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Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central

teh bunneh

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Some tweaks to Vagabond. Still needs 25pts in disads, but I scaled back the Danger Sense (I must have been punch drunk on points when I first put the sheet together, it overlapped poorly with the precognitive dreams) and added in the Avenger Package stuff I didn't already have on the sheet...

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

40/65 STR 30 17/22- Lift 6.4/200 tons; 8d6/13d6 [4/6]

24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

25 CON 30 14-

21 BODY 22 13-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

8/20 COM -1 10/13-

25 PD 17 Total: 25 PD (12 rPD)

24 ED 19 Total: 24 ED (11 rED)

5 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

15 REC 4

60 END 5

60 STUN 6 Total Characteristic Cost: 209


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 37"/148"

Gliding: 74"/148"

Leaping: 8"/16"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END


***Special Abilities***


5 1) Day or night, it's all the same to me: Nightvision

10 2) Good Luck Charm: Luck 2d6

3 3) Babes like Furry Things: +12 COM (6 Active Points); Only vs Women Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Always On (-1/2)

16 4) Second Sight: Retrocognitive, Precognitive Clairsentience (Hearing, Sight And Smell/Taste Groups) (80 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2) 40

6 5) A Good Night's Sleep Does Wonders: Healing 2 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Only when sleeping Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Self Only (-1/2)

11 6) It only hurts when I laugh: Damage Resistance (12 PD/11 ED)

15 7) It looks worse than it is: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%

30 8) No, it's really not that bad: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

13 9) Don't piss me off, Little Man!: +30 PRE (30 Active Points); Offensive only Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Incantations - Growl / Roar (-1/4)



25 Tooth and Nail: Multipower, 25-point reserve

2u 1) Rake w/ Claws: Armor Piercing (+1/2) for up to 50 Active Points of STR (25 Active Points) 2

2u 2) Stiff fingered Blow: Penetrating (+1/2) for up to 50 Active Points of STR (25 Active Points) 2

2u 3) Rend or Tear with Fangs or Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR) (25 Active Points) 2

2u 4) Claw Eyes: Sight Group Flash 2d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Does BODY (+1) (25 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) 2

2u 5) Full Strength: +25 STR (25 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 2



53 Wings: Multipower, 80-point reserve, (80 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-1/2)

5u 1) Powerful Bat-wings: Flight 37", x4 Noncombat (79 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) 8

5u 2) Soaring: Gliding 74" (74 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2)



34 Grenade Belt: Multipower, 76-point reserve, (76 Active Points); all slots OAF (Focus - Belt and Grenades; -1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4)

2u 1) Concussion Grenades: Energy Blast 10d6, Explosion (+1/2) (75 Active Points); 3 Charges (-1 1/4), OAF (Focus - Belt and Grenades; -1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [3]

2u 2) Glue Grenades: Entangle 3d6, 4 DEF, Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (70 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), OAF (Focus - Belt and Grenades; -1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [4]

2u 3) Screamer Grenade: Energy Blast 6d6, Explosion (+1/2), No Normal Defense ([standard for Sonics]; +1) (75 Active Points); 3 Charges (-1 1/4), OAF (Focus - Belt and Grenades; -1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [3]

2u 4) Just your ordinary 300 mph Fastball: Energy Blast 14d6 (70 Active Points); OAF (Focus - Belt and Grenades; -1), 4 Recoverable Charges (-1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [4 rc]


**** Avengers Equipment ****


5 Avengers Communicard: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OAF (-1)



Aerial Fighting Techniques


Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

5 Passing Strike +1 +0 8d6 +v/5; FMove

4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Sacrifice Lunge +2 -2 8d6 +v/5; FMove



Sidearm Pitcher


Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Heat -1 -1 Strike, +4 DC

5 From the Outfield +1 -1 Strike

5 Curveball +1 -1 Disarm, +2 DC to Disarm

5 Sinker +1 -1 Strike +v/5, Target Falls

0 Weapon Element: Baseballs & Grenades





6 Fringe Benefit: CPA's License, Federal/National Police Powers, International Driver's License, Passport

6 Reputation: Avenger; Great Hero (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6

7 Quinjets and Avengers Island: Vehicles & Bases

3 Avengers Database: Computer Link

1 Avengers Stipend: Money: Well Off





4 Resistance (4 points)

10 I've got a bad feeling about this: Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Intuitional) (31 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2) 23-





3 Acrobatics 14-

3 Bureaucratics 13-

3 Computer Programming 12-

7 +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Only in the Air (-1/2)

3 Deduction 12-

2 KS: Avengers Villains and Menaces 11-

2 KS: The Avengers and their History 11-

2 KS: Baseball 11-

0 Language: English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

1 Language: Italian (basic conversation)

2 Language: Portugese (fluent conversation)

2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)

3 Navigation (Air, Land) 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

2 PS: Accounting 11-

2 SS: Business Math 11-

12 Pinpoint Accuracy: +4 with throwing balls, rocks or grenades

4 I don't believe in the Designated Hitter rule: +2 Batting

3 Systems Operation 12-

2 WF: Baseball, Thrown Grenades, Thrown Rocks

2 TF: Quinjet, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 386

Total Cost: 595



450+ Disadvantages


10 Distinctive Features: Demon/Gargoyle (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Enraged: in combat (Common), go 8-, recover 14-

10 Enraged: When confronted with demonic evil (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-

20 Hunted: Morphia, Demon Sorceress of Dreams 8- (Mo Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

15 Hunted: Hydra 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

10 Hunted: Dr. Strange or current Sorcerer Supreme 8- (Mo Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Psychological Limitation: Unsure of his place in society (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Hatred vs. Evil (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Lonely / Falls in love easily (Uncommon, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Sworn to live up the Avengers' standards (Very Common, Strong)

10 Reputation: Hot-tempered, 11-

10 Social Limitation: Semi-Secret Identity (Frequently, Minor)


Total Disadvantage Points: 145



Background/History: Jim Rowan was just an ordinary kind of guy. He grew up in a suburb of Boston, played baseball in High School, and earned a BS at U. Mass. He worked a 9-to-5 job with two weeks vacation a year and 11 paid holidays. He watched the ballgames on the weekends and was still dating his college sweetheart. Just an ordinary kind of guy.


One night in December Jim was working late to finish up a project that the boss needed by the next morning. It was almost 11:00 by the time he got done and headed down to his car. As he brushed the snow off the car Jim was thinking of the warm bed waiting for him. But Jim never made it to that bed. Powerful arms grabbed him from behind, a hand holding a soaking handkerchief was clamped over his mouth and nose. A sickly sweet aroma filled his nostrils and before Jim knew he had slipped into a drug induced sleep.


The first thing Jim noticed when he came to was the pounding the cloroform headache, the second was that he was strapped to a table in a large chamber lit by torches and surrounded by several dozen men wearing the strange garb of the organization known as Hydra. The four of them closest to him began to gesture and incant. Strange swirling patterns of mystic energy began to form around Jim. As the energy tendrils touched him, searing pain flooded through his body. Although it was only seconds until the last of the energies was absorbed, to Jim it felt like hours.


The four open their mouths to incant again but before they could begin the chamber was rocked by a powerful explosion and before Jim knew three squads of SHIELD agents - led by the boss lady herself, Colonel Katherine Pryde - had crashed the party. As lethal energy discharges began to fill the chamber, Jim struggled to break free. It was only later that he would realize that the restraints had torn like tissue paper. As he got to his feet a SHIELD agent pitched a grenade at him. Without thinking, Jim caught it and then rifled it into a group of Hydra agents, taking out all five of them in one blast.


A moment later the SHIELD agent went down with a smoking laser hole in his back. Realizing that this was no place for an ordinary sort of guy, Jim picked up the fallen agent's satchel and ran, tossing grenades from the satchel behind him as he went. When he neared the breach in the wall, Jim leapt up to reach it, suddenly Jim wasn't running anymore, he was flying. Two huge bat-wings beat the air and carried Jim up into the swirling snowfall.


'My God," he thought, 'what did they do to me?'


In the mirrored glass of one of the office towers, he found out. James Rowan stared at hideous reflection of what he had become; the matted, tangled grey fur, burning yellow eyes, huge bat-wings, razor sharp claws and inch-long canines. He was like something out of a nightmare. With an inhuman shriek of anguish, Jim fled blindly into the night sky.


Near dawn, exhausted, Jim came to rest on a rooftop in Lower Manhattan. Flying about screaming hadn't really helped but he had needed to get it out of his system. Now he could think a bit more clearly. He needed help and he thought he knew where to get it . With his mighty bat-wings flapping in a slow powerful rhythm, Jim once more took to the sky, but this time he had a definate destination. Next stop: Avengers Island.


Personality/Motivation: Jim Rowan is a man torn between two extremes. He hates the monster that he's become; but at the same time since joining the Avengers he's been given a chance to make more of a difference to the world than he ever believed possible. At first all that he wanted was to be cured and go back to his ordinary life. But as more time has gone by he's come to the realization that, that may just no longer be possible. To his friends and family, James Rowan is an unsolved missing person case. He couldn't bear to have them see him after his transformation, so he stayed away. Now after so much time his bridges are all but burned behind him.


Which leaves his other option; to keep his current form and stay with the team. Doctor Strange is looking into what can be done but right now it looks like all that may be possible is for Jim to be enchanted with a spell that will allow him to take on the illusion of a human form.


This in-between status is a major contributor to Jim's increasing loneliness. A factor that Morphia, the Demon Sorceress of Dreams, has been using in her attempts to seduce him into her service and her bed. So far his hatred of all things demonic has given him the strength to resist her advances; but as she continues to come to him in his sleep, each form more alluring than the last, Jim may be weakening.


Quote: "You think you've got it tough? I'll show you what a real nightmare is!"

"Here comes the heater, pal, you better use a fireproof glove."


Powers/Tactics: Nightmare is a very versatile fighter. He can snipe with his baseballs or grenades, but his strength lets him move in close and mix it up if need be. His real forte however is aerial combat; a slashing attack at maximum speed can take down all but the most powerful fighters and will hurt even them. He can also be used for the emergency evacuation of civilians from the battle area, in fact this is usually what Banner orders him to do first.


Left to his own devices, Nightmare will usually start off with a roar intended to intimidate his foe. If he's going to be stuck in this form, he figures he might as well make use of it. He doesn't like to use his fangs or claws on anything that's alive, saving these for robots or other machines, but he will if he has to.


Nightmare positively loathes his periodic visions of the future or past. Not only do they usually come at the lousiest times, like when he's out on a date or sleeping or in the bathroom, but they tend to leave him shaking, exhausted, and more than a little sick to his stomach. He has much more positive feelings about his flashes of intuition which have saved him and the team a couple of times so far. He just wishes they were more reliable.


Campaign Use: Nightmare is the young, reluctant Avenger growing into his destiny as a hero. Out of combat he's basically a superhero padawan, learning the ropes; while in combat he handles Air Superiority and Ground Support missions.


Appearance: Since joining the Avengers Jim takes care to keep himself presentable, at least as much as he can. His fur is no longer matted and tangled but trimmed and neatly brushed. The hair on top of his head naturally falls in a Beast-like mane, this is also kept trimmed although not as short as Dr. McCoy's.


He usually wears black jeans, with calf-high brown boots. Around his waist is his grenade belt with pouches for 10 grenades and 4 baseballs. Shirts and coats have to be specially tailored to accomodate his wings and are usually a pain in the ass to get into, or out of for that matter - unless he just shreds them.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Octavia Banner-Romanov


Here is everything sans the background section, which is in the works. I'll have it done in narrative form tonight or tomorrow morning.


Concept: Daughter of the Hulk and Black Widow.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Octavia Banner-Romanov


Here is everything sans the background section, which is in the works. I'll have it done in narrative form tonight or tomorrow morning.


Concept: Daughter of the Hulk and Black Widow.



Nice write up..hope you dont mind but I couldn't help myself.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


It might be a good idea to write up some kind of history of major events in the Bunnyverse. At least the ones that are known to the general public. Doesn't have to be that deep' date=' just enough to show how you got from 616 to 28669. Basically from where the Bunnyverse diverged from 616 to now.[/quote']


How does the "28669" Bunnyverse differ from the "616" Marvel Universe?


That's both an easy and a tough question to answer. The easy answer is that the Bunnyverse didn't go through the dramatic changes of the 90s and the 00s -- there was no Heroes Reborn, no House of M, no Avengers Disassembled, no Illuminati, no Civil War, no Secret Invasion, no One More Day. All three active Bunnyverse GMs agree on those points. But it's more complicated than that.


The Bunnyverse is pretty firmly Bronze Age, with ocassional nods to Silver Age goofiness (The Impossible Man) and Iron Age grit (the Red Death Virus). I don't personally care for the 90s "X-Everything" era, so I just tend to ignore Cable, Bishop, X-Force, and all. That doesn't mean it didn't happen (in fact, I can clearly envision just how such things would fit into the Bunnyverse if I so choose), just that I probably won't use any of it in my games. Probably.


The big question hanging over the game is, "When did the Bunnyverse diverge from the MU?" My answer to that: "It began to diverge in the early-mid 1960s." Let me try to sum up my thoughts:


In 1962, brainy but socially awkward teenager Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained "the proportional strength and speed of a spider." His beloved uncle was murdered shortly thereafter by a killer that Peter could easily have stopped, had he not been too focused on gratifying his own wants. These two traumatic events combined to create the hero we know and love. Peter Parker became a hero and grew up. Eventually, he married his beloved Mary Jane, and the two of them had a beautiful daughter. After the birth of his child, Spider-Man retired from the public life of the adventurer and concentrated his efforts on being a husband and a father.


In the Bunnyverse, Peter Parker grew up. He became a man, he got a family, he grew old, and he retired -- passing the torch of heroism on to the next generation. By my math, he's in his late 50s or early 60s now. There have been no reset buttons, no "he's in his 30s now, but next week he might be in his 20s or even his teens again." Pete deserves better than that, and in the Bunnyverse he got it.


The same thing happened with all the classic heroes. Captain America had a son. Iron Man had three illigitimate children before he passed away. Hank and Jan Pym had a baby boy who grew up to be a hero just like his parents. The Vision and the Scarlet Witch realized their dream of having children (and watched, horrified, as their dream turned into a nightmare). The old generation had adventures, saved the world, and then (like all people must do) handed the world off to their kids.


As for which specific stories happened and didn't happen... well, except for those mentioned above, that's something I generally leave up to my players and to the needs of my stories. Did Iron Man inject himself with the Extremis technovirus? I dunno... if it becomes important to my game or to your character, then we'll make that decision. Those things that are cut and dried and fer-sure incorporated into the Bunnyverse are listed in the Official Handbook. Other than that, the field is pretty wide open.


I hope that answers your questions. :)



Some of the specific timeline events (the beginning of the game is listed as BGS for "Before Game-Start"):

  • 20 years BGS, The Avengers officially disbanded.
  • 15 years BGS, Thor, forced to take the throne of Asgard, leaves Midgard behind. Neither he nor any Asgardians have been seen since. Did Ragnarok happen? No one knows for certain.
  • 15 years BGS, Peter and Mary Jane Parker give birth to Mary Parker (named after Peter's late mother).
  • 10 years BGS, Nick Fury retires as Director of SHIELD. His hand-picked successor is Agent Katherine "Kitty" Pryde, former X-Man, who Fury had been grooming for the position for years.
  • 6 years BGS, The Vision is coldly murdered by his own son, who now calls himself Antimony the Diamagnetic Man.
  • 3 years BGS, Tony Stark dies in his home. He left the plans to his armor to all three children, but only Toni, his youngest, understood what they were. She built her own suit of armor and became the Invincible Iron Girl!
  • 1 year ago, an attack by the evil god Seth is stopped by an ad-hoc group of young heroes. Though it isn't official for several more months, the world is thrilled to know that the Avengers are back!

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


So what's been going on in the Bunnyverse, villainwise, since 1988? Without the Avengers to stop him why hasn't Ultron, or Kang, somebody taken over the world? Were all the bad guys killed first? Did they get bored without anybody to give a real fight and retire?


I understand what you're trying to do, and I approve. Even if I do hate to lose some of my favorite characters. But you've jumped fourty + years of history without completely thinking things out. Example: you have MJ conceiving in her late 40s, unlikely but possible. But in twenty years of marriage this is the Parkers' one and only child? Sorry but I have trouble swallowing this without some explanation of why. Nick Fury retired, Why, did he stop taking the Infinity Formula? While all these older heroes were retired and raising kids, who was keeping the world safe? Was there an intermediate generation of heroes that watched over the world between then and now? And if so, where are they now?


Do you see what I'm getting at? Your history is kinda sloppy and full of vast empty spaces. Now it's true that some of these spaces are going to be filled by the characters' back stories, but what I'm seeing right now is looking mighty sparse.


Just sayin' you might want to think things through a bit more and flesh things out more to fill in the gaps.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


So what's been going on in the Bunnyverse, villainwise, since 1988? Without the Avengers to stop him why hasn't Ultron, or Kang, somebody taken over the world? Were all the bad guys killed first? Did they get bored without anybody to give a real fight and retire?


I understand what you're trying to do, and I approve. Even if I do hate to lose some of my favorite characters. But you've jumped fourty + years of history without completely thinking things out. Example: you have MJ conceiving in her late 40s, unlikely but possible. But in twenty years of marriage this is the Parkers' one and only child? Sorry but I have trouble swallowing this without some explanation of why. Nick Fury retired, Why, did he stop taking the Infinity Formula? While all these older heroes were retired and raising kids, who was keeping the world safe? Was there an intermediate generation of heroes that watched over the world between then and now? And if so, where are they now?


Do you see what I'm getting at? Your history is kinda sloppy and full of vast empty spaces. Now it's true that some of these spaces are going to be filled by the characters' back stories, but what I'm seeing right now is looking mighty sparse.


Just sayin' you might want to think things through a bit more and flesh things out more to fill in the gaps.

Shun the non-believer.





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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Just sayin' you might want to think things through a bit more and flesh things out more to fill in the gaps.


You know, I realize you're trying to help and all, but um...


You wanna run your own Marvel Universe world? Go right ahead. Don't tell me how to run mine. Yeah. Kinda PO'd right now.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


So what's been going on in the Bunnyverse, villainwise, since 1988? Without the Avengers to stop him why hasn't Ultron, or Kang, somebody taken over the world? Were all the bad guys killed first? Did they get bored without anybody to give a real fight and retire?


I understand what you're trying to do, and I approve. Even if I do hate to lose some of my favorite characters. But you've jumped fourty + years of history without completely thinking things out. Example: you have MJ conceiving in her late 40s, unlikely but possible. But in twenty years of marriage this is the Parkers' one and only child? Sorry but I have trouble swallowing this without some explanation of why. Nick Fury retired, Why, did he stop taking the Infinity Formula? While all these older heroes were retired and raising kids, who was keeping the world safe? Was there an intermediate generation of heroes that watched over the world between then and now? And if so, where are they now?


Do you see what I'm getting at? Your history is kinda sloppy and full of vast empty spaces. Now it's true that some of these spaces are going to be filled by the characters' back stories, but what I'm seeing right now is looking mighty sparse.


Just sayin' you might want to think things through a bit more and flesh things out more to fill in the gaps.


As far as Ultron goes ...he was pemanantly destroyed by Henry Pym & the Wasp..who died doing so....at least that's what it says in the OHOTMB

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Um, yeah, the whole point is to have gaps. The gaps are filled in as people make characters and write their own backstories. Nobody knew what happened to Doctor Octopus until Electron's backstory. He died in it, hence, dead. Tony Stark? Dead in Iron Girl's backstory, so dead. Toad and Frenzy? Got married, had a kid, dropped out of supervillainy. It's in HipHop's story, so that's what happened. The story is created communally, and, if we wind up writing big chunks of it, it screws up future potential character ideas. No thanks, the openness of it all is what makes it fun.


Being I have friends with one child, conceived in the woman's early 40s, it's far from unlikely. Childbirth happens later than it used to. My kids were born when the wife was 37 and 39.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


You know, I realize you're trying to help and all, but um...


You wanna run your own Marvel Universe world? Go right ahead. Don't tell me how to run mine. Yeah. Kinda PO'd right now.


Somebody get his switchblade.




On the other hand, maybe if we just replace it with his switch-scythe ...

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


You know, I realize you're trying to help and all, but um...


You wanna run your own Marvel Universe world? Go right ahead. Don't tell me how to run mine. Yeah. Kinda PO'd right now.

Now, now, remember some people really like a well thought out and planned background where all gaps are filled, I's dotted and T's crossed. It appears that Doc is one of those people.


It reminds me of a quote I once read in one of the Dragonlance novels. Weis and Hickman stopped writing them for awhile and other writers had written various stories. When Weis and Hickman started writing again, they said they kept getting letters that this story contradicts that story, so which one is "cannon". Their response: "Who cares? Did you enjoy both books? If you did great, the books did their job, even if they do contradict."


Now I think that same philosophy applies here. Doesn't make sense? Who cares, as long as we're all playing the character we want to play and having a good time at it, game on!


Now as to the real reason I'm posting this Wyrm, you mentioned that I might be missing some valuable points, to be honest, no I don't know :P what do you mean?

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Now as to the real reason I'm posting this Wyrm' date=' you mentioned that I might be missing some valuable points, to be honest, no I don't know :P what do you mean?[/quote']


With the face, not sure if you're serious, but ... you can't do throws, mobile blasts, grabs, the whole 'damn I'm good at this' sort of thing. On the other hand, that's the way you wanted to put it together, so ... :)

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


So what's been going on in the Bunnyverse' date=' villainwise, since 1988? Without the Avengers to stop him why hasn't Ultron, or Kang, somebody taken over the world? Were all the bad guys killed first? Did they get bored without anybody to give a real fight and retire?[/quote']

There are tons of reasons. Sometimes, the very actions of the heroes create the villains that inflict evil upon the world (also known as Batman syndrome). Other times, villain will fight villain ("I will not allow this, Kang. Only Doom is fit to rule the world!"). There may also be heroes who fight villainy in secret - this is especially true in a world where they've at least considered the Mutant Registration Act. Just because the Bunny hasn't spelled out every villain plot since the 1980's, doesn't mean those plots haven't existed, and been foiled.



I understand what you're trying to do, and I approve. Even if I do hate to lose some of my favorite characters. But you've jumped fourty + years of history without completely thinking things out. Example: you have MJ conceiving in her late 40s, unlikely but possible. But in twenty years of marriage this is the Parkers' one and only child? Sorry but I have trouble swallowing this without some explanation of why.
If the majority of the stuff between 1962 and 1989 happened, PP and MJ married late. With careers to think of (and being Spider-Man is a career), it's quite conceivable that they only have one child. My wife and I have one child and no plans for more, so why should PP and MJ be any different?



Nick Fury retired, Why, did he stop taking the Infinity Formula?
Testicular shrinkage as a side-effect... :eek::hush:



While all these older heroes were retired and raising kids, who was keeping the world safe? Was there an intermediate generation of heroes that watched over the world between then and now? And if so, where are they now?
Well, for starters, it's quite possible a few of those "retired" heroes played hooky, like an addict backsliding (see "the Incredibles" for an example of this). Maybe time-travel was involved (World War II was rife with heroes from the future, per the official Marvel timeline). Maybe some of the villains realized that acting openly would draw those heroes out of retirement, and stayed covert while building their long-term plans. Heck, if you're immortal, what's 10 or 15 extra years? Now that the previous generation of supers is getting old enough for social security, and the new heroes are still young and inexperienced, it's the perfect time to strike.



Do you see what I'm getting at? Your history is kinda sloppy and full of vast empty spaces. Now it's true that some of these spaces are going to be filled by the characters' back stories, but what I'm seeing right now is looking mighty sparse.


Just sayin' you might want to think things through a bit more and flesh things out more to fill in the gaps.

This is just rather silly. Spider-Man alone has had more continuity mistakes than the entire Bunnyverse (One More Day? Clone Saga? Need I go on?). The retcons for Marvel could fill a book, and DC is even worse. Furthermore, you're expecting a gamemaster working for free to have a more concise and detailed history than a comic universe with a 40-year publishing run spanning dozens, if not hundreds of titles? (For the record, I think it's more concise, though it's impossible for Bunny to match the level of detail).


If this is a problem for you...don't play. I don't read Spider-Man anymore because I have a problem with his continuity in a post-One More Day world. Don't read it, don't play it - same thing.

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