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Superheroes have traditionally two identities. One is their true identity, the one they are known by, and who has the friends and loved ones that cause him to wear a costume to protect them. Some superheroes have more then one identity, different forms that make recreating them difficult if you don't want to have an excessive number of disadvantages as well.


The Multiform does offer the opportunity to have more then one identity, one who has the powers and abilities, and the other with the personal relationships.


Here is an example of Superman built using my Templates.






Val Char Cost

50 STR 40

15 DEX 15

25 CON 30

14 BODY 8

13 INT 3

10 EGO 0

20 PRE 10

18 COM 4

25 PD 15

15 ED 10

4 SPD 15

15 REC 0

50 END 0

52 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 150 Points


Cost Skills

2 CSL: EB +1

5 CSL: HTH Combat +1

3 Rep: Superhero 14-

Total Skills Cost: 10 Points


Cost Powers

15 Damage Resistance 20 rPD 10 rED

15 EC [Yellow Sun Energy]-15 Points

15 1) EB 6d6, Variable Special Effects [Heat/Cold] (+1/4), 2x END (-1/2)

12 2) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), [Megascale, Underwater, or 1/2 END Only (-1/4)]

16 ES: N-Ray Sight [Lead], Telescopic Hearing +2, Telescopic Sight +2

7 ES: RPT, IAF: Concealed Radio (-1/2)

10 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Turn], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat,

Low Pressure/Vacuum

Total Powers Cost: 90 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Lois Lane (Unaware Useful Normal) 8-

10 Hunted: Lex Luthor (As Powerful) 8-

20 PsyL: Code of the Hero (Very Common/Strong)

20 PsyL: Code Versus Killing (Common/Total)

10 SocL: Secret Identity [Kal-El/Clark Kent] (Occasionally/Major)

15 Suscept: Green Kryptonite Radiation, 3d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon)

10 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Common)

5 Vuln: Red Solar Radiation, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points



Clark Kent


Val Char Cost

50 STR 40

15 DEX 15

25 CON 30

14 BODY 8

13 INT 3

10 EGO 0

20 PRE 10

18 COM 4

25 PD 15

15 ED 10

4 SPD 15

15 REC 0

50 END 0

52 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 150 Points


Cost Skills

3 Conversation 13-

3 Deduction 12-

1 FB: Press Pass

3 Streetwise 13-

Total Skills Cost: 10 Points


Cost Powers

15 Damage Resistance 20 rPD 10 rED

10 ES: N-Ray Sight [Lead]

5 ES: RPT, OAF: Radio (-1)

10 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Turn], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat,

Low Pressure/Vacuum

50 Multiform: 250 Points [superman]

Total Powers Cost: 90 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Jimmy Olsen (Unaware Useful Normal) 8-

10 DNPC: Lois Lane (Unaware Useful Normal) 8-

20 PsyL: Code of the Hero (Very Common/Strong)

20 PsyL: Code Versus Killing (Common/Total)

10 SocL: Secret Identity [Kal-El/Superman] (Occasionally/Major)

15 Suscept: Green Kryptonite Radiation, 3d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon)

10 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Common)

5 Vuln: Red Solar Radiation, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points

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Re: Multiform


Multiform only makes sense if both forms have abilities the other has not.

Or if Complciations change.

Or if there is more than two forms.

Or if one form should ahve slightly less powers than the others.


(and the changes can't be done cheaper with OIAID and mixing both forms complcaitions).

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Re: Multiform


What is EC?


15 EC [Yellow Sun Energy]-15 Points


And a question that you reminded me of, OIAID... that is just for abilities the character doesnt have at all in one ID right? I was wondering if OIAID's could be adjusted if your not in the "alternate" ID or not (since they are supposed to be a "simpler" way of doing a multiform, and IIRC multiforms cant have adjustments applied to abilities they dont have in the currently active form?)

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Re: Multiform


What is EC?


15 EC [Yellow Sun Energy]-15 Points

Elemental Control

5th Edition Power Framwork. Works similar to buying powers outside a Framework with Unified (in fact Unified replaced it).


And a question that you reminded me of' date=' OIAID... that is just for abilities the character doesnt have at all in one ID right? I was wondering if OIAID's could be adjusted if your not in the "alternate" ID or not (since they are supposed to be a "simpler" way of doing a multiform, and IIRC multiforms cant have adjustments applied to abilities they dont have in the currently active form?)[/quote']

That "depends on the special effects". When the power really isn't there (i.e. the other does not carry any inactive Foci along) it can't be targeted.

Of course the question is half moot, as you don't need a Alternate ID if people know you get a Heatblast in your primary ID.

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Re: Multiform


What is EC?


15 EC [Yellow Sun Energy]-15 Points


And a question that you reminded me of, OIAID... that is just for abilities the character doesnt have at all in one ID right? I was wondering if OIAID's could be adjusted if your not in the "alternate" ID or not (since they are supposed to be a "simpler" way of doing a multiform, and IIRC multiforms cant have adjustments applied to abilities they dont have in the currently active form?)


EC stands for Elemental Control, a 5th Edition power framework.

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Re: Multiform


I think Supes wouldn't be a Multiform. He may just have some contacts, his reputations (Clark Kent, journalist and Superman, hero) etc. only associated with one ID or the other.


Multiform would be more for someone like Captain Marvel, who has a non-powered ID. Or Captain Trips (Wildcards), who has a bunch of heroic IDs.


I've got a non-multiform concept for a character with multiple heroic identities that I've been kicking around for a while, but haven't built yet: The character would have shapeshift to a limited number of pre-set forms, and either a Multipower with a large pool, or a VPP that they could use to build sets of powers tied to a specific ID. Might be a good MO for a villain to mess with the authorities/heroes, too. "What's with all these new supervillains springing up all over town?"

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Re: Multiform


I think it's an interesting concept to explore.


If you have every character in the campaign build a Superhero/NonSuperhero ID this way it might lead to some interesting things happening. Of course, you would lose a lot of points that normally get reduced with "Only In X Identity" (for Contacts) or "OIAID" for the Super bits.


I'd probably crank this campaign's points up a little bit. It definitely draws a line, and I might do things like Bruce Wayne can't/won't interact with Superman (as an example). It's certainly not the normal way to do things, but it might bring interesting results.

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Re: Multiform


I think it's an interesting concept to explore.


If you have every character in the campaign build a Superhero/NonSuperhero ID this way it might lead to some interesting things happening. Of course, you would lose a lot of points that normally get reduced with "Only In X Identity" (for Contacts) or "OIAID" for the Super bits.


I'd probably crank this campaign's points up a little bit. It definitely draws a line, and I might do things like Bruce Wayne can't/won't interact with Superman (as an example). It's certainly not the normal way to do things, but it might bring interesting results.

So effectively you would be writing up a 200 point Civil ID and a 250 point Superheroic ID?


I am not certain I would be able to seperate that sharpely between both. But then again I am not that good at writing up Secret ID's anyway and most often default to a Public ID.

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Re: Multiform


So effectively you would be writing up a 200 point Civil ID and a 250 point Superheroic ID?


I am not certain I would be able to seperate that sharpely between both. But then again I am not that good at writing up Secret ID's anyway and most often default to a Public ID.


I would probably go for a standard 400 Point Superhero ID, and then a Heroic 200 Points (working w/ 6E numbers here) that has to pay for the Multiform (leaving a Normal 120 Point Character, unless they wanted to also pay for the Zero Phase Change) for the NonSuperheroic ID.


That way they aren't completely hobbled as 'normals' but aren't more powerful than everyone else, a Skilled Heroic (trained soldiers, spies...) could likely best them, but they've always got that ace of the sleeve kind of thing.


I would definitely introduce situations where changing into a Superhero might cause problems and using their skills and training as 'normals' win the day.


This, unfortunately, does sort of remove some character types from easy play (the Batman's, FREX, who can still do a lot even outside of costume). This would be geared towards Hero's who have a much more defined line between the Mask and the Normal.


Like I said, it's an interesting concept. I would never introduce a character like this into a standard campaign, I would use a more 'accepted' use of Multiform were that the case. But setting up an entire campaign with all characters built like this, that might be interesting.

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Re: Multiform


I don't think Multiform is a good catch-all way of building characters. There is absolutely nothing that Superman can't do as Clark Kent that he can't do as Superman. There's no change to the character. The only difference is that "Clark" won't do things obviously, which is covered by the Secret ID Social Limitation.

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Re: Multiform


Yeah I certainly agree with others here that Superman is not a good candidate for multiform' date=' at least not based on the superman fiction I've read/watched/etc. In fact, its about a classic "only in hero ID"[/quote']


I don't see Hero ID either. He has his powers all the time. The only thing that he changes is his clothes.

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Re: Multiform


Another Example



Tony Stark


Val Char Cost

20 STR 10

18 DEX 24

20 CON 20

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

6 PD 2

4 ED 0

4 SPD 12

10 REC 4

50 END 5

32 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points


Cost Skills

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 High Society 12-

3 Mechanics 13-

15 Money: Filthy Rich

10 SL: Overall +1

3 Systems Operation 13-

Total Skills Cost: 40 Points


Cost Powers

12 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, IIF: Concealed Body Armor (-1/4)

6 ES: HRRP, OAF: Computer (-1)

55 Multiform: 250 Points [iron Man], Instant Change

37 VPP 20 Points, No Skill Roll (+1), Half Phase (+1/2), OIF (-1/2)

Total Powers Cost: 110 Points


Total Cost: 110 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Pepper Potts (Normal) 8-

10 Hunted: Avengers Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Iron Man Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

20 PsyL: Overconfidence (Very Common/Strong)

20 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)

10 SocL: Public Identity (Occasionally/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points



Iron Man


Val Char Cost

20 STR 10

18 DEX 24

20 CON 20

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

6 PD 2

4 ED 0

4 SPD 12

10 REC 4

50 END 5

32 STUN 0

Total Disadvantages Cost: 100 Points


Cost Skills

3 Bump of Direction

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Mechanics 13-

10 SL: Overall +1

3 Systems Operation 13-

Total Skills Cost: 25 Points


Cost Powers

30 Armor +15 rPD 15 rED, OIF: Armor (-1/2)

10 EC [Armor]-15 Points, OIF: Armor (-1/2)

23 1) EB 8d6, 1/2 END (+1/2)

9 2) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), [Megascale, Underwater, or 1/2 END Only (-1/4)]

10 3) STR +20, No END (+1/2)

27 ES: HRRP, Telescopic Sight, 360 Degree Radar, UV Sight, OIF: Armor (-1/2)

3 Flash Defense [sight] 5 Points, OIF: Armor (-1/2)

13 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self Contained,

OIF: Armor (-1/2)

Total Powers Cost: 125 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Pepper Potts (Normal) 8-

10 Hunted: Avengers Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Iron Man Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

20 PsyL: Overconfidence (Very Common/Strong)

20 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)

10 SocL: Public Identity (Occasionally/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points



What does Iron Man need with Money?

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Re: Multiform


"Superman under a Red Sun" was common enough back in the day for it to count as a limitation. Furthermore, having at least some of his powers failing in the presence of Kryptonite is viable too.


It depends on which Superman we are dealing with. I agree that the modern version probably wouldn't do the Red Sun thing often enough to justify it, but the one who regularly enjoyed hanging out in Kandor could.

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Re: Multiform


Yes, Tony Stark is a much better candidate for Multiform.

I think somwhere in the book a "Power Armored hero that has multiple armors".

And I once did a PA Hero with Multiform.


I would take away the Instant Change and instead apply Extra Time (Full Phase at least), Concentration and Focus. Would also buy up the amount of alternate forms - a lot.


For a even more recent adaption, like the one in this short:



I would built with a VPP on the Armor to simulate his various "adaptions to the situation".

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Re: Multiform


Instant Change equals Briefcase


A focus is a focus if it can be taken away. This build assumes Stark is smart enough to have one handy.

In every incarnation I have seen - even the avengers movie - changing took more than a heartbeat (a 0-phase action).


And even if he calls his suite to fly in, it still needs time.


And if you put him in a cell and take away his briefcase and mobile phone, coudl he still morph?

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