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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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For the life of me, I cannot figure out why people like Sheryl Crow. Her voice sounds like an out-of-tune guitar being raked over a chalk-board, she has no sense of rhythm or tempo when she *ahem* "sings", and she's not even that pretty,


Then again, I don't like pizza either, so maybe its just me.

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Distribution runs tomorrow and all those lovely songwriters will get their checks. I got all my work done (the stuff my boss was getting pissy about me not having done), plus all the last minute stuff, plus tons of stuff that other people didn't get done so I did it for them (note that they didn't get into trouble for being behind, only me...). In fact, other than 1 hour today for the stuff that came in at lunchtime, I've spent the last week on other peoples stuff.


That's the advantage of the team structure, we can help one another when someone gets behind.


And I kicked ass while doing it.




Of cource, I think I pulled something in my shoulder, because it hurts like hell.


I wonder, can you type so much, so fast that you get a shoulder strain?



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There are a lot of folks who can't understand how we came to have an

oil shortage here in America. Well, there's a very simple answer.

Nobody bothered to check the oil. We just didn't know we were getting low.

The reason for that is purely geographical. All our oil is in Alaska,

Texas, California, and Oklahoma. All our dipsticks are in Washington,


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Something very cool happened today. I was walking down the hall at work where we have a display of employees' artwork set up. We rotate stuff there, and this was a fresh "crop" of art. I was a bit late for a meeting so I rushed by but noticed the abstract painting at the end was really striking. So I went over and clicked the elevator button, then, while waiting, ran back to look at the painting. I studied it a bit, it really is good. Then I looked down to see who did it...and it's a good friend of mine at work. He's a very good artist, but I had no clue how good, at least as expressed in this piece. It's marvelous. But here's what's REALLY weird/striking - the title read "Being Peevish" (or something quite similar) - and Peevish is the name of the improv/performance art band I've been in (I say "have been" as it's on a bit of a hiatus now). I remembered him talking about having done a painting he was very happy about while listening to our recording "Makes a Difference," but had not seen it before.


I don't THINK that I had subliminally seen the accreditation or the painting before. In any case, I'm sure hoping he'll sell it...

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Originally posted by Hermit

One of my friends is undergoing surgery tommorrow/friday.


It should go smoothly, but I'm a bit worried for her. :(


Best wishes to your friend.



When I went in for minor surgery, I apparently panicked before going under and confessed to my mother about shoplifting three years before...they still laugh at me over that....

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Guest Worldmaker

I'm no longer going to "pull forward" so they can "bring it right out to me" at the drive through, unless I'm ordering for fifty people. If its just me and they ask me to move aside, I'm going to shut my car down and sit in front of their window. And if this inconveniences the customers behind me, its the fault of the people inside the Burger King for taking eight minutes to fix my damned chicken sandwich in the first place.

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Time to use this board to pass out information.


Be it known that the latest Buffy style DVDs are now out. These are best Buffy, Faith, Angel and Willow episodes. Each DVD has 4 episodes


The best Buffy include Hush, Graduation Day Part 2 and the end to season 5;

best Faith has Graduation Day Part 1, Bad Girls and the second part of the Season 4 two parter where Faith and Buffy swap bodies;

The Angel episodes include the episode where you find out who he is and the Christmas episode;

The Willow episodes include Phases, the female Werewolf episode and the return of Oz episode

The Spike ones include the vampire worshippers, Spike's return in episode 3 and Spike giving Buffy his life story and how he killed 2 slayers.


Also the 1st season of Starsky and Hutch is available.

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When I went out to get a light lunch, I stopped at the used CD store to see if I could find a decent Otis Redding CD to upgrade my cassette tape.


I found The Very Best of Otis Redding for five dollars.


I'm listening to the CD now and that is five dollars very well spent.

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Guest Worldmaker

One of the worst ways in the world to be awakened is hearing your 2 year old screaming at 20 till 4 in the morning, because he just vomited all over himself, his bed, and his room.

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Went to the local gaming store today. Can you believe that with all the miniatures WoTC puts out, they do not make dragon's larger than Small and Medium? I mean, how am I supposed to put the fear of Pelor into my group without an awesome dragon figure when they go to finally fight this dragon?


On the plus side, they have some truly gorgeous dice nowadays. But I swear, if we buy any more sets of dice, folks are gonna think our place is the gaming store.

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