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Everything posted by Stone

  1. Re: The Super Darwin Awards Lets see. This phrase has survived for quite some time in our group. Setup - The group is going after a powerful Archvillian (Despare) who has an extreme vulnerability for cold attacks (x3 stun). The group pools some XP and creates a one shot "ice gernade" (8d6 area effect radius). One PC is a shrinking/flying EP w/a nasty attack who goes by the name Tinkerbelle (Tink for short). When the group arrives where the villian is located and sees the villian. Dragon (PC team leader) - "Go get her Tink" Tink swoops in for a shot. GM - Ok, Tink is almost there. Now what? Dragon OOC - I throw the gernade Result - Villian was stunned. Tinkerbelle suffered 20 inches of knockback (+15 knockback from shrinking) and had 2 body left. OWIE!
  2. Re: Cool characters you'd never use I used this NPC one time before I realized how damaging it could be and retired the NPC. Wedge - a shrinking/flying brick. Move throughs hurt...alot.
  3. Re: What were: the best Marvel titles of the 80's? Daredevil when Frank Miller was doing it Teen Titans - I know, DC Xmen - Early 80's before Wolverine became the uber character Avengers
  4. Re: [Character] Paragon might wanna consider some computer skills. Just 8 or less like most of the skills would work.
  5. Re: WWYCD The aliens are here Quantum - Enemy of my enemy is my friend. He would team up w/him, but keep an eye on him and be ready for Dr. D's double cross Stone - He's smarter than I am. Just tell me when I get to start kicking alien butt Spectre - The innocent call for retrobution against the aliens. If I must joini forces w/this villian do so, then so be it. Besides it gets me closer to Dr. D to avenge the innocent souls of Detroit.
  6. Re: Help get the heroes to the kidnapped What was the dad working on? Have the PC discover some of the information dad was working on or a journal detailing his concerns about co-workers or that he feels he is being followed. Leave a few names of NPC's in the journal for the PC's to follow up on. One of them might be help point them in the right direction or may actually be part ARGENT. 2nd idea - Have the PC be contacted by someone claiming to be CIA and ask about dad's work. Leave the impression dad may have taken some information out of the lab. Of course dad would have to have a place to work away from the government that the PC's know about or can discover. Once the PC's get to the location and get some clues, the government shows up. Now the PC's can be involved in hero ID, of course they will have to explain why they are there and how they found out about it. 3rd idea - Ransom. The bad guys call the PC and want the project the dad is working on or they will kill him.
  7. Re: Teen adventure ideas? New kid - A new student or students arrive and things start happening. The characters have to figure who the real villian(s) are and stop them.
  8. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions Styx rocks! My fav band. Saw them in concert about 2 weeks ago
  9. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? Mind control and mental illusions are probably the best for quickly removing the brick from the fight, however darkness can make them fustrated for a cheap cost too. Images is good alternative to mental illusion (making a child appear to be in danger, etc..). The mental paralysis is also very effective. I've found END drains to be effective since its a 2:1 payoff unless the brick has power defense. Granted you may have to hit them about three times, but it does not take too long to have them huffing and puffing. Strength drains can be good too. Reducing their primary ability tends to make them a bit nervous....again if they don't have power defense.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From saturday day's DnD game. Human ranger and dwarf cleric/wizard are going to a temple to meet with an elven paladin. Ranger - "Let me do the talking" cleric/wizard - "OK" they knock on the door. When the guard answers, "Can I help you" Ranger - "The dwarf has a message for someone here"
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Last night's D&D game. We had just defeated a group of bad guys. In the room there are two statues in tow different corners. Each statue has three large gems in it. Bard: I detect magic GM: The statues are glowing Paladin: I detect evil Ranger (OOC): Your party members are glowing
  12. Re: Dumbest thing... No. My gripe with Wolvie's change is that he was much more interesting to read back when he was barely psycho. You never knew if the new challenge was going to push him over the edge. When Clairmont/Byrne/Austin were doing this X-men, the series was at its best IMO. I think the writers tried to take a character who growing in popularity thanks to Byrne liking to draw him, and tried to make him into everything cool. Which IMO makes him lame. If you like Wolvie, great enjoy. I don't.
  13. Re: Dumbest thing... My votes are for Batman and Wolverine. The two most over-rated, over-powered, and over-used characters of Marvel & DC. Batman has gone from detective to facing off with Darksied, and Wolverine has gone from barley non-physco to samurai trained super-spy. Lame.
  14. Re: The artwork drives me nuts To be honest, I have VVV and the previous villians book and have not read them all the way through because the artwork drives me nuts. If thats what Hero is paying for they'd better off not using any artwork. The artwork is simply bad.
  15. Re: Superhero power levels
  16. Re: WWYCD: The Life Pod Quantum - If consulted about awakening the female, would insist on a series security precautions before any effort is made. Would like to see if any telepath can get any reading on her before she is awakened. Try to find someone who can build a translator, or someone w/the ability to be a translator. Most importantly, try have the lifepod examined BEFORE she is awakend. Might be some clues that could determine if she should or should not be awaken. Spectre - really does not care. If she tries to harm an innocent, then he will get involved. Stone - She's hot! Let her out. How can anyone that hot be bad?
  17. Re: Are there any Champions Players in Texas? I'm in Grapevine (between Dallas & Ft Worth). Been playing Champions since the 80's as well. I'm in a regular group on Saturday's, but they decided to take a break from Champions for awhile.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Background: one PC in the ground is somewhat obsessed with making sure his barbarian character looks "cool". Dressed in all black, flowing long black hair, etc. He takes great lengths to assure this. This lead to someone in the group reffering to the character (Blackwolf) as the first metrosexual barbarian. Big fight, are we finally facing the female drow we have been tracking as she tries to escape. Blackwolf - "My deity is not through with you" other pc OOC - "yeah, he wants to do your hair."
  19. You get an unoffical request by a detective to come to a address, but you requested to keep it very low key. When you arrive the normal crime scene vehicles are not there. Just one unmarked car and and morge vehicle. Once you get inside, the detective asks you to look around. You find a deceased person in their late 20's early 30's and a suicide note, but things in the house don't look right. You poke around and discover a hidden panel where a costume is hidden. Turns out the deceased is a well known street level hero. Your "special senses" or detective skills turns a hidden mark on the wall , "X". There is no sign of forced entry or no sign of a struggle. The detective tells you this is the third such case in the last week. What do you do?
  20. Re: What would your Master Villain do? after sitting back and listening intently, Dr. Hexx sips from his wine glass then sits it on the table. "Divide and conquer. That is the answer. While the strategies already mentioned may be effective against one or two on the Pantheon, if we combine the ideas into one master plan we will be prevail. The fools have already aided our efforts by dividing their attentions to different areas of the globe. Drawing them to specific areas of our choosing should be of little difficulty. Mars is the key. If his tactical insight can be turn against the others, then our mission becomes all the easier. An added bonus would come when Mars realizes he has betrayed and defeated his friends. It so happens my command of arcane forces is more than capable of bending him to my will given the proper amount of time. Divide and conquer."
  21. Re: Cap is dead!!!! For me, this entire series is so over the top and out of character for multiple heroes its almost laughable. Heroes who have risked their lives so many times it impossible to count have suddenly decided forced servitude is a good idea? Yeah, Stark has been/is an "ends justify the means" type of guy, but this is just stupid. All the heroes he's fought side by side with & that risked their lives to save his, he is now gonna put them in a permament prision unless they fall in line. Reed Richards is the most brillant man on the planet, and yet he can't grasp how this registration violates laws he has fought to protect? Sure he has "done the math", but cold hard numbers should not be blinding him to whats going on. He clones Thor and the clone kills someone, and yet he continues? Please! The Xmen just sit back watch the country fall apart? Granted the resistance folks don't have much of leg to stand on to ask for their help, since I don't recall too many (if any) speaking out against the mutant regristion act. Hey here's an idea, Why didn't Reed and Tony present their findings and make it voluntary? How many young heroes, broke heroes, hero heroes migt have joined up. Nah, lets just force everyone. One big hole in Stark's & Richards plan (besides Prym)...what about the rest of the world? Sure you have the heroes in America goose stepping, but the rest of the world is unchanged. What about heroes who just leave (like the Thing...before he came back)? The series can be summed up in a few phrases; bad idea, bad story, poorly planned, poorly executed
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Heroes questioning an UNTIL agent they believe to have been affected by some type of mental powers. Nova - Do you have any "holes" in your memories or have you had any blackouts? Agent - Not that I recall
  23. Re: Emotion Sense - would you allow this or is it munckin?
  24. Re: Emotion Sense - would you allow this or is it munckin? Ok I found the normal range limitation. As you can tell, I don't play mentalist very often.
  25. Re: Emotion Sense - would you allow this or is it munckin?
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