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The Treasure Thread


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Re: The Treasure Thread


An ornate bathtub with a small portal to the Plane of Water (always has it's own water source!).


A giant, albeit portable, mural carved out of precious stone.


A tiny gem which translates any speech within a thirty foot radius so that it is understood by all.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


Piles of pearls in different colors and sizes.

Bolts of fabric (silk, velvet, fine linen, cotton, and so on.)

Tanned and dyed leather, all ready to be cut.

Fine wines and other beverages in large tuns.

"Grotesque' armor, worked to look like a monster, or normal clothes, or some such. Set with gold, silver, gems, and so on. Not very practical, but expensive.

Ornate weapons. Useless in a fight, but made from highly valuable materials.

Regular weapons with aded expensive bits.

Spices (pepper was once worth its weight in gold.)

Religious items -- paintings, icons, staves, and so on. Gold crosses set with gems for a real world example.


Well-made chests with locks and the keys are handy!

Food stuffs.

Tools -- there are Viking treasure hordes of blacksmith tools. Includes calipers, hammers, awls, scales, and so on.

Chopped up bits of precious metals. Hacked up coins, candelabras, statues, and so on, all made from silver, gold, and the like.

Blank books and/or blank paper.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


We had an Ebberon Campaign. There is a cursed area where everyone in a nation just keeled over dead. 2 years later the nation still looked like it did mere moments after everyone died. None of the bodies rotted, everything was there for the looting. Of course the water and plants were all poison. No natural healing could take place. The land was twisted and filled with bizarre monsters and aberrations.


In one town the PCs went thru the bodies were all gone. The people were inside every reflective surface. They were still dead, but rather upset about it. Taking shelter in one house, the PCs encountered a number of mirrors where the inhabitants were trapped, The dead would call them thieves and other nasty things, but could do nothing about it. and no one could hear the dead either, you had to lip read the foul language.


Player: "Oh no! We're being attacked by scenery!"


One smart-alec fighter took a fancy dressing mirror home, cause it had a dwarf in it who would flip off and cuss out anyone he saw. It was placed in the grand hall of his tower to greet all his guests. He forgot when the elven queen came by and had to scurry to hide the statuette of her too.


I am continually amazed at what players will do...

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Re: The Treasure Thread


Thin bedroll/tatami mat that causes anyone sleeping on it to feel very comfortable, regardless of surface, angle, weather, etc.

Bolts of high quality cloth that won't burn. Alternative, that won't stain or ravel.

Stone that when rubbed on clothes, removes wrinkles and small wear and tear.

Large wooden tub (big enough for five or six people) that maintains water temperature and clarity indefinitely.

Ornate astronomical or astrological equipment, including star charts (either valuable or containing useful information or both).

Useful optics (spyglass, telescope, binoculars, magnifying glass, etc).

Water clock.

A sundial crafted from a single large (semi)precious stone.

Finely crafted transport - carriage, palanquin, small boat/ship.

High quality oilcloth.

Exotic pets (jaguar, wolf, orangutan, parrot).

Exceptionally high quality draft animals (oxen, horses and the like).

Ornate coffins, possibly with special properties.

Exceptionally well designed and unusual torture implements.

Alchemical ingredients of almost any kind.

A group of normal-looking stones that, when placed in a circle, will make it easy to light and maintain a fire inside the circle, regardless of conditions or fuel quality (wet/green wood, etc.)

Hand carved pipes for smoking, possibly with special properties (no relighting, provides visions, improves flavor, longer lasting...)

An ornate silk hand-fan that provides air-conditioning quality cooling for the user.

Six demon bag.

Belt pouch/wallet that is proof against any kind of pickpocketing or theft.

Drinking vessels that neutralize any toxin (possibly including alcohol) placed within.

2-ply quilted toilet paper.

Musical instrument with strings that don't ever break or go out of tune (lute, guitar, violin, harpsichord, piano).

A cloak that always flaps in a really cool manner.

Egg/larva of a powerful creature.

Really good servants (you have to pay them, but they are VERY good at their jobs).

Well-seasoned cast iron cookware.

Alchemical matches.

Polish that maintians brilliance and eliminates rust far longer than otherwise might be the case (or permanently).

Hammer that removes any dent in armor/shield with a single blow without leaving any trace.

A large supply of powdered willowbark (which is the original source of aspirin).

Iron rations that taste good.

Cunningly devised animal snares/traps.

Cloth for covering walls. Has the special property that it will perfectly hide a secret door without interfering with its function.

Knitting needles that never drop a stitch.

High quality sewing needles and similar crafting equipment. Tattoo needles come to mind.

Walking stick or similar object that gives a bonus to PRE (pimp stick is what I was thinking, but it really does work pretty well in a medieval setting).

High quality makeup, either social or for rituals.

High quality inks.

Potions of Cure Hangover.

Poison of Maximum Hangover. Won't kill you, but you'll wish you were dead.

Fireworks. Not particularly damaging, but expensive and dangerous to transport.

Manacles of submission (Entangle + Mind Control)

Any kind of fetish clothing. And yes, one character will insist on wearing the gimp suit for their regular gear.

Clothing that becomes invisible when the wearer is being leered at.

Ornate gong or bell. The bigger, the more valuable, and the harder to transport.

Magic hairpiece - multiple hairstyles on command. Looks natural (or not, GM's choice, and the character might be mind controlled to think it looks natural).

Large quantities of refinable ores. Gold or platinum works best. High volume, high weight, high value (ultimately).

Lumber from a rare tree.

Masterwork longbow staves, not finished, but they will make excellent bows, eventually.

China plates, the more delicate, the better.

Letters of credit. All the PCs have to do is get to the bank/moneylender to collect...

Saddlebags (or similar) that prevent contents from suffering damage due to movement.

Well made distillery equipment.

A promise of one favor for the holder of the item from a demon.

A large mosaic of semi-precious stones. Worth a reasonable sum if pried up, but a great deal if sold as a whole.

A weapon or other device made entirely of inappropriate materials. Hilt carved from salt, wrapped with birchbark, and a blade made of peacock feathers, for instance. Could be art, could be something else.

Baldness cure.

Candy or other sweets. Surprisingly valuable in a pre-industrial economy.

Potions of Tooth Healing (for cavities and the like).

A list of names and numbers. Could be a kill list (with prices paid and to whom), could be a list of debts or payments. Good little adventure hook.

A set of books detailing means by which stories can be told by a group of people for the express purpose of having fun. Includes a set of oddly shaped dice in a blue cloth bag that reads 'Crown Royal'.

Animal/monster trophies - either body parts or whole stuffed animals.

Sex toys of any quality.

Incense. Unusual types can fetch a high price.

An item that prevents the wearer/user from emitting any scent or smell for a period of time. Developed for hunters, but used by the nobility.

Proof that some noble/royal somewhere is illegitimate. Alternately, proof that some commoner somewhere is nobility/royalty.

Sterilized gauze bandages.

Description for how to kill a certain big bad that the characters may or may not have ever heard of.

Packets of powder that, when mixed with water, make a sweet and tasty drink.

A set of cards, all the same. Anything written on one piece will appear on all of the others until read or overwritten.

Instructions for creating a certain type of magical device/weapon/armor/etc... Useful only to a craftsman of the appropriate type (or wizard or similar).


A bush that produces 20-30 tasty berries every day if properly cared for. Cannot be turned into a crop plant.

A drink which gives the user Perfect Pitch for one hour.

A religious text that converts the first person to read any page, every ten years.

Flag(s) or similar of historical significance.

Invitations to a major social event that the characters would not normally have access.

Lexicon or dictionary. Also translation dictionary.

Detailed plans for a robbery.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


Great idea' date=' what's in it?[/quote']


A Six demon bag? Fire, Lightning, that kind of stuff. Egg Shen carries one in Big Trouble in Little China, which I happened to be watching when I was making up the list. Of course, a bag with six demons in it could be most interesting, depending on how you interpret that.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A detailed recipe for recovering from addiction to drugs that enhance combat abilities. This works just as well if your campaign doesn't have combat drugs yet. It could be the first hint that those suprisingly tough thugs who've been harrasing people are tough for a reason.


Bat-Man's drug recovery recipe: Lock yourself in a cave for a year.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The Treasure Thread


A locket that contains a picture of someone important, but no longer alive, to the finder. Once per week the bearer of the locket can summon the spirit of their lost soul and speak to it for an hour. Whether the locket actually contacts them in the afterlife (Divination) or merely creates a believable illusion or perhaps even necromantic figments drawn from the owner itself, is unclear.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


"Have more than can be spent."



An esoterically burnt feather is discovered by the party.


A fallen angel had the World's inhabitants slaughtered and resurrected with a hunger for brains.


According to oral tradition, the angel applied law binding immortal brands onto its own wings & shared the burnt feathers created.


Those the angel shared with were changed into cannibals. It was a phantasmic pandemonium that left only a single burnt feather suspended within perfect Void.


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  • 1 month later...

Re: The Treasure Thread


There have been some great ideas here. I have also gleaned a number of other treasure list ideas off the web and put together a spreadsheet (it has +800 items on it) of items that can be found by an adventuring party. One of the sheets can be used to generate a list of random items for a treasure. I have included instructions in the spreadsheet on how to use it.


As I am running the Valdorian Age campaign the list of items is 'magic poor'. You really won't find any magic unless it is something unusual - there were a couple of items from this thread that fit the bill.


I hope you find it useful.



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Re: The Treasure Thread


A clear crystal bottle about six inches tall, shaped roughly like a teardrop, with a glass stopper. Inside is a swirling sparkling blue mist. The mist is the trapped soul of an ancient sage and philosopher. Whilst alive, he advocated a life of restraint and abstinence and now he's dead he sees that he wasted his life and wants to experience life.


Unfortunately, he still lacks any concept of moderation. So yes, he's basically a blood-thirsty lech.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A clear crystal bottle about six inches tall, shaped roughly like a teardrop, with a glass stopper. Inside is a swirling sparkling blue mist. The mist is the trapped soul of an ancient sage and philosopher. Whilst alive, he advocated a life of restraint and abstinence and now he's dead he sees that he wasted his life and wants to experience life.


Unfortunately, he still lacks any concept of moderation. So yes, he's basically a blood-thirsty lech.


Phenomenal Homicidal Libido...itty bitty living space.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A clear crystal bottle about six inches tall, shaped roughly like a teardrop, with a glass stopper. Inside is a swirling sparkling blue mist. The mist is the trapped soul of an ancient sage and philosopher. Whilst alive, he advocated a life of restraint and abstinence and now he's dead he sees that he wasted his life and wants to experience life.


Unfortunately, he still lacks any concept of moderation. So yes, he's basically a blood-thirsty lech.


Don't you need to get this from some guy named Fost Longstrider fist?

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