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Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


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DNAgents character Surge has a flash attack linked to his EB, a bolt of electricity. He wears goggles because his attack will blind himself he he doesn't wear them. What's the best way to simulate that? A limitation on his Flash that it also attacks him (but he does get his defense), or maybe an Flash susceptability to using his Flash without his goggles present?

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


DNAgents character Surge has a flash attack linked to his EB' date=' a bolt of electricity. [b']He wears goggles because his attack will blind himself he he doesn't wear them[/b]. What's the best way to simulate that? A limitation on his Flash that it also attacks him (but he does get his defense), or maybe an Flash susceptability to using his Flash without his goggles present?

Buy the flash just as area of effect, no Range (hit's him automatically).


Naked Personal Immunity Advantage, on a Focus.


Or Perhaps the Flash is some kind of NND (blocked by any sight Flash Defense) and his googles just proved that defense?

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


Let's see, here he is:



To make it correct, we need to know something more:

Does the Glasses protect against other stuff (other peoples flashes) as well?

Do other people have glasses that also protect from his attack?

How often does he actually loose that glasses/you want your homage to loose that glasses?

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


You could give the power a Side Effect. Normally, Side Effects ignore the character's defenses, but you could add the "Side Effect only affects the environment near the character" modifier, make the Side Effect an Area Effect Flash, and allow defenses to apply since the character's not being directly targeted by the Side Effect. You'd essentially be reducing the value of Side Effect by -1/4 to allow defenses to apply.

I've used a similar construct for a primitive chemical laser rifle that generates a cloud of toxic fumes when fired, poisoning the user unless they're wearing a respirator.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


You could give the power a Side Effect. Normally, Side Effects ignore the character's defenses, but you could add the "Side Effect only affects the environment near the character" modifier, make the Side Effect an Area Effect Flash, and allow defenses to apply since the character's not being directly targeted by the Side Effect. You'd essentially be reducing the value of Side Effect by -1/4 to allow defenses to apply.

I've used a similar construct for a primitive chemical laser rifle that generates a cloud of toxic fumes when fired, poisoning the user unless they're wearing a respirator.


Or build it with Variable Limitation - either OIF Goggles or Side Effect - blinds himself.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


You could give the power a Side Effect. Normally, Side Effects ignore the character's defenses, but you could add the "Side Effect only affects the environment near the character" modifier, make the Side Effect an Area Effect Flash, and allow defenses to apply since the character's not being directly targeted by the Side Effect. You'd essentially be reducing the value of Side Effect by -1/4 to allow defenses to apply.

I've used a similar construct for a primitive chemical laser rifle that generates a cloud of toxic fumes when fired, poisoning the user unless they're wearing a respirator.

Side effect is only the way if he can't use it offensively. The way it is described (linked to Blast) it sound more like a voluntary extra Power that is somewhat "indescrimenate" about the targets.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


Side effect is only the way if he can't use it offensively. The way it is described (linked to Blast) it sound more like a voluntary extra Power that is somewhat "indescrimenate" about the targets.


I didn't mean Flash as a Side Effect on the Blast. I meant it as a Side Effect on the Flash that's Linked to the Blast.


It also occurred to me after posting that you could also use Side Effect with "Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act", with the specific act being using the power without protective equipment.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


I think the first reply nailed it: simple AoE Radius Flash' date=' with OIF Flash Defense. If the goggles are somehow "tuned" to only shield against his own flash, then an extra Limitation too.[/quote']


As I recall the character, the Flash effect was not AoE, though it's been a number of years. I'd choose between the two approaches depending on the targeting of the Flash itself.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


I didn't mean Flash as a Side Effect on the Blast. I meant it as a Side Effect on the Flash that's Linked to the Blast.

Ah, now I get it.


I asumed it was an Area of Effect Flash linked to a blast, while it was actually a normal Flash linked to a normal blast.

Then of course a Side Effect would be better.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


How about simply "Limited power - Becomes temproarely blind if uses EB without goggles" -1/4? or maybe a Physical Limitation?


BTW - Can you link one Flash to a Multipower full of various EBs so it flashes with whatever one is activated?

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


If the intent of the character is that he will never ever lose his goggles, then you don't need to do anything extra. Buy his flash defense without OAF or OIF and call it a day. Otherwise, side effects makes more sense (you don't want to pay extra points for the AoE advantage just to end up with a limitation).

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


using Hugh's idea:

12D6 Blast

6d6 Sight Group Flash, Linked (to Blast; propotional; -1/2), Variable Limitation (OIF googles or Major Side Effect: Suffers Flash himself; -1/4)

OIF googles and the Side Effect would both be -1/2 Limitations.

As an aditional defense, he could just close his eyes when firing. But that propably means he would fire wihtout a targetting sense. And for a Ranged Attack that means 0 OCV.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


How about simply "Limited power - Becomes temproarely blind if uses EB without goggles" -1/4? or maybe a Physical Limitation?


If its a Blast with a linked Flash that only effects the target of the Blast yes. But if you are always wearing your goggles how much of a limitation to the power is it?


That would be the easiest build if it does not effect anyone standing next to you.


BTW - Can you link one Flash to a Multipower full of various EBs so it flashes with whatever one is activated?


I do not see why not. If its outside of the MP it will cost more. Adding it to the MP will either limit the AP of the blast or you may convince the GM to add more to the MP only for the flash if its only say a few dice.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


If its a Blast with a linked Flash that only effects the target of the Blast yes. But if you are always wearing your goggles how much of a limitation to the power is it?


-1/4 seems reasonable to me. You'll normally have the goggles but, on occasion, you will be without them. Placing the limitation on the power should be taken as a request that the character occasionally not have the goggles available in a situation where he will wish to use the Flash attack.


I think we often get too tied up in "how often would that happen?". The player is telling you how often it will happen. It will happen often enough to justify the limitation placed on the power. At -1/4, it will be an infrequent occurrence. If he wants to slap a -1 on it, then the goggles are much more often taken by opponents, lost by the airline or broken in combat. The player has no right to complain about the issue coming up much more often when the player set the limitation value at a level indicating this was to be quite common, rather than very rare.

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Re: Flash attack that affects self as well as target.


using Hugh's idea:

12D6 Blast

6d6 Sight Group Flash, Linked (to Blast; propotional; -1/2), Variable Limitation (OIF googles or Major Side Effect: Suffers Flash himself; -1/4)

OIF googles and the Side Effect would both be -1/2 Limitations.


I think we have a winner here - Variable Limitations is just about perfect for this.

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