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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. Re: 5ER: The "Disable" element from UMA and disabling generally Holy Long Post Flying Rat-man! I'll try to answer some of your questions. Note I could be wrong too. But here I go ! 1.) Disabled yes-severed depends on special effect. 2.) Not that I'm aware of. Its eithered disabled or not. Though personally I'm looking for PC to be impaired instead of disabled. 3.) The disable element doubles your body rolled to see if you can disable a limb. I.e. I roll 4D6 normal and get 3 bod with a disable manuever. I double the body to 6 for purpose of checking to see if the limb is disabled. Assuming 10 bod, the limb only has 3 bod. 4.) I think I justed answered it for you in #3. 5.) I think yes 6.) No (but I could see a yes if GM desired.) and No not by stun. Well I hope that this is helpful. Hopefully someone else will cime in at give their insights too.
  2. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) At least Hero has an answer to the question - what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object? The answer is - it depends on build and who has spent the most points Unless dramatic sense, cinematic sense, or common sense dictates otherwise. But, seriously I have been thinking of a way to do this pre-6th for martial artists. This is one archetype which traditionally have a lower pd, yet can generate high amount of damage. I could see this as a way to keep their stats inline but to take the edge off some off the damage. Note, I don't have 6th so I'm entertaining the notion based on hearsay.
  3. Re: Give Tanks to the Lord Second that !
  4. Re: Pulp Squid Cake Nope, just a fork !!! And maybe a napkin .
  5. Re: 6E Telekinetic Strength Any thoughts on buying a higher tk str with the limitation reduced by range ? Depending on sfx it could be justified that the farther away from the character the weaker the tk.
  6. Re: Pulp Squid Cake Each their own. Persnally I can't wait to get my tentacles on that sucker !
  7. Re: Power sources in the universe that the PCs can't have I agree with Doc Samson. But if someone does not want to be a fuzzy animal per se, there is some leeway in your campaign parametes for diferent charaters. For high-tech, you can go power armor with an animal motif, suc as Iron Draon or Anklyosaur. Or how about a cyborg with an animal theme where as the cyborg parts resemble animal parts. Claws seem to be very popular, but wasn't Bushwack have a cybernetic snake tail ? For mystic how about Jaguar from the BBB ? Here you can contrast refined martial arts to raw animal aggresion. I.e. the human side has a martial art and the animal part has just raw ability. tHse are some ideas off the top of my head. P.s I would so play in a game like this.
  8. Re: A little different take on magic.. Well I always thought of having magic be "only" for certain races. Say elfs were created as to having it be apart of their nature. when man plays with it-its dangerous because he doesn't know whats he is doing ! Or needs outside help such as Demons to get his power.
  9. Re: Give Tanks to the Lord I wonder if the Salvation Army has any like that ? And how much more would their donations go up at Christmas if the bell ringers were standing next to one ?
  10. Re: Building a "Superhuman Scanalyzer" After I posted, this is some of the questions I was thinking. Are you looking at a hand held scanner or some type of booth ? Hand held I'm thinking may not give as much detailed info. Also though, this why I asked how long have supers been in your campaign and how much research done. I'm thinking that the role could be 'based" on the biometrics on the supers before and the computer give a prediciton based on how close the targets biometrics fit the known biometrics. This doesn't mean that you can't have someone with a different biometric reading. "Wow the scanner says he should be able to lift a car, he can't even lift the paper ! Is thing been caliberated ? "
  11. Re: Building a "Superhuman Scanalyzer" Well how long are superhumans in your world and how much have they been studied? I ask this because depending on the answer will tell you how much information the scanner would give. Example if bricks have been around for awhile, then scientists may have found a correlation between str and muscle density (also this would be good for PD). Note not the power dens6ity. Perhaps super muscles will give your scanner a different sesmic reading than normal person. Well at least the supers before gave a certain reading anyways. For mutants, I've stated that the part of the brain which enables the mutate powers tend to have a different frequency than your typical normals, although readings can be wrong! 2 cents
  12. Re: Tremorsense Just to be clear I'm not breaking from D20 per se. I gave the description from the module. I don't have anything else from D&D or other D20 sources which would give better clarification on tremeosense.
  13. Re: "He's bulletproof", "Fireproof", etc. Also don't forget from Dark Champions 4th Con with the limitation only vs stun (-1/2). i use this for Martial Artists so they can take each other hits without buying up too much PD. and don't forget about the Brick trick of using the Force wall.
  14. Re: How to balance the heavy brick ? But don't forget that if the brick doesn't have any other powers, he can be made ineffectual very easy. If he is flashed, even with a area aafect, it becomes harder to anything. A well placed entangle or two could slow him down. A couple of snipers with no range penalty scopes will wreck havoc on the brick. And don't forget mental powers, and my favorite the strength draining bomb ! Point is, you never fight to an opponents stregths.
  15. Re: "He's bulletproof", "Fireproof", etc. Good point, but I'll have to look up where in the rules I saw this idea because you don't actullay turn desolid in the traditional sense if you by it as an invulnerability.
  16. Re: "He's bulletproof", "Fireproof", etc. Why not go the easy route and by Desolid vs. "x" attack ? Or some people I've seen that if 75% dmg red res = 60 pts them 100% = 75 pts. Apparently if you look at the progression of dmg red res, its by 15 pts which is where they get there calculation.
  17. Re: 5th Ed: Flying Dodge Looks like Brick is attacking innicents again!!
  18. Re: Tremorsense doesn't say they concentrate on vibrations. They know anything that is in a 60 ft radius, moving and on the ground.
  19. Re: 5th Ed: Flying Dodge As I said previously, we have not found it to be problematical in our campaign. I'm sure there are ways to abuse it, but that applies to many things in this system. True and also why there is a warning about full move element. Now I'm going to build a flying block !
  20. Re: 5th Ed: Flying Dodge Well I read the abort rules and boy was I wrong. The automatic goes first was a surprise. I thought they worked like held actions. But (just like Steve) though the last paragraph on pg 362 5th ed rev. I believe is very useful in adjucting the flying dodge. "Whether a character can Abort, and to what Actions is always subject to the GM's discretion. The GM may limit a character's capacity to Abort based on the circumstances, the special effects of powers, Limitations taken on particular power, and so forth."
  21. Re: 5th Ed: Flying Dodge Interesting. Maybe you can't move at all with it if you Abort; just use the +4 DCV part? Perhaps the moving bit is only so you can get the +4 DCV while doing a normal (non-Abort) Full Move, when normally you couldn't (a normal Dodge or Martial Dodge will require an Attack Half-Phase, so you can only do a Half Move before them). BTW there is a warning that this element could be unbalancing. I think the intent is for Speedsters and Football receivers who move and are hard to hit. To clarify myself, I think the DCV bonus would be only in effect if you could make at least a half move. It would tone down the ability a bit.
  22. Re: 5th Ed: Flying Dodge I've just re-read the description for Fmove. Specifically the begaining line "a character can perform a manuever with this Element during or at the end of a Full Move instead of just a half move." UMA 5th pg 93 italics me. So this implies that the bonus only is in effect if the charater can move that far. So grabs would be important. Also, I belive that if you have to abort to a manuver, you don't automatically go first. Its a DEX roll. More food for thought.
  23. Re: How to balance the heavy brick ? Also don't forget about endurance ! What is his exact strength, HA and does density increase a power or special effect , and what is his end and rec ? For discussion if he has 100 str (20 DC) that mean he has 10 end per attempt to punch. So if he only has 20 end, that only TWO punches. And if he forgot to buy up his rec then it will take a couple of phaes to get enough energy to even punch again. *Note I don't have 6th so I'm taking guesses at the starting point on the old figured charateristics. You can also require that the higher strength must take increased end lim. too.
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