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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


THat is stupid. What would be wrong with liking the color black in the first place?


Don't you know? If you don't use HAPPY COLORS~!, you're obviously disturbed and follow Satanism and are just waiting to pull a Columbine on the school, so we HAVE to bully it out of you and ignore your meaningless fears about being forced to conform and your schoolmates' hatred of you for being a FREAK because it's Just For Your Own GOOD~!!!mode>

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Don't you know? If you don't use HAPPY COLORS~!' date=' you're obviously disturbed and follow Satanism and are just waiting to pull a Columbine on the school, so we HAVE to bully it out of you and ignore your meaningless fears about being forced to conform and your schoolmates' hatred of you for being a FREAK because it's Just For Your Own GOOD~!!!mode>[/quote']


Heh, I was bullied for being a freak enough without such crap.


Course, if I knew all the connotations of black when I was a kid, I probably would have picked it because no one else liked it. (heck, I think I liked orange for awhile just because I "felt sorry" for it because everyone else picked red or blue or something.)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Nicknames. Everyone has them. Some are short. Some are long. What happens when a group of people take up their nicknames as their powers.


Give me five Nicknamers.



Chuck was always a tall, skinny, overly-flexible guy, and got his nickname Gumby after a particularly amusing incident in a high school wrestling match. It stuck with him so much that some of his friends knew him only as Gumby and had to be reminded that his actual name was Charles.


One day, a team of VIPER agents were robbing the electronics store where Gumby worked after school, and the unfortunate teen got in the way of a stray force blast. To his surprise, his body stretched and absorbed most of the energy. He quickly realized he's a mutant and bounded over to (literally) wrap up the VIPER agent and, after squeezing him unconscious, move on to his cohorts. By the time the police and PRIMUS arrived, Gumby had taken down the VIPER team, but his mutant powers and identity were known to all.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Nicholas Namorov is the creator and namesake of the Nicknamers. Nick had a habit of giving friends, classmates, coworkers -- heck, practically anybody that crossed his path -- a nickname of some sort. (The truth of the matter is, Nick's horrible with actual names, but for some reason can remember the nicknames he's given to people even if he hasn't seen them for years.) So it's no surprise that he became known as Nicknamer.


This would have remained just a personal quirk had Nick not gotten caught in the middle of a fight between two magic-wielding supers in Central Park. One of the magical blasts caught Nick in the face, changing him so that he now has a somewhat limited reality-altering ability. Specifically, whatever he calls somebody becomes either what they are or what they do, or in some cases causes something related to happen to them. Nicknames that invoke continuing effects typically last less than a minute, but depending on what they are, they can be quite disconcerting.


So, by calling a large man "Tiny," Nick causes that individual to shrink to a fraction of his original size. Taunting an earth-controlling foe by calling him "Mudball" might make a nearby fire hydrant snap, spraying that foe with a strong stream of water. And calling a sonic-screamer "Hush-a-Bye Baby" could suppress that screamer's powers for a while.


Unfortunately, Nick doesn't have any real defenses, so he tries not to get into the thick of things. He mainly directs from the sidelines, getting in a nicknaming now and then when he can, mainly when it's amusing. (In Nick's opinion, the day he called Medusa "Bad Hair Day" was truly epic.)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Foxbat created or has had created hundreds of his Foxbattlebots in the wake of the years. In a wierd moment he gave one of them a Nickname: Johnny 5 (in complete ignorance that was the name of character in a Film on an alternate earth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_Circuit).


The rest was just as his name suggest: A freak hit by lightning while nobody was looking gave him free will, and the next thing you know he was walking through Millanium City asking for "Input". After he had been largely ignored by most people (it was a lone Foxbattlebot and no Foxbat nearby) he ran across a hero aiming to dispatch him. But the hero was a cyberpath and noticed something "odd" about Johnnys "machine mind". So he investigated the unit closer and realised: "Johnny 5 lives!".

After some tiem to find his way in the world, a paint job and a round of re-equipment and reinforcement Johnny 5 joined the Nicknamers (after a friend of the cyberpath discovered the meaning of the name using magic).


I get the choice again (unexpected) and again I have no team. So the choice goes to Bolo.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay, sorry for the delay.


New team: The Reborn are a group of five former solo heroes / heroines who have run afoul of the Dream Stealers. Whether a hero was crippled, disfigured, or his possessions or identity were stolen, each hero's former life was damaged or destroyed by one or more of the Stealers. Wanting to protect others from such foul villains, these heroes banded together to oppose them.


If you need info on the Dream Stealers, they start after this post:

The Dream Stealers are bent on crushing the human spirit

destroying dreamers financially, socially, physically and mentally

There are 5 members.

- Tormenter (telepath)

- Thief of Everything (master thief)

- The Crippler (physically maim and cripple)

- The Bogeyman (disfigured entity able to enter anyplace)

- Displacer (destroys identity)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Rob Richards acted as a solo hero for years as Arachnos, doing his best to keep the world safe for others. Eventually, he married and had a kid on the way, so he decided to hang up his costume and let younger guys and gals take care of things. Unfortunately, Rob came home from work one day late in the pregnancy to discover Mary Lou was missing. The Thief of Everything had kidnapped his wife and locked her in the back of a semi truck trailer across town. Of course, Rob put his costume on again and searched the city for his wife. Frantic with worry, he searched for days without rest. By the time she was found, however, it was too late. She had died of dehydration and heat prostration.


Rob vowed he would get revenge for his loss and do all he could to ensure that TTOE would not destroy another family. Donning a new, darker costume and adding some weapons to his arsenal, he became Tangled Web.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Some power are dangerous beyond believe. Even when on is affected he has a hard time seeing it. Even if you see it, you have a hard time prooving it. Mentalists and Magician are regarded as especially dangerous for a reason...

When the Dream Stealers step-by-step destroyed the life of one of their many victims, that had no idea that they were creating their nemesis. The man whose name is now forgotten was chased by Crippler and fell into a cave. Here he found the the single thing that could defeat his pursuers and all those like him:

Azranel, a "brother" of the Sword Urzanel. Where Urzanel hates life, Azranel hates "specialness". In short, no trick that normally works to take an enemy out of the fight work on his wielder: If you displace him into another dimension, the weapon simply cuts the walls of reality to let him out again. If you turn him into stone, it just breaks within seconds. If you try to take over or read his mind, it just falls off him. You cannot hide from it with Magical invisibility. A single stroke can shatter ongoing effects. A hit at someone who wields such powers will weaken his powers and can even shatter them for a long time (transform into being with no power, heals normally but is hard to apply in a fight).

But all of this is only true when the power and it's wielder are Mutant, Mentalist or Magician in origin. It has no effect on technological attacks or machines and does not affects baseline aliens (unless they are mentalist/magicians too, then if affects those powers at least). And of course the weapon has the same side effects on his wielder psyche as Urzanel....


The swords wielder calls himself The Dreamcatcher and not even The Dream Stealers know wich of their victims is now hunting them and their kind with their ultimate counter.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


(I hope this time I really only make the second last character for thsi team.)


When the Dream Stealers set their sights on you, you might loose everything. The mentalist Peace of Dream lost her body, with no trace remaining. But it did not kill her, for she was anchored in the very plane of dreams themself. Now she is a insubstantial ghost of dreams. While this makes intacting with the world difficulty, it does works well with her mental powers as it gives her imunity to almost all physical attacks. She mostly tries to support the others, but she can also posess a willing host to interact as she knows it.


There is some tension between her and Dreamcatcher, as his sword would really like end her existance for good (something similar is true between Dreamcatcher and Scry, considering that later is a magician).

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Lucid (as in lucid dream)


Not much is really known about Lucid. Thanks, to the Dream Stealers, no one knows but him, as the memory of his very existence seems to have been lost from the world. From his powers, he seems to be a moderately powered martial artist type. Except for two things, he seems to heal quickly, and no matter the damage he will heal. And he seems to be immune to ALL mental powers (and will read as "empty" in mind by probing mentalist). He claims before what the Dream Stealers did to him he did not have these abilities. Who can argue? No one remembers him but him.


He was left to be a bum on the street until he found this group. Which helped him regain his focus for revenge. Which is all he really wants from his life anymore. He doesnt really get along with any member of the group, and prefers to be left alone by them until they are needed.


The others gave him the name Lucid, he prefers "the scorned stray dog forced to live in a world he has no place in" but that is a bit winded.


Note: i got a little more but I got to check up on how to make spoiler tags, be back in a couple of minutes to finish.


Ok I got it now



In reality his healing ability is a result of "willing" himself to immortality. In that thanks to some vow, possibly with help from a beneficial deity/entity out there. He can not die until he has obtained revenge. And for him revenge, is to kill every member of the Dream Stealers, then he wishes to die in peace. As far as why? Who knows, maybe he got too close to stopping the Dream Stealers. As only he and the Dream Stealers can say, and neither are willing.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


That seems to be 5.



The Dogs of War


Members: 6


The Dogs' theme/powers are well....... canines (you can use domestic or feral species ). They seem to be at odds with the villainous One Trick Ponies, and want to stop them more than any other villain group.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Pack is the one who brought the Dogs of War together and put them on the trail of the One Trick Ponies. Pack is a mustang from the same world as they, but Pack is a TWO trick pony.


The first trick is that Pack is a werewolf, able to assume the form of an enormous wolf that is resistant to most damage except silver, regenerates quickly from most damage, and must struggle with bloodlust when in combat.


The second trick is that Pack is a mutant able to duplicate. Up to four of them have been counted in a single combat, but there is always at least one in canine form and at least one in equine form.


Pack's lycequiny made a normal life impossible and led to considerable shame because it is, understandably, regarded as a curse, but Pack had won a measure of acceptance as a superhero. The One Trick Ponies left their homeworld partly because Pack was their constant nemesis, and now they will find that even here there is no escape when the Pack is on their trail.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary asks if you ever herd someone pack so many puns into such a dog and pony show?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




The chaser of the group, Greyhound can really move and is a really good sprinter. The fact that horses should be able to outrun dogs is a given but not this dog. Greyhound can be distracted by a pretty female of the species or a rabbit but otherwise he can and will chase you down. He follows Pack's lead.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




If this dog is on your trail, give up. He is dogged and relentless. And as the One Trick Ponies will testify stubborn as a mule. Bloodhound can follow a trail, the fresher the better but sometimes uses intuition to work out when someone is trying to ditch the trail or sneak behind them by leading them in a circle. He does not get on with Greyhound finding him too trivial and not dedicated enough. However Pack is top dog of this here posse. And Bloodhound certainly does not want to give the boss a reason to get on their high horse.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Snafu is a German Shepherd, whose beloved owner (a former Army sergeant) fell afoul of the One Trick Ponies. Proving that humans don't have a monopoly on either metagenes or tragic backstories, the incident awakened Snafu's latent sentience, intelligence and mental abilities. Though he is loathe to use his mind control abilities (only works on humans), sometimes he has to in order to protect the humans from the greater threat (and well, that whole lack of thumbs thing). Snafu doesn't wholly trust Pack, given his equine half. He's loyal to Earth through and through!

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


(Resisting urge to write up Snoopy-based character...)


Snowball is a pure-white female American Eskimo dog who once belonged to a young but talented mage. The mage had a mental link with his faithful canine companion, so it is not much of a surprise that a portion of his consciousness and power transferred to Snowball upon the mage's death during a sneak attack by the One Trick Ponies.


Since then, Snowball has been able to cast a pawful of general-purpose spells (including telekinesis, so her lack of opposable thumbs is less of an issue). Her forte, however, is cold-weather magic, and those spells are relatively powerful.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Torbellino (Spanish for "Whirlwind") is a yellowish pure-bred Chihuahua. He was the companion of a dilettante witch who dabbled in heroism. Because she didn't have much human company she enchanted her companion to give him sentience. A side effect was that he developed the ability to move at amazing speeds and use that ability to generate fearsome whirlwinds and do other speed tricks. The witch was one of the many magic-based heroes who fell to the One Trick Ponies and Torbellino has vowed revenge. He decided the best way to obtain his revenge was to join the Dogs of War.


Torbellino is a hero in a hurry. His super-metabolism, which requires enormous amounts of food, is shortening his lifespan. He estimates he has 18 months at most before his body collapses and he dies. As a result he is rather impatient and tends to seek immediate results for everything he attempts. He also lives hard because he knows he has a limited time to enjoy life.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Marcy Catoway found out she had six months to live. She volunteered for a special surrogate program where her body is put on life support while her brain is out trying to carry on her normal life in a humanoid droid.


She intervened in a hostage situation and saved the day. Her comment that the body was rented, earned her the heroic sobliquet RENT


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