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Where did it go?


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Re: Where did it go?


Doc Sampson posted a re-write of Grond and now I can't find it. Was it removed for some reason? I'm not trying to start any trouble but I swear I read it not even 10 minutes ago and I can't even find on my stat page where I commented on it.


I was curious where it went as well.

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Re: Where did it go?


Steve Long deleted it. Posting published characters ' date=' even alternative versions, is 'very verbotten' I believe were his words. Intellectual property and HERO Games/DoJ's sole right to make the public RP write ups for those characters are involved I suspect.[/quote']

Please extend my apologies. It was not my intention to offend anyone. Would you please PM me if I have received any disciplinary "infraction points" against my account?

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Re: Where did it go?


Please extend my apologies. It was not my intention to offend anyone. Would you please PM me if I have received any disciplinary "infraction points" against my account?


Very sorry if things alarmed you. If it is any comfort, Infractions, or even official warnings come with PMs themselves, so you'd know if one happened.


It's all good.

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Re: Where did it go?


I'm actually sort of glad this came up. If it wasn't Doc Samson on this it was going to be me in a week or two. A couple of us have been tinkering with some rewrites for the sheets and backgrounds of the Champions. We just sort of felt the team was a little flat. So being the band we are of course we figured we could fix it.


Can we just state "These are the changes we did to Defender blah yadda blah" and explaine what we swapped out from A to B? Can we use the same character names or would it just be better to do a completely new team? Obviously posting the whole character with edits is a no no and I don't want to step on any toes. I guess what I'm asking is where do we draw a line between what we can post on this and what we can't?


Again this isn't to cause any trouble. If we didn't love these characters and the system enough to become emotionally invested I doubt anyone would want to tinker. I want to show off some newer ideas and I'd like to do it the correct way.


Doc I still say you had some awesome ideas for Grond!! :D

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Re: Where did it go?


Can we just state "These are the changes we did to Defender blah yadda blah" and explaine what we swapped out from A to B? Can we use the same character names or would it just be better to do a completely new team? Obviously posting the whole character with edits is a no no and I don't want to step on any toes. I guess what I'm asking is where do we draw a line between what we can post on this and what we can't?


Straight from the horse's mouth:


"I don't mind if they say "I added thus-and-such to Defender" or "I changed Nighthawk X and Y." The key here is, are the comments enough to let you use the character without buying a book? If the answer is "Yes," then they go to far. If the answer is "No," then Hero is generally OK with it. The crucial factor is, you shouldn't be able to replace book content with a free post. "


Does that answer your question, Hawksmoor?

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