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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Another thought, yuu know in the Chop Socky movies where they always do a couple of practice strikes, blocks and whatnot? I 'm thinking that that is a type of pre attack, and a good way for your enemy to see what your style is (hence making you pay for the style disadvantage!)
  2. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? For genre, what would the guidlines be for a Chinese viewpoint campaign? I never seemed to decided what they should be. Btw, this is where just about everyone has martial arts. Also food for thought. To make certain fictional styles seem more impressive than their more mundane counterparts, like say Golden Demon Kung Fu, here are some ideas. One would be allowing the impressive art to be able to take more DC than the campaign limit, or even have some if the campaign doesn't allow you any at all. Another idea is the use of Power Advantages on said abilities. At first glance, the shield of seven demons seem just like any other martial dodge, but with the damage shield attached, where a demon actually strikes back, would definitely make it more than a mundane technique! Also this could be a great segueway into the power advantages! Oh and a quick question, do you add a limitation to a power advantage the same way as a naked advantage ?
  3. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? And you still use your strength and its costs end. But with martial arts (in game), it just doesn't cost extra end. Probally because you are so trained.
  4. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? A buddy of mine was playing with a concept where your ks style could act as a power skill roll. What he suggested, was you would by the manuevers you wanted at regular price. Say you wanted to use a move that wasn't paid for, but was in your list of manuevers in your style, then you would roll your KS style and the modifier would be the cost of the move. Example tkd guy didn't buy spearhand technique. Going against a samurai, he needs to use it. So his ks is 12- he would need 12-5=7< to be able to use the technique.
  5. Re: Invisible Armor I did find what you were refeering to, and its on pg 102 in Fifth rev. Again, I should read the rules like my signature says. I assumed that it was automatically visable, because whenever I bought it, it was either oif or oaf. Anyways thanks everyone for the comments!
  6. Re: Invisible Armor Armor is invisible ? I thought that all powers (except of course, invisibilty) are visible, unless otherwise the advantage is paid for. Could you kindly point out where armor is invisible at? I looked under the description, and to no avail.
  7. Re: Generation starships and their internal society structure That's utter hogwash. The only form of "religion" which was divised as you mentioned would be Confuciousism. Now is the church perfect? No. Its going to be as good or bad as the people in charged are. And also worth noting that Darwin wrote his book to justify slavery.
  8. I have a quick thought. I justed watched the Spirit Killer (a Thai movie). And One of the bad guys is called a zombie. Now if he is a zombie, its because the main villian is a vodoo priest. Anyways, the "zombie" looks like a normal person, but when attacked by swords, he sufferes no damage, not even pierced! Now part of this is because of the budget of the movie. But it got me thinking, if I wrote him up, I would give him armor, but when you look at animals that have armor it is always visible, even cows.I figure though that certain animals, like cows though may not look like "armor", then general knowledge is that the hide is tough. But since it surprises the heroes, and they still keep trying, I figure the armor should be invisible.
  9. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Do you mean someting like the optional rule that were in Ninja Her 4th ? I would love to see that system to allow mutiple bases to make a "true" two handed system. Under those rules, you could have a block and strike manuever, but not a strike/strike manuever.
  10. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Actually, I would really be happier than a dog eating....pie if you would design a villian group which used various martial arts. I seem to get in a rut with, oh this asian group uses this martrial art. If he uses ninjitsu then he must be from Japan. Hopefully this makes sense.
  11. Re: Dispel Undead I just thought up a novel idea to (try) to do turn undead. Bear with me, the cost or ramifications not worked out. How about write up the base power as extra dimensional movement. Because I'm thinking mechanically, it doesn't matter if the skeleton is destroyed or if its sent to another dimension where it can't come back from. Also add requires an ego roll. The represents how much faith the priest has. And add the limitation skill contest. This would be used for greater undead, such as your vampire. Of course add any other advantages or limitations as you feel are appropriate.
  12. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? What no pumpkin pie? Ok seriously, here are a few suggestions. For real world styles, (and this has been asked for on the boards) how about a Mixed Martial Arts style. I don't personally like it, but it is popular enough, I beleive that it sgould be added. For disable element (Iknow you said you are going to look at it), how about include a impair option and maybe a defense for the manuever. I think the root manuever should be able to be expanded (of course one or the other) to be able to apply to the throw element. (I did make this a thread, which explains alittle bit more of why) Make choke hold also have a -2 DCV as it should have. Ok I'll do a flying dodge now. Maybe a sample of a Super Martial Arts campaign. I think HA should be expanded to be able to represent other things such as grabbing strength. I even think an adavantage would be fair. (I know I brought this up before, but I really think this would make certain things easier to represent.) Thanks for listening. (Since my mind cotrol for the sticky worked, then maybe all of my suggestions will also be in the book. Bwahahah. oops.)
  13. Re: Game Master Lament Oh If that what is called homework, then now I see that there isn't that much of a problem. Shoot I can work that around kids, diapers and bathtime. You see when the word homework was mentioned, I assumed you meant a whole lot more! This kinda proves my point about assuming. Good luck on the game.
  14. Re: "The Inquision Is Come" I just thought up a twist or two that you could add. Well you could have a group called the Templars who are hot on their trail because this group are heretics. This could be played two ways. First, its just a third party who th e heroes are competing against. If the templars get them then the inquistiton goes back to where their from. Or a npc could hook up to feed you pc information on the group. Another option would for mercenaies to go after the group. Again you could have a neutral party similar to Bullets Raiders, or for more agnst, actual evil villians, who of course are hired by a master villian who doesn't want to be killed by these nimrods.
  15. Re: Beginner suggestion for a free download Are you looking at fifth ed rev or sixth ? I ask because I know that in the fifth rev it has sample characters. But I'm not sure about sixth. And with the sample characters one could design a simple scenario to play with. Example would be to use Yueng-Li as template (and one character) and with alittle change here and there you could design a few more. Add a simple plot, and wham-o one night play to see if you would want to delve any further. Is this something you're looking for?
  16. Re: Game Master Lament I just wanted to say I think I can see why there might be confusion with the "homework". Even though you asked if it being historical would be alright, unfortunately, how much work involved is different for each person. Hopefully this example will explain what I'm trying to say. Lord Ghee, if you told me the above information, I would assume, (and we know what that means!) the following You want to have heroic normal characters Characters should have reasonable backgrounds prior to being a musketeer, no ninjas! Martial Arts are to be appropriate to the genre, Fencing definately, I would assume we mighthhave to take even proper schools, obviously French unless I can convince you otherwise, such as my character was raised in Italy by the church, so maybe Italian school, but again no Kenjutsu! And again I would not take manuevers to be like the New musketeer movie wich was like a wuxia movie (Can't remeber the title) You see I wouldn't though assume I would have to do further homework. I might watch the movie because you suggested it. If during play I made an error, I would change to act more to the part. But told I have to do so much extra in order to play? Well enough said. I hope this might shed some light on the subject. P.s. I apologize that some of my earlier comments weren't more helpful, I should have stayed on task,
  17. Re: Lariat, Lasso, or Noose Or I was thinking this would be a good use of physical manifestation? I believe they are the same points.
  18. Re: Game Master Lament In light of this information I will change my stance alittle in that if they could be expecting you to do such research and could be asked to do some "homework" because they gamed with you so long, then I could see the surprise and heartache.
  19. Re: Game Master Lament You got it wrong, who would want to join a group such as yours, I wouldn't. Then again according to my wife, I'm really not metally yet an adult.
  20. Re: Game Master Lament Now I'm curious, is that the guest list or the grocery list ?
  21. Re: Lariat, Lasso, or Noose Have you looked at using telekinesis with the appropriate limitations? Oaf, lim range, only to grab. Only problem, is technically there is no push-pull effect, but since it is going to be defined as a rope then either it should be waived or, I not sure but, affects real world? Also side effect that the rope take x2 ka ? Hope this helps.
  22. Re: Game Master Lament I'm with G-A on this also. and Mayapuppies the reason the country is in bad shape is your elitist attitude. Oh and by the by before you claim there would be upsure in body bags, you may want to make sure your not going to be on of them!
  23. Re: I'm building a gold dragon on 350 points I agree with you about inherent. (Boy was there alot said on that thread!) It has been said the reverse of the hero axiom of limitations also holds true. It goes somethig like this; If an advantage is paid for and it nevers come to use then it really isn't an advantage; therefore it shouldn't cost any points." And now I'm going to flying dodge outta here!
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