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Posts posted by Susano

  1. 3 hours ago, Jujitsuguy said:
    In Kazei 5. is there a rule of thumb for limits on the amount of implants one can have?
    I don't seem to see such in the book....

    No, there is not. Since you can go from person with some cyber, to brain in a cybernetic body, there really is no limit. Or, the limits are up to the GM. I will note that Marta Nys is (IMO) pushing the limits for what a regular person can have as cyber and still be 'meat.' I mean, she has augmented muscles, reflexes, reinforced bones, razors in her fingers, a speed booster, a smartgun link... that's a lot of 'ware for one person. 

  2. For those following the progress of Strike Force Organizations, I have completed the last conversions from HERO to P&PUE. I have exported the final version of Strike Force Organizations, with the final corrections. I have uploaded all files to the Google Drive. For the moment, my part is complete. It is in Jason's hands now.

  3. Just now, Scott Ruggels said:

    THe Northman was a hell of a film. Saw it at the local art house. 


    I will gladly watch it again. I saw it at home. I did see 13 Assassins at a local arthouse when it came out and was blown away.

  4. 17 hours ago, GDShore said:

    I have just watched the Northman, not a bad film. I agree with your stats on 'Dragur' just one thing though. If it could chop thru mail and bone/flesh why did it not break his uncle's sword or at least his shield, as it did cut the head off his uncle with one blow. (I have always been opposed to the John Ford school of film making) Still other than the finale its a good film. 

    Pretty sure that was for drama purposes. The same sword in the hands of the Mound Dweller hacked through the weapons Amleth picked up with ease.

  5. EDIT: For people new to HERO, some comments on the build. The sword is built per the stats of a sword in the Equipment Guide. It has Armor Piercing as it cuts through a coat of mail with no problem. It has Penetrating for the same reason and also because it cuts through bone like it was butter. The sword is said to be weightless, hence the lack of a STR Minimum. It cannot be dulled, hence the lack of the Real Weapon Limitation. It cannot be broken or bent, which is why it is an unbreakable Foci. Technically, it should have Required Hands (One; -0) if you want to be complete.

    As it has 0 STR Minimum, anyone wielding Dragur can add their STR directly to the HKA. Thus, as 15 STR character would do 2d6+1 HKA. As Amleth hacks people apart fairly easily (and has pulled some other strength stunts), he probably has a 20 and would do 2 1/2d6 HKA. More than enough to lop off heads and cleave torsos in twain.

  6. Still doing markup. So far, the Intro, ALR, Blood, and Circle are done. 

    I also redid the content order, so it makes sense. The sections are:

    1. Introduction
    2. ALR
    3. The Blood
    4. The Circle
    5. The Cult of the Beast
    6. The Families
    7. The Hell-Raisers
    8. The Wanderers
    9. Yooso

    Once markup is done, I get to convert everyone in AASF and SFO to P&PUE. Why? Because a) I like the system, I develop for it, and it has a lot of fans, b) I want P&P fans to experience the wonders of the Strike Force setting.

  7. Update on Strike Force Organizations. I am currently working on markup, which means inserting things like <h1>, <strong>, and <em> into the text. Once I am done, it will go to Jason for layout. The only thing I will have left to do is create character sheets for P&PUE, which will be added to the back of the book.

    On 3/17/2024 at 3:14 PM, death tribble said:

    On Kickstarter next ?

     Per Jason, no. The income from the HERO Patreon is used to fund book projects. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, GDShore said:

    Geddy who. I stopped listening to AM radio in '64 when the Beatles (shudder) showed up and drove a stake thru the heart of rock-n-roll, today I'm a lot like the "Duke" minus the metal. 

    Geddy Lee of the Canadian prog rock band Rush (along with Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart [RIP]). They started around 1973-74. 

  9. The latest on Strike Force Organizations:

    1. I have revised the introduction to account for the added material.
    2. Alien Research Laboratories is done. 14,228 words. 10 characters, a base, a vehicle, and a computer.
    3. The Blood is done. 34,100 words. 13 characters, 1 template, a base, several vehicles and computers.
    4. The Circle is done. 22,900 words. 9 characters.
    5. The Wanderers is done. 27,100 words. 8 characters, 1 template, computers, vehicle.
    6. The Cult of the Beast is done. 3.250 words and one character.
    7. The Families is done. 15,678 words. 10 characters.
    8. Yooso is done. 10,775 words. 8 characters.
    9. Hell-Raisers is the last group. I have made all of the character sheets, I just need to put all the parts together.
    10. After I am done, I will send all of the files to Jason (posted to a Google Drive folder), and he will send out previews to the Patreon). Then I build P&PUE versions of all characters as a accessory product.
  10. 15 minutes ago, Stanley Teriaca said:

    So, this is the same Denier from @tiger's TPP Villain Compendium 2 then? Well, same plus a bunch of experience.

    No, this is the Denier that Aaron Allston designed. He appears in Aaron Allston's Strike Force. I have no idea what TPP Villain Compendium 2 is.

  11. Strike Force Update -- Yooso is done. 10k words. The characters are mostly the same as what you saw in Ninja Hero for 4e, except Kami has a lot more powers, and there are several new members. I also was able to dig out a lot of information on how Yooso's members fared over the years the team existed. The Hell-Raisers will be next. I am going to present the initial team, as well as I can. I will also see if I can dig out any background.

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