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The Partridge


Dr. Algernon “Alan” Partridge PhD used to work for the British government’s bio-warfare facility at Porton Down.


the stress started to get to him so he quit and moved to Norfolk to run a Pear orchard.


It should have been perfect but the expectation did not match the reality.


The locals treated him as an outsider mocked his adoption of clichéd country squire clothing the local kids vandalized his property. The regulars in the pub shunned him.


Desperate to gain status in his community he spent months developing a new and exotic pear cultivar.


It would take years for the new tree to grow so he used genetic engineering and advanced biotechnology to rapidly accelerate the process and created his perfect pear the golden Idun a delicious sweet pear that would act as a super food with all the nutrients a person could need.


He entered the local agricultural Fair and came in 4th.


He went insane the locals had ignored the obvious superiority of his creation and awarded the prizes to the usual suspects.


Dr Partridge disappeared no one saw him again for a year mysterious shipments arrived at his farm. The day before the next Fair his entire farm was destroyed in a massive unexplained fire.


Then on the day of the fruit judging as the judging team roamed the marquee with their rosettes there was a terrible shrieking and a mysterious figure descended from the sky.


Suddenly the fair was filled with noise as the descending figure began to drop bombs from a satchel on his side explosions of fire and foul smells, choking clouds of smoke engulf the field. The locals run in panic the police move to intervene only to be knocked unconscious.


The judges huddled in fear behind a display of giant vegetables. The figure walks towards them a man dressed in tweed jacket and flat cap with riding boots and a feathered mask covering his eyes a brass beak covering his nose.


Standing over the cowering judges his voice manic interspersed with cackling he speaks.

“You didn't like my last entry maybe this one will leave a more lasting impression “, he said before tossing a pear covered in patches of green red and yellow it explodes as it lands amidst the judges and they scream he walks away ad disappears back into the sky laughing with manic glee.


The judges skin was permanently marked with multicolored mottled pattern.


Since that day the Partridge has committed crime themed around pears and apples he uses far to many fruit pins.


riding his fear inducing TERROR - Tree a single person micro copter it looks like a potted tree with a large round head but filled with dozens of tiny rotors.


He carries a satchel full of his custom genetically engineered war fruit. Bosc bombs, Bartlett barriers, concussion conference, electro Elektra smoking sekel and the foul smelling Stinking Bishop.

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In the meantime, I have another one


The Maid


Real name unknown.  I quiet, unassuming woman.  Petite, and likely cute, if she dressed herself up.  She has worked as a maid in the homes of several high-rollers in the black markets.  In reality, she was their assassin, one of the best in the world.   Why she has stopped being for hire, and come here isnt clearly known, similar to be pretty much everything else about her.

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Peter Palaver is known as Piccolo, though his powers seem to work with any wind instrument whether it's a piccolo, pipe, flute, recorder, tin whistle, bassoon, oboe, ocarina, or clarinet (though for some reason they don't work with a saxophone -- he claims he doesn't like "too much sax and violence").  His tunes can lull targets to sleep, entrance them into a stupor, or cause them to obey his unspoken commands.  As a member of the Fiends of STEPHEN's he tends to use a pipe, but that's not a requirement.

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Dr Partridge has a bodyguard who is very distinctive. It is a giant goose. It can disarm people with a peck or a wing hit. And its honk can deafen. Its flight speed can be phenomenal. Unfortunately for police and other law enforcement officials it appears to be bullet proof. It obeys the Dr without question but it is clear that he did not invent it. Some people believe a mad scientist either gave it to him or it was ordered from him. The Goose also seems to have a limited mind in that it obeys the Dr and will support the others.

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The Leaping Lord


Dressed in the ceremonial robes of a Lord attending the state opening of Parliament this man is known to leap into the fray, grab something and leap out. He appears to be quite mad. He has been known to leap into action from Dr Partridge's helicopter. He seems to rely on not getting hit as he leaps around the battlefield.

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Ray and Bob Stevens are very skilled sneak thieves who once broke into a DanCo warehouse and found a prototype of the company's latest TURTLE armor.  This prototype has boot jets and glide wings, as well as a high-tech reactive camouflage exterior, effectively becoming invisible at the touch of a button, so of course the Stevens brothers stole it.  While both of them are strongly anti-violence, they joined the Fiends of STEPHEN's to protect themselves from criminal agencies and supervillains wanting to make the armor their own.  Bob and Ray take turns wearing the armor, calling themselves (collectively) Turtle-Dove.


Edit to add:  And thanks to death tribble for marking as (done) those that have been taken care of already.  I appreciated that very much.

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Everything has a beat. Buzzy Terkin learned this when he was a child. He loved listening to things moving one way or the other. He finally mastered a bit of sympathetic magic by accident. He has learned to take any beat he hears and change it for various effects. Stopping hearts has been his MO for a long time. He calls himself the Drummer to emphasize his ability


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Dammit again lol I actually finished this one.

The drummer

Near the source of the Nile in a hidden valley somewhere amidst the peaks of the mountains of the moon is a cave. In the cave sit 12 Drummers members of a holy order they beat the heartbeat of the earth the beat has been continuously played for longer than days have been counted. They play night and day swapping places on the beat. new drummers are trained and join the circle from the village but there must always be twelve.

That was until Igubu Yeshumi broke the circle and fled the village using the secrets of the drum to best the acolytes.
The missed beat called earthquakes wildfires and destruction world wide.

now Igubu wanders the world using the art of the drummers to fund a sybaritic lifestyle he wants only the finest things and uses his drums magic to get them.

Depending on the rhythm the drum can speed or slow time, mesmerize all who hear it, smash barriers or spread fear love or lust .


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The lady dancer


The dancing mistress has been around for a very long time first evidence for her is reports of agents of Cardinal Richelieu being trained by her. She appeared again. After the revolution training agents of the new Republic. George Washington mentions sending members of the culper ring for “Dance Classes”. Both before and after the Russian Revolution there are reports of an exclusive dance school that both the tsarist secret police and later The KGB used to train operatives.


The lady dancer is a legend formally merely a teacher of female assassins and spies since the appearance of super humans she has come out of the shadows and she now uses her gifts publicly.


Her true origin is lost in time but some suggest she was with Ponce de Leon during his quest for the fountain of youth.


Whatever the truth the Dancer is immortal able to recover from seemingly any wound and possessing centuries of experience not just of etiquette espionage and courtly intrigue but also combat she is an expert in arts as varied as fencing and ninjutsu.


She has synthesised all of these techniques into her own style one that is both a beautiful graceful dance and furious brutality. She has been described as moving like a cherry blossom on a breeze and striking like a frenzied cobra.


She still seeks out and trains female agents she believes worthy of her gifts often by acting as a nemesis to force them to improve or die.

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Ok next team

The Ten

The ten is a name whispered amongst the criminal underworld considered amongst the most dangerous organizations in the world by interpol .
what the world doesn't know is that the ten are really low powered.

so ten members with one power around the 30 point real point mark but who use them to maximum effect.

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Is that an entry thequestionman ? Gestalt is Probably a bit expensive this is a team of potent criminals with a single weak seeming power used effective my for example.


The Carrier


Johannes never got sick the usual childhood disease's passed him by despite multiple attempts by his parents chicken pox and mumps passed him by. No colds or flu struck him down. By his teens Johannes was fascinated by the diseases he seemed impervious too he went to university and graduated top of his class in epidemiology and virology. Late one night whike johannes was working on his PhD he found his tutor drunk at his desk. In his drunken state the tutor apologized he had been spending the departments money to feed his gambling addiction and now the books where about to be audited if only there was a way to delay the audit a few days he could pay it back. Johannes had a plan stealing a sample of e.coli from the lab when the auditor's arrived he presented them with pastries and coffee liberally laced with bacteria the audit was delayed as everyone went home with violent food poisoning.


Johannes had found a lucrative new career now he is the Carrier conducting biological sabotage for pay want a product delayed a rival bid distracted or a restrant shut down he is your man. People have died due to his attacks but he draws the line at actual assassination mainly because he is worried about the spread of a lethal pathogen.


He works for the ten now facilitating their operations weakening enemy force's reducing security and distracting senior management by judicious application of Pestilence's.

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The Favorelle is a feathered fury that uses egg shaped grenades as the weapon of choice. Typically friendly to her group, she will try to escape from an aggressive enemy instead of attacking.



I actually had an idea today for French Hen, and it was actually a Frenchwoman using egg-shaped grenades.  :shock:

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