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    Starlord got a reaction from TrickstaPriest in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
  2. Haha
    Starlord reacted to Bazza in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Oh no...

  3. Haha
    Starlord got a reaction from RDU Neil in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Death is not in the movie...go away until you've seen the movie, Tribble!
  4. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from Iuz the Evil in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Connecticut votes to join interstate compact sending electoral college votes to popular vote winner.
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    Starlord got a reaction from RDU Neil in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Was he wearing a parachute?!?!
    No.  No, he wasn't.
  6. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from Pariah in The Academics Thread   
    Happy Teachers Day!
  7. Haha
    Starlord got a reaction from Armory in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
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    Starlord reacted to RDU Neil in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Seriously... those same words came out of my mouth to my wife. I found myself closing my eyes during IW... not really engaged in the movie at all.
    And I have seen Winter Soldier about 20 times, easily, and would watch it 20 times again.
  9. Like
    Starlord reacted to massey in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    I think a man by the name of George Clooney would disagree with you on that...
  10. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from RDU Neil in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Winter Soldier is definitely my favorite MCU movie and probably the best superhero movie ever IMO.
  11. Haha
    Starlord got a reaction from RDU Neil in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
  12. Haha
    Starlord got a reaction from massey in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
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    Starlord reacted to Old Man in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Not anymore it isn't.
  15. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from Lucius in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Connecticut votes to join interstate compact sending electoral college votes to popular vote winner.
  16. Thanks
    Starlord reacted to Lord Liaden in In other news...   
    " Long ago, a storm was heading for the city of Quin'lat. Everyone took protection within the walls except one man who remained outside. I went to him and asked what he was doing. "I am not afraid," the man said. "I will not hide my face behind stone and mortar. I will stand before the wind and make it respect me." I honored his choice and went back inside. The next day, the storm came, and the man was killed. The wind does not respect a fool."
    - Kahless, Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Rightful Heir"
  17. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from Pariah in A Little Good News   
    So, fake news then....;)
    Just kidding.
  18. Thanks
    Starlord reacted to Pariah in A Little Good News   
    Every once in a while, I'll see a news story that restores my faith in humanity and makes me feel like the powers-that-be haven't given up on this world just yet.
    This thread is for sharing stories like that.
  19. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Well, I disagree.  Break down most comic book villains' motivations with a deep dive in logic and you basically wouldn't have supervillains.  Why would anyone 'take over the world' when you can use influence and finances to gain all the power and dominance you want?  Why would low level villains rob banks when they could easily use their abilities or inventions legally to get seriously PAID.
    Insanity.  Thanos is clearly damaged and insane.  He's obsessed with a universal fix to the problem that destroyed his planet and only by using a similar solution to the one he previously suggested (which was proven viable in his damaged mind when he 'saved' Gamorra's world).  The obsessed/insane Thanos can not possibly conceive of another solution, anymore than the Riddler can stop himself from giving away his plans with riddles.
    Also, being loved by an obsessed psychopath usually results in psychological torture IMO.
    The journey of Thanos in this movie resulted in the best and most complete Marvel villain to date.  Was it a perfect journey with no plot holes?  No, but it was pretty good IMO.
    I don't know what to tell you if this movie didn't gut punch you a few times (Peter's disintegration at the end was painful for me and I wasn't sure I was even liking the new Spidey up to that point).
  20. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from death tribble in In other news...   
    Giant cloud of alcohol in space
  21. Haha
    Starlord got a reaction from Cygnia in '17-18 NBA Thread   
  22. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from Armory in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Well, I disagree.  Break down most comic book villains' motivations with a deep dive in logic and you basically wouldn't have supervillains.  Why would anyone 'take over the world' when you can use influence and finances to gain all the power and dominance you want?  Why would low level villains rob banks when they could easily use their abilities or inventions legally to get seriously PAID.
    Insanity.  Thanos is clearly damaged and insane.  He's obsessed with a universal fix to the problem that destroyed his planet and only by using a similar solution to the one he previously suggested (which was proven viable in his damaged mind when he 'saved' Gamorra's world).  The obsessed/insane Thanos can not possibly conceive of another solution, anymore than the Riddler can stop himself from giving away his plans with riddles.
    Also, being loved by an obsessed psychopath usually results in psychological torture IMO.
    The journey of Thanos in this movie resulted in the best and most complete Marvel villain to date.  Was it a perfect journey with no plot holes?  No, but it was pretty good IMO.
    I don't know what to tell you if this movie didn't gut punch you a few times (Peter's disintegration at the end was painful for me and I wasn't sure I was even liking the new Spidey up to that point).
  23. Like
    Starlord reacted to zslane in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Netflix's Lost in Space - I really enjoyed this series, except for one thing: Dr. Smith. I hated that character. And not in a fun "love to hate" kind of way. The character was just so awful that she nearly ruined the show for me. It is a testament to how good the rest of the cast is and how good the writing is that I enjoyed the show despite her.
    I've just started watching Black Lightning--out of curiosity more than anything else--and I can only conclude that genetically inherited superpowers in this universe are more like a disease (which can afflict someone at any point in their lives) rather than an expression of biological maturation (which would manifest powers around puberty).
  24. Like
    Starlord got a reaction from Ragitsu in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Welllllll, let's be clear here on the NRA's actual interests.  I am a gun owner and believe in the 2nd amendment but strong gun control.  The NRA's top priorities by FAR are lobbying to maintain the SELLING of guns and the gun culture which keeps them so popular.
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