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Earthshaking stomp


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Re: Earthshaking stomp


Definitely Hand Attack, Area of Effect (Radius or Explosion) with Personal Immunity. Possibly continuous. If you want the possibility of doing Knockback but knocking the opponents "up" off the ground, then Indirect may be appropriate.


As far as limitations are concerned, Reduced Penetrating sounds very reasonable as well as Increased Endurance, Extra Time (Full Phase), Limited Power: Only works on Earth/Rock (does not work on Sand, mud, metal etc) (-1 at least maybe only -1/2 if it works on concrete/asphalt which it should)

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Re: Earthshaking stomp


from this old thread (5er)


Here's another way to build it:


27 Stomp The Yard!: Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6, Double Knockback (+3/4), Area Of Effect (11" Cone; +1) (82 Active Points); Limited Power Only to knock down (-1 1/2), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

[Notes: Per 5er Advantaged HA damage adding rules up to 30 STR can be combined with this for a 12d6 total.] - END=8


HA seems like a better fit than EB and AOE Cone doesn't require the addition of Personal Immunity either.

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Re: Earthshaking stomp


6e has this written up as the power "Shockwave" for the character Taurus. Basically it is a naked advantage of AoE-Surface for STR with Hole in the Middle, so anyone standing on the ground in the affected area takes STR damage. This is one of the classic comic book manuevers that 6e has made easy to represent.


Now someone explain to me how exactly this is supposed to work. I get the whole "earthquake knocks you down" effect, but I never understood why just falling down should inflict heavy damage. It always seemed to me like a desperate attempt to give characters like Thing or the Hulk some kind of flexibility, but, if you will pardon the pun, I always felt this concept for a power falls flat.

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Re: Earthshaking stomp


Knocking everyone around prone is a bonus. I've never been able to rationalize excessive damage just from falling down. Falling from a great height' date=' yes. Just falling down, no.[/quote']

Depends on what you fall on? I can theoretically accept and understand a Naked Explosion on STR, but the AoE gives me a conceptual headache. Even so, I'd much prefer a low-powered HA Explosion with Double Knockback and "STR does not add to damage" (alternately a very high STR Min although that might smell of blue cheese).


Brief anecdote on the subject of Falling Down (no relation to the movie):

When I was a kid, I had a classmate who stumbled over his foot and fell into a sidewalk, breaking his collarbone in the process, but even after all these years I cannot envision what that must have looked like, or if he just had 3d6 Unluck defined as "Clumsy".

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Re: Earthshaking stomp


We had a neighbor kid who was like that -- a magnet for misfortune. Like the time he carved himself a bow, and tested the pull while still holding onto the knife. :)


Anyway, I want to model earthquakes as Change Environment, with a few meters lost from Running and a penaltied DEX Roll to stay upright.

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Re: Earthshaking stomp


The Earthquake Fish from Asian Bestiary II has a huge Naked Advantage Explosion on his STR that only affect things on or in the earth. As it's setting up tremors it does do damage to things, but I think it only knocks people around.


With regards to some "Earthshaking Stomps", I've seen the ground ripple out from the center (akin to dropping a stone in a pond) creating a battering wall of dirt and the ground shaking effect. This will certainly destroy the ground/floor/street when you use it.

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Re: Earthshaking stomp


The Earthquake Fish from Asian Bestiary II has a huge Naked Advantage Explosion on his STR that only affect things on or in the earth. As it's setting up tremors it does do damage to things, but I think it only knocks people around.


With regards to some "Earthshaking Stomps", I've seen the ground ripple out from the center (akin to dropping a stone in a pond) creating a battering wall of dirt and the ground shaking effect. This will certainly destroy the ground/floor/street when you use it.

It didn't in Sky High.
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Re: Earthshaking stomp


here is what I came up with in 6th ed HD



real cost 27 pts

shock wave stomp: Change Environment (-6 to Characteristic Roll or Skill Roll), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Area Of Effect (32m Radius; +1) (40 Active Points); Instant (-1/2)

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Re: Earthshaking stomp


Just as a FYI,


you could also build it as TK Explosion or AoE radius, Personal immunity, Only to throw targets away(-1), Targets must be in contact with surface(-1/2), no range




change environment -5 to DEX rolls or fall, personal immunity, targets must be in contact with surface, no range


or (probably the worst build)


flight movement usable against others AoE/Explosion, Only to move away, targets must be in contact with surface, no range.

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