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Black Hole power

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The character can create small controlled black holes (I know it isn't realistic, but it's role playing game)


but he can also explode to create an actual black hole. You know, the planet destroying kind.


I'm having trouble writing up the big one. I'm not sure how to do it.


Oh, It's 5th ed rev. and there is an 80 active point limit.

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Re: Black Hole power


Are you playing galactic champions where there might, on occasion, be a situation that would require the destruction of an entire planet?


If the answer is no, then so is yours. Regardless of what a player may want, it's the job of the GM to manage those expectations and meld them into the whole narrative of the campaign. Does the character have a plan for how they will escape their own black hole?


The main thing about a black hole is it's density (or in this case, it's pull). How much STR do you think it will take to move a planet out of its orbit? Or if you would rather, how many levels of Density Increase do you think it will take to make something so dense that not even light can escape it's gravity?


As much as I hate to say it, it's a bit of silliness. "NO, you cannot create a real life black hole. Period." That's your response.


There are plenty of gravity manipulation powers that are well within the realm of a normal hero...solar system devouring gravitic anomalies are not one of them.

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Re: Black Hole power


small black holes shouldn't be too hard to make, but a stellar mass black hole would surely exceed the active point limit of 80 points.


As far as building it anyway, my first thoughts would be about a really big change environment.

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Re: Black Hole power


I think Telekinesis with a very large Area of Effect would do it. With Area Effect, your TK strength is being compared against each hex of the object, not the entire object, so you only need enough TK strength to move a 2m cube of high-density metal (as found at the core of a planet), which is still high but not ridiculously so. However, I think this would mean you couldn't use Megascale, so you'd just have to buy up the radius a hell of a lot.


Also, you need something to destroy things as they hit the event horizon. A simple RKA, AVAD, Does Body should do it - again though, you need a fairly large amount, enough to destroy an event horizon's worth of metal in one shot, so that your hole doesn't "clog up". And it also needs to be Trigger (not an action, automatic reset, whenever matter enters the area) instead of just Continuous, or else your hole will get clogged trying to destroy a whole planet one block per phase or less. Even with all this, it will take a while to eat an entire planet.


Doable, but a heck of a lot more than 80 active points.



Alternate Method:

Teleportation, with the appropriate advantages to make it a Gate, enough range to reach the black hole at the center of the galaxy, and as much Increased Mass as the GM thinks is required to count as an "absolute effect". Open up the portal at the center of the planet, watch everything get sucked through by the hole on the other side.


Still way more than 80 points, unless the GM gives you the "absolute effect" part for free.



Third Method:

Make it yourself, by getting "Transform Matter to Incredibly Dense Matter", and then using it repeatedly on some random object until you hit black hole density. Given how many BODY an object at that density would have, this might take a long time, but it won't cost that many points - you could do it with as little as 10 if you're willing to wait long enough. Better make sure the GM is on board before you spring this one though.

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Re: Black Hole power


I'm the type that usually likes to writeup things that most people brush off as "plot devices" if for no other reason than to see how it can be built in Hero, but unless this is for a Cosmic Champions game more powerful than I have ever heard of this is one of those things I would place strictly in "plot device that won't possibly come up without extensive conversation with the GM before hand" land.

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Re: Black Hole power


TK Explosion, no range, or in the alternative, TK AoE, no range, reduced by range(-10 per doubling of distance)--you'd get about 40 STR TK AoE for 80 active points

A damaging attack associated with the black hole--AVAD (force field, hardened armor/hardened rPD, +1?), Does Body, 5d6 Normal or maybe 2d-1 KA, probably less if it's a damage shield

XDM Usable as attack, up to x 4 mass?

Unified power and linked on the whole shebang

That pretty much covers it, I'd imagine

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Re: Black Hole power


We had a player once want to make a guy with "Space Powers." When asked for more detail, he wanted to be able to manipulate gravity, create vacuum, absolute zero, etc.


This was actually a cool character in the hands of a... terrible player.


Basically, several forms of TK, some DEX + STR drains, some NND attacks (defenses being various forms of Life Support), and several large CE's.

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Re: Black Hole power


I may be misreading this, but is his implosion into a massive black hole more of a threat to himself and everything around him, rather than something he'd ever really want to use?


If so, it might be better to define this in terms of a Disadvantage / Complication that the GM can use, rather than something under the player's control. Though the actual transformation may be very infrequent, the concern attached to it, the possible machinations of bad guys to use him in some world-destroying plot, etc. would make it more present story-wise.



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