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Posts posted by Simon

  1. First off, please note that HD only supports 5E on up.


    For the screenshots, you can view the user documentation for HD: 

    The UI is what would best be described as "utilitarian" (if you're being generous) -- that was never my focus (nor my strong suit)



  2. The export formats are for use in HD...and can be found in the Downloads section of this site.


    As far as why HD, it's really dependent on what you're after. HD will help you create fully rules-compliant characters (this is non-trivial...and dedicated pen-and-paper folks often find little rules and exceptions that they were never aware of)...and it generally takes the time and headache out of the character creation process.  It makes it easy to play with character designs, power write-ups, etc.  While it will help guide you through the process of creating rules-compliant characters, it will also let you go outside of that with various "custom" options where you just enter the points and display/writeup that you want. You'll find more information in the store entry for HD.

  3. 4 hours ago, Barbara A. Stone said:

    Looking at the documentation for HD, I gather that some programming skill is required for its use. Or at least if one wishes to design custom exports. I can't imagine a time savings in punching in my players' characters and then designing a combat record and speed chart.


    This all started as a desire to have a shiny little spreadsheet or app that would idiot proof a speed chart for a combat. Sighhhhh.

    No programming knowledge/skill is required to use HD.


    If you want to create your own export formats (vs. using any of the myriad that are freely available or asking others on this forum to tweak one for you), you would need to know basic markup.....and that's about it.


    Again, what you're looking for exists, but is a VERY small part of what HD will do for you.

  4. You won't find that in the application's display...HD itself doesn't work like that -- you work on/edit a single character at a time.


    What you're after would be part of a combat record export from the application (and relatively easy to accomplish). You'd need to either find a combat record export in the Downloads section of this site that looks like what you're after or create one/have one created.

  5. Two ways that I can see:


    1 (preferred, IMO): Get clever with the Notes field on the ability write-ups in question (within the character). They accept arbitrary text, so if your final export is in HTML, you can include HTML in the Notes field and it will be rendered in the final export.  Including <IMG...> tags.  Then you need to use an export format that includes the Notes for ability write-ups and you're good to go.

    2: Create a separate "character" for each of the abilities that you want to have exported/displayed and then design/use an export format that only exports Powers and the "character image" (for example)...or whatever other information you're looking for.

  6. For the most part, correct.  Some (like APG2) have new rules constructs, but they're either just extensions of existing core rules (which HD handles already), new way to use core rules (again, handled inherently in HD), or toolkitting approaches that change the core rules (and are therefore not a part of HD).  The latter is typically left to either a custom rules template or just a Custom Power within HD, on the occasions that they arise.

  7. I think you're misunderstanding the point of the software...and the system in general. 


    HD has everything you need to build anything within HERO System Sixth Edition (or Fifth Edition).  The supplements generally contain abilities and characters that are built using the rules defined in the core books.  You can enter these into HD on your own (as needed), or you can purchase the character packs for the various books in question. 

  8. Actual description of psychokinesis in 5E: 



    For purposes of using Psychokinesis, calculate the character’s OCV from his EGO, not his DEX, but the target’s DCV still derives from his DEX.



    i.e. you're looking at a heavily modified form of BOECV which reflects the PK being targeted by the character's mind (independently of their physical Dexterity) but otherwise no different from TK.


    It's a construction which relies on you using your brain, common sense, and dramatic sense...not unlike many things in the system.

  9. Maneuvers carry all information in the save file, so if you load one in from a prefab (or other character), they'll come over and save into the new character with all information from the original file.


    Meaning: if the maneuver was defined with 4 DCs in the prefab that you're using, then it'll have 4 DCs when you add it to a character (regardless of template), when you save it, and when you restore it from save. The only way to change that is going to be to remove the Maneuver entirely and add it again from the character's template (i.e. using the base Maneuvers defined on the Martial Arts tab and setting the name/display appropriately).

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