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Everything posted by dmjalund

  1. ready vs not ready might make sense when you are following combat second/per second basis. when you are dealing in phases that take multiple seconds, it matters less
  2. I have deduced that someone stole our tent - Sherlock Holmes
  3. he should have restricted himself to a vegetarian alternative
  4. Isn't that an average of 101 points of damage?
  5. 'We're playing a game." "What's it called?" 'A guy in a carpet." "Hope you win."
  6. there's a decent chance that the next person in line hired the assassin
  7. there is no 'distance' to danger sense because the default target is YOU (your character) any danger that can hit the target can theoretically be sensed. range is not required to sense it.
  8. area covered (i believe) has to do with the target of the danger rather than the source
  9. Uncleave Lad would have come very handy after encounters with The Persuader and his Atomic Axe
  10. That makes Camilla, Bride of Chucky
  11. since there is no PreCV, you will need to add an advantage so it will affect any and/or all who see you like a Presence Attack
  12. would it also include the penalties for repeated use on a target?
  13. well, the moon isn't going anywhere
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