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Robert reynolds

105    STR      95
24     DEX      42
60     CON    100
20     BODY    20
10     INT        0
 8     EGO      -4
28     PRE      18
18     COM      4

50     PD       23
50     ED       33
 7     SPD      43 
34     REC       0
120     END      0    
105     STUN    3

Total characteristics: 387

55      Unreal Strength: HKA 3 1/2D6 (7D6+1 with STR), armor piercing   
        (+1/2), must follow a grab (-1/2)

50      Invulnerable: damage resistance 40PD/40ED, hardened (+1/4)

15      no weakness: Lack of weakness for normal defences PD/ED -15

15      Superhuman Senses: Enhanced PER plus 5 per with all sense     
        groups (PER 16-)

30      Hear a Butterfly sneeze in China Telescopic +30 for Hearing     

10      I can see your pressure points: Enhanced Senses: Detect,large   
        class of abstract things, sight related "simulated sense     
        group", Sight) PER roll (16-)

15      Energy Powered: Flash Defence 15pts        

26      Energy Field Protection: Environmental control all Plus Imunity 
        to poison toxins, Self contained breathing, Costs END to     
        maintain (-1/2)

90      EC: Greater Energy Field Manipulation (180pt powers) 
64      Energy Field: RKA 5D6 (vs ED), continuous (+1/2), Damage        
        Shield (+1/2) Reduced END (one half +1/4), can use with hand to 
        hand (+1/4) No Range (-1/2)(187pts)
45      Unleashed Power: RKA 3D6 Area of effect radius (up to 13"     
        radius +1), Continuous (+1), Penitrating (+1/2), Moves with     
        Sentry (+1/2) no range (-1/2),(180)  

9        Enhanced Speed: Lightning reflexes; plus 6 initiative with all  

155     Variable Power: Power of a Million Exploading Suns (120pts         
         total) Control Cost; , Cosmic (+2), No concious control (-2),   
         Cannot be used to add to existing attributes defences nor       

75      Flight Multipower
7      Flight: 30" x 16 NCM
2      Flight: 10", Meggascale (1"= 1km, +1/4)
1      Travel to the sun in several minutes: FTL; aprox 1/yr 

Powers: 664

Talents & Skills

20      Fast: Plus four to strike in general (but poor fighter)
16      C.l.o.c: 80pt follower

Talents & Skills: 36
Total character cost: 1087

Sample Variable power pool (Power of a Million Exploading suns)

30 Transmit memories: Minor Transform 6D6 (Share memories with targets  
    memories all at once) Works against EGO not Body (+1/4), Reduced     

    range (0 range (-1/2), limited target human memories (-1)
    (75 active pts)

60 Raise the Dead: Healing 10D6(Body), Ressurection, others only (-1/2)    
   Ressurection only (-1/2) (120 active pts)

53 The Void: Summon 500pt Void, Antagonistic (-3/4) Arrives under own   
    power (-1/2)(120 active pts)


15    reputation: extremely dangerous liability

15     Public Identity: Robert(Bob) Reynolds

15     Dysthymia (depressive, difficulty making decisions, low self     
       esteem,and feeling of hopelessness, considered less severe then 
       major depression)

20     Agoraphobia (fear of outdoors, & responsibility) 

15     Fear of losing control (holds back), rarely cuts lose or uses     
       his greater energy manipulation for fear of losing control to the 
       void. Anytime the full brunt of his power is required. Sentry must 
       make and EGO roll to reach his limits. 

20     Schizophrenic: void, manifestation of Sentry's dark side

10     DF: golden ora when using powers, dark ora if influenced by the 

20     Hunted: The void, sentry is his own worst enemy, As powerfull,  
       destructive and manipulative (capture/subsume) 11-

15     DNPC: Lindy Reynolds 11-
10     DNPC: Billy Turner (scout) 8-

Total Disadvantages: 155

The Sentry posses vast Energy field manipulation abilities. His fields 

enhance his considerable resilience, Strength and Speed. While it is 

theorized that he's capable of nearly anything it's suggested that he 

lacks the mental ability to handle this aspect of his powers. On rare 

occasions Sentry has been known to posses odd abilities, such as; 

transferring his memories to someone else, seeing pressure points on the 

human body (whatever that means), and hearing a butterflies wings flap 

in China. This would suggest that Robert is able to access a small 

portion of his true cosmic potential. The power pool represents what 

Sentry is truly capable of, but seems to have no control over. In 

example, when he accidentally brought his wife back from the dead; also 

the creation of the Void. His low ego results from extensive mental 

problems, and the ease at which he's manipulated by others. Sentry has 

displayed little in the way of skills and relies on others heavily to 

provide ideas and solutions, such as Toney Stark. 

I toyed with the idea of giving Bob damage reduction 50%, but felt it 

didn't reflect the way he appears to take damage. Both Thor and Hulk 

are listed as tougher on the marvel web site IMO damage reduction is 

best reserved for likes of those characters. The high CON is because he 

rarely gets stunned and needs an endurance buffer. You'll note that he 

could burn through endurance fast when using the full spectrum of his 

power. Sentry rarely goes full boar, however when he does he'll burn 

out (I believe this is part of the reason he lost his battle in world 

war Hulk). Though Sentry is weaker then Hulk I would argue he may be 

stronger then a "calm" Hulk. I wanted the character to be able to do 

things like rip off dooms armor with ease, hence the 105 STR and Unreal 

Strength power. I doubt I could create a more accurate version given 

Sentries short history.


The format's a little wonky, but I used notepad so it's expected.

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Re: Sentry


How do you post things like that? I could never figure out PHP code.



It's PHP inside square brackets "[" at the start of your text and /PHP with square brackets at the end of the text.


There's also a PHP button located on the message bar, top right. Just highlight what you like with the mouse or right click and choose "select all" from the menu. Then press the php button

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Re: Sentry


marvels most unwanted super-hero


Brilliant, moving concept for the initial mini-series, hopelessly butchered when Marvel tried to integrate him into their mainstream universe. They reduced Sentry to an unstoppable deus ex machina held back only by being an emotional basket case. He deserved better. :(

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Re: Sentry


Brilliant' date=' moving concept for the initial mini-series, hopelessly butchered when Marvel tried to integrate him into their mainstream universe. They reduced Sentry to an unstoppable [i']deus ex machina[/i] held back only by being an emotional basket case. He deserved better. :(


The concept just works better in a limited capacity. Once he becomes a regular the character loses its luster.


If they really wanted to integrate him Marvel should have had him come from another dimension. I don't like the whole, but he was always there you all just forgot about him idea. At least not in a main stream capacity because it leaves to much unexplained.

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Re: Sentry


That's him, although after everything they've put the character through over the past few years he's scarcely recognizable from his original appearance.


Try to find the initial Sentry miniseries from 2000. I agree with Diamond J, the character works so much better within that limited framework, which is what made his story so affecting.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Sentry


The concept just works better in a limited capacity. Once he becomes a regular the character loses its luster.


If they really wanted to integrate him Marvel should have had him come from another dimension. I don't like the whole, but he was always there you all just forgot about him idea. At least not in a main stream capacity because it leaves to much unexplained.


True. I have no word strong enough to describe how much I dislike the "He's always been there You all just forgot about him thing".

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Re: Sentry


I'd bump his INT up, as he was (in the original mini-series) able to keep up with Reed Richards (even if he wasn't his equal intellectually.)


Personally, I think he's awesome. He's a Earth grown super that can smack cosmic baddies around like red headed step children and isn't afraid to do it (as Terrax found out.)



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Re: Sentry


True. I have no word strong enough to describe how much I dislike the "He's always been there You all just forgot about him thing".


I find it quite telling that most of the 'better' artists have stayed away from any involvement with the character (unlike Supreme, another Superman-redone example). This alone seems to relegate him to the same level as Hyperion of the Squadron Supreme. Yes he exists, but we try to ignore him as much as possible.

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Re: Sentry


I'd bump his INT up' date=' as he was (in the original mini-series) able to keep up with Reed Richards (even if he wasn't his equal intellectually.)[/quote']


He also built CLOC and presumably most of the super tech in the Watchtower, so he's got a good range of inventor/scientist type skills.

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Re: Sentry


I find it quite telling that most of the 'better' artists have stayed away from any involvement with the character (unlike Supreme' date=' another Superman-redone example). This alone seems to relegate him to the same level as Hyperion of the Squadron Supreme. Yes he exists, but we try to ignore him as much as possible.[/quote']

I don't hate him, but I do hate Marvel these days so I've not actually read anything with his active participation. I don't mind the "Always been here" thing, but I can see why it's annoying to some.

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Re: Sentry


I'd bump his INT up, as he was (in the original mini-series) able to keep up with Reed Richards (even if he wasn't his equal intellectually.)


Personally, I think he's awesome. He's a Earth grown super that can smack cosmic baddies around like red headed step children and isn't afraid to do it (as Terrax found out.)




This is the Sentry as he appears in the New-Avengers as it's the version that continues to be relevant (still around). Id say in some ways he's not quite the same as he was in the mini series. Were looking at an individual that drank an untested secret formula to get stoned when he was a teenager. How smart could he be? He hasn't done anything so far to indicate he has above average INT. Toney Stark leads him around on a leash, because he can't make decisions for himself.


Maybe the character will grow and I can start adding skills to the write-up

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Re: Sentry


He also built CLOC and presumably most of the super tech in the Watchtower' date=' so he's got a good range of inventor/scientist type skills.[/quote']


I actually believe CLOC was created as a manifestation of Sentry's powers, as was the Watchtower. He thinks he has technical prowess therefore he creates CLOC, not through skill but through cosmic power. Why? He never has impute regarding tech. Stark is the teams lead techy and Sentry has yet to contribute anything in that regard. I may change my mind as the character grows into his own but based on what we've been given these are my conclusions.

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Re: Sentry


I'd bump his INT up, as he was (in the original mini-series) able to keep up with Reed Richards (even if he wasn't his equal intellectually.)


Personally, I think he's awesome. He's a Earth grown super that can smack cosmic baddies around like red headed step children and isn't afraid to do it (as Terrax found out.)




I missed that issue, when was this?






P.S.: Has anyone else noticed the lack of character developement in The Avengers stories lately? I mean, what happened to their daily lives. Why is Iron Man around at all and not attending to his Duties as CEO ot Stark International, Head of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Liason with the Government for the Initiative?

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Re: Sentry


I missed that issue, when was this?






P.S.: Has anyone else noticed the lack of character developement in The Avengers stories lately? I mean, what happened to their daily lives. Why is Iron Man around at all and not attending to his Duties as CEO ot Stark International, Head of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Liason with the Government for the Initiative?


Will you except "Because the current editor in chief of marvel has little idea what he's doing" as an explanation?


For the record..I despise the man.

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Re: Sentry


How long has the current chief editor been around for?


Joe "i am a freaking moron" Quesada became the editor in chief of marvel in 2000. The genius who brought us Civil War, the death of Captain America, Tony Stark turning villain (Note: he hired a Russian Supervillain to attack him while he was in congress, and that entire launch the hulk into space with out having legal right to do so) and retconing Spiderman's marriage because he felt that marriage was a 'problem'


Oh, did I mention I really really don't like this man?

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Re: Sentry


Joe "i am a freaking moron" Quesada became the editor in chief of marvel in 2000. The genius who brought us Civil War, the death of Captain America, Tony Stark turning villain (Note: he hired a Russian Supervillain to attack him while he was in congress, and that entire launch the hulk into space with out having legal right to do so) and retconing Spiderman's marriage because he felt that marriage was a 'problem'


Oh, did I mention I really really don't like this man?


I suddenly bear seething hatred towards Quessada now knowing the above


By the way Krillen rules


"If I were powerful, I'd have hair" ~Krillen

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