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Everything posted by yamamura

  1. Re: Special virgin powers? I really have to get the manga. G
  2. Re: Dueling Change Enviroments Thanks for the suggestions G
  3. Okay how would you handle this... 1. Frictionlass changes the ground to a level of frictionless making all characters not immune to this at a -5 to DEX to keep standing if they move. 2. Frostbite shows up and to counter Frictionlass's attack she lays down layer of ice at -4 to DEX to keep standing. So the question is does the ice cancel out the Frictionless layer or does the frictionless layer makes the ice even more slippery or do you have a layer of moving ice over a frictionless level? G
  4. Re: What to do with a winged ex-heroine? Reminds me when new writers take over a book and decide to get rid of a character by having them suddenly being trapped somewhere and forgotton about. G
  5. Re: What to do with a winged ex-heroine? Hmm shades of Wild Cards there;) G
  6. Re: Need an Idea She could be or she could be somebody who has gained powers from the transformations. I am just having a creator's block on coming up, which is a pain for as you said the setting offers alot of reasons for adventuring. G
  7. I need help coming up with a Super Heroine for a transformed Chicago (see below). There has been super powers in the world already so there are those who can deal with the chaos. The character can be an outsider coming to help out or a resident of Chicago who has just recently gained powers. Any ideas. October 31, 2004: A bus load of people changed in Chicago beginning the Week that Chicago died. The Term Meta-Terrorism is coined. The change ranges from just appearance to mental to both. Type of change includes anthromorphic changes, size, age and sex. November 1, 2004: a Psychiatric Clinic is transformed by an unknown assailant wearing a long dark trench coat over a t-shirt and jeans and an ankh earring. A Super Team is dispatched from the coast to deal with it. November 5, 2004: Fans and Players at a Chicago Bull Game are transformed. City government teeters on declaring Martial Law (he said this might change once he figured out the Bulls schedule) November 6, 2004: The mysterious assailant attacks a mall in Chicago, martial law is finally declared. November 7, 2004: Still on the run, the Trench Coat Transformer let loose his greatest feat yet and transforms most of Chicago. Unlike in the earlier transformation some people exhibit supernatural abilities from very minor to full fledged supers. But since then he has not been heard of. G
  8. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want? I will third that though I won't mind a magic girl themed super if done right. G
  9. Re: Breaking through a force wall of 50PD/ED Hardened Let's not forget Mole-men digging up from below;) G Have You Hugged a Mole Man Today
  10. Re: Starting from 8's in Primary Characteristics What do you mean you are a dog with glowing eyes and the last time I check that is not normal;) But I do concur for heroic campaign starting at 8 is an interesting idea. G
  11. yamamura

    Arabian Nights

    Re: Arabian Nights GURPS Arabian Nights is an excellent source for material too. G
  12. Re: Classing Naming: (this) and (that) Scarecrow and Mrs. King... no wait, that has been used;) Seriously though Earth and Skye (a pair of sisters with neo-pagan powers). G
  13. Re: 2 How would you do this I was thinking of buying the power with personal immunity. G
  14. Okay the first one is easy (but maybe the second one is too), but I was wondering how much you would charge for invisible power effect that only adults can't see (only Fey Folk and children can see the attack(s))? Secondly I have character idea for someone whose attack who lets drop a sleeping dust as they jump past their opponent. Now the kicker is that once you attack you can't continue to move. So how do you think is the best way simulate this within the confine of the rules (it is in a way a move by but not quite)? G
  15. Re: Hrm.... Depends on how much he can tell the actions of the person he can sense. If all he can do is tell relative distance and orientation then I say without a sense roll he is as a negatives. On the other hands if he can tell movement and other actions of his opponent then I say he is at full DCV. g
  16. Re: General Question about Legsweep Nope I was just checking if I was doing it right after a player asked if he was still knock down even if he took no damage. Of course the the other way to keep your feet is by making a Acrobatics-3 roll. But thanks all for responding and letting me know that I was doing it right:) G
  17. I have always played it that even if you don't do enough damage to get through their PD you still knock'em down. But I can't seem to find a rule that says either yes or no on that. I would be most grateful for any points in the right direction. G
  18. Re: The Meta X MR Wild Card Gene Syndrome Virus is Female Dominant! I have a "friend";) who tend to play female characters too and because of that when this "friend" decides to play a male character the pronouns get all messed up. G
  19. Re: Japanese Horror First off American critics don't like horror (never have). So it takes a really great film for them to even admit they like it. Of course after seeing something on AMC I would guess male critics are even harder on horror then female critics. In this little blurp it was said that guys when they get scared of something in a horror movie, will keep going to it until it no longer scare them (after all it isn't manly to get scared). So my guess, not wanting to appear scared a male critic would tend to give bad review to something that scared him (just a theory). As for Japanese Horror movies being better, the Japanese industries is already feeding upon itself. After the sucess of Ringu and Ju-on (the Grudge) and a couple of other they are looking to make a ton of these and Sturgeon Law will soon be in full effect. But I have seen one recently that is good, if you can rent Ju-rei. G
  20. Those who read this post will die in seven days, unless they make a copy of it and post it elsewhere for others to see (Just joking). This is a treatment of the curse video from the movie Ringu. While other powers can be added (such as transformation i.e. normal person into YAMAMURA Sadako) they are from the books and I am only dealing with the first movie. I have set up the video as basically a trap so sit back and enjoy the cursed video…. Static Sadako’s Video 127 pts. Seven Days: HKA 4d6, Trigger (One Week after watching the cursed video; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), NND (Defense is Making a copy of the Video and Showing it to someone else within Seven days; +1), Does BODY (+1), Continuous (+1) (285 Active Points); OAF Fragile (-1 1/4) 150 pts. Loyal Ghosts: Major Transform 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points) (Person killed by the video into ghost loyal to Sadako), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (150 Active Points) 21 pts. Make a Copy: Create a 298-point copy, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), OAF Fragile (Curse Video and New Video Tape; -1 1/4) As always comments and advice is most welcome. Also does anybody else have some scary Japanese Ghosties they would like to share? For an in depth discussion of the Ring Cycle (we are not talking Wagner or Tolkien here) check out; Ring World G
  21. Re: Odd Champions campaigns I have always thought a world where the gene for super power lies with females only could be interesting. But how would it impact the world if since WWII, if it was women who were the strongest, fastest and powerful beings on Earth? G Ps. A normal group like the IHA would be the Witchhunters
  22. Re: "Anopheles" (Horror World) text online Just at a quick glance, it looks very interesting. I can't wait to look at it more indepth. g
  23. Re: Character for Comment : Coldilocks I like Character. The only thing I would change is instead of the force wall for Cold immunity I would just buy DR. Because 1. If it is just to defend against cold temperatures, then LS: Safe in Intense Cold will handle it. 2. If it is to provide total support against any Cold attack then it is way under bought. For instance Icicle (from Champions) has a 10d6 Ice Blast which when you average that out comes to 35 points of damage and easily knocks down the force wall. When they designed the Acid Proof power, they went on what was the most powerful acid attack in the campaign and bought enough Force wall to prevent any damage. So unless you are limiting all cold/ice power to only 3d6 EB (or 2d6 RKA) then she is not really freeze proof. But otherwise I like the character, hope to see more. G
  24. Re: Ratri and Post 500SFX of her healing is that her mutant body gives her enhanced regenerative abilities. But thinking about it, I added that she can't heal from light based attacks other then the old fashion way (thanks for the comments and making me thinks some more on the character Nexus).hahaa RealLemming.GBTW here is Drifter. There is no pic because I don't think I could do him justice in Heromachine:)Drifter Val Char Cost 60 STR 0 21 DEX 33 22 CON 24 15 BODY 10 18 INT 8 12 EGO 4 25 PRE 15 5 COM -2 12/24 PD 0 10/20 ED 6 5 SPD 19 18 REC 4 60 END 8 60 STUN 4 6" RUN02" SWIM02" LEAP-10Characteristics Cost: 123Cost Power END 5 Night Vision: Nightvision 0 5 Phased Body: Power Defense (5 points) 0 6 Phased Body II: Knockback Resistance -3" 0 10 Phased Body III: LS (Self-Contained Breathing) 0 36 Phased Flight: Flight 12", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (36 Active Points) 0 7 Phased Mind: Mental Defense (9 points total), not versus Transdimensional Attacks (+0) 0 80 Phased Strength: +50 STR, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (80 Active Points) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic) 8 17 Phased Toughness: Armor (6 PD/5 ED) 0 17 Sometimes he is not all there: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Activation Roll 13- (-3/4) 0 13 Sometimes he is not all there II: Armor (6 PD/5 ED) (17 Active Points); Activation Roll 15- (-1/4) 0 Powers Cost: 196Cost Skill 2 +1 with any punch 5 Power 12- 3 AK: Campaign City 12- 3 Criminology 13- 3 Deduction 13- 3 Interrogation 14- 2 KS: Laws 11- 3 Shadowing 13- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Streetwise 14- 2 WF: Small Arms Skills Cost: 32Val Disadvantages 20 Distinctive Features: Wraith like Appearance (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Hunted: Dr. Ralston 8- (As Pow, Capture) 20 Hunted: Viper 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture) 15 Physical Limitation: Can not grasp small items/ no fine control (All the Time, Slightly Impairing) 10 Psychological Limitation: Avoids Killing (Common, Moderate) 20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence (Common, Total) 20 Psychological Limitation: Uneartly Mind Set (Common, Total) 15 Social Limitation: Secret: Used to Be Stan Bellows (Frequently, Major) 10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Attacks with Transdimensional Advantage (Uncommon) 10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Attacks with Transdimensional Advantage (Uncommon) Disadvantage Points: 150Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350 Height: 6' 2" Hair: Unknown Weight: Unknown Eyes: Unknown Appearance: Appears as a black shadowy wraith like creature with a voice that seems to come from no wherePersonality: As time has gone by, Stan has become more and more alien in thought. This seems to be a result from existing in several planes at once. Fortunately his strong sense of right and wrong has carried over and helps guide him in his decisions making, though it is feared that might even fall away one day. He hides the fact of his former existence, which was in the beginning the fear of rejection but now has become a force of habit. He joined the North Street Irregulars so to have a place to be and to continue to fight crimes.Quote:Watch the shadows my friend because that is where I will be.Background: Stan Bellows was a normal man who worked as a policeman. He had a loving wife named Pat and two healthy twin sons; Nick and Oliver. He was moving up in the department and was studying for Detective until fate dealt him a new hand. He was on his way from a day on the beat when he heard a scream for help coming from a near-by building. Yelling to a passerby to call 911, he rushed in. Unfortunately the passerby kept on passing by. Inside the building’s basement, Stan discovered a young woman tied to a table with some sort of gun-like contraption pointed at her. Stan rushed to get her untied, but wasn’t fast enough. He got the machine ray directly in the back. Instantly Stan felt his mind and body pulled into several dimensions at once. Soon he could feel that while he was still anchored in this world, parts of him existed slightly out of phase in other realities. Using his strange strength which he seemed to be able to draw upon, he broke the remaining straps and got the girl out of the house. Seeing a ghostly figure carrying an unconscious girl out of a house caused people to scatter in fear and soon police sirens could be heard. Stan tried to change back, but being unable to; he awaited the police and told them he was a visitor from another world. Powers/Tactics: Drifter is somewhat predictable in his tactics. He waits for Ratri to call up a bit of night before stealthily moving in and doing a presence attack. From there he will use any brick trick he can or his fist to quickly subdue and opponent before moving onto who ever is next.Campaign Use: Pat Bellows has through a private detective that Drifter may have something to do with her husband’s disappearance. She has come to the PC for help in dealing with one of their own. Dr. Ralston, the man who created Drifter wants him captured for study. He will use anybody he can to get Drifter back to his lab.
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