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Terran Empire Map On-line


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Ben has been kind enough to post the wallpapers I made of the Galactic Map for Terran Empire.


There are three different resolutions and they can be found at:









Keith "Astrographer" Curtis


[edited to correct size listings. The main entry on the Hero games page incorrectly lists the first as 1224x768]

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Originally posted by Old Man

Why is it that people never make "wallpapers" that are actually the size of the monitor? The whole frigging internet is like that.


What size do you need? I just made a few at common resolutions. I'd be happy to accomodate.


Keith "Why the vehemence?" Curtis

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Originally posted by Geoff Speare

Uh, what size is your monitor?


1920x1200, 24" diagonal at work; 1600x1200 20" at home.


I apologize for the vehemence but finding good wallpaper is a real chore for me. I'll find lots of good art out there, and it'll be available only at 640x480 resolution. Does anyone really run at VGA resolution nowadays? Seriously.



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Okey-Doke, OM.


It's listed as 1600x1200, but is actually 1600x1199, due to some math rounding problem. I'm sorry I can't help you on the larger one; that's a non-standard aspect ratio. Everything else is a 4:3 ratio. I would suggest using the 1600x1200 and making your background color black.


It's too big to attach, so I have sent it too Ben and he should post it when he can. If you're in a hurry for it, e-mail me and I will send it directly.


Keith "I'd like to have a monitor that big" Curtis

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Originally posted by Ron

I haven't seen Terran Empire (I have to order HERO books by mail as they aren't being carried in my country at this moment). Is this cool map bundled in the book?


The map is implicit in a host of regional maps. The Galactic Map in the book does not have the individual systems named for every state. They would be nearly illegible on an 8.5x11 page.


Oh, and of course, they're all B&W.


Keith "and thanks!" Curtis

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Originally posted by keithcurtis

The map is implicit in a host of regional maps. The Galactic Map in the book does not have the individual systems named for every state. They would be nearly illegible on an 8.5x11 page.


Oh, and of course, they're all B&W.


Keith "and thanks!" Curtis


That's sad. The map is very nice and a colour printout would greatly enhance Terran Empire value. I would gladly pay an extra to have it included in the book. Perhaps Hero Games might consider some colour add ons in future releases.

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As I've discussed on several other occasions, there's not going to be any color art in Hero books. Not throughout, not in a small section, not even one illo. It's too expensive and causes too many other problems.


Obviously it would make the books look nicer, and enhance their quality in the eyes of some people. Obviously, we'd like to do it. But we can't afford it, and that's that.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by xanatos

Very beautiful map but... you can hate me... I've found a small error: in the lower left side, look at the Light Years.... 0, 5000, 10000, 200000 (yes... 200000 and not 20000) and you should have written 5,000 and not 5000 (because you wrote 10,000 and 20,000)





Oops, that 20,0000 is in the printed rule book, too. Oh well, I doubt it will cause great confusion; you're the first to notice. If I ever get around to updating it for some reason, I'll make the correction.


As for the "5000" - "5,000" thing. I was always taught to drop the comma for anything under ten thousand. Different style books say different things, but I feel that it looks superfluous. My wife, who teaches thrid grade math, assures me that the use is optional.


Keith "," Curtis

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Re: Remove or lighten


Originally posted by Mike Basinger

Is there a quick way in photoshop to remove one color. I would like to remove ot lighten the black in the the TE map. Just too much for my printer.


and then Keith "Quick 'n' Dirty" Curtis replied:


I suppose the easiest thing to do would be to set your colors to default (Black FG/White BG), and use the magic wand to select and delete the background.



That would, indeed be the easiest way. On this one (simply by way of example) I did that and then used the "Select -> Color Range..." command (playing with the "fuzziness" a bit) to select the black. Then I went to "Select -> Similar" to get the rest of the black that I'd missed. Finally, I used the round marquee tool to remove the interior of the map. from the selection.


Once done, I hit backspace (with the background set to white) and this is the result (see attached). Took much longer to type this out than it did to do.


And a VERY nice job on the map, Master Curtis. :D



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