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Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


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I am just returning to reading graphic novels and comics for the first time in years and will appreciate anyone who can recommend some books to read for ideas to inspire me as I generate a new campaign world and story arc.


I not interested in juvenile comics, I want stuff made for grownups, but I also won't read anything with demons or that is overly graphic. The three I have loved so far are:


1. Rising Stars, J. Michael Straczynski

2. The Watchers, Alan Moore

3. The Ultimates, (Marvel)


The New Avengers is a good read so far, though not as grown up, and someone recommended Planetary by Warren Ellis.


Thanks in advance.

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


I would include Kingdom Come, see the Bunnyverse (aka Next Generation) threads for examples of awesome legacy campaigns.


I also love the idea behind Exiles (the whole series can be bought as Graphic Novels now) as it allows for extreme character and storyline flexibility.

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


... I only read dark material that's grounded in reality where people get hurt badly and there's a tangible sense of fear and loss. To that end I recommend of course: Hellblazer, Sandman, The Ultimates (which you're already reading; book 2 is superb and the first six episodes of Vol.2 scared the hell out of me). I need to rack my brain for more that are appropriate to what you want.


Just about anything in the Marvel Ultimate Verse will have much of what you want; much of the conflict among devotees right now involves the seeming desire to make the 616 into Ultimate, which is... well, stupid. But I'm crossing threads again.

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


What? No-one recommended Astro City, yet? Silver-age heroes with a more modern - but not gruesome - sensibility. Consistently top-notch writing, IMO and none of the " Dog supreme anal rape scene" nonsense* :D


cheers, Mark


* Supreme in-Joke!

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


Here are the one's I can think of off the top of my head:


Earth X: If you're going to read Kingdom Come...


Hellblazer: First five graphic novels at least, strong flavor and world crafting, even set in the DCU it seems a world of it's own. (I known this violates the no demons request but it's really a good read)


Punisher: Welcome Back Frank: Updated Punisher from the writer of Preacher. Includes the greatest Marvel Team up ever. (I forget if this is in the first or second book but someone out there knows the fight I'm talking about.)


Transmetropolitan: If only for fun in world building and the joy of in jokes.


X-Men: Days of Future Past (Original): Classic X-Men tale, so good they've had to rip themselves off seventy two times.

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


What? No-one recommended Astro City, yet? Silver-age heroes with a more modern - but not gruesome - sensibility. Consistently top-notch writing, IMO and none of the " Dog supreme anal rape scene" nonsense* :D


cheers, Mark


* Supreme in-Joke!


I agree on both Astro City and Kingdom Come.


And do I even want to know the story behind that in-joke? :shock:

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


OK, I like the darker stuff, so if you ever wanna take a walk on the dark side...


Sleeper - omfg I loved this series, at least the first season. Great book about an undercover operative who gets abandoned in the field.


Wanted - when the villians finally decided they'd had enough of the heroes, and ganged up long enough to rule the world....


Authority - the book has become crap, but the first few books I thought were great. Get the first collection.


Oh, and I second the nominations of Kingdom Come, Rising Stars, and Punisher! :thumbup:

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


First, as I like to define terms so there is no confusion


adult (That which is inapropriate for children, do to excesive violence, sexual contents, language, or many other reasons)


mature (A story written with an adult audience in mind)


Personaly I do not find Ultimates to be Mature (However it is adult), this only refers to stuff featuring "The Ultimates" not the greater Ultimate universe


The latest Punisher run is good


Kingdom Come, just rules


ANything by Gaimen

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


Thanks a lot to everyone. I feel like I have a good start here and have already put in a request for some books. If anyone has more ideas, though, feel free to post them.


Also, feel free to share how a specific campaign that you wrote or played in came from a specific comic. What did you change, keep the same, draw from, etc?

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


How about DC's The Golden Age? I think they've recently re-released it as JSA:The Golden Age. End of WWII, supers come home and find a world that's quickly changing. I don't want to spoil anything, but it's a great story, very well done, and an incredibly mature (in the good way) look at the end of (what else?) the Golden Age of comics.

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


I suppose its more Urban Fantasy than Champions, but Fables is not to be missed. And Y: The Last Man is a great take on post-Apocalyptic Hero. There are lots of great Dark Champions-type works: Sin City of course, but also check out 100 Bullets, Human Target, and Scapled.


Personally, I'd love to play a one-shot game based on Wimbledon Green: The Greatest Comic Book Collector in the World, but I fear I'm the only one! :rolleyes:

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Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign?


the Wildguard casting call mini a mini series about a casting call tio assemble a new super team with a coupel of dozen contestants voted for online to select the final cast.

that was a lot of fun and can pretty much be used as a introduction game for any character concept.


That's hilarious and has a lot of room for social commentary. I'll check that one out for sure.

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