "The Cold Waste Was My Childhood Playground":[/b]  AK: The Cold 
Waste 12-
1	3)  AK: Ilthmar 11-
1	4)  AK: Land Of The Eight Cities 11-
2	5)  AK: Lands Of Lankhmar 12-
4	6)  AK: Nehwon 14-
4	7)  AK: The Inner Sea 14-
1	8)  AK: The Outer Sea 11-
1	9)  AK: The Western Continent 11-
1	10)  AK: Trollstep Mountains 11-
1	11)  CK: Illik-Ving 11-
1	12)  CK: Kvarch Nar 11-
4	13)  CK: Lankhmar 14-
1	14)  CK: Ool Hrusp 11-
1	15)  CK: Quarmall 11-
2	16)  CuK: The Ways Of The Snow Clan 12-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  351
Total Cost:  458

100+	Disadvantages[/b]
5	Distinctive Features:  Barbarian from the Cold Wastes (Concealable; 
Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; 
Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
10	Hunted:  Gods Of Nehwon (specifically Issek, Kos, and Mor)  8- 
(Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
10	Hunted:  People Of Stardock and/or Simorgya (among others) 8- 
(As Pow, Capture)
15	Hunted:  Quarmall, Lord Of Quarmal 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Psychological Limitation:  "Comradeship [with Grey Mouser] Firmer 
Than A Rock" (Common, Strong)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Strong Love Of Freedom And Adventure 
(Very Common, Strong)
10	Reputation:  "disreputable and mostly unprincipled", 11-
273	[b]Experience
458	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]


Background/History: Fafhrd is a barbarian from the frigid northern “Cold Wastes.” He’s the son of Nalcron the Legendbreaker, who climbed many of the great peaks of the Cold Wastes, while his mother is Mor, a powerful snow sorceress. When his father died climbing the mountain White Fang, Fafhrd remained in his mother’s tent until he was 18, when he escaped the confines of his tribe to seek his fortune in the warmer climes to the south. He left behind his lover Mara, who was pregnant with his child, and joined the actress Vlana in her travels, to eventually fetch up in the city of Lankhmar.


Settling down, Fafhrd soon encountered the Gray Mouser, whom he’d meat years before at the Mountains of Hunger. The two became fast friends, but suffered the loss of their lovers to the dark magics of the Thieves’ Guild. Although they killed the magician responsible, the deed was done, and the pair struck out to crisscross Nehwon in an effort to forget their loss. Eventually, they ended up in Lankhmar again, and settled down to live a life of adventure as thieves and swords-for-hire.


Although a great deal of their time is spent in Lankhmar, both Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser journey to other lands (and even other times courtesy of the tunnels of Ningauble of the Seven Eyes). They climb Mount Stardock, cross the oceans, and venture to strange and different places, sometimes of their own accord, sometimes due to geas, or sometimes on request. Eventually, when both of them are in their late forties, they end up on Rime Isle, where they settle down, marry (or nearly so), and live out the rest of their days.


Personality/Motivation: Fafhrd, for the most part, is driven by wanderlust. He likes to travel, and often ventures into the unknown just to see what’s there. In The Price Of Pain-Ease it is stated that Fafhrd by nature is a loner and has no friends or companions other than the Gray Mouser. It also stated that he spends much of his time "adventuring, tramping, and exploring," and for much of his early life he traveled in an effort to forget about his first love, Vlana the actress. At the same time, a good deal of Fafhrd's desire for adventure can be traced to such practical considerations as spending money and food, although he and the Mouser do tend to steal whatever they need when they need it.


In some ways, Fafhrd is very much an anti-hero in the same manner as Mad Max, the Man With No Name, and even Conan. He has no use for such noble and lofty ideas as honor and fair play, and in The Circle Curse is said to have "lived by thievery, robbery, bodyguarding, couriers and agents -- commissions they always -- or almost always, fulfilled their punctiliously." Not exactly the loftiest of means. By the same token, he has a great deal of respect for women, and prefers to deal with them when possible. He also has no liking for torture.


Quote: "We are not dukes because we're no man's man. Even a duke must butter up a king, and demigods the gods. We butter no one. We go our own way, chasing our own adventures -- and our own follies. Better freedom and a chilly road than a warm hearth and servitude."


Powers/Tactics: In a fight Fafhrd's main desire is to win, and do so by any means at hand. Skilled with the sword, dagger, axe, and bow, he's powerful warrior, and often uses Graywand in one hand and an axe in the other. A straight-forward combatant, he doesn't bother with Mouser's fancy and showy tricks and settled for simple putting down foes as quickly and simply as possible. However, make no mistake, he's very skilled with the blade, and can hold his own in most any clash of blades. Unarmed, Fafhrd is nearly as capable, and is strong enough to lift two grown men and once and smash them together hard enough to render them unconscious.


Appearance: Fafhrd is extremely tall, standing “near seven-foot” in height with a “limber-looking ranginess.” According to his description in The Snow Women, Fafhrd is handsome, fair of skin, with a wide head and a long jaw. He has long reddish-blond hair, green eyes, and tends to go bearded. By his dress (which includes hammered ornaments and wide leather belts) and mannerisms he’s “clearly a barbarian from the Cold Waste.” Regardless of what he’s wearing, Fafhrd will always be armed with a long sword he names “Graywand” and a poniard named "Heartseeker."


Designer's Notes: This character sheet took a long time for me to develop. Personally, while there's much to like about the Lankhmar stories, Leiber's writing style doesn't always hold my attention and it took me far longer to read the Lankhmar stories then it did to read Howard's Conan writing. In any case, I'm fairly certain I've managed to capture at least the basic essence of Fafhrd here, no easy task when you consider the breadth of his knowledge and skills.


(Fafhrd created by Fritz Leiber, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
13	STR	3	12-	Lift 151.6 kg; 2 1/2d6 HTH Damage [3]
23	DEX	48	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
15	CON	10	12-
10	BODY	0	11-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 15-
16	EGO	12	12-	ECV:  5
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
14	COM	2	12-

6	PD	3		Total:  6 PD (0 rPD)
5	ED	2		Total:  5 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	7		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
6	REC	0
40	END	5
25	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  105

Movement:[/b]	Running:	6"/12"
	Leaping:	2"/4"
	Swimming:	4"/8"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts[/b]:  [i]Dirty Infighting[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
3	Arm Lock	-1	-1	Grab Two Limbs, 23 STR for holding on
4	Disarm	-1	+1	Disarm; 23 STR to Disarm
[b]Notes[/b]:  Also Fencing Disarm
5	Flying Dodge	--	+4	Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
5	Joint Break	-1	-2	Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable
4	Punch	+0	+2	4 1/2d6 Strike

[b]Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Fencing/Swordplay[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Bind	+1	+0	Bind, 23 STR
4	Cut	+2	+0	Weapon +2 DC Strike
4	Evade	--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4	Lunge	+2	-2	Weapon  +v/5; FMove
4	Parry	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Riposte	+2	+2	Weapon +2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block
5	Thrust	+1	+3	Weapon  Strike
0	Weapon Element:  Blades

5	Missile Deflection (Thrown Objects)
3	[b]"Long, Springy Lope":[/b]  Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) for up to 
12 Active Points of of Running
2	[b]Powerful Swimmer:[/b]  Swimming +2" (4" total), END 1
6	[b]Sharp Eyes And Ears:[/b]  +2 PER with all Sense Groups

4	Reputation:  "[a] taste for strange adventure, mysterious comings and 
goings, odd sense of humor" (the world of Newhon) 11-, +2/+2d6
4	Reputation:  "most cunning cutpurse in Lankhmar" (city of 
Lankhmar) 14-, +2/+2d6
3	Well-Connected
3	1)  Contact:  Ourph the Mingol (Contact has useful Skills or resources, 
Good relationship with Contact) 11-
3	2)  Contact:  Plug (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact 
has useful Skills or resources) 11-
6	3)  Contact:  Sheelba of the Eyeless Face (Contact has extremely 
useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, 
Good relationship with Contact) 11-
3	4)  Contact:  Third Butler of the Lankhmar Overlord (Contact has 
significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or 
resources) 11-

9	Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)
3	[b]"Usually Infalliable Sense Of Direction":[/b]  Bump Of Direction
20	Danger Sense (self only, out of combat) 15-/13-
4	Deadly Blow:  +1d6 (with sling)
3	[b]"Sure-footed As A Rope Walker":[/b]  Environmental Movement (no 
penalties on narrow spaces)
3	Lightsleep
5	Resistance (5 points)

32	+4 with All Combat
24	[b]"Drew Blood With Surgical Precision":[/b]  Penalty Skill Levels:  +8 vs. Hit 
Location modifiers with All Attacks
8	Penalty Skill Levels:  +4 vs. Range Modifier with Ranged Attacks

3	Acrobatics 14-
3	[b]"Melodramatic Delivery":[/b]  Acting 12-
3	Breakfall 14-
3	Climbing 14-
3	Concealment 13-
3	Conversation 12-
3	Disguise 13-
3	[b]"Whipping Out Simultaneously Scapel And Cat's Claw":[/b]  Fast Draw 14-
4	Forgery (Art Objects, Documents) 13-
3	Gambling (Dice Games, Backgammon) 13-
3	Lockpicking 14-
3	Mimicry 13-
2	[b]"Knowledge Of Winds, Waves, And Celestial Bodies":[/b]  Navigation 
(Marine) 13-
3	Oratory 12-
3	Persuasion 12-
3	Power:  Magic 11-
3	PS: Juggling 14-
3	Riding 14-
3	Seduction 12-
3	[b]"Legerdemain":[/b]  Sleight Of Hand 14-
5	[b]"The Many Shadows Were His Friends":[/b]  Stealth 15-
5	Streetwise 13-
2	Survival (Urban) 13-
3	Tracking 13-
3	Trading 12-
2	TF:  Camels, Equines, Rafts
10	Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) 
3	Ventriloquism 13-
7	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Crossbows, Lasso, Off Hand, Sling, 
Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts
3	Linguist
3	1)  Language:  High Lankhmarese (completely fluent; literate)
3	2)  Language:  Ilthmarish (completely fluent; literate)
2	3)  Language:  Klesh (fluent conversation; literate)
3	4)  Language:  Low Lankhmarese (completely fluent; literate)
1	5)  Language:  Pidgin MIngol (fluent conversation)
3	6)  Language:  Quarmallian (completely fluent; literate)
1	7)  Language:  The Forest Tongue (fluent conversation)
3	Scholar
2	1)  KS: Lankhmar Underworld 13-
2	2)  KS: Layout Of The Lankhmar Thieves' Guild House 13-
1	3)  KS: Magic And Sorcery 11-
2	4)  KS: Who's Who In The Lankhmar Thieves Guild 13-
2	5)  KS: Writing Inks And Styles 13-
3	Traveler
1	1)  AK: Forests Of Duke Janarrl 11-
1	2)  AK: Great Salt Marsh 11-
1	3)  AK: Ilthmar 11-
1	4)  AK: Land Of The Eight Cities 11-
2	5)  AK: Lands Of Lankhmar 13-
3	6)  AK: Newhon 14-
4	7)  AK: The Inner Sea 15-
1	8)  AK: The Outer Sea 11-
1	9)  AK: The Western Continent 11-
1	10)  CK: Illik-Ving 11-
1	11)  CK: Kvarch Nar 11-
3	12)  CK: Lankhmar 14-
1	13)  CK: Ool Hrusp 11-
1	14)  CK: Quarmall 11-
1	15)  CK: Tovilyis 8-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  360
Total Cost:  465

100+	Disadvantages[/b]
10	Hunted:  Gods Of Nehwon (specifically Issek, Kos, and Mor)  8- 
(Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
10	Hunted:  People Of Stardock and/or Simorgya (among others) 8- 
(As Pow, Capture)
15	Hunted:  Quarmall, Lord Of Quarmal 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Psychological Limitation:  "Comradeship [with Fafhrd] Firmer 
Than A Rock" (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation:  "Yield To Curiosity Without Giving The Mind 
Time To Get Roiled" (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation:  "Whether Human-Large Or Rat-Small, He 
Could Out-Smart Anyone" (Common, Strong)
10	Reputation:  "disreputable and mostly unprincipled", 11-
275	[b]Experience
465	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]


Background/History: The Grey Mouser isn’t sure where he was born, although he suspects the southern city of Tovilyis. His earliest memories are of living in the forests of Duke Janarrl, where he served as magician's apprentice to Glavas Rho. He studied together with Duke Janarrl's daughter Ivrian, who snuck out from her father's castle to learn at the magician's side. But Janarrl had Glavas Rho's home burned and the magician killed, and eventually captured Mouse, placing him on the rack to die via torture. Mouse, however, managed to use his sorcerous training to channel his pain and terror into Duke Janarrl, killing him, and allowing Ivrian to set him free. Together to two fled and ended up in Lankhmar.


Placing his love in a small apartment high above the filth of Lankhmar's streets, the Gray Mouser became a one-man crime wave, stealing candles, rugs, and carpets to adorn Ivrian's quarters in style. Soon, he met the Fafhrd, whom he’d meant years before at the Mountains of Hunger. The two became fast friends, but suffered the loss of their lovers to the dark magics of the Thieves’ Guild. Although they killed the magician responsible, the deed was done, and the pair struck out to criss-cross Nehwon in an effort to forget their loss. Eventually, they fetched up in Lankhmar again, and settled down to live a live of adventure as thieves and swords-for-hire


Although a great deal of their time is spent in Lankhmar, both Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser journey to other lands (and even other times courtesy of the tunnels of Ningauble of the Seven Eyes). They climb Mount Stardock, cross the oceans, and venture to strange and different places, sometimes of their own accord, sometimes due to geas, or sometimes on request. Eventually, when both of them are in their late forties, they end up on Rime Isle, where they settle down, marry (or nearly so), and live out the rest of their days.


Personality/Motivation: If Fafhrd like the wilderness, then Mouser likes cities. He enjoys luxuries too, such as fine food, wine, clothing, and women (the more child-like the better). Much of Mouser's personality can be summed up in two quotes from The Swords Of Lankhmar: "yield to curiosity without giving the mind time to get roiled" and "whether human-large or rat-small, he could out-smart anyone." As you can see, Mouser is almost insatiably curious, and at the same time feels he's more than capable of acting on his curiosity without getting into trouble. He enjoys theatrics, tricks, and displays, will try to talk his way out of anything, if given the chance. This also explains why he can't stand Lankhmar's Thieves' Guild and will have nothing to do with them.


Gray Mouser and Fafhrd are very much alike in many ways, and like Fafhrd, Mouser is a loner at heart. And like Fafhrd, Mouser has "lived by thievery, robbery, bodyguarding, couriers and agents -- commissions they always -- or almost always, fulfilled their punctiliously."


As a final note, Mouser has a strong, a very strong aversion to having anything sharp pointed at him.


Quote: “[Fafhrd] Why did you have to turn up, you great lout? I was about to die heroically, or else slay in mass combat the seven greatest sword-rats in all of Lankhmar Below!”


Powers/Tactics: Mouser's joy of drama extends even to his swordplay. This is demonstrated in Ill Met In Lankhmar when Mouse informs Fafhrd "I stole him to demonstrate my speed." His speed and skill with the blade are second to almost no one, and he's more than capable of engaging several swordsmen at once and holding his own. His sword style usually consists of precise strikes to vulnerable points -- the eye, the throat, the heart -- although if beset by multiple foes he'll simply go for whatever openings present themselves (such as an arm or thigh). Mouser is very much a swashbuckler, and will leap, tumble, and jump to avoid and get around foes. He'll also use the landscape to his advantage, interposing furniture between himself and others in order to negate a foe's advantage of numbers.


Appearance: The Grey Mouser is short, with a “child-like stature” and a “flat swarthy face.” As his name indicates, he dresses all in gray, with a hood made of mouse skins and a “dainty rapier” (named “Scalpel”) at his waist along with a dirk ha call's "Cat's Claw." His hair is dark, while his eyes are brown and “shot with gold.”


Designer's Notes: A rogue through-and-through, Mouser is the cultured and sophisticated counterpart to Fafhrd's earthy barbarian. I hope I've captured Mouser properly, but will admit that I know I've either left stuff out or glossed over it due t o the breath of material I attempted to cover.


(Grey Mouser created by Fritz Leiber, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


Fixed. Did I mention I've spent the last two days home sick with the flu?


Subconsciously you were thinking of food, eh?


Anyway, quite nice. I've always found these characters very interesting no matter what game system they are depicted in. This is the first time I've seen them in HERO, so I am quite pleased.



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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


Nice work as always, Susano!



I have to ask: though I'm not particularly familiar with the original stories, I certainly get the impression from what I do know that the Grey Mouser in particular is athletic and fleet of foot. Would an extra couple of inches of running be in order?

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


Nice work as always' date=' [b']Susano[/b]!



I have to ask: though I'm not particularly familiar with the original stories, I certainly get the impression from what I do know that the Grey Mouser in particular is athletic and fleet of foot. Would an extra couple of inches of running be in order?


Maybe a single inch. Consider that he's SPD 4, which already makes him twice as fast on foot as an average human.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has twice the feet of a normal human.

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


Maybe a single inch. Consider that he's SPD 4, which already makes him twice as fast on foot as an average human.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has twice the feet of a normal human.


Which is why I didn't give him any extra running. He's an excellent runner, but that's why he has 1/2 END. His 4 SPD makes him fast enough for the setting.

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


I suppose these writeups are from before their semi-retirement on Rime Isle? They both picked up some followers in the last couple of books.


By the way, in the Mouser's writeup, you have Plug listed as a contact. I've seen both Pulg and Pulgh as names in Nehwon...I'm sure that's what you meant.

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


Which is why I didn't give him any extra running. He's an excellent runner, but that's why he has 1/2 END. His 4 SPD makes him fast enough for the setting.


Ah - good call. I tend to ignore SPD scores in regards to actual movement (paying more attention to inches of movement relative to other characters). I forget sometimes that others may care slightly about realism!

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


I suppose these writeups are from before their semi-retirement on Rime Isle? They both picked up some followers in the last couple of books.


By the way, in the Mouser's writeup, you have Plug listed as a contact. I've seen both Pulg and Pulgh as names in Nehwon...I'm sure that's what you meant.


Yes. This is them right up to the last series of stories and their stay on Rime Isle.


As for Plug... I'll make the edit.

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


Ah - good call. I tend to ignore SPD scores in regards to actual movement (paying more attention to inches of movement relative to other characters). I forget sometimes that others may care slightly about realism!


I did the same for Conan. I did give him +1" Running and then gave him +7" "Only To Make A Half Move." Which I felt replicated his ability to charge 7" into battle and still make 1/2 Phase attacks.

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


If this covers their whole career, then, I'd suggest giving them each 12 followers. In The Frost Monstreme, they split up and gather a hand picked crew to defeat the Sea Mingol fleet moving on Rime Isle, and in every story after that, at least one or two of them are mentioned, and the implication is that they all stayed around.


The two most mentioned of the Mouser's followers are Pshawri and Mikkidu, and Fafhrd's are Skor and Skullick. Descriptions of the followers show that they're all almost clones of their respective leaders...either short thieves from the south or tall berserks from the north.

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


If this covers their whole career, then, I'd suggest giving them each 12 followers. In The Frost Monstreme, they split up and gather a hand picked crew to defeat the Sea Mingol fleet moving on Rime Isle, and in every story after that, at least one or two of them are mentioned, and the implication is that they all stayed around.


The two most mentioned of the Mouser's followers are Pshawri and Mikkidu, and Fafhrd's are Skor and Skullick. Descriptions of the followers show that they're all almost clones of their respective leaders...either short thieves from the south or tall berserks from the north.


Well, I might list this as an option, but my intent was for the character sheets to stop right before these stories.

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Re: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser


There are just too many great memorable characters in the series to possibly list them all. At most, give 'em each a group of followers and leave it at that.


Some mention of Fingers might be made; she's the daughter of Fafhrd and a Quarmallian slave woman. She only shows up in the story, The Mouser Goes Below, now that I think of it.

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