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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You'd be vastly better extending one of the genre-specific built-in templates -- that will allow HD to implement genre-specific rules (e.g. difference in END calculation in some areas between Heroic and Superheroic...or END for Movement abilities on Vehicles).
  2. Yes - extends can be a comma-separated list with entries given precedence in the order they appear in the list. For example, if you have "extends=apg1.hdt,apg2.hdt" and both have a definition for the BODY Characteristic, the definition in apg1.hdt will be used.
  3. You'd need the entire definition -- it won't carry over from extended templates if you're defining it in your custom one. Taking BODY as an example: <BODY DISPLAY="BODY" BASE="10" LVLCOST="2" LVLVAL="1" STUNINCREASE="1" STUNINCREASELEVELS="1" PDINCREASE="1" PDINCREASELEVELS="10" MINVAL="-999" MAXVAL="999" POSITION="4" NCM="20" NCM40="15" NCM60="10" NCM10="8" NCM10NICE="10"> <SOURCE>Hero System Fifth Edition Rule Book</SOURCE> <SOURCE>Sidekick</SOURCE> <DEFINITION>(Hero System Fifth Edition Rule Book, page 23; Revised, page 37) Body represents how much damage a character can take before dying.</DEFINITION> <MODIFIER XMLID="NOFIGURED" DISPLAY="No Figured Characteristics" BASECOST="-.5" MAXCOST="0" MINCOST="-.5" FIXEDVALUE="No"> <SOURCE>Hero System Fifth Edition Rule Book</SOURCE> <SOURCE>Sidekick</SOURCE> </MODIFIER> </BODY>
  4. You would need to modify (re-define) BODY and EGO in your template to have them add to PD. If you want to also change the way PD is purchased (cost structure, starting value, etc.) you would also need to re-define the PD Characteristic in your template.
  5. Read the documentation -- that will get you started
  6. If you're talking about changing how figured characteristics work (e.g. cost structure, how much one characteristic adds to another, etc.) then you'd need to create a custom rules template (.hdt) file and redefine the characteristics in question.
  7. Assuming you’re on a mac: System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy tab
  8. Again, the only "filtering" HD does is based on the file extension. It doesn't care about the contents of the file at all (at least, not until it tries to load it), only the extension. If the file open dialog isn't showing anything, then when HD (via Java) is asking the system to list all files in a given directory, it's not getting anything back with the appropriate extension (.hdc for characters). If you were able to write/save to the directory, then there's only two scenarios that I can think of: 1. Your system has some VERY odd/bad permissions settings for Java, so Java has permissions to write to your Downloads directory, but not read from it. It's been a while, but you may be able to get this type of behavior if Java doesn't have execute permissions, as I believe a directory listing requires execute permissions on the directory itself...I'm sure others will correct me if I'm wrong here. Regardless, it's something that you'll need to change under System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> Files and Folders. 2. There is something on your system that is changing the file extensions on files after they are created. This could be benign (seeing that the file has xml contents and appending a .xml to the file name) or it could be very bad (reminiscent of some nasty malware). Open up a Terminal, cd to your Downloads directory, and enter "ls -l *.hdc" -- if you don't see any files listed, then enter just "ls -l" to see what extension the files have.
  9. You’re either not looking in a directory with the right file type or something on your system is changing the file extension (the .hdp or .hdc ending of the file name). the only filter HD uses when opening files is the file extension
  10. Character Packs are typically delivered as zip files of Prefabs (.hdp) and Characters (.hdc) 1. unzip/unpack the download - you can put the unpacked files anywhere you want. 2. within HD you can go to file -> open character or prefab -> load prefab to load the characters or prefabs in the pack. HD’s documentation will have further details.
  11. Correct you are. Keep the discussion to the post and not the poster, folks. There are two folks that stepped out of line here and both should take this warning to heart as it would be a second warning point for either of them. Hugh - you know better...or damn well should by now. Pattern Ghost - I was extremely close to giving you a warning for your initial response. Going forward, know that editing your post will not avoid a warning.
  12. er·ra·tum /eˈrädəm/ noun plural noun: errata an error in printing or writing. a list of corrected errors appended to a book or published in a subsequent issue of a journal. You have posted neither -- The tags in the default format are simply older (deprecated) versions of what's in the documentation. All are still supported because I don't like the idea of breaking older exports. You are also apparently determined to group multiple, unrelated requests into the same post. A List has little but a name - call it whatever you want. I'm not going to add a second label/name in.
  13. Increase the memory available to HD (under app preferences)
  14. There are no errors shown in that trace.log file. Either the trace.log file is not from the HD installation that's throwing the error or the error is due to HD/Java not having access to the directory that you're trying to run from.
  15. I do pretty much everything on Mac, so no worries. Kinda curious if the jump to the new Apple SoC causes any issues with updates -- have everything lined up for when the new system arrives (Aand64 Java, etc.) just need to test it all out. If the command prompt worked under Windows but double-clicking on the .jar file doesn't then it's simply down to your file associations. I'd start by trying jarfix (google "jarfix" and the first result should have a small executable you can download to correct the file associations on your system for .jar files). Post how that works -- I'm not aware of anything for or against it under Windows 11 yet...
  16. You're fine with that. Your problem is not with your Java version.
  17. I'll also point out that Vassal (while a Java-based app) is launched under Windows via a .exe file -- that you can run Vassal but are having problems with HD points to your double-clicking on HD6.jar and not seeing anything happen....because .jar files are not properly associated on your system. The command line approach I give above (twice) will launch HD for you. Properly configuring your system to recognize .jar files is largely going to be on you, as I have not yet verified the jarfix app under Windows 11.
  18. You don't need the JDK -- that's for developers. You're looking for the JRE. Your best bet is still to go to java.com and click the big, red "Java Download" button.
  19. You're going to need to provide some details. If you open a command prompt and cd to the directory containing HD6.jar, what is the output when you enter java -jar HD6.jar
  20. Correct - the REPLACE and REG_REPLACE containers both act on the entirety of the output. They are processed after the output is generated, but before image data is swapped in.
  21. 1. Enable the Equipment tab 2. Use a Custom Adder 3. Same
  22. If by "will not launch" you mean that double-clicking on HD6.jar doesn't start the app, then the most likely issue is that your system is not configured to recognize .jar files as Java executables (which they are). You can Google "jarfix" to find a small executable that you can run to correct .jar file associations under Windows, though I'm not sure if it will work under Windows 11. You can also launch HD from the command line by going to the directory that contains HD6.jar and entering the following: java -jar HD6.jar
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