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Martial Arts In A Focus ?


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I'm toying with an idea for a character who would basically be a martial artist

based on skills within a ring. Funnily enough, the idea came to me while looking

at a write up for the cinematic version of Jason Bourne and, as I was

reading it, recalling how Matt Damon would sometimes seem to have a slight look of

surprise on his face as he performed various martial maneuvers.


I had the idea that it (the focus) would act (in some limited ways) like an AI

and would 'take control' of the characters actions while in combat.


So....If I built an AI with Danger Sense (or some perception based equivalent)

then had a 'program running' which said (basically): If the wearer is endangered

in X manner, then use combat maneuver Y to counter. And the wearer would

have no conscious control over the actions, as the ring would over-ride their

neuro-muscular system. Probably need to make an EGO roll to break off the



In most other respects this character would be a skilled normal, primarily

an archaeological explorer type...At least, that's my current concept.


Comments ?



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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


OIHID -- this is pretty much what that limitation is for. If someone takes his toy away (bringing him 'Out' of Heroic ID) then he looses his powers. That's the standard' date=' by-the-book version, IIRC.[/quote']


Thanks. I'd been thinking along those lines.


I still am debating if the ring itself should qualify as a follower....Given its' AI-ish

overtones and all. Of course, not sure if it's legal to buy a follower who you get

abilities/skills from.....:think:



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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


The character White Tiger in marvel comics got his martial arts from three amulets. They each one enhanced normal martial artists to greater skill; combined they turned him into a superhero from a street kid. It's a great concept, personally I think there are more interesting builds based on martial arts + something than any other basic concept.

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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


I'm toying with an idea for a character who would basically be a martial artist

based on skills within a ring. [edit]


I had the idea that it (the focus) would act (in some limited ways) like an AI

and would 'take control' of the characters actions while in combat.


So....If I built an AI with Danger Sense (or some perception based equivalent)

then had a 'program running' which said (basically): If the wearer is endangered

in X manner, then use combat maneuver Y to counter. And the wearer would

have no conscious control over the actions, as the ring would over-ride their

neuro-muscular system. [edit]




Great idea, but depending on how precise concept you might also consider an AI follower with Mind Control. I know it is more complicated, but it is also more flexible.:coach:

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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


Page 220 of H5R has the specific example of Martial Arts bought through a Focus.

The Style Disadvantage could be used to represent the predictable pre-programmed combat responses.

Maybe a Psychological Limitation "Must Fight When Threatened".

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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


Page 220 of H5R has the specific example of Martial Arts bought through a Focus.

The Style Disadvantage could be used to represent the predictable pre-programmed combat responses.

Maybe a Psychological Limitation "Must Fight When Threatened".


Thanks for the page pointer, I'll have to check it out.



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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


Yeah I wouldn't get too carried away with the AI build, that's just a special effect and a definition of how the power works. Maybe a 15- activation for some abilities to represent the programming not working quite perfectly (damn, got a blue screen!).

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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


Hm. If you're trying to mirror Bourne himself -- at least in the first movie -- you might simply apply No Conscious Control to the skills. He reacts instead of choosing to act; he doesn't know he knows all of these things. This, of course, is noted in a PhysLim of 'Amnesia, Frequently, Slightly Impairing (10 Points)'. He can speak, has muscle memory, etc. etc., but doesn't know who he is -- or all of what he can do.


I like the conversation in the truck stop best.

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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


Hm. If you're trying to mirror Bourne himself -- at least in the first movie -- you might simply apply No Conscious Control to the skills. He reacts instead of choosing to act; he doesn't know he knows all of these things. This, of course, is noted in a PhysLim of 'Amnesia, Frequently, Slightly Impairing (10 Points)'. He can speak, has muscle memory, etc. etc., but doesn't know who he is -- or all of what he can do.


I like the conversation in the truck stop best.


I disagree on the NCC on Skills. His skills aren't really limited at all. He can, and does, use them whenever he needs to. While he doesn't quite know what he can do (and this is covered in the Phys Lim), he does act like he has to act (i.e. while he might not know he can defuse a bomb, he still run towards it and starts fiddling with it... and defuses it).


If his Skills sometimes worked when he didn't want them to (like, say, he kills someone with a MA Killing Attack when he intended to knock him down and run past, or if he started monologuing (Oratory) when he wanted to be stealthy), or didn't work when he wanted them to (pretty obvious), or worked in ways he didn't intend (re-rigs the bomb to go off in 2 minutes, rather than when someone crosses the IR beam, Seduces the girl into marrying him instead of into going into the gun shop and getting him a gun), then NCC would be in order.


As it is, the fact that he's surprised by what he finds he's able to do is SFX and Roleplaying... in truth, he's not hindered by his lack of background knowledge of his skills (i.e. where they came from).

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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


Hm. If you're trying to mirror Bourne himself -- at least in the first movie -- you might simply apply No Conscious Control to the skills. He reacts instead of choosing to act; he doesn't know he knows all of these things. This, of course, is noted in a PhysLim of 'Amnesia, Frequently, Slightly Impairing (10 Points)'. He can speak, has muscle memory, etc. etc., but doesn't know who he is -- or all of what he can do.


I like the conversation in the truck stop best.


Not really attempting to mirror Bourne. Just got the idea from Matt Damons'

performance in the first film (mostly)....


I do like the NCC idea tho'. The artifact that is providing the martial arts (and

other stuff) could be seen as something that 'possesses the character', at least

as far as some physical actions goes. But perhaps Mind Control from the ring

(as another poster mentioned) might be more accurate, given the EGO vs

EGO potential and all between what the ring wants and what the character







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Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


What about a multiform? There are some disadvantages you could throw on it a-la Ultimate Metamorph.


Not really attempting to mirror Bourne. Just got the idea from Matt Damons'

performance in the first film (mostly)....


I do like the NCC idea tho'. The artifact that is providing the martial arts (and

other stuff) could be seen as something that 'possesses the character', at least

as far as some physical actions goes. But perhaps Mind Control from the ring

(as another poster mentioned) might be more accurate, given the EGO vs

EGO potential and all between what the ring wants and what the character







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