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    Ragitsu got a reaction from Pariah in What Are You Listening To Right Now?   
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from aylwin13 in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The dude sounds like a mob boss when he's leaning in about those votes; fifteen more days of Trump in office is fifteen days too much.
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    At this point, he'd be happy to accept Canadian votes.
  4. Haha
    Ragitsu reacted to Ternaugh in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Is that like "Toss a Coin to Your Witcher"?
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in Ctrl+V   
    Climate/Terrain:    Any land
    Frequency:    Uncommon
    Organization:    Solitary
    Activity Cycle:    Night
    Diet:    See below
    Intelligence:    Average (8-10)
    Treasure:    B
    Alignment:    Lawful evil
    No. Appearing:    2-16 (2d8)
    Armor Class:    5
    Movement:    12
    Hit Dice:    4+3
    THAC0:    15
    No. of Attacks:    1
    Damage/Attack:    1-4
    Special Attacks:    Energy drain
    Special Defenses:    Hit only by silver or +1 or better magical weapon
    Magic Resistance:    See below
    Size:    M (4-7’)
    Morale:    Elite (14)
    XP Value:    1,400
    In ages long past, the word “wight” meant simply “man”. As the centuries have passed, though, it has come to be associated only with those undead that typically inhabit barrow mounds and catacombs. From a distance, wights can easily be mistaken for any number of humanoid races. Upon closer examination, however, their true nature becomes apparent. As undead creatures, wights are nightmarish reflections of their former selves, with cruel, burning eyes set in mummified flesh over a twisted skeleton with hands that end in sharp claws.
    Combat: Wights are fierce and deadly foes in combat. When attacked, they are unharmed by any weapons that are not forged from silver or enchanted in some manner.
    The wight attacks with its jagged claws and powerful blows, inflicting 1-4 points of damage with each successful strike. In addition to this physical harm, the wight is able to feed on the life essence of its foes. Each blow that the wight lands drains one level from the victim, reducing Hit Dice, class bonuses, spell abilities, and so forth. Thus, a 9th-level wizard struck by a wight loses 1-4 hit points and becomes an 8th-level wizard; he has the spells and hit points of an 8th-level wizard and he fights as an 8th-level wizard.
    Persons who are slain by the energy draining powers of a wight are doomed to rise again as wights under the direct control of their slayer. In their new form, they have the powers and abilities of a normal wight but half their experience levels, class abilities, and Hit Dice. If the wight who “created” them is slain, they will instantly be freed of its control and gain a portion of its power, acquiring the normal 4+3 Hit Dice of their kind. Once a character becomes a wight, recovery is nearly impossible, requiring a special quest.
    Wights are unaffected by sleep, charm, hold or cold-based spells. In addition, they are not harmed by poisons or paralyzation attacks.
    Wights can be engaged and defeated by individuals who are well prepared for battle with them. Physical contact with holy water is deadly to wights and each vial splashed on one burns it for 2-8 points of damage. In addition, a raise dead spell becomes a powerful weapon if used against the wight. Such magic is instantly fatal to the creature, utterly annihilating it.
    Wights cannot tolerate bright light, including sunlight, and avoid it at all costs. It is important to note, however, that wights are not harmed by exposure to sunlight as vampires are.
    Habitat/Society: Like the other undead that infest the world, wights live in barrow mounds, catacombs, and other sepulchral places. They despise light and places which are vibrant with living things. As a rule, the wight is hateful and evil, seeking to satisfy its hatred of life by killing all those it encounters.
    Although wights are often found in small groups, they are actually solitary creatures. Without exception, encounters with multiple wights will be a single leader and a number of lesser creatures which it has created to serve it. In these cases, the leader of the group will be more than willing to sacrifice some or all of its minions to assure its own survival or victory.
    Ecology: Like all undead, wights exist on both the Prime Material and Negative Material planes simultaneously. It is this powerful link to the negative world that gives them their fearsome level-draining ability. Further, it is this draining which provides them with sustenance.
    As they are not living creatures and have no rightful place in our world, many animals can sense the wight’s presence. Dogs will growl or howl with alarm, horses will refuse to enter an area which wights inhabit, and birds and insects will grow silent when the creature passes near them. In addition, their presence will gradually cause the plant life around their lairs to wither and die, marking the region as unclean.
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    Ragitsu reacted to tkdguy in A Thread for Random Videos   
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread for Random Videos   
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    Ragitsu reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Not saying that you meant this as other than a joke, but anyone who thinks Joe Biden leans to the left is mired in propaganda. Anywhere else in the developed world, Biden would be considered right of center.
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from Certified in Ctrl+V   
    There isn't a DM/GM alive that doesn't at least occasionally doubt their decisions.
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  10. Thanks
    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in Ctrl+V   
    There isn't a DM/GM alive that doesn't at least occasionally doubt their decisions.
    --- --- ---
  11. Thanks
    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in Ctrl+V   
    "Daunting" comes to mind. However, if you want a popular and large city in the Realms, you could do worse. If I ever decide to run any of the "Undermountain" modules, I'll certainly have to become acquainted with Waterdeep.
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in Ctrl+V   
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    Ragitsu reacted to Lord Liaden in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
    Teaser for Thanos?
  14. Haha
    Ragitsu reacted to Pariah in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
    "It's a plant."
  15. Haha
    Ragitsu got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Iron pyrite mine, more like it.
  16. Haha
    Ragitsu got a reaction from Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Iron pyrite mine, more like it.
  17. Like
    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Iron pyrite mine, more like it.
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread for Random Videos   
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread for Random Videos   
    Those are fine, but I think we should at least agree on "sound in space"; otherwise, we will be at an impasse .
    --- --- ---
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    Ragitsu reacted to Old Man in Coronavirus   
    He should be facing charges, not just criticism.
  21. Haha
    Ragitsu reacted to Old Man in Coronavirus   
    Plus it's a Christmas movie!
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    Ragitsu got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread for Random Videos   
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    Ragitsu reacted to Duke Bushido in Shaving/hair removal in the future?   
    A cream, injection or possibly even a pill--
    something that works systemically to simply turn off the follicles.  Re-dose every X amount of time to stay hairless; follicles begin to slowly reactivate after you stop taking the medicine.
    Get really technical, and the compound affects pubic hair without affecting terminal or vellus hair, though career spacers may prefer (or may even be required) to be completely hairless to reduce the workload on the filtering systems.
    Anyway, at least have a concoction that doesn't affect terminal hair, if only because not every player is envisioning a bald character.
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    Ragitsu reacted to Lord Liaden in Shaving/hair removal in the future?   
    One method I've read/seen in a few sci-fi stories is ultrasound, or even more exotic vibratory energies, to pulverize hair follicles down to their roots. This doesn't seem like a great stretch -- medicine already uses targeted sound bursts for things like breaking up internal calcifications.
  25. Thanks
    Ragitsu reacted to Chris Goodwin in Shaving/hair removal in the future?   
    A quantum portal that the hirsute individual can walk through, passing them to another universe but leaving the undesired hair behind.  
    (Yes, it's Extradimensional Movement, to "the dimension where a particular patch of hair is gone.")
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