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Everything posted by yamamura

  1. Just wanted to see if I did this right or if I need to change something; The Burragh-bos ‘Work!’ cried Pexie, rolling her eyes. ‘If Pexie’s charm not work, then her honour come back here an’ carry these bits o’mountains away on her back. Ay, her will work. If the colleen hate her honour like the old diaoul hersel’, still an’ withal her love will love her honour like her own white sowl before the sun sets or rises. That, (with a furtive leer) or the colleen dhas go wild mad afore wan hour.’ From Not to Be Taken Before Bed-Time 50 Burragh-bos: Major Transform 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; Wearing the Burragh-bos; +1) (150 Active Points); OIF Fragile (-3/4), No Range (-1/2), Versus PRE (-1/2), Drawback: If the victim wins an PRE contest against the creator then instead of love, madness ensues for the victim (-1/4) END: 0 In the Connemara Mountains of Ireland there lives a witch with the skills to makes this accursed item by the name of Pexie na Pishrogie. Pexie will sneak into graveyards and raise a body. She will then take strip of flesh without crack or split from the body’s crown to its heel. Once prepare the person desiring it will then take this gruesome item sew it up in a bag and put it on a cord. All that is left to do is to put it on the neck of his/her intended and within no time the person fells in love with them or goes insane. While the madness is apparent within the hour, love slowly comes over the target well within 12 hours. Pexie’s services don’t come cheap though, Coll Dhu ends up paying 3 sovereigns (£3) for his burragh-bos. (Taken from: Not to Be Taken at Bed-Time by Rosa Mulholland, originally published in All the Year Round 1865 Christmas Number)
  2. Re: Looking for a source of Victorian Miniatures Thanks for the sites. G
  3. Can any of you miniature gods point me to a good location for Victorian (non war though a couple of solider would be nice) miniatures. G
  4. Re: Happy B-Day TheRealLemming Happy B-day RealLemming G
  5. Re: Heroes By Gaslight Just a note to say I have the random Victorian name generator up and running and have smoothed out the plot generator. Also I have added 2 characters to my Victorian list, in fact 2 Doctors Find them here. Though I would like some feedback on the one Doctor's special powers of memory eating 86 points Memory Eating: (Total: 240 Active Cost, 86 Real Cost) Telepathy 12d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (150 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Receive Only (-1/2) (Real Cost: 50) plus Major Transform 2d6 (Normal Person into Person without Memories), Memories (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Partial Transform (+1/2), BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2) (Real Cost: 36) 4 END. I hope this would allow him to use partial transform to eat singular memories to help his wealthy clients. Any opinion? G Ps. Shelley could you over look the name generator if you are not too busy and tell me if there is anything I forgot or got wrong in the explanation section.
  6. Re: Pregnancy and combat Instead of halfing her recovery, I would just add a point of extra endurance on any movement or STR based activity. G
  7. Re: Heroes By Gaslight This is a slight request for aid. I have added a plot generator to my site for Victorian Heroes and I would like to hear any critism, compliments or advice. G Plot Generator
  8. Re: Heroes By Gaslight Thanks for the head up. I will rep ya tomorrow. G
  9. Re: Waking the dead? I have built a similair construct to Nexus; Medium: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Hearing Group), Usable By Other (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -1 1/2), Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Only in Haunted Places (-1/2), Only Things that the spirit wishes to tell and know of (-1/2), Side Effects (Chance of Being Possessed by a powerful Spirit; -1/4) Of course Contact: Netherwold might be a cheap way to go;) G
  10. Re: Ideas for a Hero Games Legendary Product I have always thought that in most people's mind Champions is Hero's Legendary product. G
  11. Re: Crazy Idea to Remove the Math And that chart is back in HERO 5ER. G
  12. Re: Hosting I willing to host character Ideas on my site. Also I might be willing to allow other stuff too. G
  13. Re: Regency HERO Resources Okay just an update on my link due to a site reorganization on my part;) Also a thanks go out to Shelley who allowed me to borrow aspect of her Rank table for my own. Linky G
  14. Re: Flash: Inner ear/ Sense of Gravity/ Sense of Balence
  15. Re: Horror Hero Do we really need Horror Hero? Let me say if this book is printed I will definitely buy it. I have loved the horror genre ever since I read my first E.A. Poe story. That being said, I don’t think we need a book for just horror. To me horror is a spice that one can add to any campaign. While I know there are cooks book out there that deals with one particular spice (horror) its history and how to use it, I really rather have a cook book on beef (Champions) with ideas on how to use this spice and others. A couple people have mentioned topes of the genre. To me these are best acquired not by reading them in a book about horror but by watching shows or reading books with a horror as their main theme. Beside this way you get a feeling for them in practice and not some (albeit well written) theories of them. Also I have read enough horror stories to know that setting up the atmosphere and feeling of story is a widely varied thing with cultural and temporal influences. So any book dealing with the topes of horror will either be a huge book or only touch upon the general themes. As for character concepts, almost anything goes from a young mother, a policeman to an aged professor. And if you wanting to play an occult investigator, I think The Ultimate Mystic and The Mystic World can be of use here. Bit of course that gets into the variety of different types of horror campaign and what works best. Are we talking true horror where the PCs will most likely not defeat the monster without some sacrifice or even not at all? Or are we talking survival horror where creatures become cannon fodder against the PCs will to survive? Either one of these could entail a wide variety of characters. Now for occult investigation character design can become more specific as the GM states what type of a campaign the characters are about to partake in. But as I said earlier this The Ultimate Mystic can give some ideas on creating said character and maybe a Digital Hero article to expand on this. As for monsters, The Hero Bestiary and Monster, Minions and Marauders and this year release of the Asian Bestiary already provide an excellent source for these creatures. Also within the pages of Digital Hero there are examples of monster for example Michael Surbrook’s examination of zombie around the world. So in my opinion it would not add anything new here. Okay I have heard special rules for Horror bandied about. I can only assume this is akin to sanity/fright checks. Well if you have a group of players who loves horror and gets into playing their characters you won’t need this. On the other hand if you need put into place an artificial control to determine if they are scare then you might not have the right group. I am not saying special rules (for example temporary Presence points only to deal with Fear based attack) can not be useful, but they might be better suited for a Digital Hero article. So in conclusion, while I would buy this book in a heart beat, I don’t think it is needed. I would rather see DOJ put their excellent talent and resources elsewhere.
  16. Re: Heroes By Gaslight TheQuestionMan you can find the character also on my webpage. Linky G
  17. Re: Regency HERO Resources And I really need to get working on the other years:) but thanks for the plug. G
  18. Re: Heroes By Gaslight Ah one of my favourite time periods. Good job John. G Ps TheQuestionMan I have made an original Victorian character and can be found Here
  19. Re: Breeding true... Ditto on the Ditto G
  20. Re: Takes Time I am leaning toward Hugh's rendition. G
  21. Re: Takes Time I was thinking of it starting at 1 minute sorry forgot to mention that. G
  22. I am thinking someone suggested something like this though I can't seem to find it. So I will ask it probably again;) Has anyone ever thought of taking a limitation on their power that they must wait a certain length of time before using it again? For istance someone who can fire a blast but must wait 5 minutes before he can fire it again. I was thinking a +1/4 for every step down the time scale? Good idea or bad idea? G
  23. How much would you guys charge for Psychometry for mirrors only (only to show what could of logically been reflected in the mirror surface). I am torn between -1/2 to -1. G
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat If you find a bandage give me a holler it is mine. G
  25. Re: Please help critique character (Origin/Background/Points) I hate Project Burgess just like I hated death of Personality in B5 and as a super in that world I would be working to put these guys out of business. But don't get me wrong Project Burgess makes for an excellent organization for the means justifies the end. So I actually like the story just hate Project Burgess. G
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