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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




There was one thing Foxbat always seemed to lack: Cheerleaders. At least that is what Nancy "Conny" Alberta always thought. So she made a cheerleading costume and tried to be present whenever foxbat poped up. During one of his misadventures she found a set of magical pompons and became the Superpowered Cheerleader Foxi. The Pompons give her considerable knowledge of martial arts and increase her coordination and reaction times drastically. And they where in the right colors (Foxbats colors).

As user of her cheerleader martial arts she goes into combat with her old costume (but with an added mask), irritating the enemy with unexpected movements and cheering at the same time. Especially Oger finds her anyoing (she always anoys the rahter clumsy brute with her superior reaction time).

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Imagine a man so wonderful, that people want to imitate him. In the comics, that led to the Batmen of America and The Green Arrows of the World. Now imagine a group of heroes based off Foxbat.


I need six heroes from around the world for the International Foxbat Heroic Planning and Intervention Society



The IFBHPIS? Please tell me that's a provisional name and they're working on something with a "clever" acronym.


This is a character I had lying around, so perhaps it shouldn't count against the membership roster and should be considered a "mascot/mentor."







Designer's Note


Batman is a serious, even grim character. Batmite exists to leaven Batman's world with a little humor and whimsy.


Foxbat, by contrast, is a character often played for laughs. Foxbatmite tries to inject a little gravity and sometimes even a sense of responsibility into Foxbat's world.


Foxbatmite, from the twenty fourth and a half dimension.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes


23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

33 INT 23 16- PER Roll 16-

23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8

6 SPD 27 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12



Total Characteristic Cost: 115




Cost Powers END

35 Trasnsimensional Manifestation: Elemental Control, 70-point powers

28 1) Who Watches the Foxbat?: Clairsentience (Sight And Perceive into a related Groups), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 12" per Phase), Transmit, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (-1/4)

28 2) Who Listens to Foxbat?: Clairsentience (Hearing And Perceive into a related Groups), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 12" per Phase), Transmit, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (-1/4)

18 3) Where in the world is Foxbat?: Mind Scan 4d6 (Foxbat class of minds), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Cumulative (48 points; +3/4), One Way Link (+1) (75 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds Foxbat (-1), Physical Manifestation (-1/4)

31 4) Special Delivery: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension), Position Shift, x2 Increased Weight, Usable As Teleport (+1/4), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (82 Active Points); 4 clips of 2 Recoverable Charges (-1/2) [2 rc]

49 5) ExtraDimensionalReach: Telekinesis (15 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation, 1 Recoverable Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 5 Minutes (+0), Indirect ( +1/4), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (96 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (-1/4) [1 rc]

40 6) 2X Hardened on up to 60 Active Points of DEF for Manifestation: Naked Modifier: Hardened (x2; +1/2) for up to 60 Active Points, Usable By Other (+1/4), Indirect ( +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2) (75 Active Points)



300 Clark's Law - The 24th and a half Dimension is Sufficiently Advanced: Variable Power Pool, 200 base + 100 control cost, (300 Active Points)

54 The Zornwill Effect: Healing BODY 3d6, Resurrection, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (150 Active Points); IAF Zornwill Device Bulky (-1), Resurrection Only (-1/2), Limited Power Must be plausible reason why person is not "really dead" or machine/object/structure not "really totally destroyed." (-1/4)

Notes: This power allows any character or object within 5 km of the Zornwill Device to miraculously escape death or destruction, provided that any of the players can come up with a plausible explanation. The car you thought was totalled? Just a little body work, replace the windows, and it will run again! Things like "Okay, the character's dead, but his identical twin comes to town to avenge him!" are cheap and cliched, so if allowed at all they should probably only be used once (after all, how many twins can one person have?) "I wasn't brain-dead yet, and the paramedics revived me" works too, maybe more than once, but the more often a rationale is used, the less plausible it will sound. The fact that it will not restore the character to "perfect health" is quite deliberate. In many cases, the character WILL be heavily damaged and need time (or help) to heal up; even in cases where the SFX is something like "That was an imposter; I am the REAL Super Tabby!" the time it would take for the BODy to heal represents the time before the player will be permitted to make such a revelation and resume playing the character

45 You will take me seriously now: +45 PRE

Notes: Sometimes necessary to get Foxbat to listen

39 Summon Plot Exposition: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Tracking, Usable By Other (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (9" Radius; +1) (137 Active Points); Retrocognition Only (-1), No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; Only to review and explain the plot up to the present point ; -1), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Visible (-1/4)

50 Foreshadowing: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Tracking, Usable By Other (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (9" Radius; +1) (137 Active Points); Precognition Only (-1), Vague and Unclear, only Foreshadows events (-1/2), Visible (-1/4)

20 Summon Plot Complication: Luck 6d6 (30 Active Points); Side Effects (If Luck Fails, roll 6d6 Unluck; -1/2)

33 Imperial Stormtrooper School of Marksmanship: Change Environment 1" radius, -4 OCV, MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2) (50 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)




3 Absolute Time Sense

3 Bump Of Direction

20 Universal Translator 16-



5 Interdimensional Power Skill: Fast Draw 15-

3 Concealment 16-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Shadowing 16-

3 Sleight Of Hand 14-

3 Lockpicking 14-

3 Mimicry 16-

3 Ventriloquism 16-

3 Disguise 16-

3 Tactics 16-

3 Deduction 16-

3 Analyze: Master Plan 16-

2 Navigation (Dimensional) 16-

3 Acting 9-

3 Conversation 9-

3 Persuasion 9-

3 Oratory 9-

24 +3 with all non-combat Skills

10 +2 with PRE based skills

5 Cramming

5 Cramming

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: Foxbat (3 Active Points) 16-

2 2) KS: The Foxbat Dimension (3 Active Points) 16-

2 3) KS: Trickster Mythology and Folklore (3 Active Points) 16-

2 4) KS: Interdimensional Lore (3 Active Points) 16-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 870

Total Cost: 985


200+ Disadvantages


Total Disadvantage Points: 985


Background/History: A powerful creature from another plane of existence, the being normally known as Foxbatmite has taken an interest in Foxbat. Most observers are puzzled as to why, but Foxbat himself of course takes it for granted that he is the most fascinating character in the Champions Universe.


Personality/Motivation: Wherever it comes from, Foxbatmite obviously regards Foxbat as supremely important, to the point that it consistently refers to “Foxbat's World” or “The Foxbat Dimension” or “The Foxbat Zone” to differentiate the campaign reality from the “Twenty Fourth and a Half Dimension” that Foxbatmite calls home. It seems to regard itself sometimes as Foxbat's disciple and sometimes as his mentor, and alternates between praising Foxbat's insanity as brilliance and excoriating him as stupid or careless.

Although strongly approving of Foxbat's sense of fun, playfulness, and humor, Foxbatmite itself seldom laughs and almost always speaks with great earnestness.


Quote: (About Foxbat): "You mock him, yet the sages of Foxbat's World have said 'If it were not laughed at, it would not be the Way.' He has seen the truth of his world more deeply than anyone - and that knowledge makes him free."

(To Foxbat): "Long the way I have come to help you, Fred. I was a Seeker, but I have found you, O Sacred Clown."

(About Foxbat, while looking the player characters up and down): “Yes, he thinks he lives in a comic book. Have you looked in a mirror lately and thought about what gives him that impression?”


Powers/Tactics: The “real” Foxbatmite is probably permanently inaccessible. What the characters will encounter will be the physical manifestation of the powers Foxbatmite uses to project its consciousness into a three dimensional reality. This manifestation has 20 DEF that is twice Hardened, a BOD of 6, and OCV and DCV of 8. Whether called magic or technology, Foxbatmite also has access to a bewildering variety of Powers from the 24th and a half dimension, often in the form of devices miraculously produced from the Foxbatmite Utility Belt.


Campaign Use: Deus ex Machina to bail Foxbat out when he's in danger, or perversely derail Foxbat's latest "Master Plan" if Foxbatmite disapproves of the direction it's taking.


Appearance: Yoda in a Foxbat costume. This is not the real being of course, but who can describe something that exists in twenty four and a half dimensions? But the projection of this entity's consciousness into "The Foxbat Dimension" resembles a foxbatmuppet.


Adventure Seeds:


Where in the world is Foxbat?

Foxbatmite comes to the characters for help. Foxbat is missing! Normally Foxbatmite can find always find

Foxbat, but not now. Has he left the planet? The dimension? Or have sinister forces captured him, forces that can even block the perceptive powers of Foxbatmite?


Foxbat must not fail!

Foxbatmite uses the Foreshadowing power to reveal a disastrous potential future to the player characters. This is what awaits the world – unless Foxbat's current Master Plan succeeds. Is Foxbatmite, self confessed student of tricks and tricksters, trying to fool the heroes into not interfering? If the extradimensional imp is to be believed, should the heroes play along – or try to stop Foxbat anyway and then try to overcome the foreseen catastrophes?


Foxbat must be stopped!

Foxbatmite confesses to a serious miscalculation. Not only has the 'mite allowed Foxbat to acquire an artifact (“It's hung around his neck, you can't miss it”) that neutralizes Foxbatmite's own Powers (A massive Personal Immunity Naked Advantage, on a Focus, if you want to write it up) but also one that enhances his own abilities over time (“That one looks like a lollipop, if lollipops were made of sunbeams and rainbows.”) Worse yet, the latter is making Foxbat more powerful every day. “That kind of power is not good for him, it will ruin the Master Plan!” Can the heroes stop a Foxbat who is gaining all the powers of twenty four and a half dimensions – before it's too late?



Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Over in England is one nutty, yet rich and no longer bored millionaire -- Skip Brunnell, aka the erudite Ermine! Having heard of the exploits of Foxbat, Skip felt that Europe could benefit from having such a "hero" as well. Of course, being British, he feels he needs to do it in a classier way than the American original.


That's 6. Give me a second for the next one... :eg:

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


OK, found what I was looking for...


New team: The Playboys (though, not all of them are male)

Number: 7

Theme: Inspired by this quote from megaplayboy in another thread, the Playboys have picked the WRONG motives to be heroes -- and there's no sign of them coming to a more "moral" way of thinking any time soon...


Actually, it might be entertaining to feature a run with an NPC hero team that has all the "wrong" motives to be superheroes--one's a sadist who just enjoys beating the crap out of "bad guys"(and/or a masochist who enjoys getting hit), one's a glory hound who's only in it for attention and adulation, one's a sellout who just wants all that sweet endorsement money, one's an exhibitionist who enjoys running around in skimpy outfits, and one's just doing it to get laid. You could probably come up with a few more--one's a racist out to prove their supremacy, one's mentally ill and this is their form of therapy, one's just eager to use their powers any chance they get, etc.
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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


In the annals of crime-fighting, there is a special place for the millionaire industrialist inventor. However, none of them are quite like The Reverse Engineer. In every hidden lair, in every doomsday device, in every mad science lab, there are hundreds of thousands of inventions that could change the world. And nearly all of them are exploded, or tipped into a volcano, or shot into space, or left to decompose in the frozen Siberian tundra. But the Reverse Engineer always takes a few minutes out to swipe some valuable tech before he goes, for study and mass production. In his public identity as Reginald Efraim, he runs RETeck, the innovative technology firm. After all, villains can't register patents or start FDA hearings, but legitimate businessmen-slash-heroes can. He got his start as a tech geek tagging along with a local hero team to shut down the doomsday device or hack the mainframe, but with his first suit of "borrowed" power armor, he started a new life. Seven years of adventuring later, he is now a fabulously wealthy man. Still, his competition is fierce, and he needs to keep "finding" new advances in science; so rather than retiring to a life of luxury, he is still a full-time hero, and a Playboy.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Statuesque blonde Greta Tyvarsdottir wears something very close to, but not quite, a Playboy Bunny costume in her heroic identity as Thunder Rabbit. this leads many people who don't know her personally to think that she's an exhibitionist, or doing this to get laid. In reality, the reason she's a superhero at all is so that she can use her ki-enhanced martial arts ability to maim people semi-legally. She especially likes using her "Thunder Kick" to break criminals' ribcages.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The core around which the Playboys coalesced is known as Bunny. Superhumanly strong, even more superhumanly hard to hurt or stop, Bunny has the powers to be a superhero but might not have bothered except for the chance at the spotlight, and wore her bunny-esque costume before Thunder Rabbit started wearing one. As she is attractive, charming, and the one most eager to talk to the media, after her first non-solo adventure the press took to calling the originally ad-hoc group she had been part of "Bunny and the Playboys." After a couple of years she started insisting the "official" name of the group is just "The Playboys" to avoid alienating anyone into actually leaving - more people around means sharing the spotlight, but also means more allies when things get dangerous. She's an exhibitionist, an attention whore, a glory hound, but she's NOT an idiot. In fact, she's still a frequent spokesperson for the group specifically because she can think on her feet. She's dropped the ears and tail (at the insistence of lawyers) but her costume is as sexy and provocative as ever. She wouldn't have it any other way.


(I thought there should be an explanation for how the group got the name.)


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has an idea for the next group and wants me to try for the last one in this group too now.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




God's gift to women finally decided to face the inevitable and became a hero. With his devilish charm and swagger he is a real hit with the ladies. He is as much of an attention whore and glory hound as Bunny. But he can fight and has a real thing about people hurting women and children. He's even taking hits to defend others. But he is in it to get laid. He hits on scantily dressed villainesses, heroines in other groups (on the basis that you don't you know where you eat) and media people/innocent bystanders. He does not tend to hit on any women he has rescued or he has helped rescue but he is charm personified to them. Everyone else gets the flirting. He wears a suit or something stylish into battle and they seem to survive most of the time.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


"There is no overkill. Only 'open fire' and 'time to reload'". This and similar sentences can usually be heard from the 'Hero' Supression Fire, aka 'Mr. Trigger happy', aka 'Mr. Coletteral Damage' (not so much, after most of his guns only do stun damage nowadays).

He is a trained normal with a suprising arsenal of energy-weapons and most of them don't have a thight energy limit - they draw theire power from his backpack-generator. That is good so, because he tends to use them excessively. Luckily their constructor, The Reverse Engineer, takes care that they never have a kill setting (very few have anything but STUN only) as he would be likely to use it just to see what color/sound the beam has. And then use it a lot more (color/sounds do not really seem to matter, SF just pretends it).


Originally he went by as Firestorm, but during an interview a WWII Veteran described him as "Blasting away like a entire Squad laying Supression Fire". In fact when his tatical sense would be at least as keen as that of your common sergeant, he might actually do something as intelligent as supreission fire when it is needed. But he is usually to busy "blasting bad guys and smoking cigar", but without the cigar...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The IFBHPIS? Please tell me that's a provisional name and they're working on something with a "clever" acronym.


They should call themselves the International Foxbat Heroic Endeavor Corps of All Nations (IF-HE-CAN).


New team: The Playboys (though, not all of them are male)

Number: 7

Theme: Inspired by this quote from megaplayboy in another thread, the Playboys have picked the WRONG motives to be heroes -- and there's no sign of them coming to a more "moral" way of thinking any time soon...


The blond-haired man adjusted his cape as he looked at the reporter. She was cute, so he flashed her his trademark rakish grin, but really she wasn't anything to write home about. Still, he'd wait until after the interview before letting her down easy. (No need to piss her off -- she might do some creative editing and make him look bad.) "Now, you're going to make sure you get my good side, aren't you, Sheila?"


Her smile faltered. "My name's Sherry. Like the drink."


"Sorry about that, Sherry," he said, then chuckled. "I was just joking around, anyway." Without missing a beat, he created his first duplicate, then his second. In unison, they said, "It's not like I actually *have* a bad side, after all."


Finally, the cameraman was ready and Sherry started the interview. "As the newest addition to the Playboys, Tripod, what are your thoughts on the rest of your team?"


Tripod smiled. "Well, what red-blooded guy *wouldn't* like working with Thunder Rabbit and Bunny?" He winked at the camera and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "I just hope Playboy keeps his... um, I mean, it's great working with a guy like Playboy. And I gotta tell you, Reverse Engineer got us some pretty kickin' gear to work with. Plus, with a guy like SF watching everybody's six, I think we'll be the premier hero team in no time."


The reporter smirked. "Is this a challenge to the Champions? Who's the number one hero team?"


"No challenge intended," said Tripod. "A 'challenge' implies that they stand a chance of measuring up." He chuckled, and then said in obviously false sincerity, "Just kidding, Defender!"


"What is your response to charges that you were negligent, allowing those two police officers to get injured during yesterday's battle with VIPER?"


Tripod shook his head. "There's only so much one person can do in the heat of battle. I'm sorry they took a few hits, but there's nothing much I could have done about it." At least, nothing much that wouldn't have gotten me hurt instead, he mused to himself. Besides, they were trying to horn in on my spotlight. Serves 'em right, getting shot like that. But he would never say such thoughts aloud. "I have nothing but respect for our men and women in blue, and am proud to work by their side."


- - - - - -


Beyond his ability to triplicate himself, Tripod is also stronger and faster than normal. He's not as strong or tough as a full brick, nor as quick as a regular speedster, but he's definitely in the superhuman range. After his first escapade in costume, Tripod discovered that he loved being the center of attention, and most of his actions are designed to focus as much as possible upon himself. Unlike Playboy, Tripod doesn't hesitate to turn on the charm with his own female teammates, knowing that it will tittilate the media and get him more press. He'll also go after any young starlet, even (maybe especially) those who are making headlines for, let us say, questionable behavior.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The seventh and last member of the Playboys is Auric, a mutant with telekinetic and teleportation Powers that only work on non-living substances and only temporarily. Affected masses or objects turn into a yellow malleable metalic substance but quickly fade back to their original natures and return to their original locations. This is especially fortunate as Auric's favorite tactics involve tunneling, such as undermining the ground from under an opponent's feet, or going underground and popping up behind someone.


Auric's base motive is simple greed. While Bunny is the group's usual spokesperson with the news media, Auric handles things like the endorsement deals or other contracts, for the group and its members - taking a percentage as agent, of course. Auric is also open to any other way to make a buck. What's the point of having and using these rare and special powers if you're not well paid for it?


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


We've had the playboys, now for the opposite - the Workmen. Seven working class superheroes (not necessarily male) whose names, costumes, powers, or general "schtick" relate either to blue collar occupations or tie in with the theme of the laboring classes.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary proposed this theme, but now says it sounds like a lot of work

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Michael Clarke worked the docks when, during a battle that erupted between supervillains, heroes and the police, he was hit by a radioactive crane. He then developed superpowers appropriate to the people who worked the docks. A bit of running, some strength and endurance plus some luck and swimming. So the next time the bad guys turned up they ended up in the drink. And that's how it is. Michael is interested in helping the poor working class stiffs like him survive in a world full of temptation. He saw the second season of The Wire and knows what could be done criminal wise on the docks so he makes sure it does not.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Miner '49er


Frederick Ashton worked in the mines digging out coal. He had not been bright enough to go to college and get a better paid job but he was good enough to risk his neck below ground. He found that he was regarded as a reliable worker as time went by. He got his powers when there was a minor pit collapse and he was struck by falling debris. Somehow this gave him the sbility to know where he was whenever he wae underground. Also higher strength and endurance plus a reduced need to breathe. He is a boon to the company as he can now chart the older workings and know which ones are safe and which ones are not. However certain people know that with great power comes great responsibility (yes they are Spiderman fans) and so he is allowed time to help others. It just never occurred to him to be the bad guy.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




It's hot work working in a steel mill but not as downright dangerous as when supervillains decide to battle there and cause 'as much collateral damage as possible' ie kill civilians. This was supposed to be the fate of Douglas Featherstonehugh (and that is pronounced Fanshawe) as a huge bucket of steel was deliberately poured over him. To the surprise of the villains and everyone else Doug survived. He created a Forcewall around him which kept the molton metal from getting to him. One of the villains was incensed by this and threw him at a wall and Doug bounced off. Heroes turned up and a shaken Doug was taken to a hospital to have a check up. Unharmed he returned to work and even helped get the molten steel back into the furnaces. His fellow workers regard his survival as miraculous especially in light of Doug's speechlessness in fromt of camera and the fact he shied away from major money endorsements. Doug joined the others figuring the villains might be back to finish him off.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Robin Godwin hadn't had much luck finding consistent work in this economy and found herself doing a lot of temporary jobs here and there. Unfortunately, a lot of her employers treated her and others like her as disposable. Of course, she never expected that to be a literal case when she accepted that three month gig that was supposed to be just receptionist work. Turned out it was a front for VIPER -- and she was just another victim in a long line of guinea pigs.


Well, that's what they thought anyways. Instead of dying, whatever experimentation they were trying to do activated a latent metagene in Robin -- and gave her a random set of temporary superpowers. Sometimes, she's a speedster, other times she's a mentalist or weather controller. However, whatever powers she's imbued with always seem to fit the current crisis at hand (like fooling VIPER into thinking she was dead and being desolid for a while in order to escape that first time around).

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Greg Heinz would never have got superpowers if he had not worked on Wheels of Steel the Supercar. In truth the cops who brought the car in and Greg did not know it was the villainous motorcar who had powered down and disguised itself. So it was that Greg got the shock of a lifetime when Wheels of Steel decided enough was enough and tried for a high speed get away. It was one thing being turned on but you see how you like having a light shone underneath you to see what that reveals and having your bonnet opened while someone fiddle with your sparkplugs. Greg survived being electrocuted and shot out of the automobile by one of Wheels ejection mechanisms and also being sprayed with oil which was possibly radioactive. Although Wheels escaped it was not able to kill Greg for his impudence merely to hospitalise him. Greg somehow developed powers These included an intuitive knowledge what was wrong with a vehicle and how to repair it McGuyver style which kind of freaks him out still. He could also communicate at a rudimentary level with machines which he thought was useless until it gave him prior warning of Mechanon turning up. His powers have also enabled him to reduce the speed of vehicles which he does think is useful. However Wheels of Steel has found out about this and is furious. It has therefore taken out a contract on him.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The most mysterious member of the group is Mason. Apparently composed of living stone and able to manipulate stone, metal, and similar inorganic substances, Mason built the group's base and occasionaly contributes funds in the form of gems or ore retrieved from deep underground. Mason often repairs buildings and infrastructure after superbattles and other disasters, even if the Workmen weren't involved, and makes a point of refusing payment for such repair work. He will, however, sometimes either charge or ask for future favors in return for creating new structures or tunnels, or for assisting companies engaged in such business as prospecting, mining, or oil exploration - but never charges what he could, and only works for companies that place a premium on both worker safety and protecting the environment. Such favors and connections may be why, despite being a member of the Workmen and often expressing solidarity with the working class, he seems to have a lot of friends in high places who sometimes turn out to be handy. Even the Workmen sometimes need to pull strings when investigating things like organized crime or proving that a given company is a VIPER front - or just plain crooked one way or another. Mason is also able to merge with stone and pass through without creating a tunnel.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says, "So he rebuilds and fixes walls for free?"

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




The last member of the of team was once a german road construction worker. One day while building on the highway Eurostar stumbeled across him during their escape from costumed heroes. They dicided to take the construction crew hostage. When one of them resisted to much, the shoved him into one tank full of hot bitumen. Less than a minute late the Bitumen came to life and started attacking them. It could take humaniod shape, but also harden it's body (while making itself unable to move). After it helped the arriving heroes to drive Eurostar of they took it to a doctor and a new superheroe was born.


Roadsing is a shape shifter, but can only transform into things you might see as part of the roadsystem or it's constrcution: Hard and fluid bitumen/concrete, steel and it's namesake (his favorite trick to ambush an enemy). When fluid it can detach parts of it's body to entrap enemies, the body part almost isntantly "regrows". It is not known how much of the person that died that day is part of Roadsign (he can't speak and mental powers don't seem to work). But it has show a special protectiveness of both conrsuction crews and the road system in general. It always get's upset when streets, bridges or the like get damage or not properly protected by the others.


He is on good standing with Mason, but lacks laters (re-)consturctive abilities.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay, that's a little bit of a suprise. Planned to post Nr 6, not Nr 7.


Since I kind of took away half of the Original "International Foxbat Heroic Endeavor Corps of All Nations (IF-HE-CAN)", thsi time we search the IFHECAN America (I know that shoud be AFHECAN, but they sticked with the name of the other team to show their alegiance to their cause).


Six people from any nation on the two american continents. Only one per nation.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The dustman

Joe broomfield worked sweeping the streets of the big city clearing rubbish .one morning he was about to clock out when his supervisor told him he had to do a double shift because they needed after some super hero battle down town .taking his trusty broom he headed down to clear up. And that's when his life changed amongst the debris he saw something sparkle thinking it was something valuable he picked it up and then his skin was burning the pain was exquisite and suddenly Joe exploded into a cloud of dust his coworkers thought he'd been killed by some left over superwepaon they ran from the swirling cloud of dust they called hazmat in but all hazmat found was a comatose Joe. Joe discovered he could turn into a cloud of dust at will blinding his enemies and if he tries really hard acting like a sand blaster stripping down armor and flesh alike. Mostly though Joe is the workmens infiltration specialist either in his dust form or just as a janitor cause no one notices the dustman

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


What do you do when your idol is Foxbat, your favorite sport is hockey, and your mutant genes activate in the middle of a game? That pretty much sums up what happened to Mike McMurtry of Toronto, Canada. When Mike was eleven, he was caught in a battle between the Sentinels and Foxbat, and a stray shot knocked Mike off the bridge where he was standing. He almost fell to his death, but Foxbat swooped in to save him. (Mike denies claims that Foxbat was using him as a human shield to dissuade the heroes from shooting at him, thus ensuring another Great Foxbatescape [tm]!) Ever since then, Mike has idolized the Cowled Crusader, even going so far as to create his own costume in case Foxbat ever, y'know, needs a sidekick or anything.


Anyway, Mike was playing a game of ice hockey one day when he suddenly felt much faster than normal. He found himself skating so fast, he was a blur and managed to score six goals in ten seconds. (Okay, so he kept slapping the puck in the goal, and it kept bouncing out. But the sixth one stayed in!)


Deciding he would combine his powers, his favorite sport, and his idol, Mike up-sized his costume (he had first created it when he was 14), took the name of Foxpuck, and perfected his Slapshot of Justice!

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