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The Question


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Since popular belief is that I can't do the Flash on 175 points, which I completely agree with, I'm going to make The Question. Problem is that I don't know that much of The Question. I know for a fact that I'm going to give him the mask, thats a given. Also going to give him the lock picking skill along with having lockpicks as items. Also was thinking of a grapple gun to get up buildings. I attempted to look up if he had more gadgets online but couldn't find anything so does anyone know any gadgets The Question has used or have any suggestions on gadgets he would use?


I'm also thinking of putting points into lockpicking, climbing, breakfall, interrogation, deduction, disguise, criminology, cryptography, contortionist, concealment, acrobatics, acting, sleight of hand, stealth, streetwise, tactics, ventriloquism, shadowing and lightning reflexes (probably not all off the start heh), does anyone have any other suggestions for skills, perks and talents that would be properly suited for The Question? Not sure how much money to give him as he is a newscaster in the comics. I have already decided on having the guy who made the material the mask is made of as a contact.


Finally, Complications! I will have the secret id complication of course. Beyond that I'm not exactly sure what to go with, I'm not going to go with code against killing.

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Re: The Question


It's the same thing in green. Flash is a Superhero. Batman is a Superhero. The Question is a Superhero. Superman is a Superhero.

When you want to write up a viable superhero homage, you need a superheroic game with 300 points minimum or a game where superheroes of that powerlevel are built with 175 points (wich is not the standart).


The Questions basica abilities are:

A lot of Skills

Strong Martial Arts (on Batman level)

Superdisguising (wich I would built as Shape Shift with Mimicry)


Aside from his superdisguise propably not being allowed in a 175 points game and the Skills being capped relatively low, fitting Superdisguise plus the Martial Arts plus the Detective Skills into one character is propably as impossible as making the Flash on 175 points.

When you are willing to throw one thing out, we might be able to make the other two on a decent level. He would still loose against people who put their entire effort into one area.

If you are willing to focus on one thing (Like martial Arts) and let him dabble in the one ohter (disguise skill instead of shapeshift; no detective Skills), then he is possible.

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Re: The Question


Alright I'm a little confused so I'm just going to bluntly ask this. Using 6th edition rules, do we get the choice of how many points we get to start out with, or is it a GM decision? Because the GM has been saying that everyone gets 175, even super powered characters.

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Re: The Question


Alright I'm a little confused so I'm just going to bluntly ask this. Using 6th edition rules' date=' do we get the choice of how many points we get to start out with, or is it a GM decision? Because the GM has been saying that everyone gets 175, even super powered characters.[/quote']

It's a GM/Campaing definition. Along with how hight Skills/Attacks/Combat Values/Active Points in powers can go.


Is he a new GM? Because he is either totally new and took the totally wrong Startingpoint value, or he is experienced (or thinks so) and has made some serious houseruling regarding powerlevels.

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Re: The Question


He is new to hero system, though also stubborn so convincing him he's wrong is going to be next to impossible. Lets assume that somehow the planets line up and a piece of kryptonite hits him in the head and gives him some sense and we start out with superhero point levels for 6th edition. Assuming that happens, what would be the suggestions for either making a Flash or the Question of that point level?


As a side note, also explains why our Batman and The Blur (Smallville version) suck monkey a--.

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Re: The Question


He is new to hero system' date=' though also stubborn so convincing him he's wrong is going to be next to impossible. Lets assume that somehow the planets line up and a piece of kryptonite hits him in the head and gives him some sense and we start out with superhero point levels for 6th edition. Assuming that happens, what would be the suggestions for either making a Flash or the Question of that point level?[/quote']

A lot of otehr people have done thsoe writeups and I don't have the Hero Designer, so I can't churn out writeups in less than a day (and I have to transfer them from caculating PDF to text manually).


As a side note' date=' also explains why our Batman and The Blur (Smallville version) suck monkey a--.[/quote']

I am not certain waht you ask here. You mean how they are so good or how they are so bad?

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Re: The Question


Can you link me to those write ups or use the designer and let me know the results, don't need it right away, still a week from next time we play at earliest. Hate to be an inconvience but I'm new to hero system as well so I don't know any of this stuff really well and could really use the help.


Also I was saying that explains why our Year One: Batman and The Blur are so horrible, since they are only made on half the points they should be

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Re: The Question


Tell him to look at page 34 of 6E1 where it shows that Low Powered Superheroic Characters are 300 points. 175 points is the suggested point level for Standard Heroic level characters. Powerful or Very Powerful Heroic characters have higher points than that (up to 275) and still aren't considered "superheroes".


EDIT: Also, as to links to existing characters, I'm pretty sure some people provided some links in your Flash thread...

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Re: The Question


Can you link me to those write ups or use the designer and let me know the results' date=' don't need it right away, still a week from next time we play at earliest. Hate to be an inconvience but I'm new to hero system as well so I don't know any of this stuff really well and could really use the help.[/quote']

No problem at all. But like I said, i don't have the Hero Designer either.

Hyperman usually has some good writeups, but he is sometimes very focussed on including every single last power from the comicbooks. Wich leads to builds that aren't very balanced in my point of view.


Here is his Flash writeup:



Generally a Speedster should have:

Top line Speed (Bookguideliens are: 5 for all supers. 6 for Martial Artists. 7 for Speedsters)

Superrunning built as "Flight, only in contact with surface" (wich allows walking up buildings, walk on water, etc.

Hypermans approach wich "(overall)skillevels, only to counteract the penalites doing things fast" is nice. You can do a lot with just going down the timechart for skills or using mutliattack.


There are a miriad way to build the offensive abilities:

The cheapest approach is a "Move by"/"Move Through". Downside is that the attacker takes some damage himself, wich is usually counteracted with some extra "Defense, Linked to Running" (this is the appraoch used for Kinetik, the Example Speedsters).

Another one is using the options to make your own Martial Arts, to make a move by/through where you take no damage. Use some high damage, low CV maneuver for things like "hit him a dozen times in the blink of an eye".

The third way is to like the Second, but using powers instead of martial Arts. "4d6 HA, 0 END (+1/2), Only up to Velocity/6(-1/4)" gives you something equal to a Movethough, without the disadvantages. Autofire, 3 shot can be used for "Hiting faster than the eye can see".


Also I was saying that explains why our Year One: Batman and The Blur are so horrible' date=' since they are only made on half the points they should be[/quote']

Could you please link me to which writeups you mean?

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Re: The Question


It sounds like to me he is running a heroic game that allows superpowers, this is very different from a super heroic game. Having said that the first thing you should ask him if you have to pay points for equipment.


Where my flash I wrote up for you is way underpowered, you should be able to do a half way decent write up on the Question for such a game. Campaign benchmarks will be important of course. But a decent question at that point cap would have good stats (Probably about 100 points: Str 15, Dex 18, Con 15, CV's around 7 speed 4, int 18). A martial arts pack at about 15 points. the rest go into skills (Deduction, Streetwise, Disguise, etc...)

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Re: The Question


I literally threw this together, not much work on him, but should be useful as a starting point for you





VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]

18 DEX 16 13-

15 CON 5 12-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

11 EGO 1 11-

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

7 OCV 20

6 DCV 15

3 OMCV 0

3 DMCV 0

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

7 PD 5 7 PD (0 rPD)

7 ED 5 7 ED (0 rED)

5 REC 1

30 END 2

12 BODY 2

30 STUN 5


Movement Cost Meters Notes

RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1]

SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1]

LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward






Characteristics Total: 115



Cost Martial Arts

5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 7d6 Strike

3 Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 3d6 +v/10, Target Falls

4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort


Martial Arts Total: 12


Cost Skills

9 +3 with Martial Arts

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Bureaucratics 12-

3 Concealment 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Disguise 13-

3 Interrogation 12-

3 Lockpicking 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 12-


Skills Total: 42



Cost Talents

6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)


Talents Total: 6



Base Points: 175

Experience: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 175

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Re: The Question


I literally threw this together, not much work on him, but should be useful as a starting point for you





VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]

18 DEX 16 13-

15 CON 5 12-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

11 EGO 1 11-

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

7 OCV 20

6 DCV 15

3 OMCV 0

3 DMCV 0

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

7 PD 5 7 PD (0 rPD)

7 ED 5 7 ED (0 rED)

5 REC 1

30 END 2

12 BODY 2

30 STUN 5


Movement Cost Meters Notes

RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1]

SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1]

LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward






Characteristics Total: 115



Cost Martial Arts

5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 7d6 Strike

3 Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 3d6 +v/10, Target Falls

4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort


Martial Arts Total: 12


Cost Skills

9 +3 with Martial Arts

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Bureaucratics 12-

3 Concealment 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Disguise 13-

3 Interrogation 12-

3 Lockpicking 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 12-


Skills Total: 42



Cost Talents

6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)


Talents Total: 6



Base Points: 175

Experience: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 175


This is a good write-up, and if your GM plans on having your characters spending a lot of time fighting 2 Speed, 3 OCV/DCV mooks he can function like a superhero. On the other hand, if your GM is planning on using 50 or more point mooks and letting them have their equipment for free, your character will need to pick his fights carefully. However, even in the later case this character could still function as a Jason Bourne type.

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Re: The Question


If I remember, it wasn't the 80s series, since I only remember Sage having contact with Richard Dragon, Lady Shiva, Green Arrow (In a two-parter and a Annual) and the Riddler (In either an Annual or a regular issue) and no one else from the rest of DC continuity, in that series. However, I wouldn't say he's near Batman's level either. He's good enough to deal with mooks and occasionally higher level foes, but he's not up to batman's level in martial arts. I would probably put him at higher CVs than that, and I'm not sure if I'd have Offensive Strike, since I think I remember an issue where he started doing more intimidation and offensive fighting, after reading Watchmen, and he got his butt kicked. It's been a while since I read the O'neil series, but I'd feel more comfortable with Martial strike replacing offensive strike. (I'd possibly argue defensive strike as well, if he had more points, but as it stands, he's fine without it.)

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Re: The Question


It was the 80s series by Denny O'Neil; Sage had encounters with Batman, including the Annual involving Shiva's O-Sensei. Batman was impressed with Sage's (well, Tot's) mask but nothing else. Later on Batman revised his opinion of the Question slightly more favorably. Shiva, however, was always a villain, or at least an anti-hero dating back to Richard Dragon. O'Neil went a long way to establishing Shiva as the most skilled, completely badass fighter in DC continuity, and I was forced to shed small, manly tears when they pissed that away with her crap 'daughter' Sin/Batgirl and some of the stupid stuff Gail Simone made her do in Birds of Prey.

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Re: The Question


The Question - Matt's Champions Page - The 250 Point Project



TheQuestion - DC Comics Database



TheQuestion - Wikipedia



DC Universe Online - Wiki







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Re: The Question


Humm...people forget that The Question was the basics for the Watchman charater Roshach. Of course' date=' one could say Mister Blobface took all the worse aspects of The Question and took them to Iron Age Excess, but that was the point exactly.[/quote']Didn't forget it, but I really don't know what that has to do with this thread...
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